Understanding the Liberal Thought Process, by Edward

Disclaimer: I’m not a psychologist, just a guy with an interest in human motivations. This essay gives my opinions based on observations and amateur research. Your experiences will differ, and you may disagree. To begin, two terms require definition for purposes of this essay. • Virtue is defined herein as a liberal’s moral belief held with such certainty that pressuring society toward greater Virtue justifies any means. The term “Virtue” here is very different from what most consider virtuous. Rather, this type of Virtue represents the epitome of the phrase, “the road to Hell is paved with good intentions.” • …

PACE-BB: Distribute Your Guns

It is clear that we are living in perilous times.  I’ve often referred to our present era with the phrase:  We Are Living In The Age Of Deception and Betrayal. (WALITAODAB.) Now that the Democrats are again ruling Washington, so-called “gun control” measures are going to be coming at us at a gallop. So it is wise to complete your firearms battery soon.  For now, private party sales are still legal in about 34 of the 50 States. So stock up, before we have a nationwide  “Universal Background Checks” law. The purpose of this essay is to underscore the importance …

The Fleecing of History – Part 4, by Lazer

(Continued from Part 3. This concludes the article.) But What about Fascism? Oh boy, could I fill the books out on this topic. However, I would like to focus more on the lead in to Nazi Germany than the results…because it re-enforces where my article will end. Germany in the late 1920s through early 1930s was hit equally hard as America during the Great Depression and Dust Bowl. Even though the Nazi party had existed for quite some time, it did not see a popularity boost until a zealous young man gave it a face and a promise. The root …

Incredulity: “The Reports of My Death…”

Samuel Clemens (aka Mark Twain) once famously wrote:  “The reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated.” Pondering that, I’m posting this brief piece as a notice to my readers. Please take the following to heart: If you ever hear that I stopped posting because I lost interest in blogging… Then don’t believe it! I intend to blog for many years, and then pass on SuvivalBlog to some fellow freedom-loving Christian that I genuinely trust who will keep up its standards.   If you ever hear that I stopped posting because I was demonetized or otherwise couldn’t make a living …

Biden Our Time: Surviving Four Years of Leftist-Democrat Domination

I’ll begin this essay with a headline over at the left-leaning Quartz news outlet: Biden has a $1.9 trillion economic recovery plan—and a path to achieve it. In some ways, Biden is a lot like Trump. He is willing to vastly expand the debt burden of future generations, in exchange for short-term benefit. Beware. This may just be the beginning of a lot more over-spending. Former Senator Joe Biden was sworn in on January 20, 2021. Alongside him was the new Vice President, former California Senator Kamala Harris. Comrade Harris has a far left-wing voting history in the Senate. It …

Censorship: The Storm Is Here

You’ve probably seen the 1984 movie The Terminator, and recall the closing denounment sequence, where Sarah Connor is driving her Jeep through Mexico. She stops to buy gas, and a Mexican boy warns her: “Mira, la tormenta.” (“Look, there is a storm.”) Her quiet lamenting reply was: “I know.” Here in the Inland northwest, we just suffered a large windstorm event, with tens of thousands of trees toppled or snapped off by wind gusts. The grid power will probably be out for days for a good portion of the population. But we are muddling through, just as we always have. …

Recipe of the Week: Globalist Political Casserole (2021)

To celebrate the new year, we are presenting the following parody recipe sent to us by SurvivalBlog reader M.S.U. for his Globalist Political Casserole (2021). Note that this is not a typical recipe for SurvivalBlog. Again, it is a parody. Ingredients 1 President-Elect, Brain-Fried, Thoroughly Senile 1 Vice President-Elect, Marxist, Over-Ambitious, Fully Co-opted, and Clarified 2 Houses of Congress, Braised until their two party ingredients are indistinguishable. 3 Low-Interest Rate Economic Recoveries, julienned into very long strips. (Can be substituted with fake economic recoveries.) 7 Major Religious Denominations, De-Backboned, Homogenized, and Whipped A Half-Dozen Social Media Outlets, with Socialist Agendas …

Universal Background Checks and Your Privacy

The prospect of the duo of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris being sworn-in on January 20th does not bode well for American gun owners. Nor does the U.S. Senate runoff election in Georgia on January 5th, 2021. If the two Democrat candidates prevail, then, with Kamala Harris available to break any tie votes, the entire Democrat agenda could be ramrodded through Congress.  (Per the Constitution, as Vice President, Harris would also be the titular President of The Senate.) Democrat control of the Senate is a frightening prospect. In addition to new immigration, tax, student loan payoff, and post-post-post-post facto slavery …

Living In The Age Of Deception And Betrayal

For the past 12 years, I’ve been telling my readers that we are living in an age of deception and betrayal. My first use of that phrase in SurvivalBlog was In 2008. Here is a brief excerpt from that essay: “I urge all SurvivalBlog readers to redouble their efforts to keep a low profile in their communities and their presence on the Internet. If the Cold War reemerges with the same intensity as the Cuban Missile Crisis, we may very well soon enter an age of deception and betrayal that could sweep up innocents as well as malefactors. It is …

Ready Yourself for a Turbulent 2021 and Beyond

The year 2020 will be remembered as an exceptionally turbulent year, marked by multiple worldwide crises and massive urban protests and riots. It has been a year of significant drama and trauma. I do not expect that 2021 will mark a “return to normality.”  If anything, 2021 will be just as jarring to our collective psyche. Parenthetically, I should mention that I created a meme for that. In this essay, I’m posting my recommendations for SurvivalBlog readers on how to ready yourself and your family for any of the following in 2021: Economic Turmoil Sociopolitical Upheaval Global Military and Terrorism …

Guest Post: The Tripwire, by D. van Oort & J.F.A. Davidson

Editor’s Introductory Note: The following essay on censorship was posted nearly 20 years ago, in The Resister. I miss that site. This article is re-posted with permission.  – JWR “How we burned in the prison camps later thinking: What would things have been like if every security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive?”– Alexander Solzhenitzyn, The Gulag Archipelago What would be the tripwire resulting in open rebellion? Examining the Bill of Rights, and considering existing laws only, and not failed attempts, you will find that every clause …

Thoughts on Surviving Civil War, by 3AD Scout

Author’s Introductory Note: I am not advocating for armed conflict; I am specifically writing this article to get people prepared for a different type of disaster than we normally have to be prepared for. I suspect that the majority of people just want to live their lives in peace but may be caught up in a civil conflict. This article is to help families be prepared should it occur. — Normally I am a very optimistic person, but we are not in normal times now, are we? As “Preppers”, “Survivalist”, “Homesteaders”, and others with a self-sufficient mindset, we strive to …

Geopolitics: How Maps Help Us Understand History, Predict the Future – Pt. 2, by Brian Miller

(Continued from Part 1.  This concludes the article.) — Geopolitics, Social Darwinism, State Survival, and “Lebensraum” These histories serve as a simplified starting point for understanding geopolitics, and the types of influences that are embedded in the concept. With state sovereignty came the dominant understanding that a state’s purpose was that of survival. Said differently, states were seen to always be in competition with different states. In the late 19th century, Charles Darwin’s theory of natural selection was being applied by scholars to the study of societies (Social Darwinism). German geographer, Friedrich Ratzel, applied Darwin’s natural selection theory to state …

Geopolitics: How Maps Help Us Understand History, Predict the Future – Pt. 1, by Brian Miller

Editor’s Introductory Note: The following guest article was first posted by Ammo.com. It is re-posted with permission. It appealed to me because–like the author–I adhere to the Geographic Detriminist school of history. – JWR — “It is not often that nations learn from the past, even rarer that they draw the correct conclusions from it.” – Henry Kissinger American students are notoriously bad at geography, and have been for some time. In 2002, for instance – the year after the 9/11 attacks – only 17% of American students could find Afghanistan on a map. In 2016, less than one third …

Bypassing Internet News Censorship, by M.F.

In late 2019, I completed the ham radio Technician and General tests and to be honest I’ve yet to get started on the Extra Class test. if you are new to ham radio, then check out hamexam.org and sign up, it’s free. You can take your tests on a phone or tablet until your hitting 90s and then go schedule to take the test at a local comm center or ham club. They charge just $15 to test, and they often let you also take the next higher level test free of charge. I managed to buy and set up …