Tyranny Theory, by A.T.

…examples of this. Successful Systematic Infiltration And look at how much progress that leftists have made in this country. They’ve infiltrated our schools, universities, media, government, police, and healthcare. They are brainwashing our children, teaching them that America is evil, people with white skin are evil, capitalism is evil, families are evil, genders are evil, religion is evil, men are evil, and that anything other than total subservience to the state is evil as well. Is what we are seeing now not the logical culmination of this ideology? The spread of the infection of liberalism (as they leave the areas they have destroyed for ours) will only result in further intimidation of the good into accepting evil, and the formation of CHAZ-esque fortresses throughout the country. References …tyranny: The original quote is by Thomas Jefferson, and reads, “The natural progress of things is for liberty to yield, and government to…

A Great Wall: On Border Controls, Immigration, and National Survival

I have generally side-stepped the issue of immigration in SurvivalBlog, from the outset. Back in 2006, I explained why. But recent events have pushed this issue to the forefront of the national debate. At this juncture, I’d like to make my position clear, even at the risk of perturbing some of my readers. I can now see that immigration is not just a political issue or a policy issue. Rather, it is a matter of national survival. Even before Donald J. Trump (DJT) was seated as U.S. president, there was huge disagreement on his planned immigration and border security policies. There are deep differences in the world views of American liberals and conservatives. Liberals tend to favor open borders and almost unlimited immigration. In contrast, conservatives favor secure borders and quite limited immigration. The failing of most liberals is that they don’t look at the illegal immigration problem from a…

Ready Yourself for a Turbulent 2021 and Beyond

…by Clay Martin on September 20, 2018 GUNSAMERICA Digest https://www.gunsamerica.com/digest/clay-urban-defense-escape-from-ny/ Don Williams An interesting forecast for the next 10 years — by the guy who predicted today’s turmoil 10 years ago. https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2020/12/can-history-predict-future/616993/ “A Historian believes he has discovered iron laws that predict the rise and fall of societies. He has bad news” I disagree with the liberal Atlantic in one respect: A large mass of people with expensive , worthless liberal arts degrees and high education debt are a problem but not because they are unemployed. Rather , it is that so many of them are employed in our News Media and on Political Blogs lying to make their Rich masters even richer. Destroying this country with deceit — covering up what Democrat politicians do and diverting the voters by attacking innocent scapegoats. Divide and Conquer. Biden is planning to use $300 BILLION of taxes –taken from people who do…

Economics & Investing For Preppers

…entertained remotely, then technology companies will be the principal beneficiaries. Thus, their high share prices might make sense.” o o o At InvestmentWatchBlog: Mapped: The Risk of Eviction and Foreclosure in U.S. States o o o Over at Seeking Alpha: Inflation Is Here Right Now And Interest Rates Are Headed Significantly Higher Companies Bound For Texas: This trend started long ago, but seems to be accelerating: Texas No.1 destination for companies leaving California for last 12 years. o o o Oracle is moving its headquarters from Silicon Valley to Austin, Texas. JWR’s Comments: Unlike the gun manufacturers that are relocating to Texas, this move will not improve the politics of Texas. As a former Oracle employee who worked at the corporate headquarters in Redwood Shores, I can vouch that Oracle’s management is ultra-liberal, and most of its employees are left of center. This was from mid-1999 to early 2001. I…

The Survivalist’s Odds ‘n Sods:

…will “defect.” After serving for over 22 years, I don’t buy that at all. Some local Guard/Reserve units might, but active duty will still be in place. Most of the Officer Corp are liberal democrats, and the younger enlisted will have to feed their families. Just my own thoughts on this area. oxnix What will Hildabeast preach, you ask ? Judging from her past performance, anything that will advance her evilness. No lie too small or too great for her to utter. Gridley Hi Dan, would you be willing to expand on your experience that ‘most of the officer corp are liberal democrats’? While I do know a VERY liberal retired USAF Captain, most of the officers I know lean conservative. However, I don’t have 22 years in the service, so I might just be seeing a distorted sample. I would appreciate your thoughts. Dan Yes, Sir, happy too. Perhaps…

SurvivalBlog’s News From The American Redoubt

…your sources are biased the same way and you won’t have an accurate picture of science, scientists, the atmosphere, heat transfer and thermodynamics, “liberals”, “liberal” opinions, liberal values, policy being pursued by “liberals”, what other people are afraid of, how people different than you think….. I try to follow the teachings of Jesus Christ which leads me to liberal values (those parables), I’ve been trained as a scientist, but I also read from conservative websites. Mickey d You would think that our intelligence agencies would know the extent of the deaths in China Backwoodspatriot I’ve read a lot of good replies here , a lot of good points. My two cents worth…. NPR like all the other “Fake News” outlets manufacture, change context and flat out lie to support the narrative they wish their flock of sheep to be fed. I can’t speak for anyone else but I am not…

Preparedness Notes for Wednesday — January 15, 2020

Today is the birthday of television and movie actor Lloyd Bridges (1913-1998), who starred in the series Sea Hunt. He was a good actor, but his liberal politics were bothersome. A reader mentioned just one example that illustrated his politics: Lloyd Bridges had a ranch in in Markleeville, California, in Alpine County. “He wanted an outbuilding built and friends of mine there were hired to erect it. They showed up in standard issue F150 pickup trucks, each with a Model 1894 Winchester or scoped bolt action hunting rifle in gun racks behind the driver. Bridges demanded they take the guns home and then come back and work, “no guns allowed” on or near his property. They quit, and the word about this incident spread.” Sadly, Lloyd Bridges championed many liberal causes that were antithetical to individual liberty. He was blacklisted for his left-wing politics, in the 1950s. — SurvivalBlog Writing…

SurvivalBlog’s News From The American Redoubt

This weekly column features news stories and event announcements from around the American Redoubt region. (Idaho, Montana, eastern Oregon, eastern Washington, and Wyoming.) Much of the region is also more commonly known as The Inland Northwest. We also mention companies of interest to preppers and survivalists that are located in the American Redoubt region. Today, a roundup on demographic shifts in The American Redoubt. National and Region-Wide Trends Most Conservative States 2022. o o o Americans are fleeing to places where political views match their own. o o o The 10 U.S. states where income has risen the fastest since 2019. o o o How the U.S. Electorate’s Ideology Has Changed Since 2017. A quote: “The share of the electorate identifying as “very liberal,” “liberal” or “somewhat liberal” on a seven-point scale has dropped over the past five years, from 34% to 27%.” o o o The ‘Red Wave’ Has…

The Coming Second Civil War

A new paradigm has become evident in both the demographics and the political landscape of 21st Century America. Our nation’s major political camps are becoming increasingly polarized. The differences between the more populous and liberal coastal regions versus the lightly-populated and conservative inland regions are growing more sharp with every passing year. In the long term, a clash of wills between the Red and the Blue is almost inevitable. Whether this will result in conflict or in eventual partition and accommodation remains to be seen. Trouble might occur as early as the year 2020. Or it might be a full generation away. But sooner or later, I can definitely see it coming. This rift might result in a Second Civil War. If and when it comes, this war will not be on racial lines nor on economic lines per se. Rather, It will be a war of world views. Even…

Letter: Interesting View from the Liberal Side of the Tracks

HJL, I saw a link to this in the Galts Gulch Daily Digest. I still am amazed that people think that they deserve such handouts without having to put forth any effort whatsoever. It reminds me of the documentary on the Pruitt-Igoe housing project failure in St. Louis. Pruitt-Igoe was where people who were provided with low income housing allowed their neighborhoods to become overrun with prostitution, crime, and drugs, but were not willing to do anything about it. Other than call the police for someone else to fix their problem that is. My children are Millennials, but they have been brought up to know that if you’re not willing to work for something (food, home, peace, etc.) then you have no reason to expect something. It is a sad thing when the MSM is pushing for more of this type of stupidity instead of using their access to the…

SurvivalBlog’s News From The American Redoubt

benjammin Taos: Celebrity liberals going to rehab who decided they like the area and buy a 160 acre vacation property they spend 2 weeks a year at, or liberal college drop outs who have an acute aversion to bathing. Santa Fe: Liberal Artist wannabe’s who want to claim some sort of native american association so their art can be on display next to the pueblo artists, or liberal politicians who want to spend their lobbying money payoff on said art. Occasionally a nuclear physicist or two from Los Alamos will attend to hobnob with the politicians to extol the virtues of environmental activism, without having to mention all the radioactive remediation concerns throughout the state. Boulder: Ski-bums who don’t want the slopes developed and use pseudo environmental excuses to support legislation to support their cause. Sedona: Cowboy wannabes who think owning someone else’s worn out saddle and a $400 pair…

The Survivalist’s Odds ‘n Sods:

…to take remedial SPANISH in order to get a job, as a BIG chunk of the population of the state speaks NO ENGLISH AT ALL, and most customer-facing job positions now require applicants to be bilingual! Why’s that? BECAUSE THAT POPULATION WAS NEVER FORCED TO LEARN IT!!! …Shall I continue?… Tom MacGyver NEWS FLASH! There are MILLIONS of Conservatives stuck in California for one reason or another. Not all of us are in a position to move to the Redoubt, or are apprehensive as to how we’ll be received if we do. Our voices are censored by the loony Left, but we’re here. Get away from the urban Liberal “utopias,” and there are still plenty of American flags flying. Those among this group lucky enough to get out of the state aren’t taking LIBERAL VALUES with them; they’re ESCAPING them. I, for one, am TIRED of being regarded something less…

Lessons From the First TEOTWAWKI- Part 4, by Sarah Latimer

…speakers. Entertainers and movies mock conservative ideology and leaders. These liberals will tout “freedom of speech” slogans when this fits their own agenda, yet go to great lengths to squelch the speech of those who differ and attempt to post hateful words in the little space where conservatives have a voice, like SurvivalBlog and similar blogs and news outlets. They have fought to push the acceptance of their agenda, often creating the turmoil we see in our nation to garner attention. In spite of their threatening messages, acts of destruction and violence, suppression of free speech, and other basic human right violations, major media and online suppliers of entertainment and products are slinging their weight to suppress conservative messages under the guise that it violates the very human rights these liberals are themselves violating. Confusing? It most definitely is! I don’t even understand how they can look themselves in the…

Letter Re: Survival Prospects for Gun-Toting Liberal Protestors

These people may not know how to fight. Lots of right-wingers don’t know how, either, including those who have been to a lot of spray-and-pray classes. The point is, when the fighting starts, you either learn how to fight or die, or find a way to escape from the front line. The thing to remember is that none other than Karl Marx called for the “universal armament of the proletariat.” The point being, that once the “proletariat” do the job of massacring the right-wingers, they can easily be disarmed. Europe has demonstrated that. Remember that the leftists are most decidedly of the “gimme” persuasion, and the Marxists are happy to “give them” the guns and ammo they need to wreak havoc. That is why reports keep drifting in of semi-loads of AK’s going to the street gangs and similar conveyances. On the right-wing side, the real strength is in the…

The Survivalist’s Odds ‘n Sods:

…Duplicity Reader T.P. sent in this article from the New York Times that profiles a liberal AR-15 owner. He wants you to give up yours, but he’ll keep his. As is typical in the liberal/progressive mindset, they see no issue with having the ability for self-defense reserved for themselves. But you? They don’t trust you and want to use the full force of the government to violate your God-given rights and have you subjugated to an oppressive government. While an interesting read, you won’t really learn anything that you don’t already know about the liberal mindset here. Perhaps just confirmation of why you must fight for your rights. Gun Control In Minnesota Reader J.C. sent in this urgent notice. The Minnesota State Legislature has introduced an oppressive bill enacting wide ranging gun control measures, hoping to ride on the main stream medias hyperbole whipped up in the wake of the…