The Grid Will Never Be Down in the Way You May Think! – Part 1, by X-liberal

…through gun shows to interview people. To lead into this, we have all seen the effects of being a Christian or Conservative in the free enterprise system, our place of employment. When we are upholding our conservative values at work, we are flagged for termination, downsized, let go, identified for non-renewal of contracts, and black listed. There will always be a grid, folks, always! It’s just that the grid will slowly but surely become monopolized by a liberal contrivance, which is a Democratic candidate voter pool. There already are sects of hate speech laws passed through the Obamacare Act. A “hater” is flagged by Liberals, investigated by the FBI for hate crimes, and usually criminalized for their view adhering to the Conservative agenda. Let me explain. Do you remember that George Orwell novel, Animal Farm? You understand the definition of bias or specialized rights, if you have read this. The…

The Grid Will Never Be Down in the Way You May Think! – Part 2, by X-liberal

…on their land to store water. Liberals! You might as well say that the grid is down for Conservatives, Christians, and even a sleight of hand move by Liberals to include all Republican, Libertarian, and Independent voting pools. The grid is going to be down to all types of individuals that do not take that Mark of the Beast (those who refuse to become Liberal). I believe God is moving swiftly and rapidly to get us all to safety, inside His Ark, so to speak. Our family continues to pray for each of you in the upcoming year. Let’s face it, if we have another Democrat in the Oval Office come November, our chances to continue onto the grid will be significantly demurred. We hope you stay blessed and are able to live “off the grid”. When we, the chosen few by God, are all off the grid, then we…

Terms of Temerity: Why The Left Loathes The Words We Use

…may upset liberally-educated, emotionally immature, or emotionally unstable individuals. Seek a safe space, preferably with puppies and coloring books. Terminology Clarification One introductory note about terminology, for our foreign readers: American liberalism isn’t what’s termed libéralisme in France and other French-speaking countries. It is much closer to what is called social democracy in France and throughout the rest of Europe. In this essay I will generally use the word leftist rather than liberal. Here are 100 specific examples of words and phrases that leftists seem to loathe–at least in their original denotations. I will also summarize their thought processes, and many of their attempts to push alternative definitions: Agenda: Leftists use the word Agenda only to refer to The Right Wing Agenda. To them, there is no Left Wing Agenda. They substitute “cause”, “struggle”, “movement”, or the ever-handy “activism.” Alternative Media: To a conservative, this means Sean Hannity. To a…

The Survivalist’s Odds ‘n Sods:

…retire or quit. I take advantage of this for overtime however it is always clear who is valued and who is not valued as much. Difficult choices but having worked the spectrum from being a high school drop out to obtaining a night school computer science degree myself, that technical degree is worth a lot of money. If you send your kid to get a liberal arts degree I think that is a bad idea. If you send them to get a technical degree and stay involved with their life with good communication I think that is a good way to go. Prepping Professor As a professor in a liberal redoubt university I have indeed seen the indoctrination that many of you speak of. However, the bulk of this indoctrination takes place in the liberal arts curriculum. Little of this occurs in the sciences and engineering curriculum (the students are…

The Illogical “In Common Use” Legal Standard

…have any kids or grandkids, I can see why you want things to remain as they are and just get to the end of your life in one piece. That’s understandable. But for me, I have a double digit number of grandkids. Because of what’s known as “liberal creep” my grandkids have no idea what this country used to be like, or where we’re headed, and why they don’t want to go there. The older an individual is, the more they can see that. As an example, if NRA member JFK were alive today, he’d be considered a Republican. The Demoncrats would disown him so quickly his head would spin. He would be considered a Republican not just because the Demoncrat party has gotten so ultra liberal, but just as much because Republicans have become so liberal compared to what they used to be. Everything in this country has shifted…

Letter Re: The Grid Will Never Be Down in the Way You May Think! – Part 2, by X-liberal

HJL: This is a well thought out article and a new way of looking at “the grid”. I have to disagree with one point though. In the paragraph entitled “The Pattern” the last sentence says: “Now it is run by Liberal Democrats, and sadly, discrimination is the key to its access.” I humbly submit that it is not just the Liberal Democrats but also the elitist establishment Republicans as well. Truly, you cannot tell one from the other. – LL in Idaho…

To Keep and Bear, by Joshua G.

…a pro-gun point with a liberal, there are plenty of pro-2nd Amendment quotes from the Founding Fathers we can use, so it’s better to use those sentiments than to give liberals a “gotcha” opportunity. N S Well said Joshua G. And Mr. Lone Canadian a quick comment on the anti-gun crowd. Very true, they leotards do control the media hence the narrative. But, and this is the key, “WE CONTROL THE GUNS” …… Hence Mao is right, “All political power proceeds from the barrel of a gun”. I read a short time ago that the number of “hunting licenses” sold in the US is greater than all the personnel of all the armies in the entire world. And every one of them gotta gun, or bow, or both. That is the truth of history from the very beginning since God created man. All political power, in whatever form you find…

The Survivalist’s Odds ‘n Sods

…bitter political fights in the foxholes on the battlefield. Don Williams I wonder if Large Marge would like to float her? idea –in person — past some black military officers. General Colin Powell, for example. skeptic The migration out of California and other urban areas into rural states is not a good thing. While it does provide some evidence that liberalism doesn’t work, with an “I told you so” kind of attitude, liberal migrants will destroy their new home. They don’t leave their ideas behind, but bring them along to their new home. It is happening all over the west. Residents of rural areas hit the jackpot as property values go up. But the downside is that their way of life is threatened. My own state of Nevada used to be a conservative, yet live and let live type of state. Not anymore, and never again. Utah, Idaho, Arizona, Colorado,…

The Survivalist’s Odds ‘n Sods:

…pockets and take away their ‘extra’ money. = The ‘Blue’ politicians will say, ‘They didn’t earn that money.’ ‘They don’t deserve that ‘extra’ money in their pockets.’ … ‘We will spend that ‘extra’ money much better; supporting our cronies [And buying votes with ‘free stuff’ for the 24/7 couch potatoes.’] RE 7B Just read the article “urbanites in rural areas” lamenting that city liberals were ruining rural areas all over the country. Lots of gripes, but no solutions. Twenty five years ago in our county (just south of JWR) we faced the same problem with liberal urban refugees taking control of the county government and passing such outrageous regulations that people were literally in fear for their homes, businesses and land. So we did something about it. We replaced the liberals with conservatives on the board of county commissioners and eventually the state reps too. It wasn’t quick, it wasn’t…

The Survivalist’s Odds ‘n Sods:

Ned2 Re: Liberal terrorism. For several years, I have been anticipating a boil over and backlash against the progressives. I don’t like to call them Liberals, because there is nothing at all Liberal about them in the classical sense. These people are so prevalent in our society, even here in the redoubt, that when we finally do away with the remarkable constraint we have shown, the violence will occur literally everywhere. Be safe, avoid crowds and work on your situational awareness. MAS Re: Liberal Terrorism First these aren’t liberals (language appropriation belongs to the Marxist tyrants) they are leftists/Marxists. Terrorism is the favored tool of the leftist and always has been while building their take over. After that they become mass murderers. I agree with Ned2 that we need to be aware we should keep our heads on a swivel at all times anyway and condition red is closer today…

OPSEC Tax Preparation, by X. Liberal CPA

…Information Then he completes the forms whereby he tells the IRS whether he and Jane adopted a child that year, whether the children are in daycare, and he enters all his children’s SSN, furthering the family tree in the IRS’s data collection algorithms. This is all done willfully without any governmental arm utilizing force or cohesion for information. TIP: OPSEC family, please pay off your mortgages, then immediately route the home out from under your family name and into your irrevocable trust or another corporation, without a tie back to you or your loved ones’ SSN. When people or the government perform searches in a neighborhood, they will never see your last name but some corporate name, which has no connection to you. X. Liberal’s wife is Chinese, and our Redoubt property is in a Chinese corporation, which has no connection to us. As long as we pay our taxes,…

The Survivalist’s Odds ‘n Sods

…in the South Pacific, where one woman purposefully ran down the ditch toward a rabid, feral dog, sacrificing herself while killing it to give the others time to flee to safety. May the Lord give us the same amount of courage for the times ahead. Blessings to each of you. Krissy Oh. My. Gosh. I think I’m gonna need more acreage than I thought. Nathan Hail (not to be confused with generic Nathan) P.S.- watching the video, I must say that he loses me when he starts to talk about (space) aliens. If there are space aliens, I believe that they are most likely demons and monsters serving the devil. After seeing the whole video, I am now reaching for a grain of salt. Don in Oregon “California Proposition 187 was found unconstitutional by a federal district court.” The judge was a Carter appointee. X. liberal When we lived in…

Preparing for the Inevitable American Gun Ban- Part 1, by Rector

…happen? Yes and no. If somehow this mess holds itself together long enough, yes, it will happen, but I don’t see that as terribly likely. The fuse has already been lit, and is slowly ticking to the collapse. Tensions between political parties (and the media) has accelerated the timeline toward the end. Non-liberal people have grown tired of being preached blind trust in the liberal ideology. Its not democrat vs republican. Its progressive-liberal (quasi-socialist) vs conservative (judeo-christian) ideologies, and the liberals have controlled the school systems we, and our children attend(ed) for decades. While both parents are busy trying to make ends meet through work, they have been indoctrinating our kids into the liberal mentality on a daily basis. If you aren’t teaching your kids the “right” way of seeing the world, you are leaving your kids to the mercies of liberal “educators.” As it is now, most major city,…

SurvivalBlog’s News From The American Redoubt

Randy Is the state government being influenced by the liberal mindset of the people from California moving to Idaho and bring their liberal agenda with them? This is happening here in NC from the liberal‘s from NY, NJ, MA, FL and other Democratic liberal states moving in and changing the state from conservative to liberal and it is definitely showing in new liberal laws our governor is wanting and implementing. jima Question is, do you want a hog farm moving in adjacent to and upwind of your subdivision? There are some very good reasons for zoning restrictions, including building codes to protect the health, safety and welfare of the public. RG It’s more likely a subdivision is created next to an existing hog farm and then all the complaints run the hog farm out of business. Mr. Pink Jima, we here in the redoubt cannot disagree with you more. We…

Editors’ Prepping Progress

…when women want something bad enough they make it happen! In fact, your complaints made me change my tone… see? I hope that helps! Also, leave it to X. Liberal to make a comment which goes on for three days in replies. He needs to write a book. My two favorites on this site, and you need to look them up, are X. Liberal and the Recovering Feminist. They have the points better than me! We are Christians awaiting our Lord’s second coming… His home coming. I’m going to be signing off now! Blessings! Large Marge Are you ladies not seeing the number of abortions, lawsuits, and divorces from the cause of women’s liberation? I believe that’s JD’s sentiments about a cause for national security in the above statements. Big Mike To me, the point being discussed is the beginning of “no fault” divorce that was created by the courts…