Editors’ Prepping Progress

…stock. I put in an order a week ago, but haven’t received a confirmation email and my card hasn’t been charged. DH fermented sour dough starter and made his first round of bread loaves. I will be putting them in the freezer. We stocked our deep freezer to the tippy top with meat. I took inventory of all we have. Now I’m worried about the freezer randomly breaking! So much meat is in it. I read people are having a harder time finding freezers in stock. I want a small power generator for the deep freeze at least. We live in hurricane zone. DH and I argued about it. He doesn’t see the need in one. When I mentioned the cheaper one from Harbor Freight, he shot it down. I’m sore about this subject, so I’ll leave it at that. I have lived in a small rural town for 3…

An Open Letter To President Trump: Knock a Zero Off The Dollar!

…circulation. Banks will gather all of the old style bills, bundle them, and be credited by the BEP when they are received for destruction. To meet the new demand for coinage (since small coins will again have value and meaning), the BEP must embark on a program to double or triple its annual coin production. American miners and metals refiners would benefit from expanded BEP contracts. But since the coins themselves will be unchanged in their markings and metallic composition, the circulating coins will be unaffected by the revaluation. They will simply gain 10 times their purchasing power on January 1st, 2019. Imagine a cup of coffee at Starbucks costing 20 cents. What a concept! The new style currency could have advanced anti-counterfeiting features, similar to the new series of Swiss Franc notes. A Few Challenges Granted, there will be a few challenges. These include: The operators of vending machines…

How I Spent $55 to Study for Two Ham Licenses, Pass the Exams, and Buy a Transceiver, by Allen C.

exam next and took a look at the question pool, but with only twelve days of constantly interrupted time left, I decided to prepare for the Extra exam after I passed the Technician and General exams. I left early for the half hour drive on test day, but was still a few minutes late for the exam because the directions I had were very poor.  I arrived apologetically with my driver’s license and passport which they didn’t want to see and after filling out a license application exchanged $15 for the Technician question booklet and answer sheet.  I read the questions carefully, but only skimmed the answers until I found the one I remembered from the practice exams.  A few minutes later I handed in my exam which was quickly graded by one of the four volunteer examiners.  The grading grid corresponding to my test version was placed over top…

Protecting Electronics in Metal Military Surplus Ammunition Cans- Part 2, by J.T.

…applies here. (See the description below as to how to measure and cut the right sheet size for the gasket.) For other can sizes, cut the sheet metal accordingly. Make sure that the sheet metal slightly overlaps the rubber seal but isn’t too big that it overlaps the exterior dimension of the lower part of the can or affects or interferes with the inside edge or lip of the ammo can. 2. Test the fit of the rectangle piece of sheet metal. It should be centered and equally spaced or all sides must be equidistance from the inside edge of the lid. It’s important to cut to size to slightly overlap the rubber seal, but the sheet metal must lay inside the “impression” on the rubber seal of the ammo can. Make sure that you test the fit. If the rectangle sheet doesn’t fit the inside dimensions of the can,…

Start With A .22 Rifle- Part 4, by behind-the-counter

…need to be replaced but are discovered only after starting a project. I have seen posted rates for the upgrades described in this article and in the third article ranging from $90 to $150. That is roughly the amount you can save by doing the work yourself. If you make it all the way through this project, reward yourself with an inexpensive but high quality shop apron listed at the bottom of the tool list. For the eternally optimistic, buy it when you get the other tools and wear it proudly from Day One. OUR FINAL PIECE OF ADVICE Get your 10/22 and make the upgrades before SHTF. It could happen any day. Resources: www.kiddinnovativedesign.com [firing pin, bolt handle / guide rod plus more] www.powercustom.com [full line of replacement parts] www.tacticalinc.com [bolt handle / guide rod with bling and matching base and rings] www.tacticalsol.com [extended magazine release] www.tandemkross.com [extractor, automatic…

The Will to Act: Your Ultimate Bug-out Kit by R.B.

…still in business, call them and communicate. Support them. Thank them for staying home to make their products. There are small companies that make camping and tactical gear, proving that yankee ingenuity is still the best. You can also search for outdoor gear at www. Still made in the U.S.A. com. You will find your kindred spirits there. You will also find items that should outlast the coming ordeal, within the range of your budget. Avoid supply purchases at the mega-store globalist marketeers who film you while you shop, beg you to spend less money by joining their club, and ask for your phone number or zip code at checkout. It goes without saying how you should handle this affront.  Common sense is in the balance. Most small hunting or military surplus shops are still ma-and-pa operations. Support them first. Some e-Bay “stores” are actually gifted artisans trying to make…

SurvivalBlog’s New Classified Ads

…consumer responding to the listing. SurvivalBlog.com does not have control over, and does not guarantee the quality, safety or legality of any of the goods, services, offers, etc. listed in listings posted on the Sites. SurvivalBlog.com does not make any representations or warranties concerning the ability of a seller to sell/promote the goods, services, offers, etc. listed in a listing. SurvivalBlog.com does not make any representations or warranties concerning the ability of a buyer to purchase any goods or services or that a seller and a buyer will actually complete a transaction. SurvivalBlog.com has no control and makes no representations concerning the accuracy, reliability, completeness, or timeliness of any listings. The site is provided “AS IS” and “AS AVAILABLE.” Limitation of Liability YOU SPECIFICALLY AGREE SURVIVALBLOG.COM, and ITS OFFICERS, EMPLOYEES, OR AGENTS, WILL NOT BE LIABLE UNDER CONTRACT, TORT, STRICT LIABILITY, NEGLIGENCE OR ANY OTHER LEGAL THEORY FOR ANY INDIRECT,…

Editors’ Prepping Progress

…out from underneath the burden of a lot of debt. Hope you are enjoying your new surroundings. D.D. After returning from a month-long hiking and backpacking expedition on the Appalachian Trail to commemorate our silver birthdays, my wife, and I sat down this week with some people in our church community to discuss the latest election events. The age of the people in our group ranged from 67 to78. Never in my life have I seen a more apathetic, defeatist, and despondent group of people. Thanks to the increasingly leftist messaging of “Faux (Fox) News”, everyone in our group has resigned themselves to a presidential election that was clearly stolen by the Democrats. One husband and wife couple absolutely refused to discuss the topic. My reminder that this could have horrific implications for their children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren was met with dropped heads and silence. I’m sorry that current events have…

Editors’ Prepping Progress

…full commitment that will not bend to the coming pain” https://basedunderground.com/2021/01/canceling-the-republican-establishment-requires-full-commitment-that-will-not-bend-to-the-coming-pain/ All that said, Marjorie Taylor Greene is a politician of much stronger stripes. She is a rising champion. This is worth reading. “BRUTAL! Marjorie Taylor Greene DESTROYS Nasty GA Election Official Gabe Sterling After His Latest Smear on President Trump and Herself” https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/01/brutal-marjorie-taylor-greene-destroys-nasty-ga-election-official-gabe-sterling-latest-attack-president-trump/ BD -St.Funogas I can attest to your method, works like a charm! The only thing I would add is to warm up the air in the chimney with a rolled up newspaper “torch”. I just get that flame up there best I can for a few seconds. Not sure what the science is, but it seems to create a vacuum effect that really helps things get started. Btw, I very much enjoy reading your posts, you are a talented writer. Once a Marine… Bear, your forthrightness and vulnerability touch my heart. Folks who post here like…

Editors’ Prepping Progress

…stops printing American flag stamps? Animal House Lone Canadian, following are some of the links to reports; I personally haven’t been to western Canada in the last 4 years so I don’t know. But, I didn’t know how deep the corruption in the US govt was either, until it is almost too late. https://exonews.org/china-amassing-tens-of-thousands-of-troops-in-canada/ https://thecommonsenseshow.com/activism-agenda-21-economics/more-reports-confirm-chicoms-are-amassing-thousands-troops-canadian-us-border This is an old article but relevant: https://medium.com/war-is-boring/the-chinese-are-coming-the-chinese-are-coming-31d776375013 https://www.thestar.com/opinion/contributors/2020/09/08/china-threatens-and-intimidates-people-within-canada-as-ottawa-remains-silent.html RCB5472TN GWinTN… so true… back during the Obama administration when I would send mail I would place the flag stamps upside down as well…the distress signal is definitely in order Animal House St Funogas, Thank you, I needed a good laugh with all the depressing news yesterday! Having just replaced my washing machine because of balance issues, I understand. Yes, I did gasp when you said you composted the collards! BUT, I knew you would never waste anything so started laughing again. Have a wonderful day!…

The Survivalist’s Odds ‘n Sods

…K. A little food for thought: ************************ No Change on the Way to No Cash by Eric Peters of ericpetersautos.com https://www.ericpetersautos.com/2020/07/16/no-change-on-the-way-to-no-cash/ Eric Peters is always a good read whether he’s talking cars, politics, or libertarian principles. ********************** Kneeling: Biblical vs. Humanist by Michael S. Rozeff https://www.lewrockwell.com/lrc-blog/kneeling-biblical-vs-humanist/ A good read and right on target. ***************** The Latest Florida Coronavirus Testing Scam by Thomas DiLorenzo https://www.lewrockwell.com/lrc-blog/the-latest-florida-coronavirus-testing-scam/ They have to fake the numbers to impose their totalitarian dictates. ***************** FAR LEFT WATCH: Anti-White Militia Plans Armed Terror March in Louisville to Project Black Dominance Black Lives Matter are becoming the new ISIS. https://bigleaguepolitics.com/far-left-watch-anti-white-militia-plans-armed-terror-march-in-louisville-to-project-black-dominance/ ************************* Consistent Inaccuracies in COVID-19 Testing and Reporting By Dr. Joseph Mercola https://www.lewrockwell.com/2020/07/joseph-mercola/consistent-inaccuracies-in-covid-19-testing-and-reporting/ Have fun, have a blessed day. PrepHOU Amen. There will be many that think forced vaccinations are the only way out of this mess. Think long and hard if you will do that to your body. Many…

How to Obtain Your Amateur Radio License, by N.M.

…license is conducted by at least three volunteer examiners, otherwise known as VEs. VEs submit test results through a Volunteer Examiner Coordinator, also otherwise known as VECs. The VEC is an organization that creates and administers tests based on FCC guidelines and submits test results to the FCC. The FCC authorizes the VECs to charge a fee for administering exams, currently up to $15. The fee is per sitting of the exam; in other words, if you pass the Technician you can take the General for the same fee. In fact you could take all three exams for $15 if you pass the preceding one. You have to answer a certain amount of questions correctly to pass each licensing test, which is listed below: The Technician exam is 35 questions; you need to get 26 correct to pass. The General exam is 35 questions; you need to get 26 correct…

Six Letters Re: Adapting Family Food Storage for Gluten Intolerance

…to a local Von’s and Trader Joe’s and we had a great gluten free vacation. For Seattle, Washinton area SurvivalBlog readers, here is a list of local stores we have been successful in finding wheat free or gluten free foods at: Costco – Rice chips, corn tortilla chips, beans (bulk and canned refried), rice, Robert’s gourmet foods like Smart Puffs PCC (Puget Consumers Co-Op) – Commercially produced gluten/wheat free foods Whole Foods – Wheat free bread, rolls, pizza crusts, Angeline’s Manna Mills – Bulk rice and tapioca flours Fred Meyer – Crackers, Bob’s Red Mill gluten free flours, cereal, rice cakes, soy crackers, etc. Ener-gee foods – Local commercial based gluten free foods (products used exclusively at Walt Disney resorts) Trader Joe’s – Wheat and gluten free frozen waffles, pancakes, chips, crackers I wish Tim and the other Celica readers great success! – MP in Seattle ( a Ten Cent…

Classified Ads Terms of Use

…the SurvivalBlog.com, and its successors and assigns, from and against any and all costs, damages, whether such damages are direct or consequential, and expenses and fees, including reasonable attorney’s fees, incurred as a result of any claim, action, proceeding, or demand arising from any content or review posted by you, your use of the Sites or your breach of these terms. No Promise of Results SurvivalBlog.com does not represent or warrant that posting listings will result in a successful response or transaction. You acknowledge that the Site may not be accessible at all times, including during periods when a listing is scheduled for display. You use the Site at your own risk and without recourse to SurvivalBlog.com if your listing does not appear as scheduled, regardless of reason. SurvivalBlog.com does not warrant that the Site will operate error-free or that the SurvivalBlog.com’s servers are free from computer viruses or other…

Editors’ Prepping Progress

…backyard is a big hill and the erosion of parts of it are draining into our driveway and flooding out in front of the garage. This is from the tremendous amounts of rain over the last couple years. Hopefully this will help keep this in check and it also looks nice along with the hostas we got from a neighbor. I also FINALLY ordered a new refrigerator that will replace our main refrigerator in the kitchen. The one we have is on it’s last legs and doesn’t keep the food cold enough anymore. It came with the house so I can’t complain as it’s from the 80’s but it is time to get a new, more reliable one. I really got a great deal on it as it appears that most people want the gigantic fancy new fangled ones that do everything under the sun for you! No thanks, I…