Editors’ Prepping Progress

…instructive. Received and unrolled the kids’ new mattresses. New sheets are still en route. New frame is here also but the assembly instructions (yes I read them; I’m female 😛 ) state that it will take two adults 45 minutes. We added in all the “help” from kids and cats and reckoned 4.5 HOURS, haha, so that hasn’t been started yet. Maybe tonight, while three of the older kids are sleeping over at the grandparents! Most significantly, we are in talks with the listing agent for some acreage in Boondocks, Podunkville about ten hours from here. It will need tons of work but has many features that would work for us (and our extended families, should they come someday!). The agent asked me again where we lived, and was incredulous: “And you want to move from there to Podunkville?” I non-committally said we were just in the dreaming stage, wanted…

Building Or Purchasing Your New Country Property – Part 2, by S.T.

…adding more storage racks in my sewing room to hold large equipment, such as dehydrators, a juice extractor, and canners to get them off the kitchen floor. Year 5 Planning Ahead My 5th year project is to remove the ugly brown standard-size bathtub. I want to replace it with a new smaller walk-in bathtub. (I think we will grow old.) The small area left over from the removal of the large bathtub to the new smaller walkin bathtub will be used for a new composting toilet. The current toilet will be removed and replaced with a urinal. This will provide a large savings of water out of our well and into our septic system. I also want to replace the sink vanity unit with a new one that is 10” higher and an above-counter bowl. This higher vanity will save my poor back. The bowl would assist if there is…

Editors’ Prepping Progress

…nutrients. * Watering is another key component, so do check on this too. Raised beds are excellent, but may necessitate more regulation with regard to watering. Here are a couple of links to help: The first one is a good read on common problems associated with tomatoes and remedies to help. It’s very informative and offers good coverage of the subject. https://www.saferbrand.com/articles/common-tomato-plant-problems-how-to-fix-them The second is a video from MI Gardner who has lots of good tips to help as well. This one addresses tomatoes that don’t ripen, but he has several on the subject of tomatoes, and they’re worth watching. If you go to YouTube, and type in MI Gardner tomatoes, you’ll have lots of choices! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b1UOJzCCIE8 Also, from personal experience (although our tomatoes are grown in the greenhouse). We’re growing cherry-like tomatoes like crazy in the greenhouse (and keep them going year round). We grow these along an arched…

Internet Censorship is Now Rampant — It is High Time to Bookmark Your Alternatives

…wise comment. Jesse Davis I use DuckDuckGo for my search engine, Proton mail for encrypted email, and IP Vanish for my VPN service. I deleted my FB account and stay away from Google. When I do use Google Maps I am not signed in, so it does not know it’s me. Mallet Also…”Internet for people, not profit — Mozilla https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/ Did you know? Mozilla — the maker of Firefox — fights to keep the Internet a global public resource, open and accessible to all.” Deplorable B Woodman Other conservative sites for news. I have capitalized to break up the sites into more easily remembered words: AmericanThinker dot com (EXCELLENT site! Cannot recommend highly enough) TownHall dot com IOTWReport dot com (I Own The World – news with a snarky twist and humor) ThisAintHell dot us (military related) Pigazette dot com (more snark) WesternRifleShooters dot WordPress dot com (very hard right,…

Editors’ Prepping Progress

…she asked, “Mom, can we take a picture of it?” So we brought it into the house, retrieved the camera and took a couple of pictures. It wasn’t struggling very much. We think it was enjoying the warmth of her hands. She then, brought it back outside, and immediately let it go. We then examined the photos and one of my several bird guides, the National Geographic Field Guide to North American Birds, and determined that it was an adult male Calliope Hummingbird. For wildflowers on the ranch so far this Spring, just yellow and purple violets and dandelions. It’s still early here. For wildlife, we’ve had a herd of eight deer coming onto the ranch and going to our beasties’ salt blocks. Early in the week, I caught the bug for canning berry jams. It is time to begin emptying the freezers to make room for this coming summer’s…

Editors’ Prepping Progress

…pray for your area to receive rain. It should, soon, since historically New England is the main station for all weather fronts of the USA to travel through. So strange. Grand Solar Minimums disrupt all usual weather patterns. Many Blessings to you, Lily Ani Yeah, prices have really climbed. Still not finding it though. What Farmtek calls “lightweight” has 4 degrees of frost protection and what I’m looking for is pretty much just insect protection(plus deer deterrent); stuff I can use on brassicas, leafy greens etc that won’t overheat them but protect from flea beetles etc. The link below is for Johnny’s- out of stock. But that’s what I’m looking for. I’m using probably 60′ lengths for row cover. It’s really weird to have stuff like this completely out of stock. Walmart doesn’t carry this. Thx though. At least I have the heavy row cover that I use! https://www.johnnyseeds.com/tools-supplies/row-covers-and-accessories/insect-barrier/agribon%2B-ag-15-118%22-x-500-insect-barrier-7355.html?cgid=insect-barrier#start=1 Ani…

Basic Computer Privacy and Security, by Liber T. Y.

…Swiss authorities (legal obligation).” Their free account only comes with 500 MB of storage, but this can be upgraded, and it is ample for me at the moment. I found out about this e-mail service from the same source as my search engine. You can open a free account here. VPN A Virtual Private Network (VPN) is advantageous for masking your IP address (among other things). The best free VPN, according to my research, would be ProtonVPN. Basically, what ProtonVPN does, is it connects your computer through a tunnel to a server. That server’s IP address then appears in the place of your own when you search. All VPNs do this, however, ProtonVPN has other, additional features as well. It encrypts your connection, has a scrupulous no-log policy, and it doesn’t have any ads. It doesn’t bar you from using the VPN after a certain amount of bandwidth is used…

Foundational Documents of the American Republic, by Steven G.

…antithetical to the American tradition. The recommendations are divided into several parts, using survey and biographical books combined with essential source materials of American and Western Civilization. When foreign sources are recommended, they are for the purpose of understanding the competing systems that have confronted the United States. For example, “Mein Kampf” (Nazi fascism) and the “Communist Manifesto” (communism) have had a disproportionate impact on the history of the United States. II.             Understanding the Foundations of the American Republic A.            The Holy Bible. Most readers should be familiar with the Bible, as were the Founding Fathers. B.            Magna Carta 1297. Though short, the original text is dense and difficult reading. However, it is an interesting exercise to read through this early document that was in fact a contract between the sovereign and the free people. Sir Edward Coke argued logically for limitations on absolute monarchical power based on the…

Pat’s Product Review: Warrior Trail Training Body Armor

…different variations from one company’s plates to another company’s plates. However, all things considered, the Warrior Trail plates will feel just like your real hard body armor plates when you insert them into your vest.   Now, just to remind the purchaser, the Warrior Trail training plates come with a warning on them, alerting you, that you have no ballistic protection, and there is a hole drilled in the plate – this should be enough to alert the wearer that this is not real body armor – even though it looks like and feels like the genuine article.   Warrior Trail training body armor plates are manufactured out of a proprietary polymer material, and it is tough stuff. I did place it in a carrier, after removing the real body armor plates, and I couldn’t tell or feel any difference between the real body armor and the training body armor…

Pat Cascio’s Product Review: Ruger’s New American Pro 9mm

…with the shooting but not loading magazines. She always leaves that job to me for some reason. Throughout my testing those last two rounds, in both magazines, were a real bugger to get loaded, but as I said before load-up those mags and let ‘em sit for two weeks. Then, the last two rounds will slide right in there. I’ve been there and done that with many brand-new magazines. Again, it’s not a “problem” to the Ruger magazines, not in the least. On my third day of testing, we had clouds and it was chilly. I was out shooting alone. The thumb on my right hand was taking a beating from loading those magazines, and it was bruised and sore, real sore. I wanted to get all my shooting in as soon as I could, so I could give our readers a real report on the new Ruger, not just…

Consider Horde Mentality in Your Planning – Part 1, by Ani

RS Two thoughts. Something more concerning is government relocation of displaced people from urban areas. Imagine government trucks dumping large numbers of folks in small communities, expecting them to host them. Then the news from the UK, where rural folks are posting their versions of “Keep Out” signs to those who bought secondary homes in their area, and want to escape the virus from the cities. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8146283/Angry-locals-St-Ives-Cornwall-scrawl-messages-beach-second-home-owners-remain-defiant.html wingfootjr This is happening NOW, in Hunter, New York. Many from the city have gone there, bringing the virus with them, according to a friend of mine who has a second home there. The area is known by many due to its ski resort, but the city folk consider it “the boondocks” CORD7 Seen local communities rally to stop planned ski resort development because the financial benefit never out weighs the infestation, which once upon them… the Rats only become all consuming. Montana…

Editors’ Prepping Progress

…Telesilla of Argos Tunnel Rabbit, thank you! A good and easy rule of thumb 2 lbs dry weight per person per day. We will, with gratitude, share this with others as we continue to try to help teach others. You make a very good point related to the nutritional importance and quality of garden fresh veggies. We’re looking forward to news of your tomatoes this season, and hope that every SB reader is inspired to start a new garden, expand an existing garden, and teach others. We’ll also check out the video link you’ve shared! Remain steady. Stay well. Be safe everyone! Ma G Haha! Indeed I understand your reference. Now here’s one for you. “Thumb Knuckle.” Telesilla of Argos Chris in Arkansas – thank you for sharing. We are so sorry for the news of the loss of those companies and the jobs they brought to your community. Our…

The SurvivalBlog Bookshelf

…of print, but a PDF is available for free download.) Boston’s Gun Bible by Boston T. Party (See review, below) Survival Guns by Mel Tappan Tappan on Survival by Mel Tappan Jim’s “Second Tier” List of Recommended Specialty Books: Root Cellaring: Natural Cold Storage of Fruits & Vegetables by Mike Bubel Back to Basics: A Complete Guide to Traditional Skills, Third Edition by Abigail R. Gehring Putting Food By (Plume) by Janet Greene Stocking Up: The Third Edition of America’s Classic Preserving Guide by Carol Hupping Emergency Food Storage & Survival Handbook by Peggy Layton Gardening When It Counts: Growing Food in Hard Times by Steve Solomon All New Square Foot Gardening by Mel Bartholomew Seed to Seed: Seed Saving and Growing Techniques for Vegetable Gardeners by Suzanne Ashworth Small-Scale Grain Raising by Gene Logsdon How to Find Your Ideal Country Home: A Comprehensive Guide by Gene GeRue Possum Living:…

Stockpiling Medications Inexpensively, by J.B.

…Antibiotics in Survival Medicine https://youtu.be/BqO8xAQuFMM What is really needed for long term medical supplies https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=snumqufPtBQ Sulfa Antibiotic (Bactrim or sulfamethzone trimithaprim) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hjRIX9341N4 Clindamycin: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kowUihwX744 Antibiotic Azithromycin by Dr. Bones https://youtu.be/3BU-m6g1eZE Survival and Fish Antibiotics Series: Amoxicillin https://youtu.be/j3itFgOk6vk Ciprofoxacin: https://youtu.be/SPQB2KQSeCI Doxycline: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LtDi8IccZ10 Metronidazole (Flagyl) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mKzMGnEjSrM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mKzMGnEjSrM A few examples on Survival Blog: (Use Survivalblogs search engine and create your own medical library file) A Doctor’s Thoughts on Antibiotics, Expiration Dates, and TEOTWAWKI, by Dr. Bones https://survivalblog.com/a-doctors-thoughts-on-antibiot/ Dealing With Hypothermia by Joe Alton, MD and Amy Alton ARNP https://survivalblog.com/guest-post-dealing-hypothermia-joe-alton-md-amy-alton-arnp/ The Mass Casualty Incident: Triage, by Amy Alton, A.R.N.P., and Joe Alton, M.D. https://survivalblog.com/the-mass-casualty-incident-triage-by-amy-alton-arnp-and-joe-alton-md/ Guest Article: Vehicular Terror – The Easiest Blueprint For Creating Mayhem, by Joe Alton, MD https://survivalblog.com/guest-article-vehicular-terror-easiest-blueprint-creating-mayhem-joe-alton-md/ SAM mmm Bacon… [say as Homer Simpson] Sorry. Could not stop myself [not that I tried]. LargeCarl InhousePharmacy.vu Genuine meds. I’ve been ordering from them for years Ani Sadly this is not going…

Richard Heinberg: Conclusion and Footnotes

…17. “IMF Concerned by Impact of Biofuels of Food Prices,” Industry Week online, October 18, 2007, http://www.industryweek.com/ReadArticle.aspx?ArticleID=15197 18. Ziegler, quoted by George Monbiot http://www.monbiot.com/archives/2007/11/06/an-agricultural-crime-against-humanity/ 19. Monbiot, op. cit. 20. Vidal, op. cit. 21. Vidal, op. cit. 22. Patrick Déry and Bart Anderson, “Peak Phosphorus,” http://energybulletin.net/33164.html 23. http://www.ipsnews.net/news.asp?idnews=39083 24. “Agriculture Consuming World’s Water,” Geotimes online, June 2007 http://www.geotimes.org/june07/article.html?id=nn_agriculture.html 25. “Unsustainable Development ‘Puts Humanity at Risk’,” New Scientist online, October 17 2007, http://environment.newscientist.com/article/dn12834 26. “Between Hungry People and Climate Change, Soils Need Help,” Environmental New Service, August 31, 2007, http://www.ens-newswire.com/ens/aug2007/2007-08-31-03.asp 27. Celia W. Dugger, “World Bank Puts Agriculture at Center of Anti-Poverty Effort,” New York Times, October 20, 2007, http://www.nytimes.com… 28. Stephen Leahy, “Dirt Isn’t So Cheap After All,” http://www.ipsnews.net/news.asp?idnews=39083 29. Ibid.; http://www.worldwatercouncil.org 30. See, for example, William M. Muir, “Potential environmental risks and hazards of biotechnology,” http://www.biotech-info.net/potential_risks.html 31. http://www.cnr.berkeley.edu/~christos/articles/cv_organic_farming.html 32. (vol 22, p 86) University of Michigan, July 10, 2007 33….