Economics and Investing:

USPS warns of default on retiree benefits. Recession-proof waste management industry: Down in the dumps. (Thanks to Haiti Guy for the link.) Comin’ this summer… $5 gas Items from The Economatrix: US Consumers in Spending Retreat 20 Questions to Ask Anyone Foolish Enough to Believe the Economic Crisis is Over Second Biggest Weekly Drop Ever in Treasurys Held in the Fed’s Custodial Account as Foreigners Dump Why Gold is Going Higher…

Blending In–Unremarkable and Invisible Architecture

…style. Only someone who looks closely will notice that it is a thick facing. If your house will be situated behind a screen of trees, then you will have a lot more leeway in design options. There, you might consider an underground house, for example. But even then, try not to build a house that screams “retreat bunker house.” For example, if you install ballistic shutters, then back them with wood or vinyl panels, to make them look either like storm shutters, or like purely decorative shutters when they are in their normally open position. And if you install a large array of photovoltaic panels, then site them with both solar exposure and privacy from public view in mind. Don’t build a moat. Instead, construct “decorative” masonry planters to stop vehicles, or “stylish” stepped planters. Either of those will stop 99% of vehicles. If you buy large fuel tanks, then…

Economics and Investing:

U.K. stores sell out of reindeer meat. (Thanks to loyal contributor F.G. for the link.) Reader F.B. suggested: The Coming Collapse of Bitcoin? Realtors: We Overcounted Home Sales for Five Years Most American’s Still Have No Idea How Bad the U.S. Economy Is Items from The Economatrix: Why All Signs Point to Chaos Dow Dumps 100 Points; BofA Dips Below $5 Stocks Knocked Down By Weak Banks, Europe Uncertainty US Stock Losses Double on EU Statement…

Economics and Investing:

Kabuki financial theatre – Congress net worth up 15 percent from 2004 to 2010 while the average American sees their net worth decline by 8 percent in the same timeframe. Welcome to plutocrat USA. (It is good to know that our elected representatives are pure as the driven snow, and that they would never engage in felonious Insider Trading.) B.B. suggested this, over at Zero Hedge: Guest Post: A Run On The Global Banking System – How Close Are We? Items from The Economatrix: If a Global Recession is Not Looming, then Why Are Bailouts Flying Around Like The End Of The World Is Coming? Bank of America Dumps $75 Trillion In Derivatives on US Taxpayers With Federal Approval US Retirement Assets Declined By $1.4 Trillion Chance of Recession 35% Next Year?…

December in Precious Metals, by Steven Cochran of Gainesville Coins

…land and to bring jobs back to the coal mining industry. The defense sector is seeing their stocks rise in general, except for companies like Lockheed Martin, that saw its stock price tumble after Trump tweeted about the massive cost overruns of the next-generation F-35 jet fighter. Even before the inauguration, Trump is shaping policy through Twitter and public statements, especially to pressure companies over cost overruns on government projects. All that projected spending will mean more well-paying jobs in construction and industry. Add to this the promised tax cuts, and common people across America will have extra money to spend. This scenario is lifting stock prices for consumer goods and entertainment companies. THE DOLLAR STANDS ALONE While predictions of higher inflation should make the dollar fall, an improving U.S. economy versus economic slowdowns in the rest of the world has lifted the dollar to 14-year highs. This has pulled…

Economics & Investing For Preppers

…o America’s Coin Shortage Is Getting Worse. (Your window of opportunity to stockpile nickels in full bankers’ boxes is now firmly closed.) o o o Average Age of Cars & Trucks on the Road Sets Record, Will Jump During Pandemic as New-Vehicle Sales Plunge to 1970s Level. Provisos: SurvivalBlog and its Editors are not paid investment counselors or advisers. Please see our Provisos page for our detailed disclaimers. News Tips: Please send your economics and investing news tips to JWR. (Either via e-mail of via our Contact form.) These are often especially relevant because they come from folks who closely watch specific markets. If you spot any news that would be of interest to SurvivalBlog readers, then please send it in. News items from local news outlets that are missed by the news wire services are especially appreciated. And it need not be only about commodities and precious metals. Thanks!…

2020: A Year of Perfect Hindsight

…2030, seems to lay out the future plans of those in power. Bluesman American, In talking to our local stove shop, apparently there will be new wood stove standards in May of 2020. Thank you EPA. James Wesley Rawles Sad, but true. See: A quote: “EPA’s proposed amendments to the 2015 NSPS for Residential Wood Heaters would provide consumers additional time to purchase already-manufactured wood-fired hydronic heaters and forced-air furnaces that meet the latest emissions limits before they are required to sell units that meet tighter limits due to take effect in 2020. The proposal would not change the effective date of the tighter emissions limits; however, it would allow retailers to “sell-through” or sell existing inventory of heaters meeting current emissions limits through May 2022. ” eam Happy New Year to all, may we be granted the blessings of 20/20 Foresight. My computer was a “slide rule”! If…

The Fleecing of History – Part 4, by Lazer

…to Christ following his example in everything you do. I read my Bible cover to cover every year with a legal pad and pencil in hand writing down things to delve deeper into when I read them. Then I study those questions looking for answers in the Bible. The old testament teaches us that Christ is coming. The new testament gives us the witness of Christ and His disciples, the establishment of His church with him as the cornerstone. The Bible teaches that your salvation is your responsibility, no pastor or priest can do it for you. The new testament teaches that we are each individually priests (disciples) in the Lord’s church. How much study are you doing to develop your own ability know and follow the Lord’s will. I am a member of the Lord’s church, the one established in Acts 2. Like everything else in our lives, there…