Editors’ Prepping Progress

…announced as required. https://www.9news.com.au/national/coronavirus-next-steps-australia-response-to-covid-19/f5260ca0-8b9d-4f1b-bdc1-3fe284e218fe On the medical side Dr’s are loudly saying, that there is no organised Federal Govt responce to the threat of exposure to the virus, Melbourne doctor with coronavirus saw 70 patients before testing positive https://www.9news.com.au/national/coronavirus-update-toorak-doctor-with-covid19-saw-70-patients-before-testing-positive/73b88ff4-bba9-4abc-b7f1-bb04ef4e2dc1 Today the NSW Govt released 260,000 masks to schools for Dr’s etc, what I find abhorrent and disgusting is the Govt was hoarding masks by the hundreds of thousands for their own use, while condemning the people for buying their own masks, sickening duplicity, Govts CANNOT be trusted !, I will add obviously the Govt has hundreds of thousands more in storage !, they are not going to tell us how many they have are they ?. Coronavirus Australia: Thousands of masks released as new cases soar across the country: COVID 19 https://www.9news.com.au/national/coronavirus-australia-thousands-of-masks-released-as-new-covid-19-cases-soar-across-the-country/d03ab254-46e8-44d3-8683-0d6ae33ac9b7 NZ Yesterday the NZ Govt passed new measures including limiting OTC meds to one month for everyone, Adern…

Ready Yourself for a Turbulent 2021 and Beyond

…large kitchen refrigerator that is usually also fully loaded. That unit, unfortunately, is “frost free” and the automatic frost free cycle draws nearly 1000 watts, which exceeds our emergency solar power system capacity. Thus, we have about 3 gallons of frozen water in the deep freezers, in small containers. We place half of those in the unplugged refrigerator at one time, while the other half re-freeze in the deep freezers in the daytime with solar power. Repeat cycle daily. Converts the refrigerator into an ‘ice box’. Deep freezers are unplugged at night, recover in the day time, to save battery life. Cloudy days we run the generator. We have watt-meters on the feed to monitor load. Main point, watch out for ‘frost free‘ killer loads coming on line unexpectedly if you use solar for refrigerator power David Martin I think anything less than a 20 round mag is kind of…

Editors’ Prepping Progress

…your body temperature against cold-air bleed. If your wife is a knitter, perhaps put in a “Santa wish” for some of these? They’re a great way to use up oddments of wool yarn from her stash, and wool is lightweight and will keep you warm even when wet. The biggest benefit, however, is that your body heat will stay inside your outerwear, but you can easily slip them off and stick them in your pocket if you start to overheat. Balaclava pattern 1 – worsted/sport weight: https://thecompletefabrication.blogspot.com/2008/06/travs-balaclava.html Balaclava pattern 2 – heavy weight yarn: https://www.garnstudio.com/pattern.php?id=9488&cid=17 Vintage WWII balaclavas – https://thevintagepatternfiles.blogspot.com/2013/12/1940s-knitting-wartime-beanie-balaclava.html Another vintage WWII balaclava – https://www.knitting-and.com/crafts-and-needlework/knitting/patterns/hats/chelsea/ M.C. GGHD – thank you! I did read through the Simple Pump site in my research, but your explanation really helps me understand the whole picture and what it all means for my situation. It’s been difficult trying to navigate this myself. The plumbing…

The Survivalist’s Odds ‘n Sods:

…in order to distract black voters away from looking at who had really stabbed them in the back. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2014/06/30/george-zimmerman-trayvon-martin-nbc-news/11759123/ The Ku Klux Klan wasn’t running the White House from 2009-2017 –but maybe it should offer honorary membership to the guy who was. i) Except for Trump and a few of his backers, Republican billionaires are doing NOTHING to oppose the Democratic march to tyranny: https://www.foxnews.com/politics/billionaire-koch-brothers-wont-support-trump-in-2020-snubbing-his-bid-for-second-time 3) You guys are living in a dream world. The Redoubt is indefensible against a military under command of a Democratic plutocracy — and the Redoubt’s resources are a pathetic fraction of what’s in the rest of the country. Fight now by joining with your brothers in the cities to destroy the Democratic billionaires — or you deserve to be slaves. Look upon their misery and pain with indifference and you deserve what’s coming for you. Let the national news media continue to lie without…

My Ten-Day Test-My-Preps Adventure – Part 1, by St. Funogas

…count on it. It’s time to test our preps to be sure we’re doing things the right way. I sure as heck wasn’t. Testing My Preps I’ve tested most of my preps trying to answer the obvious question, “Does this work?” Some of my preps, based on my lifetime desire to live a self-reliant lifestyle, I’ve made and then used for months on end to give it a real test: my alternate water system, Amish clothes washer, solar food dryer, and solar water heaters among others. While it seemed like a good approach to test them one at a time, I only last week came to understand that it’s insufficient by itself and a more serious approach must be taken to testing our preps. My goal this year has been to test my preps during a grid-down simulation by throwing the main power switch on my little homestead. I finally…

Blueprint for Rebuilding- Part 1, by GRC

…Idea Of Homeland [14]Center for Cooperatives http://www.uwcc.wisc.edu/whatisacoop/history/ [15]Brew your own: Argentina’s micro-refinery New Agriculturalist http://www.new-ag.info [16]What is Biodiesel? http://extension.agron.iastate.edu/soybean/uses_biodiesel.html [17]Gains In Biodiesel Add Up for Rural Areas http://unitedsoybean.org [18]Biodiesel – Your Farm Has Fuel http://www.hobbyfarms.com/crops-and-gardening/fuel-from-your-farm.aspx [19]Armored Bulldozer http://www.popsci.com/russia-unveils-armored-bulldozer [20]Future Farms of America Might Not Include Much Family http://www.npr.org/sections/thesalt/2013/01/31/170659579/future-farms-of-america-might-not-include-much-family [21]Sustainable Communities: Creating a Durable Local Economy Rhonda Phillips, Bruce Seifer, Ed Antczak Routledge, Aug 15, 2013 [22]Creating Wealth: Growing Local Economies with Local Currencies by Gwendolyn Hallsmith [23] Testimony After Catastrophe: Narrating the Traumas of Political Violence By Stevan Weine [24] Rural Neighborhood Watch Program https://www.sonomafb.org/Farm+News/Farm+News+Archive/2014/Feb+14/Rural+Neighborhood+Watch+Program.htm [25] Murder Rates Rising Sharply in Many U.S. Cities http://www.nytimes.com/2015/09/01/us/murder-rates-rising-sharply-in-many-us-cities.html?_r=0 [26] 10 facts about religion in America http://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2015/08/27/10-facts-about-religion-in-america/ [27] After Hurricane Sandy: Time to Learn and Implement the Lessons in Preparedness, Response, and Resilience http://www.heritage.org/research/reports/2013/10/after-hurricane-sandy-time-to-learn-and-implement-the-lessons [28] Viability & Sustainability in Rural Agricultural Communities: Residents’ Perceptions of Individual, Community and Macro-Level Factors – By Brenda Bacon…

Airsoft: Effective Firearm and Tactical Training for Adults and Children, by So Ed

… Different GBB guns require different gas, and they are generally more expensive than AEG both for the weapon and cost to shoot. The advantages to GBB are that the gas systems work similar to real guns, working the bolt or slide, and simulating real action with each shot. This adds realism to firearms training, but without as much felt recoil as the real thing. GBB is very effective for marksmanship training, especially with folks who have a difficult time or are intimidated by the report and recoil of real firearms. GBB Airsoft allows the trainee to feel the weight of the real weapon, and shoot in the comfort of their own home or back yard without the noise, recoil, or ammo expense. This is especially useful for handgun accuracy.  A simple cardboard box with a target in front and curtain or rags at the back to catch and drop the…

Chickens: Easy and Fun Food for Your Family’s Survival, by Southern Miss

…are healthier and happier when they free range, and it saves a lot of feed (money). Some people don’t want the chicken poop all over the yard, but chickens can be trained to stay out of certain areas. If you have compost bins around your trees and borders around your flower beds, you might want to make them tall enough that the chickens can’t scratch out everything. Compost and chickens make a great combination, since the chickens are more than happy to aerate the compost for you, and they get lots of bugs and other nutrients from it. They do not, however, discriminate against flowerbeds- that’s one way to find out which flowers are edible; the chickens must be trained to leave them alone by firmly and consistently being shoed away. They also like grapes, blueberries, pears and apples, so beware. Remember, they have a very small brain and a…

Christian Manliness and the Collapse – Part 2, by Dr. Joseph

…of a Nation: The Psychology and Physiology of: Human Desperation, Starvation, and Living Without Rule-of-Law Through a Prolonged Grid Down Scenario, (US Taskforce on National and Homeland Security August 2023), https://www.griddownconsulting.com/grid-down-report. [5] James Wesley, Rawles, “Letter Re: Why Christianity? and Recommendations on the Great Lakes,” June 2, 2006, https://survivalblog.com/2006/06/21/letter-re-why-christianity-and/. [6] J. Folks, “Manhood Under Attack,” May 4, 2024, https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2024/05/manhood_under_attack.html [7] For YouTube commentary on the state of social decay of man-women relationships see, PearlDaily, with Pearl Davis, “50% of Women will be Single and Childless. Marriage is Never Returning – What Does the Future Look Like?” and Whatifalthist, “A Message to Young Men,” and “The Coming Population Crash.” On the issue of “What is a Woman?’ see Matt Walsh’s online film, at https://www.dailywire.com/videos/what-is-a-woman. [8] C. Murray, “Man or Bear? Many Women Say They’d Rather be Stuck in the Woods with a Bear in the Latest TikTok Debate,” May 3, 2024,…

Editors’ Prepping Progress

…the property taxes paid too. Whew! Found some good outdoor shoes, clothes, etc. in Sierra Trading Post’s on-line store and did some Christmas shopping. Only practical stuff, but cute too – lol! I wonder what Christmas will be like this year? We’ve decided to be ready before the election. And then RBG dies too! What else is coming? Also organizing preps and vacuum sealing some treats. Y’all inspire us. Prayers for each and every one of you, our president and our nation. LSM I will be praying too! David ‘n’ Goliath On my side of the fence there is still a bit of farm work to be done and then I will be “a free man” – free to focus more on gardening aspects that is! Last Thursday I cultivated my new (new for 2021 that is) garden plot. It will be about ¼ acre in size. There was some…

Editors’ Prepping Progress

…There are so many prophesies of the coming of Jesus, the End Times and of God’s coming wrath and destruction of non-repentant sinful people and the earth (Chapter 24), and His mercies on those who are repenting and believe on Him and His redemptive Messiah Yeshua, and of the New Jerusalem and New Heaven and New Earth that will come after he has poured out His Wrath. Awesome. In the evenings, the girls and I have been gathering in the living room together, stoking up the fire in the woodstove, turning off the lights and most appliances (the washer and dryer and computers), and using a little solar charged lamp to read by. We’ve been reading the original rendering of The Jungle Book by Rudyard Kipling. Kipling is an excellent writer with vivid imagery. He well-observed people and wild animal behavior. Last week and this week, to escape some of…

Consequences of 87,000 New IRS Employees, by Toby

…The new IRS agents are not coming for your money. They are coming to destroy your will and your way of life. A point of insight: The left always tells us what they are going to do or they accuse conservatives or the alt-right media of hyping another “conspiracy theory,” which in and of itself proves the conspiracy is no theory. Or, the left tells you that “there is nothing to see here, move on.” On August 15, 2022, Amanda Marcotte for MSN wrote the following: “While Donald Trump spins out ever more brazen lies and nonsense to sow confusion over the seizure of stolen classified documents at Mar-a-Lago, Republicans have seized on a particularly gross conspiracy theory to justify their ridiculous claim that all of this somehow impacts the personal freedoms of every day Trump voters: ‘87,000 new IRS agents.’ A reference to new federal funding in the recently…

The Slippery Slope: Proposed ATF Rule Redefining “Machinegun”

…how they operate: They talk “compromise” and “common sense legislation”, but what they really want is a docile, neutered populace that has no means to resist their plans for womb-to-tomb domination under total government. Please take a few minutes to read the proposed new definition of “machinegun” and the proposed ban, at this Regulations.gov web page: Bump-Stock Type Devices. Again, this move is just another incremental step for the gun grabbers. Even though bumpfire stocks are impractical for most self-defense shooting, they still deserve Second Amendment protection, on principle. If we don’t loudly speak up in opposition, then the gun grabbers will smell blood in the water and they will quickly come after more! (For example: binary triggers, 3-gun match triggers, magazines over 10 round capacity, and entire classes of firearms–perhaps even all semi-autos that can accept detachable magazines.) The Bumpfire stock rulemaking comment period runs until June 27, 2018….

What if We Win?, by CPT F.T.

…logical limit to to freedom but some push those limits to the extreme because of ulterior motives. The next freedom related question is “are there no limits”? All is food for thought. And, by the way, I am no prude by any stretch. But I do have a sense of what is right and wrong for society. My best to you. Telesilla of Argos I would challenge the idea that there is much in the way of “free will” in the matter of pornography. I would further suggest that people who believe there is “free will” are lacking information about the cruel and criminal realities of that demonically possessed world, and the ways it influences our culture far beyond the dark recesses in which pornography resides. It is my belief that this is not an example of the Biblical version of “free will”. Telesilla of Argos Thank you, KB. From…

Editors’ Prepping Progress

…him again he was calling the SPCA. I hope everyone has a great week coming up! πŸ™‚ Telesilla of Argos Hello Animal House! Take heart. There will be brighter days ahead, although we’ve been enduring much darker times recently. The news has been very, very sad — even for those of us who have prepared. Maybe especially so for those of us who have prepared because we have a deep understanding of the implications of these kinds of events. You are surrounded by friends within the SB community, and you are in the prayers of our family and most assuredly others too. We have also been working on the question of additional freezer space. We might be able to secure another freezer by mid-summer. Freezers have been in short supply in our market (and probably others too). We have one on order, and will hope for timely delivery! With that…