Editors’ Prepping Progress

…videos on You tube to get some idea of things you can freeze dry. Betty’s Freeze Dryer Group, Retired at 40,and Epicenter Bryan all offer different kinds and ways of freeze drying foods and will give you ideas that you probably have not even thought about. Two of these offer a facebook group that I have never joined as I don’t do facebook, but I would imagine have a lot of good information. To me, freeze drying is a learning process and it seems that the freeze dryers are constantly being upgraded and improved. There is a new oil pump coming out in a week or so that is the fourth pump to be offered. I have three different pumps because I have had trouble with them and one was free. This summer I did a major repair on my freeze dryer and now I am having issues again. I…

Building the Castle – Part 1, by Jake R.

…shingles and metal. Shingles Shingles are small tabs that are installed by overlapping materials to help shed water away from the building materials of the home. These can be made of various materials including asphalt, wood, or fiberglass. Pros Cost – Compared to metal roofs, shingles are cheaper to install and may even be easier depending on the configuration of your roof. Easier to Repair – If you have a tree fall onto your roof and it damages a few shingles, all you have to do is replace the damaged areas and continue on about your day where with metal roofing, you’re going to have to replace the entire sheet. Easy to stockpile extra materials – You’ll be able to stockpile spare shingles in a relatively small amount of space. These come in bundles and can be stacked in a corner somewhere until needed. Cons More susceptible to hail damage…

Editor’s Prepping Progress Saturday September 12, 2020

…over death, light over darkness, truth over deceitfulness, joy over wrath. We DO have choices, don’t we ? Have a blessed new week Ani A frost! So sorry to hear that A.L. That’s always a bummer cause we’re never really done gardening when it happens. That was a big part of why I really considered moving much further south(plus less home heating expense). The growing season up north is just so short. I know that here we had frost in early June, and just above freezing on June 15(although some in my town did frost then as well). My land is new to me so I’m still figuring the weather out here. Last night I was pretty sure we’d be ok so I only covered a few much more tender things such as basil, green beans and melons. I’m not so sure about a few days from now so I’m…

Things to Understand When Interacting With Police, by G.S.

…vehicle based on an after the fact, made up, unverifiable reason. Some examples of the many excuses that can be used to justify stopping a vehicle in Florida are outlined below: I.                    “You rolled a stop sign.” A.      (The officer testified unequivocally that defendant failed to stop at the stop sign, while defendant testified unequivocally that he made a full and complete stop. The officer’s testimony was more credible in those areas where it conflicted with defendant’s testimony. As a matter of fact, defendant committed a traffic infraction in violation of Florida law by failing to come to a complete stop at the stop sign. Therefore, the officer’s stop of the vehicle did not violate the Fourth Amendment). United States v. Maddox, 2005 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 34838 (M.D. Fla. Dec. 6, 2005) B.      (Officer stopped a truck for running a stop sign when exiting the complex and received permission to…

Gunsmith Training: Starting the Class, by R2

…how to set up the bench and shop and other items. I think this was actually more about meeting the instructors, but the tips were worthwhile. First Test After watching all of the videos for the introduction, I logged online and downloaded the test per the instructions included with the package. The Test It was a multiple choice test (with some true and false questions thrown in), but it was not at all what I expected. The test is an “open DVD” test, meaning that you can look answers up in the DVD and paperwork if you need to. I expected the test would be easy to knock out and more of a formality. Most schools are like this. What they are really after is your money and once they’ve got that, they really are not interested in whether they teach or not, or even if you attend. Every school…

Buy It Wholesale–Free Food Now and Free Food Later, by P.O.

…works great and I didn’t have to go out and buy one. [JWR Adds: In many jurisdictions, scales must be state-certified as “legal for trade.”]        So, obviously, you have to figure out where to get your bulk produce from and there are several ways to do that.  I would start by opening up the phone book or do a web search for produce companies for your local area or biggest city by you.  Ask them to fax or email you a copy of their latest produce price list.  Some update them daily, some weekly.  Get on their e-mail/fax list so you get updated pricing.  Get pricing from several produce companies if possible.  The price lists also include the case count (how many of something come per case or case weight.        Also be sure and sign up for their newsletter if they offer one.  It will tell you about shortages…

The Leftist Lexicon: Translating Statist Rhetoric Into Plain English, by Ray X.

…learned how to use their Obama Phones to get Free Stuff without even signing up for a Program. Focus Group: Putting people in a room, reaching the lowest common denominator, and then labeling it Consensus. Freedom: The freedom to do only what we tell you what you can do. Free Thinker: People in our constituency who have a hostility to faith in God. Free Stuff: Stuff we don’t have to pay for. You pay for all of it, but just don’t realize it. Freedom Fighter: Anyone in a conflict overseas who agrees with our agenda. In contrast anyone who does not agree is a Colonialist, Imperialist, a Terrorist or an Evil Oppressor. Free Press: Our lackeys who are fully or partially complicit with our agenda. Fully-Funded: A Program that has reached multiple teats. Funding: See: Taxes. Global: A policy that matches the Agenda of the Eastern Seaboard of the United…

Making Your Own (An Ebola Unafraid Followup), by ShepherdFarmerGeek – Part 1

…both cod and salmon have about half as much.[19] One tablespoon of lecithin granules from a health foods store or pharmacy has about 6.6 grams of lecithin[20]. Since we don’t know how much Lecithin potentiates how much Milk Thistle, we’re just really guessing. However, reasonable amounts aren’t going to hurt you if you take more than you need for this effect in the short-term. I’ll continue, in Part 2 of this article, the list of supplements that you can make yourself as well as provide concluding thoughts with more practical information for dealing with Ebola, or any dangerous virus. References [1]http://www.forbes.com/sites/matthewherper/2014/10/23/why-you-wont-catch-ebola-on-the-new-york-city-subway/ [2]http://www.naturalnews.com/047232_ebola_natural_immunity_virus.html [3]http://www.drweil.com/drw/u/id/ART00364 [4]http://www.livestrong.com/article/367860-health-uses-benefits-and-risks-of-star-anise/ [5]http://nutritiondata.self.com/foods-000102000000000000000.html [6]http://health.usnews.com/health-news/family-health/heart/articles/2008/06/23/time-in-the-sun-how-much-is-needed-for-vitamin-d [7]http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2009/10/29/how-much-sunshine-does-it-take-to-make-enough-vitamin-d-perhaps-more-than-you-think.aspx [8]http://nutritiondata.self.com/foods-000101000000000000000-w.html?categories=10,8,19,13 [9]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WXFVfQMfZ8w#t=127 [10]http://www.sunburstsuperfoods.com/organic-dried-elderberries/ [11]http://wellnessmama.com/1888/elderberry-syrup/ OR http://studiobotanica.com/diy-elderberry-syrup/ [12]http://www.ehow.com/how_5626793_make-milk-thistle-seed-extract.html [13]http://www.nuts.com/cookingbaking/seeds/milk-thistle.html?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=pla&gclid=CKbatby_scECFQaCMgodYT0AgQ [14]As documented in Ebola Unafraid [15]http://www.globalhealingcenter.com/benefits-of/vitamin-e-tocopherol [16]http://nutritiondata.self.com/foods-000103000000000000000-w.html?categories=3,10,11,14,0,19,22,15 [17]http://www.wisegeek.com/what-are-mixed-tocopherols.htm [18]http://nutritiondata.self.com/foods-000144000000000000000-1w.html [19]http://www.livestrong.com/article/458869-foods-high-in-lecithin/ [20]Unfortunately, lecithin extracted from soy seems to have some health problems, but might not be an issue for short-term consumption in regard to Ebola. http://hsionline.com/2001/09/17/soy-controversy/…

Five Letters Re: New Zealand–Gun Laws and Immigration

…getting either accomplished [by an ex-pat] would be easy. The firearm prices listed on the New Zealand gun store web site reflect amounts worse than what America experienced 1994-2004 and this would represent a severe supply restriction. New Zealand is also far from immune when it comes to the globalist march to ban civilian possession of small arms. See this site, and this site. So tread carefully when it comes to recommending New Zealand as a place for freedom-loving Americans to tuck tail and retreat to when the going gets tough here. As an OIF veteran the last thing I’d want to see are honest believers in the original US Constitution abandoning the ship because a few waves came over the deck during a storm! The phrase “sunshine patriot” would begin to come to mind. Thanks and +1 on your work with SurvivalBlog, – Chris S.   Todd: Your piece…

Editors’ Prepping Progress

Big Mike Be afraid be very afraid!!!!! Nomorefakenews.com by Jon Rappoport and Martin Armstrong’s blog, amongst many others expose this for what it is…. A giant diversion to cover the already collapsing economy and the banker bailouts. Come on folks grow some courage. I routinely work for 4 different doctors (rental homes and their personal property) and all of them tell me this is being blown completely out of proportion. Do you really trust a government that has lied to you about so many things for so many years??? The people that routinely mention the Flu numbers for a comparison are right. What we are going to see on the other side of this is not going to benefit us and we are going to realize that we have been played like a fiddle. Chuck Baldwin has also done some excellent work in this regard. Animal House We have been…

Editors’ Prepping Progress

…personal preference would be a WHOLE lemon and I would probably use less parsley as that much can be pretty strong. Using zeolite for heavy metal elimination: https://juicing-for-health.com/zeolite-heavy-metal-radiation-detox A list of acid forming foods why to avoid them: https://juicing-for-health.com/acid-forming-foods I found this list by searching for: CILANTRO DETOXIFICATION – there were lot of YouTube videos listed and a few of them are: Cilantro Chelation – Cilantro chelation for heavy metal detox https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9NTontFqaZE duration 4:06 Detoxify your Body with Cilantro and Parsley https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qI2p4cXkpxc duration 4:18 Cilantro Heavy Metal Detox, Top 3 Reasons to Eat or Juice It https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5GeKVU94InU duration 12:20 Milk thistle, garlic and lemon juice are good cleansing aids however there are a lot of others as well. There is a book you might be interested in: Fresh Vegetable and Fruit Juices by Dr. Norman W. Walker https://www.amazon.com/Fresh-Vegetable-Fruit-Juices-Walker/dp/089019033X I’ve actually given away my copy to a friend to read. Sean…

Editors’ Prepping Progress

…trail ride in the afternoon with the horses. I spent several early mornings studying the scriptures with KJV+ e-Sword. I studied Chapters 1-2 in Leviticus and Chapter 1 in Deuteronomy and Psalm 1. I love reading the scriptures and then looking up the Strong’s Hebrew translation for the words I don’t yet know. I’ve also spent some time in the New Testament looking up a few of the Greek words. e-Sword also includes a scripture comparison for certain words and parts of a verse that occur in other books of the Bible. I also very much enjoy comparing the scriptures with other ones though out the Bible. That is a deeply rich experience, indeed. I love it. I am currently listening through YouTube the book of Mark. The news this week has been very upsetting on numerous fronts. The New Zealand and Australian news is particularly upsetting. Those two countries…

Living In The Age Of Deception And Betrayal

…instead ($4000 for a couple) it will be because of Trump’s pressure. Note how the Democratic News Media and politicans lied through their teeth teeth in attacking him for that initiative– falsely claiming he cost people a week of unemployment. https://beyer.house.gov/news/documentsingle.aspx?DocumentID=4995 https://news.yahoo.com/trump-just-cost-jobless-workers-050009184.html https://www.newsweek.com/fact-check-did-donald-trump-cost-you-week-unemployment-pay-signing-bill-sunday-1557558 RCB5472TN 45 Degrees North … I strongly believe the book should be referenced , discussed , preached from all pulpits to awaken and attempt to prepare followers of Christ for what lies ahead ken selden Great article…one observation for your new acronym…switch around the last 3 words…saying ..We are living in the age of betrayal and deception…that way it reads WALITAOBAD…..it does not change the meaning at all,but is easier to remember…plus the double meaning as in BAD is what those words mean…just a thought ! wizzo Sorry all If the market does not crash it is all blah blah blah. I have not seen any mass…

Including Old Books in Your Preps, Part 4, by Marica Bernstein

…H. Faulkner. Grosset and Dunlap, New York. University of Oklahoma Press. 1943. viiThe Forsythe Saga. John Galsworthy. Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York. 1922, 1918. viiiThe Making of the President 1960. Theodore H. White. Atheneum House, Inc., New York. 1961. ixThe Story of Civilization. Will and Ariel Durant. Simon and Schuster, New York. 1935-1975. xThe Encyclopedia of Philosophy Volumes 1-8. Paul Edwards, ed. Macmillan Publishing Co., Inc, & The Free Press, New York. 1972. xiOur Wonder World: A Library of Knowledge in Ten Volumes Volumes. Howard Benjamin Grose, ed. Geo. L. Shuman & Co., Chicago and Boston. 1914, etc. xii“Great books” at Wikipedia accessed May 26, 2019. xiiiThe Scribner Radio Music Library Vols. I-IX. Albert E. Wier. Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York. 1946. 1931. xivFamiliar Quotations: A Collection of Passages, Phrases, and Proverbs Traced to Their Sources in Ancient and Modern Literature Ninth Edition. John Barlett. Little, Brown, and Company, Boston….

A Lament for California

…up in this country by people who believe that, while the process may have been “constitutional,” it was an abuse of power. If that happens, the title of a Daniel Day Lewis movie comes to mind, “There Will Be Blood.” Now even I am smart enough to understand your statement and even I realize that you don’t really want “There to be Blood,” You don’t do you? M-ray Where in my post did I say that I wanted an EMP attack on America? I simply stated that such an attack would have the affect on the population as explained. Yes I realize the right wingers and patriots and little old ladies would also perish. Come on man, really? Survivormann99 ThoDan, If you say that the Southern states had no right to secede from the Union, that is your opinion. You will have to present some legal evidence for that position,…