Infectious Disease Protection, by S.A.D.

…situation deteriorates so that the risk of infection becomes significant, more travel restrictions will be warranted. There is no single rule to decide when this happens, it depends on your own analysis of risks and benefits. For example, it has been reported that 2019-nCoV infects mostly adults, with average age of 59 yo, suppressed immune system is a significant risk factor. If you fall into this category, it is prudent to take precautions earlier. In the case the situation deteriorates even more, significantly restricting outside travel might become necessary. It is better to prepare for such eventuality now, rather than later. This site has covered general preps extensively, I do not see the need to go over it again. One can always start with the Forever Preps ( and go from there. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]…

My Ten-Day Test-My-Preps Adventure – Part 3, by St. Funogas

(Continued from Part 2.) Day Four It was completely overcast by 06:30. Yes! I can fully test my solar panel output. Freezer temps before the morning solar-panel electricity came on: 24°F. I can deal with that if it never gets any warmer during the test, and it didn’t. This on/off freezer method could potentially work year-round so let the SHTF when it wants. As the days get shorter and less solar power is available, seasonal temperatures also get cooler making it easier for the freezer to keep up in my unheated shop. This will be an interesting comparison test for the winter grid-down trial. I added a third column to my freezer temperature-recording sheet: ambient temperature. The cottage cheese from the cabinet formerly known as the refrigerator was warm and separating from the whey but still edible, developing a chalky buttermilk flavor. I finally had an idea how to more…

Hyperinflation is Coming: 10 Basic Steps to Surviving an Impending Currency Collapse, by S.P. – Part 2

…similar manner to what occurs when there’s an imminent threat of a hurricane or severe snowstorm, panic is triggered and people begin to stockpile things, which creates shortages and causes prices to skyrocket. This in-turn exacerbates the panic. Building an emergency supply circumvents this dilemma. Educate yourself on emergency food storage and buy one year’s worth of food. Visit to review emergency preparedness companies and products. Reputable Emergency Preparedness Companies: eFoods Direct: 825 East 800 North Orem, UT 84097 Phone: 1.800.876.0871 Email: Food for Health International: 825 East 800 North Orem, UT 84097 Phone: 1.866.206.9876 Food Insurance: 695 North Kay’s Drive, Suite 7B Kaysville, Utah 84037 Phone: 1.866.946.8366 Email: The Ready Store: 14015 S. Minuteman Drive Draper, UT 84020 Phone: 1.800.773.5331 Email: Wise Company: 3676 California Avenue B100 Salt Lake City, UT 84104 Phone: 1.800.393.2570 STEP 6: Seek Out Alternative Currencies…

Recommendations of the Week:

…Argos A recommendation for news services… Be sure to check out Steve Bannon’s program at America’s Voice. Today’s program (February 10th) was especially revealing. You might also go to Darren Beattie’s Revolver News. Revolver News has posted an article that Beattie says may be their most important. At one point Bannon talks about the level of depravity we are facing and from which we cannot cower. John Solomon’s team at Just the News is also doing excellent work. Telesilla of Argos Learning to grow all kinds of crops in the snow will become increasingly important as we move farther into the next “Minimum”. Would love to grow more citrus even today — and going forward. Will check out the link. Thanks so much! Klaude Flaugstein @notax Your post reminded me of something I forgot… TOR. Everyone (I’m talk to you, JWR) who posts a blog/site with…

Viable Eastern Retreats, by H.A.

…You can look up maps of likely nuclear targets and also maps of where our nuclear power plants are located, and clearly the eastern seaboard would be toast. Comparing both maps you can see several states that would be less affected by either scenario: New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada, Utah, Idaho, Texas, Oregon and Louisiana. Many of the newer nuclear power plants have a better ability for shutting down and cooling the rods, but it is all a matter of time and mostly the fact that all of our supply chains will come to a halt. No businesses will be delivered any need commodities, food, meds, gasoline, etc., and the power plants will not be receiving needed fuel to keep the cooling systems running for very long. Then we will see Fukushima like scenarios happening many times over! We have about 60 commercial operating nuclear plants here and about 98 reactors….

The Survivalist’s Odds ‘n Sods

…Kellyanne Conway when she tried to point out the danger New York City poses. 6) NYC’s liberal neighbors aren’t so stupid — Rhode Island is stopping cars with NYC license plates and trying to identify all NYC refugees: 7) People, you have to realize something: If major news corporations will give you dishonest information about this, what else are they lying about? Matt in Oklahoma Thought we were all supposed to be in FEMA death camps by now controlled by a magical appearing herd of powers to be? The in state license and plate is a good idea if your trying to have and eat you cake too. I’d forgotten about it reading in Patriots years ago. So in true NYer fashion they are jumping ship and bringing it with them to the other nice places they want to ruin too. I’m just over here locked in…

Identifying and Protecting Yourself and Your Family Against Hazardous Chemical Material Incidents, by a Marine in Missouri – Part 1

We live in a society that depends on hazardous materials to create the technological wonders and comforts we expect for everyday life. Whether you take your kids to a swimming pool or drink any sort of city water, you knowingly or unknowingly depend on large amounts of chlorine to ensure the water is safe. Anywhere there is a mechanic shop there are chemicals required to lubricate, clean, and repair materials; some of those chemicals are potentially dangerous or deadly. As you drive down the highway you see thousands of semi-trucks carting loads of materials that could be more deadly than a chemical warfare agent. Trains transport the same cargo as semi-trucks in larger quantity, sometimes dozens or hundreds of different chemicals in the same train which could have terrible consequences if there were to be a derailment. You may even live near a chemical plant that creates these materials, and…

Marksmanship and .308 Battle Rifles, by Ulysses in Montana

…heavier rifle is easier to shoot accurately and more controllable, I don’t think it’s worth the drawbacks the extra weight imposes.  The rifle should be a friend to the shooter, not a burden. So we are not just interested in range accuracy, but combat accuracy, which depends on a number of variables.  The shooting sports can provide a good testing ground for our combat capabilities, such as the 3-gun Heavy Metal competitions, where the rifle used is a .308 Battle Rifle.  This can help give you an idea what kind of rifle handles well for you in terms of weight, etc.  But be aware that competition rules don’t always conform to sound combat tactics.  If you use the competition to conscientiously train for combat your scores may suffer for it.  “Those motivated by a desire to improve their gun fighting skills, as opposed to a quest for trophies, must be…

Editors’ Prepping Progress

…garden planning done and am shopping around for seeds that we still need. As we just bought our tiny homestead, I’ve been looking for the best prices on fruit trees. I really wish there were some that produced at least a little this first year. The canning guru I admire so has begun a tiny seed company. I always Jackie Clay’s canning advice. Here is the link for their non-GMO offerings: Hubby is meeting with the realtor today to sell our other house. Despite the gloomy forecasts, the real estate market in the city we left is really booming. I’d like to sell the property before people open their eyes to what’s happening (if they ever do). While unpacking our numerous books, I came across several valuable books including a field guide to edibles and several old Ball Blue Books. I’m currently rearranging my shelves more thematically so those…

Inexpensive Expanding 7.62×39 Ammunition, by Tunnel Rabbit

…within 25 yards, 7.62 NATO M80 only penetrated 2 inches deeper than 7.62×39 123 grain FMJ, or consistently 16 inches verses 14 inches. Compare the tests with the performance of 5.56 linked in the article with the analysis provided. Few Americans understand ballistics, or how to maintain their AR’s. Most will learn the hard way, and there is the reason for the article. The better we can arm, equip and train ourselves, the more effective we can be. Wobbly I like InRangeTV’s comparative tests. I’ve personally never found reliability to be suboptimal with the numerous ARs I’ve owned, excepting one that just really, really hates steel[-cased ammunition]. And this is coming from a guy who considers cleaning before having shot 500 rounds annoyingly frequent. Maybe I’ve been lucky, but I only lubricate ARs after cleaning. I do miss my AK from years past, but I can’t imagine going back to…

The Survivalist’s Odds ‘n Sods

…will. The Guardian If it’s from Newsweek’s anonymous sources it must be true. Charles K. And more! ID2020 Charles K. Did you actually read the article? I did. Then there is this: Don’t scoff, read! Phil Everyone go on utube. Walk the world … view and listen to the interview with Michael Hudson. Be informed . A.L. Hi Lily, Do you think it’s possible that it could be a bit of both, regarding DT? I thought his state of the union was super, even though around this time there were a lot of pictures of him looking tired. But after the initial Covid reporting from China, even though he said basically not to worry about it, the pictures I saw of him, he looked so tired and super concerned/unwell. Like he knew what was coming, but was trying to stay calm and keep people calm. Since he…

Sweet Spot For the 21st Century With Calibers Beating .308- Part 4, by Alpine Evader

…Taking back the Infantry half-kilometer retrieved from [2] Dyer, J. L (2016) Marksmanship Requirements from the Perspective of Combat Veterans – Volume I: Main Report retrieved from [3] Jeter, C. (2017) Beyond FEMA: A Survival Guide for the Rest of Us: Operator’s Edition (Boomstick 101 – AR Calibers) retrieved from [4] Greer, J. D. (1988) Mountain Infantry – Is There a Need? retrieved from [5] Bohnenkamp, E., Hackert, B., Motley, M. et. al. (2012) Comparing Advertised Ballistic Coefficients with Independent Measurements retrieved from [6] Luke 12:48 (NIV) retrieved from [7] Abe. (2015) 6.5 Grendel vs 6.8 SPC: A Different Perspective retrieved from [8] Max Velocity. (2017) The Maneuver Support Group (Designated Marksman Role) retrieved from [9] South, T. S. (2017) New rifle, bigger bullets: Inside the Army’s plan to ditch the M4 and 5.56 retrieved from See Also: 1 – Sweet…

Internet Auction Sites for Preppers, by B.F.

… I think of kind of like eBay, only less well known. It is the web site that local Goodwill stores from all across the country use to sell items that they feel they can get more money for from an auction than by selling it in their local store. Because it is not as popular as eBay, I believe you can find more bargains, since there are fewer knowledgeable people bidding against you. The search engine is not the most powerful among auction sites. They tried to upgrade it a few years ago, but had a bad failure when doing so. The web site was down for more than a week before they restored it back to what it was before. I have found some of the best bargains on things like coats and jackets,military surplus, holsters, binoculars and knives. You can sometimes…

The Survivalist’s Odds ‘n Sods

Tunnel Rabbit Recommended study list of videos discussing colloidal silver. Anders Sultan videos are packed full of important facts, and highly recommended. Best one stop shop on the topic found. Introduction Colloidal silver: Natural antibiotic – Anders Sultan, Sweden (very informative) History of Colloidal Silver (4 parts) Interview with Anders Sultan of Ion Silver in Sweden October 2010 Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 – Other interesting videos about colloidal silver: Why Colloidal and Nano Silver does not kill the beneficial (good) gut bacteria. – Making Colloidal Silver Expert Advice – Silver nanotechnology kills bacteria 슈퍼박테리아도 잡는 은나노 청정기술 (Nano silver air filtration used in Korea) – Prove Coloidal Silver Kill Bacteria – Coloidal Silver Milk Test – Using Nano Silver in a nebulizer for lung health. – Colloidal Silver, for lung infections?? Crane Warm Mist…

Personal Survival Kit– The Pocket-size Giant of Preparedness, by R.B.

compass. Cheap plastic ones are unreliable and a gamble, at best. I’m not sure if I would entrust my life’s destiny to a $1.99 plastic button compass. The Francis Barker NATO brass button compasses are pricey, but they are trustworthy, while keeping in mind that button compasses are meant only for very general navigation. Only one button compass, from USA-made, is as accurate as bigger ones and worthy of total confidence in all conditions. The next size bigger is the watchband compass. This compass is excellent, accurate, and much better than even the good button compass. Cammenga, TruNord, and make these. Add a playing card size plastic laminated map of the USA, or cards with more specific maps, depending upon where you live and work or where you will be traveling. Copy and print them from map websites. The smallness of such map cards seems somewhat futile, but…