New Zealand: Thoughts After Seven Years, Part 1, by Nivek

…ahead of any situations that I did not like or to take off and simply try something new. An example of this freedom was in 1995. I was working for an engineering company. I was one year out of school with a civil engineering degree. On a Friday I saw an ad online in the Seattle newspaper for an engineering job in Alaska. I interviewed for the job the next Tuesday on the phone and accepted the position. I gave notice and just two weeks later I was driving up the Alaskan Highway. Before being married and having children I could pack up at the drop of a hat and relocate without worrying about anything I had left behind. It would be a long list if I were to write down everywhere I have lived and worked. Ah, the happy times of being single and free. I did settle down…

The End of “Free Will” to Lovers of Truth and Freedom, by FW

…we have free will by prophets that have spoken to us since Biblical times. However, if we are to exercise this gift of free will to choose, it means that we must have the ability to choose among different alternatives. Without choice, there is absolutely no opportunity to use free will. Media’s Efforts To Control What We Know At this time, this coming election is bringing the concept of free will to mind because of the media’s efforts to control what we know. For the most part, the mass media that is readily available to us through news reports is attempting to indoctrinate us into their way of thinking. Isn’t something really wrong when we have only “one choice”? That is not a choice in its truest meaning. If our free will and decisions are limited by guided misconceptions through propaganda, we no longer have a choice but have become…

Comprehensive Crisis Communications Planning for the Prepper, by Hammer

…Bell Canada Centennial Wireless Cellular South Cincinnati Bell Metro PCS or Nextel Omnipoint Qwest Sprint Suncom T-Mobile TracFone Telus U.S. Cellular Verizon Virgin Mobile Alaska Alaska Communications Systems General Communications Inc. Puerto Rico Centennial Wireless Claro Trachoma U.S Virgin Islands Centennial Wireless Trachoma For more carriers, see: I hope this information is useful to you in your preparation efforts. May God bless you and your families as we endure these turbulent times in our world. don’t forget to make preparations in other necessary areas as well. Beans, bullets, and band aids should be squared away before you invest in communications. And most importantly, remember to walk daily with the Jesus Christ. He is the way, the truth, and the life, and no one will come…

Women Preppers: Learn To Hunt – Part 2, by D.K.R.

…pride when I cooked and served that first venison roast. I plan to go again next season, with even more knowledge behind me, and with the confidence that I could hunt if necessary to help put food on the table. HELPFUL LINKS Hunting Information and Education Hunting, Camping, Emergency Supplies, Freeze Dried/Dehydrated Foods, MREs Camp Coffee Brewers Food Dehydrating and Recipes Wild Game Recipes Water Purification Information and Equipment* * As of this writing (likely due to the recent train derailment in Ohio and resulting potential water contamination) water filters are more difficult to find. Berkey Filters appears to be completely out of stock of most items. Check out other reliable brands or alternate methods of water filtering and purification, including making one yourself….

Letter Re: A Suggested Reading List

…: The Berkley Publishing Group, 1973. ________. Tunnel In The Sky. New York : Ballantine Books, 1955. Ing, Dean. Pulling Through. New York : Charter Communications, Inc., 1983. Kunstler, James Howard. World Made By Hand. New York : Atlantic Monthly Press, 2008. McDevitt, Jack. Eternity Road. New York : Harper Collins Publishers, 1997. Niven, Larry and Jerry Pournelle. Lucifer’s Hammer. New York : The Random House Publishing Group, 1977. Party, Boston T. Molon Labé! Ignacio , Colorado : Javelin Press, 2004. Rawles, James Wesley. Patriots: Surviving the Coming Collapse. The Clearwater Press, 2006. Sheffield, Charles. Aftermath. New York : Bantam Books, 1998. Stewart, George R. Earth Abides. New York : Del Rey Books, 1949. Stirling , S.M. Dies The Fire. New York : New American Library, 2004. ________. The Protector’s War. New York : New American Library, 2005. ________. A Meeting at Corvallis . New York : New American Library,…

Sources for Free Survival and Preparedness Information on the Internet, by K.L. in Alaska

…food preparation and much more for free download. The USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) offers downloads about preventing plant and animal diseases, among other topics. The USDA Food Safety Inspection Service (FSIS) offers Fact Sheets about food handling and preparation, and emergency preparedness. Other Important Reference Resources The classic outdoor guides, The 10 Bushcraft Books by Richard Graves are available on the Chris Molloy web site. Free manuals for electronic equipment can be downloaded from Another source is For Ham Radio and Test Equipment Manuals, the KO4BB web site has Free Downloads, as well as LINKS to many other web sites with free downloads. A few examples of repair information for outdoor equipment are Penn Reel Schematics, and Mercury outboard parts. Paid Services In the unlikely event that you can’t find free information on the Net to fix that generator or whatever you need to…

Ebola Unafraid: A Preliminary Ebola Treatment Protocol, by ShepherdFarmerGeek – Part 2

…one should have to face the death of a loved one alone.[37] PLEASE READ THESE ENDNOTES. There is valuable information here, and at least give a quick look over the pages that the Internet links lead to: References [1] [2] [3] [4] is an audio series you can download as MP3 files to listen to offline. They will give you an exhaustive look at preparing for and treating Ebola in a non-hospital setting. See also [5]The measures in this first category might need to be done for many months while Ebola works its way through the population. We just want to prime the immune system, not keep it at Red Alert level. [6] AND AND [7] [8] [9] keeping your good bowel bacteria healthy is essential [10]Take a garlic oil capsule when your meals that day cannot include fresh garlic [11]Make a written PLAN, step-by-step, of how…

The Survivalist’s Odds ‘n Sods

…something deadly is a serious deterrent. As a prepper, I have a deep level of risk aversion or risk resistance. j.m.z.b. St. Funogas This sums up colodial silver. This one explains more with sources. Tunnel Rabbit Re: Bosnia Inspired by Wheatly Fisher’s book suggestion about what happen in Bosnia (thank you): Biblesnbarbells You Tube channel has a series discussing some highlights from the book. “A video review of Selco Begovic’s new book- The Dark Secrets of SHTF Survival.” – Mike Adam’s new website. cut and paste into search engine. – Charles K. The difference between the CME and the EMP is time. The CME gives notice. Assuming our government tells us when the CME leaves the sun, you have time, hours, to disconnect your house from the grid. You have time to unplug everything in your house. You have time to isolate your solar…

The Surveillance State 2015- Part 1, by Kass Andrada

…[23]Companies include Google, LinkedIn, facebook, Microsoft, AOL, Yahoo, Dropbox, Evernote. Companies include Google, LinkedIn, facebook, Microsoft, AOL, Yahoo, Dropbox, Evernote. [24]Cell Phone Privacy Retrieved 8/10/15. [25]Do Police Need a Warrant to See Where a Phone Is? [26]In its most recent annual report, AT&T said it received 64,703 requests for CSLI in 2014. And just in the first six months of this year, Verizon says it received more than 21,000 requests. That is, in 2015, a single carrier received more than 100 requests daily for the geographic history of an American’s life, as told through their location. Id. [27]Information on PRISM collection, operating since 2007 exists in Wikipedia subject to the known limitations of that source [28]See inter alia ;; ; security/privacy-and-surveillance/ [29] americans-communications/ [30] [31]At least thirty-six more departments refused to answer whether they were using this technology. Id. [32] [33] [34]…

The Survivalist’s Odds ‘n Sods

…successful. To manage our limited resources wisely, we should plan on using various methods and chemicals for different disinfecting jobs. Knowing the correct amount to use for various jobs is critical. – How to produce laboratory grade uncapped nano silver with a concentration of 60 ppm in about an hour. Note that 15mA is running a bit hot and best left to the ‘pros’ with lab equipment. Control current in three ways by voltage, resistor, or potentiometer. 5mA is a safe level that will more likely produce the smallest nano silver particles. Here is a parts list: smid=A1THAZDOWP300U&psc=1 ( x 4 at $13.35) ——————————- Grand Total $107.91 From what I’ve seen so far, many colloidal silver making machine are on the market, yet most will not match the quality, quantity, and the very low cost of the this DYI rig. With…

Right Out the Window, by Rourke

…The extra consideration here is to insulate your shutter (or plywood) if possible, in addition to making them strong enough to do the job. This is another area where there are many new choices with recent high hurricane years,, and don’t forget a good set of hinges . Also there are accordion shutters for the inside Alternatives to windows all together include products such as solatube or the more extreme idea of “piping” in light, without the heat, concentrated by a collector dish through fiber optics . So don’t let your window to the world be a gateway for heat loss, unwanted solar gain, or the very unwanted point of uninvited entry. As a closing thought, consider also a quality periscope before you go peeking your face out in the window: This is no toy, it works great. – Rourke   website:…

Celiac Disease: The Gluten-Free Prepping Challenge, by Geoff in Kentucky

…initial reaction to the diagnosis was, “Great! So much for all of those wheat berries and pasta that I have in storage!” But after the initial shock I realized that the gluten free lifestyle and my intestinal health would not only affect my regular, daily diet. It would also have a dramatic impact upon my preps and survival food supply. Indeed, my wife and I had to make several careful, specific changes to our food storage approach. Reflecting upon our changes over the past year, I recommend these steps for anyone who might choose to live a gluten free lifestyle. 1. Decide whether your home and preps will be partially or completely gluten free. Some people with Celiac Disease convert their kitchens to completely gluten free facilities, and, thereby, include their families in the gluten free lifestyle. I did not think that such an approach would be fair to my…

Escape and Evasion in Standardized Testing, by Autistic Prepper

…a triceratops mama defending her nest of eggs from little mammals that, in 70 million years, will turn into us.” or, “This is a raincoat hanging off the Eiffel Tower on a windy day.” If you have a crazy bone hiding in yourself somewhere, use it. Tests That Are Relevant The tests I’ve described are completely different from tests designed to actually determine your competency to do a job. For instance, I worked as a secretary in college and every job required a typing test. This makes perfect sense; the ability to type was crucial to doing the job well. Side Note: My fastest time, on a Selectric II, was 119 wpm. Yes, I got hired. Today, secretaries need far more knowledge; they need to know all about spreadsheets, word processing, faxing, etc. Companies are completely justified in testing for these competencies. If You Do Choose to Evade a Personality…

Editors’ Prepping Progress

…auto-redirected to is to type: ““. Try it. We found that very funny.) It is important to follow what Biden does each day so one can be aware of how to pray and to be ready for what is coming. He is definitely furthering the UN’s “worse than communism” One World Order and will not be a friend to Christians and Conservatives. His call for unity of our country, isn’t our call for unity. His call is for us to compromise our faith and our morals and worse. Nope, that ain’t happening, Mr. Biden. We will not bow down to your depravity. Your “good” is God’s evil, what the God of the Bible claims is sin. We will not partner with it. We fear God more than man. It’s time to seriously Pray and to know God’s Word. Keep reading and listening to it and praying. We need to…

Avoiding Prepping Tunnel Vision – Part 2, by T.Z.

…Disease Control and Prevention, December 6, 2017), [2] Molly Walker, “COVID-19 Vertical Transmission: Evidence Grows in China,” Medical News and Free CME Online (MedpageToday, March 26, 2020), [3] Jane Li, “‘I Have Seen Bodies’: A Chinese Citizen Journalist Reports on the Coronavirus from Wuhan,” Quartz (Quartz, February 7, 2020), [4] Bailey Aldridge, “’Super Spreaders’ of Coronavirus May Be Among Us, Experts Say. What Does That Mean?,” Newsobserver (Raleigh News & Observer, March 15, 2020), [5] Viola Zhou, “Needs of Female Medical Workers Overlooked in Coronavirus Fight, Advocates Say,” Inkstone (Inkstone, February 15, 2020), [6] “Chinese Police Force Family Into Quarantine,” YouTube (Associated Press, February 8, 2020), [7] Editors, “San Francisco Earthquake of 1906,” (A&E Television Networks, November 9, 2009), [8] “1906 Earthquake: Law Enforcement,” National Parks Service (U.S. Department of the Interior), accessed March 31, 2020, [9] Ibid.    …