Bypassing Internet News Censorship, by M.F.

news? I hit YouTube and did some web searching. I learned that they use and they use FTPMAIL servers. So if you want to try out what they offer…email them or and see what they send you back. They should give you a catalog of pages and instructions on typing ‘get’ or info and whatever page name you want to read. Hams in the U.S. are limited by restrictions on sending commercial ads, over radio. And I would hope that someone sets up a text-only news web site like By the way, I learned that is banned/blocked on saildocs, along with They only allow, for news.) You can use the and just put a web page for a text-only e-mail back in response to your e-mailing them. The system is based on 1990s technology, but I’ve yet to find any real documation on…

The Surveillance State 2015- Part 2, by Kass Andrada

…References [1] “”The federal government should enact stringent new safety standards that require all handheld devices to be rendered inoperable when the motor vehicle is in motion,” the authors write.” [2] [3] [4] “CPC The product that SOLVES cellphone problems in prisons NOW!” [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] “An internal investigation by the C.I.A. has found that its officers penetrated a computer network used by the Senate Intelligence Committee in preparing its damning report on theC.I.A.’s detention and interrogation program.” [15] Feinstein at Stanford: U.S.needs to track possible terrorists 5/29/15 [16] “… the Federal Government shall take steps to ensure that privacy protections and policies relative to UAS continue to keep pace with these developments. Accordingly, agencies shall,prior to deployment of new UAS technology and at least every 3 years, examine their existing UAS policies…

JWR’s Recommendations of the Week:

Tunnel Rabbit Covid-19, March 3, 2020 SGT Report: The Panic Buying Begins – WARNING: Highly thought provoking/speculative. Clif High critical thinking – Feb 26/2020 – SARS2 – Bio-warfare manual – DECONTAMINATION U.S. Army Bio-warfare Manual – (Very stimulating. Lots of ‘F’ bombs tho. About Covid-19. Discusses information found on the Dark Web, and some ‘very high octane’ speculation.) March 2, 2020 RoadtoRoota Part 1 – Roota’s 2020 Timeline (Clif High & Bix Weir) – Drudge Report: WHO says death rate 3.4% higher than previously thought – AP Tensions rise as US death toll from coronavirus reaches 9 (Seattle, WA) – New York Post Video: Top US doctor says coronavirus now an ‘outbreak,’ possibly a ‘pandemic’ – Whatfinger: – Chris Martensen An Official Emergency – Zerohedge Covid-19, Doing the Math Zerohedge 7th American dies in Seattle – From Matt…

Getting A Real Education– Why Becoming Self-Sufficient Is Better Than Going To College, by D.T.

…while you are still able to enjoy it. The best way to accomplish all of this is to think of it as your “real education” and to commit to working your plan for four years as if you were attending college, only this is your practical education. Without a real commitment to accomplishing each step of the plan, you won’t reap the benefits it will deliver. So resolve right now to commit to the process. Committing to the process means you will not allow yourself to be sidetracked! There will be many who will want to sidetrack you. You will have to discipline yourself to stay focused on the prize of becoming financially free and not let anyone talk or shame you out of it. Don’t listen to the naysayers or those who love to poke holes in your dreams. They only do this because they don’t have what it…

Asteroid or Comet Impact in 2012?, by Rourke

…, and in the early 1900s the owner went bankrupt searching and drilling for the meteorite as proof, when it is now believed it exploded on impact (sending tiny bits everywhere, thus leaving no large meteorite to be found). The famous and mysterious Tungsuka impact in Siberia of 1908 is now recognized to be a meteor impact which completely exploded above the ground (thus leaving trees dead center under the blast still standing). Finally of course there is the extinction of the dinosaurs 65 million years ago, which is believed to have killed 70% of all life on Earth at that time. You may be surprised to learn that this was not the only such mass extinction, and there have be more. However, it was really the spectacular 1994 impact of comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 into the planet Jupiter which ended the speculation about asteroids or comets…

The Editors’ Quote of the Day:

…Your foreman or supervisor gives you more or-else orders in a week than the police do in a decade.” – Bob Black, The Libertarian as Conservative, 1984 Charles K. All of these complaints are in reality complaints about the gross interventions in the free market by government and its regulators.. When a corporation bribes a politician or bureaucrat to promote certain regulations, that is an intervention in the free market. When corporations and their paid hack lawyers literally write our laws and regulations, that is an intervention in the free market. We don’t have free markets in America, or anyplace else on the globe for that matter. These home owners associations are just another level of government. These too are an intervention in the free market. When an HOA can dictate what type of blinds you must use, you do not own your home, the HOA does. People who…

An Insider’s View of the Real Estate Train Wreck, by David Galland, The Casey Report

…a huge adjustment in the commercial market. Beyond the obvious, that the real estate market has taken pretty significant hits and some banks have been dragged under by their bad loans, what has really changed in real estate since the crash? MILLER: I think the first thing that changed was that people learned that prices don’t go up forever. Lenders also saw that underwriting guidelines for commercial real estate loans, especially in the securitization markets, were erroneous. They realized that some of their properties had been financed too aggressively, but still, I don’t think even at the fall of Lehman, anybody was predicting a wholesale collapse in commercial real estate. But they did see they should be more circumspect with loan underwritings. In fact, after the fall of Lehman, they completely stopped lending. I think they realized we had been living in fantasy land for 10 years. And that was…

Editor’s Prepping Progress

…But if I choose to spend my money on securing an adequate amount of food, seeds, firewood or whatever rather than eating out, buying nice furniture or the latest iPhone, who are they to tell me I need to distribute it to others? And if I had some masks stored as I do things like that, why am I supposed to feel guilty? I do donate to charity, drop off food at the Food Shelf, have some extra seeds etc stashed in case people need them; am not stingy. Just watchful as to where this all goes. And wondering which prepper novel character I am now…. Charles K. Other really stupid stuff from the land of the used-to-be free! I like Trump, but sometimes I wonder what planet he’s from. Dr.Fauci is a really scary little dude! And last but not least: Have a…

Making Your Own (An Ebola Unafraid Followup), by ShepherdFarmerGeek – Part 2

…[8] [9] OR [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16]By way of comparison, the suggested single therapeutic dose for melatonin (see my previous article, Ebola Unafraid Part 1 and Part 2) is 20,000 micrograms. [17] [18] [19] [20] OR [21] [22] [23] [24]Tychem QC collared coverall, Bib apron, Reusable gloves, Nitrile disposable gloves (worn under the reusable gloves), I think that a Powered Air Purifying Respirator (PAPR) hood is ideal for preppers. They will fit over glasses and beards, don’t have to be carefully fitted to avoid leakage (a big problem with N-95 masks), and can be hosed down to disinfect. The only downside is that they run on batteries, but I have figured that $50 worth of batteries (C123) would give plenty of time to work in a “hot zone” over the week’s time a patient is deathly ill. Enterprising preppers could even hard-wire it to a…

The K.I.S.S. Principle and Transceivers – Part 2, by Tunnel Rabbit

(Continued from Part 1.) UHF Business Band Transceivers This is a more versatile radio than the Midland MXT400 that can access off the beaten path frequencies, and provides much better COMSEC (Communications Security). These can use the same antenna, cable, and adapters detailed for the GMRS transceivers. This type of radio can be programmed per your instructions by, and the radio is easy to use and rugged. Our choice of frequencies are limited by the radio to the UHF band, and the limits of the antenna that covers only a section of the UHF band. We can also purchase an exclusive license for the private use of a frequency from the FCC using their service: UHF Business Band Base Station Transceiver Icom IC-F6021-51B UHF Base Station Radio (Complete with power supply) $459.99 UHF Business Band Mobile Transceiver Icom IC-F6021-51B (same as base station, but without the power…

Editors’ Prepping Progress

…hatch rate. I’m still praying, though. Each morning this week, I studied the book of Matthew through e-Sword and then I listened to each chapter being read aloud in Hebrew while following along in English. I just love it. The girls and I, are being quite diligent about riding our bikes every morning after the sun rises and shines in our valley. Life is very good here. Honestly, if we didn’t have our computers/Internet, we would never know that things out in the world are not looking well. Except for posting comments and quick looks at the news and my favorite YouTube channels, I’ve been away from the computer most of the day. It is definitely more freeing and peaceful. May you all have a very blessed and safe week. – Avalanche Lily, Rawles o o o As always, please share your own successes and hard-earned wisdom in the Comments….

Pat’s Product Review: New Ammo Offerings From Buffalo Bore

For the past several months, Tim Sundles, who runs Buffalo Bore Ammunition has buried me in some of his newest ammunition offerings. Somehow, I think he doesn’t like me. He just keeps coming up with more and more new loads for hunters and for self-defense use, for me to test. Seriously, I don’t know of any ammunition company, that is as innovative as Buffalo Bore is. Some of the big name ammo companies might come up with a couple new loads each year – if that. Most are content to sit back on their past accomplishments – not Tim Sundles!   If any ammo company is coming out with more newly developed loads than Buffalo Bore is, I’d sure like to know who it is. I like that a small, American-owned ammo company is taking the initiative, and taking the time and effort to come out with so many new caliber…

Buckshot on: What do the Canadian Bush Pilots Carry?

…stove Small bush saw A Estwing steel handled axe Mosquito nets and repellents Small emergency gill net, Emergency fishing kit, 3 Yo-Yo automatic fishing reels Frog/fish spear Emergency snare kit, Compass, The book Six Ways in, Twelve Ways Out German mess kit Small Backpack Blastmaster Sewing awl PAL light Regarding firearms, read this article: If I was in big bear (grizzly and brown bear) country I would switch up to a 45-70. 🙂 Why the PAL light? Every survivalist should own at least one PAL for every person. The PAL light takes a 9 volt battery. Now why is that important? Talking to my good friend Craig H. from Hawaii, he told me the reason I should have already known. You see, Craig has lived through 3 hurricanes. After the mad rush to the store with everyone…

New Frontier Compact, by X. Liberal

Dear Readers, This is a Compact I wrote for a ficticious people in a ficticious land and at a time of world calamity. It is not based upon any Constitution of political significance of today, unless otherwise noted. I’m anxious to obtain feedback. If you were going to ratify this, what changes would be needed from your perspective? I will also not have time to reply to feedback but will gather all into account. Of course, if the balloon goes up today, this might come in handy real soon. Thanks and God Bless! – X. Liberal PREAMBLE We, the peoples of the New Frontier, in order to preserve our Union, restore peace and justice (not social justice), for ourselves and also for our prodigy, do ordain and establish this Compact for the New Frontier. ARTICLE I (Restoration) Section 1 To save succeeding generations from the scourge of Elitism, which many…

The Survivalist’s Odds ‘n Sods

michael Dear Editors, Cause of CoVid19 is a bio-weapon. Andre sent a disinformation propaganda article. Avalanche Lily The latest Ice Age Farmer: Another “must listen to” FEMA/DHS Food Shortages Timeline Leaked / China Panic Buying Food / Have Hope Ani I don’t know if we’ll ever prove it and for sure the Chicom government won’t be forthcoming but I too believe that Covid-19 originated in a lab. I don’t think it was an intentional release; wasn’t “ready” yet. Somehow due to sloppiness or malfeasance though I feel certain that this virus escaped the bio-weapons lab in Wuhan and here we are. Avalanche Lily Bill Gate’s Invisible Tattoo: The Mark From Microsoft: Smart Tattoos: So this has been blocked, just type in the words above and I’m sure you will find the article. These are not Kosher for those who love the Lord God of Abraham,…