Why Did it Have to be … Guns?, by L. Neil Smith

Over the past 30 years, I’ve been paid to write almost two million words, every one of which, sooner or later, came back to the issue of guns and gun-ownership. Naturally, I’ve thought about the issue a lot, and it has always determined the way I vote. People accuse me of being a single-issue writer, a single- issue thinker, and a single- issue voter, but it isn’t true. What I’ve chosen, in a world where there’s never enough time and energy, is to focus on the one political issue which most clearly and unmistakably demonstrates what any politician — or …

Our Daily Passive Battle, by H.G.

I’m firmly in the “meek” category along with most of the attributes you would assume go with it: introverted, passive-aggressive, quiet, content, peace-loving, hard to anger, patient, etc.  I can put up with a lot, get along with anybody.  I have strong opinions but I know that nobody wants to hear them. My daily intake of news consists of scanning the mostly-local headlines of one of the city television stations, reading a couple stories of interest to get a deeper picture, and relying mostly on headlines for the gist of the national happenings.  I’m not completely head-in-the-sand but I know …

We Have a Major Problem, by Castle Circle

We Have a major problem, and it isn’t going to just away. As I write this, we have multiple people shot in Kenosha, 80+ days of rioting in Portland, and the large major cities are powderkegs waiting to blow. Lack of leadership from city and state leaders nationwide has exacerbated the problem greatly while blaming everyone but those responsible for those places and people. I look at this from the standpoint of an amateur historian, and I see this getting far worse before or if it gets better, with winter coming, riots, Covid and all its ramifications, things are going …

The Next Two Years, by A.E.

The following is my conjecture about the turmoil ahead in the next two years. I have this waking nightmare that we are living on a knifes edge and the next two to five years may be the time we slip on that edge.  I started writing this to try and get my head around where we are and where we’re going. It spiraled out from there. I have tried to rewrite it so it isn’t so negative, but that hasn’t worked, it keeps veering in the following direction. China had the Cultural Revolution and the Red guards; we have the …

What if We Win?, by CPT F.T.

When all is said and done, there is much more said than done. This will be the first of many quotes that I did not come up with and will not reference or footnote because I’m not trying to get a passing grade on an essay but am trying to communicate a few ideas that I think may be germane to our culture. With all the survival and instructional blogs (this one being the capstone by which all others are measured) and web sites pontificating and gesturing broadly about what to do when (fill in the blank with assorted and …

Some Thoughts About COVID-19, by The Novice

Introduction COVID-19 has a big impact on each of our lives. We make decisions daily regarding COVID-19 that influence the lives and futures of those we love and care for. As a result, I have been giving COVID-19 a lot of attention and thought for many months now. I would like to share some thoughts, opinions, and speculations about COVID-19 that may spur your thinking. I invite you to share your thoughts, opinions and speculations as well, in case they may be helpful to me. The Bottom Line COVID-19 is a new virus, to which none of us has prior resistance. It has …

To Keep and Bear, by Joshua G.

“To conquer a nation, you must first disarm its citizens.” That was spoken by Adolf Hitler, one of the twentieth century’s most hideous leaders. These words serve as a dire warning to all freedom-loving Americans. As active shootings have become more and more publicized so has a rising clamor for stringent government action. Screeching fabricated mendacities from between their parched lips, liberal politicians, some openly communist, encourage people to support new Red Flag gun laws. They vigorously insist that these laws will keep Americans “safer”. This is false. Many have been deceived. The danger is real. Common sense refutes their …

What if a Riot Comes Down My Street? , by T.S. in Ohio

A few weeks ago, I jumped on SurvivalBlog hoping to see discussions about the riots and good ideas being shared but I was very surprised with such a major disaster unfolding to see that there was barely a mention about the riots. (Sorry, I meant “mostly peaceful protests”!) But I was glad to see the discussion pick up a few days ago with the article titled: Is It Time to Worry? by Jim S. because I believe these riots and the groups behind them are the most “clear and present danger” that the citizens of America currently face. I believe …

Leadership: Who Will Really Fight?, by J.D.

As of late I have been pondering who amongst us –meaning Americans– will really be willing to pick up their rifles or pistols and defend their neighborhoods, homes, and families when it’s apparent that help, i.e. 911 is not going to be an option. I was recently at a large Christian campout that had a shooting range with a long table and roof. There was a large amount of brass on the ground and we were all having a good time sending lead downrange. Although I was encouraged to see the number of people that were exercising their second amendment …

Back On The Reservation: Implications of McGirt v. Oklahoma

Most SurvivalBlog readers have seen news and commentary pieces like this one, inked over at the Whatfinger.com aggregation site: Supreme Court Just Gave Back Half Of Oklahoma To Native Americans, Leftist Judges Uphold 1866 Treaty. The ramifications of the recent McGirt v. Oklahoma decision are huge. I predict that this court ruling will be a key precedent and have some far-reaching Implications. It may even open the door for the Balkanization of the United States. This case sets a key precedent. Folks living on land that was formerly part of a reservation should particularly take note. Many reservations have had …

Tyranny Theory, by A.T.

It’s been said that left to itself, government will naturally devolve into tyranny.1 The natural tendency of government is to continue to grow and bloat ever larger, to the point that the state has almost complete control over every aspect of the individual’s life. Freedom often dies a slow death by a thousand cuts. The Founding Fathers of America understood this and did everything they could to prevent this from ever happening in the United States. As a result, The U.S. Constitution is the best government document ever written by man. However, I would like to propose a theory on …

Is It Time To Worry?, by Jim S.

All the readers of this blog have been preparing. Prepping for disasters, both man-made and natural. We even prepped for Financial Crises and Economic collapse. But were we anticipating an insurrection? Not really. We all on this blog believe in America, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights. We also believed the American Dream and that our way of life would survive almost any disaster. Now come groups, mostly college-educated that say America is 100% racist, amoral, evil and their solution is to destroy it. “BURN IT TO THE GROUND” says the BLM New York City leader. Last week I …

Prepare Now for Post-Election Chaos, by A. Deplorable

The days that followed the presidential election of 2016 were incomprehensible to most Americans. Protesters filled the streets with shouts of “He’s not my president,” a statement that was echoed by a member of congress. Only a few months before the end of his term there are countless persons who refuse to acknowledge the legitimacy of the Trump presidency. Things will be worse after Election Day on November 3rd, 2020 if Biden fails to win. The protests, rioting, looting, and murders that followed the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis were only slowly beginning to diminish after more than two …