Light One Candle

Happy Hanukkah! We are hoping our Jewish and Messianic friends are having a bright and peaceful Hanukkah! We are currently in the third of eight days of Hanukkah, a celebration of the re-dedication of the Temple at the time of the Maccabean revolt after Antiochus IV Epiphanes desecrated it during the Seleucid empire’s occupation of the Holy Land. Much of the Maccabean story is about fighting against assimilation into a pagan culture.We can certainly understand this concept today. This video is Benny Friedman’s rendition of Peter, Paul, and Mary’s “Light One Candle” in memory of that victory. John 10:22-30

Book Release Announcement: My Thailand Calling

I’m pleased to announce the release of the latest book from Liberty Paradigm Publishing.  It is the autobiography of Rynier Kruger, a Christian man who has devoted his life to missionary service in Thailand.  He has spent more than 20 years there, and now speaks Thai fluently.  The book, titled My Thailand Calling, was just released as a Kindle e-book, and as a Print On Demand trade paperback.  Here is a description: My Thailand Calling is the autobiography of Christian missionary Rynier Kruger. Born in Southern Rhodesia in 1952, Rynier Kruger had an idyllic boyhood growing up on his family’s …

Hope With A Temporal Leftist Regime- Part 1 , by J.R.V.

Recognition of the inevitability of comprehensive bureaucratization does not solve the problems that arise out of it.—Joseph Schumpeter, Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy Many of us—including me—worry about the downward arc of liberty, ethics, and economic freedom and contemplate where we might find hope. If you are taking the time to read this article, in all likelihood, I needn’t detail the myriad challenges we face for you either. Rather, the question is: is there any hope? Or are we fated to descend into a new Dark Age, aided and abetted, in the famous words of Winston Churchill regarding National Socialism, by …

Letter: TEOTWAWKI Weekend Experience

Hi Hugh, Just did the TEOTWAWKI weekend prep. As a background, I live on an Army base. (And, yes, I have places to go in the Country as well.) The Schedule went like this: Morning prayers is how it started. It was just my Son and I. (My Wife is an atheist, so she doesn’t pray. She does get heard in our prayers.) We gave thanks to our Savior, the Lord, Jesus Christ. Activities: Morning PT or Physical Training. My son and I wrestled and boxed. I personally have very well respected credentials in this, for most. My son is …

Feminism, The Industrial Revolution and Natural Design: The Way Forward Requires Sacrifice, by The Recovering Feminist

Now is not the time to neglect this topic of feminism. In fact, I sense a growing public awareness that feminism is experiencing an identity crisis. We are witnessing a time when the public is beginning to wake up and question the rational of incoherent narratives and faulty ideologies, like feminism and Marxism. This calls for implementing a somewhat offensive strategy to push forward in truth, gaining the initiative. For those of you familiar with my previous posts, this one will be a bit different. It begins by laying out our current predicament, highlighting The Industrial Revolution and culture’s fact-value …

On Corruption, by Sheepdog and Son

This article deals with the different levels of corruption within our society, and I’m dedicating it to US Army Colonel Dave Grossman, author of the book On Killing amongst others. I feel it is important to address these issues, for the sake of survival. As a preface, I can state that I am a military member who thus far has served with distinction. My immediate family is small, including a young son, who I hold very dear. I am a prepper, a realist, survivalist, and a patriot. I do indeed have my own prepping group as well, which I have …

Is Stealing From The Corporation Really Stealing?, by S.C.

Every day I encounter people, at my workplace, at my church, with friends going out to dinner, et cetera, who are doing something I find questionable, to say the least. For some reason, otherwise ordinarily honest people who you could trust if you left a stack of twenty dollar bills out on your table do not consider that taking money or goods from a corporation is stealing at all. This has been driving me crazy for the last several years as I see more and more people doing it. Thou Shalt Not Steal I go to what I would consider …

Letter: Relationships and Survival

Dear Hugh, About two years ago I came to a conscience awareness, that I had been living my life wrong. At that time, I had a son and a spouse. I came to realize that I was raised and was always a Christian. I should start actively following that faith, including daily prayer. At the same time, I also consciously realized that the world is going to change radically, perhaps very soon. A simple man at heart, I believe that everyone should give thanks for their life and be respectful to the teachings of the Christian Bible. I also believe …

Letter: Question on Race

Dear SurvivalBlog Readers: A lot of emphasis lately has been put on race. Who cares really? As long as you survive. That’s the bottom line really. It’s only up to your sons and daughters, whose race they will wed with. The truth is, you have been given the concept of Free Will; Which you can act upon. This means questioning authority to which you know, whether it is left, or right. As long as you do the good thing. Would you choose a side that believes in War, or who chooses Peace, What if Peace meant your Sons Daughters would …

Guest Article: A Listening Pause, ShepherdFarmerGeek

It’s time for a listening pause and then some evaluation and possible adjustments. As the roller coaster of our national life clanks its way to the apex for the sudden wild ride to the bottom, we can see events unfolding now that will prove to be the beginnings of multiple crises. Which wheel falls off first will not be as important as the fact that there will soon be several overlapping issues. Time To Evaluate and Adjust Now is not the time to be congratulating ourselves on our level of preparedness, but the time to make sure that we have: …

What We See And Believe Is Not Always Reality, by Old Bobbert

Let’s talk about reality and what we see and believe, but just for a moment imagine this scenario. Visualize the following presumably safe evening event at your home one day soon. A Grateful Situation…Somewhere You are reflecting on the terrible situation in (name any major city, state, or area) and you are very grateful that your home area is not severely affected by that power grid outage somewhere else in the country, specifically about 1,000 miles away from your home. Your area power system is functioning just fine. You’re feeling really bad for that area as you watch the video …

Letter: Thank You from Texas

HJL, Thank you SurvivalBlog for all that you do.The things I have learned from this blog the last few years has been very helpful with helping me and my family make it through the Harvey Disaster down here in Houston.Even though my preps are not at the level I would like them to be at , the things we did have (God, clean drinking water,food,personal protection and fuel) were enough to give me and my family comfort that we would of make it through. I’m very thankful that my home was high and dry and we received no damage to …

How I Stopped Worrying and Used P.M.C.T.- Part 2, by D.D.

Yesterday, I shared my background and how I retreated to my retreat cabin for 83 days.  I reemerged a changed person, maturing from “Doom Prepper” to someone with a greater appreciation for life and nature. I made some changes to accommodate my family and life situation. Still, I found contentment in living what would I would have considered a certain death trap years earlier. How did I do it? My Answer: P.M.C.T. P.M.C.T. stands for Prayer, Mindset, Confidence, and Training Prayer Without faith in something you are truly lost. Whether it is God, peace, humanity, or puppy dogs, you must …

How I Stopped Worrying and Used P.M.C.T.- Part 1, by D.D.

With the apparent imminent collapse that I have focused upon in my years of preparedness, I was worrying. My focus became a frantic effort. I made plans. Yet, wisdom came with P.M.C.T. “The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps.”-Proverbs 16:9 “Man plans and God laughs…” -old Yiddish adage The Tenth Man Theory In the 2013 zombie apocalypse movie World War Z the hero has a conversation with an Israeli Mossad agent about the Tenth Man Theory. It states (and I paraphrase) that in the midst of military planning, if nine people agree on a particular …