Budget Planning- Part 5, by Sarah Latimer

Cutting Costs- Some Ideas We Have Implemented As I have said before, it is necessary to set priorities and develop a spending plan with your spouse and family in order to utilize your financial resources to achieve life goals. If you have followed along so far, you’ve documented your current income, your fixed expenses, and your flexible expenses. You have begun to consider other sources of income and maybe ways to cut expenses. Hopefully, you have also taken time to get a healthy perspective on money and its roles in your life as well as your spending habits. Have you …

Is Being Prepared Getting In The Way of Living?, by M.

What are you preparing for? Are you getting ready to survive an EMP attack? A financial meltdown? Flu pandemic? Nuclear holocaust? Regardless of what we are preparing for, sometimes it is healthy to ask ourselves how we are living in the meantime. Those of us who feel a need to prepare do it with a passion, but are we preparing in sensible ways that allow us to enjoy life each day, or are we so busy watching and waiting for the chaos of life to justify the time and money we’ve spent on our “preps” that we miss a lot …

Getting To Your Children and Keeping Them Safe: Help For An Absentee Parent- Part 2, by J.C.

For older children, there are a variety of ways you can help them. The first is exposing them to the outdoors and teaching them the skills and knowledge you have learned. Do not rely on teachers, schools, or other adults to make sure they are prepared. Even if you have limited time with your children, small things can help. Every child should have some type of bug out bag at their main residence. This bag should cover these main categories: water, food, shelter, signaling, communication, and protection. Make sure that all items are age appropriate and they know how to …

Letter Re: Digital Currency Weapons and Intel Tools

Hello, I have recently been doing a bit of research for my Payroll and Accounting class, and part of that led me to a 2007 Kansas law that allowed employers to select the form of payment to employees. These include things you might expect, like cash, direct deposit, checks, and more interestingly for me payroll debit cards. The payroll debit cards led to further research I thought worth sharing and somewhat related. To be clear, I fully support a laissez-faire approach to private business, but the digital trend may be worth looking at. First, governments around the world are keenly …

Letter Re: What We are Up Against

Greetings: You may be aware of my concerns over the potential for local infiltration of Islamists and what will no doubt ensure thereafter. As bad as some criminals are, most don’t gun-down 100 young adults in a club! And shockingly, far too many Americans fail to understand that horrific tragedy was considered desirable and “compassionate” by an Imam preaching in the local Orlando Mosque… Here is the video from their local TV station: Look at the battle that Mayor Van Dyne in Irving Texas has been fighting… and how she was ambushed by her own city council members when it …

Letter Re: Dealing with Troubled Teens

Hugh, Bow thy heavens, O LORD, and come down: touch the mountains, and they shall smoke. Cast forth lightning, and scatter them: shoot out thine arrows, and destroy them. Send thine hand from above; rid me, and deliver me out of great waters, from the hand of strange children; Whose mouth speaketh vanity, and their right hand [is] a right hand of falsehood. – Psalm 144:5-8 Taking in troubled teens, in the best of times, is a full-blown battle. In times of unrest, it seems like the equivalent of taking prisoners, and you need a prison. How important it is …

Letter Re: Dealing with Troubled Teens in a Post-Collapse World

HJL, In response to the question “Let them in or not?” in “Dealing with Troubled Teens in a Post-Collapse World- Part 1”, do yourself a favor and answer “NO!” to that question. Dealing with a “troubled teen” when the child is your own is one thing. Voluntarily inviting that kind of volatility into an already bad situation is sheer insanity! Not only will the child not listen to you, you run the risk of an “authority conflict” between you and the child’s parents. This will affect everyone under your roof and could spell disaster for all. Reaching out to others …

Memorial Day: Give it Meaning!

This weekend we celebrate Memorial Day (originally called Decoration Day), a day of remembrance for those who have died serving in the military of the United States of America. In my family, we think especially of my Great Uncle Robert Kinsella, who died when his B-24D bomber “Punjab” was lost on a bombing mission over Rabaul in the South Pacific, on November 16th, 1942. It was the lead bomber on the mission. Both Group Commander (Colonel Arthur Meehan) and the Squadron Commander (Major Raymond Morse) were on board. Memorial day is more than just a three day weekend with BBQs, …

Guest Article: Getting Right With God, by Mr. T.

Whenever I hear the phrase about “getting right with God”, I have an image of a Clint Eastwood-type cowboy/farmer character with a shotgun and threatening a young fella’ that got his daughter pregnant by saying, “Son, you gonna git yourself right with me and the Lord and marry the girl or I’m gonna send you to heaven right now”. The boy had an obvious need to “get right”, but what about us as preppers? I often hear the admonition that we need to “get right with God” before the SHTF because it will be too late then. We don’t have …

Let’s Be The “Good Guy With a Computer” Too, by Tupreco

We all get emails or other Internet postings sent to us about something sensational or horrifying or something that just motivated the sender to repost it or forward it on to you. Most of us just ignore them and shake our heads at the gullibility of the sender. You know the kind I’m talking about. Here are a few of the famous ones that are still making the rounds after years of circulation and recirculation: The Blue Star temporary tattoo for kids laced with LSD! The FCC petition started by atheists to ban all religious broadcasting! Proctor and Gamble has …

Obama’s Wide Open Throttle

Eight years ago, Barrack Hussein Obama (BHO) and his cronies were swept into office by a naive electorate that fell for their vague promises of “Hope and Change”. But today many of us have lost hope, and we have all suffered from the change. It was as if a locomotive had a change of engineers, and the drunken replacement accelerated the train with a wide open throttle. Obama’s statist-collectivist policies have been instituted at a breakneck pace. Let’s take a few minutes to ponder Obama’s legacy and just what all of BHO’s “change” has wrought: Massive government debt. With the …

The Disgruntled Man Epidemic and More Destructive Effects of Feminism, by J

“We make men without chests and expect of them virtue and enterprise. We laugh at honour and are shocked to find traitors in our midst. We castrate and bid the geldings be fruitful.”1 (C.S. Lewis) Postmodernism willingly allowed for and encouraged the feminist hate we witness spewed nearly everywhere today. There is no censuring the hate, only censuring of objective truth. There is no censuring immorality, only the censuring of natural law. Building on the topic of my previous submissions (Seven Survival Tips for the Modern Feminist and Seven Survival Tips For the Modern Feminist- Take II), I would like …

Remember Who You Should Fear- Part 2, by Sarah Latimer

Many in the Bible trusted God’s promises, went through a preparation period, were humbled, and did or saw great things with the hand of God moving upon them and around them to protect them, use them, and bless them and others. Noah trusted in God, but He had to build the ark. Abram’s faith of believing God’s promises was counted unto him as righteousness. He was the recipient of a mighty covenant that we are still seeing fulfilled today, and it is through His people that the nations of the world are blessed. (Gen 15, 18:18, and 22) Yet, the …

Remember Who You Should Fear- Part 1, by Sarah Latimer

Not long ago I attended a large, women’s conference for Bible believers with a diverse set of denominational, cultural, and social backgrounds. There, I heard a consistent undercurrent from the attendees as they spoke among themselves on end times, evil, uncertainty, failing economics, Islam, terrorism, failing education, and especially on politics. I’d identify their general focus by summing it up in a word– fear. Little was said about faith, hope, and confidence, though God was mentioned from time to time in the conversations I overheard. There was less joy apparent among believers in attendance than I can recall from any …