Two Letters Re: Love Thy Neighbor…Trust No One

HJL, The writer of this letter is waking up to the unfortunate reality that, thanks to our national leadership or lack thereof, the law only applies to those who adhere to the law. Lawbreakers have been taught by our own government that there are no consequences for breaking the law. On the contrary, lawbreakers are now actually being REWARDED for breaking the law. This will only get worse. As the author of the letter has discovered, we’re going to have our hands full in the coming times. May God be with us all. – Pete H. o o o HJL, …

Letter: Love Thy Neighbor…Trust No One.

Hugh, First let me say that I am a Christian and have followed JWR for many years and appreciate his Christian values when dealing with survival/WROL/collapse scenarios. Today, my faith was tested and I felt compelled to share my experience with you and your readers. My back story: Five years ago in 2010, I moved to eastern Tennessee to work. I lived in employer provided housing, but purchased a remote property along the Cumberland Plateau for camping, exercise, and hunting. Being of the prepper mindset, I built a small cabin, cleared some of the wooded property and began to assemble …

Howdy Folks, And Welcome To Our Neighborhood!, by ShepherdFarmerGeek

I’ve been working on this article for a while and maybe now’s the time to share it. I would like to have a page of orientation information to post at our bugout encampment or in our neighborhood after we’ve implemented the Community Action Plan and the dust has started to settle. So this is my best attempt to put together some foundational ideas that should apply to every situation. I’ve deliberately tried to keep it conversational, simple, and friendly (maybe even slightly humorous), because there are a lot of “don’ts”. I’m looking forward to seeing what else the SurvivalBlog community …

Masters of Deceit, by Enola Gay

With every social program that is enacted, every attempt at a re-distribution of wealth by our political “leaders” we are shamed into reluctant submission by our vague notions of Christian charity. We have been raised to “feed the hungry” and “clothe the naked” and “provide a home for the homeless”. Politicians and religious leaders, who have made social justice their god, quote scriptures to us, validating their own agenda; “He who shuts his ears to the cries of the poor will be ignored in his own time of need” (Proverbs 21:13), “If you give to the poor, your needs will …

Letter Re: Helping the Maxners

Hugh, It is never possible to insure or prepare for every event. You can only do what you are able and what is prudent. The one thing which should be different about the Redoubt vs. other “preppers” goes back to DeToqueville when our country was young. But the scene is now changed, and gradually the two ranks mingle; the divisions which once severed mankind are lowered, property is divided, power is held in common, the light of intelligence spreads, and the capacities of all classes are equally cultivated; the State becomes democratic, and the empire of democracy is slowly and …

Killer Survivalism, by Faith Believing

Do you read the news and start to worry? Do you lie awake at night gripped with fears of the future? Do you bolt awake at midnight and stave off the panic by making lists of preps to buy? Have you talked to your doctor about this? Don’t get me wrong; I think survivalism is a good thing. However, I think that there is an under-addressed subject that survivalists would do well to contemplate: the emotional stress brought on by worry about the future can be as deadly as the things you’re worrying about. It can work the other way, …

Letter Re: Multiple Families on Your Retreat

Hi. The article on Multiple Families was very good. We, too, live at our retreat. We’ve been working for five years to make this 9000 ft elevation retreat sustainable and may someday write about lessons learned, but for now we just want to respond to Farmer Brown. He was very generous to invite someone in to partner on the ranch, especially since the infrastructure he owns is a very expensive venture– one not shared by the new family. We believe we solved this issue in that we developed a co-op and invited a number of small families from our church …

My Home Won’t Keep Me Safe in a SHTF, by SDL

I just wanted to start by saying I’m so thankful for sites like yours and other independent media out there that have the courage to share the truth. I know we can’t ever be free until we start thinking for ourselves and caring to learn the truth. It’s amazing how many people I’ve talked to and tried to warn, but they aren’t in the least bit interested. I would say the church is less interested than the world. They don’t seem to care about anything outside of their comfort zone. I’ve read that Americans have an eight second attention span. …

Letter: Are We Prepared?

Dear HL and Readers, I am a faithful reader of SurvivalBlog and enjoy the links to related articles. I, along with many of you, am seeing the signs of problems ahead. Your readers are preparing and have beans, bullets, and bandages. They are ready, but are they really? I went to Haiti after the devastating earthquake in 2010. I was part of a Christian mission team who helped with the construction of a home for a family in the Port-au-Prince area. For a period of about eight days, I experienced some incredible things. I slept in a tent inside a …

Letter Re: A Problem Today That is Only Going to Get Worse After TSHTF

I have a special appreciation for the letter written and posted on July 25th by S. C. S. C. has mirrored my sentiments exactly. I have had several friends say to me, “When the SHTF I know where I am going, I am coming to YOUR house.” My reply, as I laugh hysterically, “You might want to rethink that one, cause you might get shot!” They do not realize just how serious prepping is. When I began prepping in earnest (I prepped somewhat half-heartedly for more than 20 years), I was very excited about it. I wanted to tell everyone …

Letter: A Problem Today That is Only Going to Get Worse When SHTF

HJL, About ten years ago my wife and I made the decision it was time to get out of the city and move to a more sustainable rural environment. We discovered a place with great climate, reasonable land prices, good neighbors, good job opportunities. You know, it had all the right stuff. We moved and began and continue to put our “prep” plans into effect at our new location. Over the years we have had numerous family members come to visit, and they also have fallen in love with the area. Although they are not involved in any type of …

Married Under God or Licensed Marriage, by G.P.

Three women and two men who wear robes to work` have decided that they know more than God on what marriage is. They have chosen to throw out all that we have known as Godly marriage. I fully and firmly disagree. Married Under God What does it mean to be “married under God”? Let’s start at the beginning, at creation. The Man: These are the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were created, in the day that the Lord God made the earth and the heavens, and every plant of the field before it was in …

Letter Re: Don’t Tread On Us

HJL, In his “Don’t Tread On Us” contribution, BJ says SCOTUS erred in not treating gay marriage as a states’ rights matter. The states agreed, in 1868, via the 14th Amendment, that they would provide equal privilege, immunity, and protection of the laws to all citizens. The 14th Amendment reads, in part: “No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal …

Don’t Tread On Us, by B.J.

This past July 4th was a somber day for us. We spent the day reflecting on the state of our country, not the least of which was the recent Supreme Court actions and the world and sacrifices our founding Fathers endured. Later in the day my wife and I decided to get off the farm and go to town for a burger. We passed a large city park that was packed full of people making merry. I wondered, “What independence are they celebrating?” Did I miss something? Have we solved the pesky little problem of unreasonable searches and seizures in …

Letter: 501c3

HJL, The IRS is not evil in itself, in my view. They are a tax collection agency for the government. They are pretty good at what they do, albeit with many errors and some corruption along the way. The law makers who write the laws implementing policies that the IRS must enforce are another matter. Most of those folks we elect, and it’s not a pretty picture. I don’t believe the IRS is where the real fight for the soul of our country is or will be. We, as Christians, can either change the law (policy) through lobbying and/or elections, …