JWR’s Recommendations of the Week:

Here are JWR’s Recommendations of the Week for various media and tools of interest to SurvivalBlog readers. This week the focus is on propane refrigerators and freezers. (See the Gear section.)


Just released yesterday (September 4th, 2018): The Last Hour: An Israeli Insider Looks at the End Times. In the past two years, I have spent dozens of hours listening to Amir Tsarfati’s analyses of the situation in the Middle East. He has the level-headed reasoning of an intelligence officer (which he is, in the IDF Reserve), but also has the perspective of a Christian. This promises to be a great book. I pre-ordered mine, and it just arrived on Tuesday. I can’t wait to read it!

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The Old Farmer’s Almanac – 2019

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Alchemy of Herbs: Transform Everyday Ingredients into Foods and Remedies That Heal


Movies & Television:

Food Production Systems for a Backyard or Small Farm

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Stalag 17

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The Essential Steve McQueen Collection (Bullitt Two-Disc Special Edition / The Getaway Deluxe Edition / The Cincinnati Kid / Papillon / Tom Horn / Never So Few)

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The Editors’ Quote of the Day:

“The alternate domination of one faction over another, sharpened by the spirit of revenge natural to party dissension, which in different ages and countries has perpetrated the most horrid enormities, is itself a frightful despotism. But this leads at length to a more formal and permanent despotism.” – George Washington

Preparedness Notes for Tuesday – September 04, 2018

September 4, 1862 is the fateful day that General Lee invaded the North with 50,000 troops. Historians will banter back and forth about the real reasons for the civil war, but we will probably never fully understand. It is my personal belief that General Lee was gambling on a quick offensive because the South did not have the resources for a prolonged war. Whatever the case was, President Abraham Lincoln trampled the Constitution and created the foundation for the “Big Brother” government we have today.

Preventing the Statists’ Planned Coup de Maître

For more than a decade I’ve been saying that we are living in the age of deception and betrayal. Recent events here in the United States have now proven that, without any doubt.

In July of this year, I warned that a new wave of overt Internet censorship was developing. I did so in an article titled: The Internet Gulag: Demonetization, Demonization, and Deletion.

à La Nancy Kerrigan

On Monday August 6, 2018, at least a dozen social[ist] media web services launched a coordinated deletion attack on InfoWars.com. Four more followed suit, within a few days. This was no coincidence. For so many sites to blacklist InfoWars all on the same day must have taken planning and agreement between many corporate executives. (Ironically, they had accused Alex Jones of promotting “conspiracy theories” and then those same executives conspired together, to ban him.) And this was not just some politely orchestrated shaming event. This was a similitude of a full-on Nancy Kerrigan-style baton stroke to the kneecap. Thousands of hours of videos archives were removed. It is noteworthy that before the ban, Alex Jones had more than 2 million YouTube subscribers. His show is is still carried on dozens of AM talk radio stations across the country. And it can still be heard at Real.video. But don’t look for any video or audio of the show in social media. It is gone. Poof! Down the Memory Hole.

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SurvivalBlog’s News From The American Redoubt

Here is SurvivalBlog’s News From The American Redoubt. This weekly column features news stories and event announcements from around the American Redoubt region. We also mention companies of interest to preppers that are located in the region. The emphasis this week is on grizzly bears. (See the Idaho, Montana, Washington, and Wyoming sections.)



Three of the five American Redoubt states ranked high on this list:  2018’s States Most Dependent on the Gun Industry

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From The Spokesman-Review newspaper web site: Your Outdoors Photos: August 2018

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August Snow for Northern Rockies

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My #1 Son’s SurvivalRealty.com web site now has dozens of retreat properties listed in the five American Redoubt  states. Take a look!



Judge blocks grizzly bear hunts in Idaho, Wyoming

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The Inland NW Prep Expo will be held the weekend of September 22 & 23, 2018.  This well-attended event will be held at the Bonner County Fairgrounds, near Sandpoint, Idaho.

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Stockpile Defense–a full line “brick and mortar” gun shop–is continuing to expand their inventory at their store in Boise, Idaho. Check them out. They also offer Internet ordering for a large portion of their inventory.

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The Survivalist’s Odds ‘n Sods:

SurvivalBlog presents another edition of The Survivalist’s Odds ‘n Sods— a collection of news bits and pieces that are relevant to the modern survivalist and prepper from “HJL”. Current fear is that the deadly pig disease, African swine fever, will make it to U.S. shores.

Deadly Pig Disease

Reader H.L. sent in this article on the current outbreak of African swine fever. While there isn’t a current case in the United States, experts are warning that its not a case of “if” but “when”. Similarly to the outbreak of avian flu that created fowl and egg shortages, the only real way to deal with outbreaks is the destruction of the whole sounder of swine. In many countries, even the appearance of the disease in a single pig dooms the entire farm. In Spain, they are finding that ticks that feed on the pigs are also carriers and are destroying entire [old] farm buildings, replacing them with modern facilities in an effort to contain the disease. So far, cases have been reported in Africa, Europe, and Asia. The concern for the U.S. is the same one Germany is facing. With a large population of wild boar, there is virtually no way to contain the disease.

Socialism at Work

The proponents of Socialism in America often point to certain European countries as examples of socialism that they want to emulate. Leave aside the fact that all of those countries exist because of America (and the fact that many of them are only recently socialist – they created their wealth under capitalism). If Americans had to pay the 50% or higher tax rates that these countries pay, they would revolt. In Sweden, they have single payer (universal) health care. But examples abound of why this isn’t good. Asia Nader was diagnosed with a hole in her heart at age 21. She was nearly 23 before she could have the surgery to fix it. Sure the law states that patients wait no more than 90 days for care, but one in three end up waiting much, much longer. Most complain about waits longer than six months and the inability to see the same practitioner for continuity of care.

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Kershaw’s Faultline Folder, by Pat Cascio

You don’t have to spend a lot of money to get a lot of knife– one that will serve your every day needs quite well. The Kershaw Faultline is just such a folder.

Kershaw Knives

I’ve been reviewing Kershaw Knives for about 25 years, and I’ve toured their plant several times, even the new one that they opened a few years ago and already needs to be expanded to meet their needs. I remember on my very first tour of Kershaw, they had a mere 18 employees assembling knives and one lone gal inspected every knife before it was boxed up and shipped. Kershaw has come a long way since then. They now employ hundreds of people. It is quite the operation to watch how certain people assemble certain parts of a knife and it is moved down the line for the next person to work on it. Then it goes on to the room, a big room with lots of people who do nothing except sharpen knives all day long. They also test each blade for sharpness by slicing newspaper.

Kai Corporation

Kershaw is now owned by the Kai Corporation in Japan. I’m not sure if this is still true, but at one time Kai made more razor blades than any other company. They are also world famous for their kitchen cutlery and, of course, a division of Kershaw– Zero Tolerance, which makes those high-end, specialty knives for military and law enforcement use. However, you can still buy them even if you’re a civilian.

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Economics & Investing For Preppers

Here are the latest items and commentary on current economics news, market trends, stocks, investing opportunities, and the precious metals markets. We also cover hedges, derivatives, and obscura. And it bears mention that most of these items are from the “tangibles heavy” contrarian perspective of JWR. (SurvivalBlog’s Founder and Senior Editor.) Today’s focus is on making a living with farmland. (See the Tangibles Investing section.)


Brevan Howard is first non-bank caught by margin rules, sources say. “Non-cleared exposures thought to exceed $1.5 trillion.”

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Hedge funds turn to curve options for steepener trades


Economy & Finance:

Next, at Wolf Street: Turkey’s Debt & Currency Crisis Morphs into Financial Crisis as Banks Face Funding Squeeze

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Where the Right to Keep and Bear Arms Meets Freedom of Commerce: If Cody Wilson Won’t Be Allowed To Give Files Away, He’ll Just Sell Them


Continue reading“Economics & Investing For Preppers”

The Editors’ Quote of the Day:

“Legalized abortion is a national holocaust; an affront to our national character; a contradiction of established principles subscribed to from the beginning of Western Civilization; an insult to the principles of our Declaration of Independence; a bane of our national spirit; and a stench in the nostrils of Almighty God.” – Pastor Chuck Baldwin

Preparedness Notes for Sunday – September 02, 2018

September 2, 1969 is the day that the first automatic teller machine (ATM) made its first public debut, dispensing cash to customers at Chemical Bank in Rockville Center, New York. While being as indispensable to most people as cell phones and e-mail, they have introduced a whole new set of issues. Consumers are faced with scams, skimmers, and robbers, and even fake ATMs have been discovered.

Gunsmith Training: Pistolsmithing- Week Four, by R2

This week I finished up the AGI Gunsmithing course on Pistolsmithing. There were a few surprises.


I’m finding that the ten hours of video per week just isn’t going to be feasible for much of the course. If I’m dealing with firearms that I am already pretty familiar with, a single pass through the video is usually enough to get me going on the finer points. However, if the course is covering a firearm that I am not all that familiar with, and especially if I can’t find that model (or a similar model) of firearm to put my hands on, things slow down quite a bit. The Colt Python that was covered this week is a prime example.

While I own a S&W Model 686 and had access to several others, I could not obtain a Python. In order to fully understand the weapon, I had to watch and re-watch much of the video multiple times.

That is certainly sub-optimal, but I’m sure, at some point, I will come across one. When I do, I will probably take the video out and re-watch it yet again as I go over the firearm. In the meantime, the video is all I had to be able to answer the questions on the test.

Continue reading“Gunsmith Training: Pistolsmithing- Week Four, by R2

The Survivalist’s Odds ‘n Sods:

SurvivalBlog presents another edition of The Survivalist’s Odds ‘n Sods— a collection of news bits and pieces that are relevant to the modern survivalist and prepper from “HJL”. The New Mexico fiasco over the terrorist compound just keeps getting worse.

New Mexico Fiasco

Despite the twisted plans to teach children how to carry out school shootings along with the multiple counts of child abuse resulting in the death of a child, the New Mexico courts dismissed the charges against the defendants. The fault lies with the prosecutor for being completely irresponsible and missing the deadlines to file with the court. Thankfully, the FBI stepped in and had all five of the extremist Muslims arrested again, but on federal weapons charges. Shame on New Mexico for dropping the ball on that one. It’s also worth noting that no charges related to terrorism have been filed yet. Thanks to W.W. for the links.


Cody Wilson, of Defense Distributed, has flipped his middle finger at the progressive left yet again. Despite having a license from the State Department to distribute his CAD files, A federal judge in Seattle issued a controversial ruling that trampled all over the First and Second Amendment rights of Wilson, banning the free distribution of these files. Progressive leftists all over the U.S. celebrated this shady victory. Cody has been raising money for his legal defense through a fundraiser and has already made his initial goal of $200,000. He is within 15% of making the total goal of $400,000 on the final day of the fundraiser. (If you haven’t donated but want to – do it today!)

Now, the celebration of the SJWs is short lived. The federal injunction just keeps him from giving his files away. You can now visit his site and purchase the files (and the money will go towards his legal defense). There is no hard cost. The suggested donation is $10 per file, but you can set your own price. Stick that in your eye, you leftists!

Continue reading“The Survivalist’s Odds ‘n Sods:”