April 2021 in Precious Metals, by Steven Cochran

…late in the month, when a raft of better than expected economic news was released. Central Banks FED: Chairman Jerome Powell says that supply chain bottlenecks will cause a temporary spike in inflation as the economy revives, which he says the Fed will ignore. Powell also said he wanted to see actual evidence of a strong economy before he would even consider pulling back from its loose policy stance. The FOMC minutes from the March meeting were released on April 7th. The consensus was that the economic recovery was far from complete. Secretary of the Treasury Janet YELLEN refused to label China as a currency manipulator in the latest report.Both Democrat and Republican administrations are sensitive to the possibility of economic warfare with China, if it was called out on its yuan manipulation. Most Fed officials followed Powell’s lead, until blowout economic numbers were released at the end of the…

Hurricane Matthew–Some Lessons Learned

…What happens is that these companies will buy up hundreds of motel and hotel rooms fairly close to the area they are moving into just outside the danger zone.  Fuel tanker trucks and other supplies will give preferential treatment to keep the restoration equipment running.  Many people found that they were competing with the government and private utility companies as well as other evacuees for rooms and supplies.  Millions of people were moving around attempting to get out of the way of the hurricane.  Quite a few slept in their cars when they ran out of gas or couldn’t find rooms.  You will need more gas and food to get farther that you initially think.  The motels and hotels were selling out to big companies paying a single bill, and thus were able to charge even if they didn’t actually occupy the rooms. It is preferable that they do this…

The Survivalist’s Odds ‘n Sods:

…understanding of mercenaries and feudalism seems a bit limited. Anonymous The BEST Doomsday TV Series That Has Not Aired Yet! -Better Than Doomsday Preppers (YouTube Video) Atlas Survival Shelters Published on Mar 8, 2019 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2k7Z-vXSFYo Duration 5:32 “This is our TV sizzle reel for a new TV series we want to bring to prime time television. Your comments and likes will determine if this will air next year. Thanks!” Snotty Boy As far as caching cash, if the government ever devalues the Federal Reserve Note (FRN) by lopping off a few zeros, or repudiates the old and issues new paper FRNs after the cash is buried, one could always dig it up and use it for toilet paper. Just sayin’….. Buck Dick’s Sporting Goods to stop selling hunting rifles in 125 stores https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/companies/dicks-sporting-goods-to-stop-selling-hunting-rifles-in-125-stores/ar-BBUG3Zl?OCID=ansmsnnews11 PL C For times when electronic funds are unavailable (from ATMs or to purchase at a store)…

Does the Number of the Beast Have an Area Code?, by CTS

…home.” Well, you should have some shelf stable milk on hand just in case any way, but that’s probably another article. I’m trying to point out that this will ultimately be a family project. Right now, nearly every family of every socio-economic class in this country (and many other countries) are totally dependent on the ability to instantly communicate. If you can do it, if you can lay that thing down and walk away for just one day, you may find yourself, sadly, in a new world. Once you put your cell phone away and look up at what is going on around you, one of the first things you will notice is how everyone seems to have their heads down. You’ll notice that they all look like a bunch of antelope around the water hole. They look like prey. Everyone is eager for the latest app, the latest bells…

Economics & Investing For Preppers

Here are the latest items and commentary on current economics news, market trends, stocks, investing opportunities, and the precious metals markets. We also cover hedges, derivatives, and obscura. And it bears mention that most of these items are from the “tangibles heavy” contrarian perspective of JWR. (SurvivalBlog’s Founder and Senior Editor.) Today’s focus is on fickle collectors. (See the Tangibles Investing section.) Precious Metals First off, over at Zero Hedge: Mexican Congress Debates Monetization Of The “Libertad” Silver Ounce o o o Silver forecast for the week of September 18, 2017, Technical Analysis Stocks: S&P 500 closes at record high; Dow posts best week since December Commodities: The latest USDA food and feed commodities numbers: World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates Forex: US Dollar Recovery Likely in 2018 say Westpac Strategists o o o And next there is this, at Reuters: Sterling soars to highest since Brexit on BoE rate-hike…

Economics & Investing for Preppers

Here is the latest economics news and investing news. We cover market trends, stocks, and the precious metals markets. We also discuss hedges, derivatives, and obscura. Most of these items are from the “tangibles heavy” contrarian perspective of JWR. (SurvivalBlog’s Founder and Senior Editor.) Today’s focus is on the oft-interviewed hard money advocate Peter Schiff. Precious Metals (Peter Schiff): First up, there is this video: Peter Schiff on Gold, Trump, QE, & Potential Recession. Schiff predicts that the Fed will be forced to revert to ZIRP. (Zero Interest Rate Policy.) He also says that QE4 is on the horizon. o o o I’ve found that the timeframe adjustable charts at Bullionvault.com are quite useful. Commodities: Next, this headline over at OilPrice.com: Bank Of America: Expect $30 Oil o o o Fastmarkets.com has updated their base metals market outlook. Bitcoin: On to the latest at Zero Hedge: Bitcoin Surges Back Above…

Economics & Investing for Preppers

Here are the latest news items and commentary on economics and investing. We cover market trends, stocks, investing opportunities, and the precious metals markets. We also cover hedges, derivatives, and obscura. Today we focus on investment guns. And most of these items reflect the quirky “tangibles heavy” contrarian perspective of JWR. (SurvivalBlog’s Founder and Senior Editor): Precious Metals: First, over at Gold-Eagle: Gold price rises as Asian stocks, dollar slip after oil slump o o o And I found this tantalizing prediction over at Kitco: Gold To Move Closer To $1,300 This Week – TD Securities Commodities Economics: Moving on to commodities. Martin Tillier: The OPEC Elixir Wasn’t Potent Enough o o o And then this, from Investing.com: Strong start to summer driving season pushed U.S. oil rises towards $50 Forex: Continuing on to foreign exchange (Forex) news: GBP/USD Heading Lower After Opinion Poll, Revised GDP Data Global Stocks and…

Lessons From the First TEOTWAWKI- Part 4, by Sarah Latimer

…Alphas and Cowboys. Protectors and providers. Even Christian women are wired to reject “nice”, but it requires explanation. Women are wired to test mates, to use the polite version a “fitness test“. Have you ever made an unreasonable request of your man, and when he went and did it you found him LESS desirable? This is the problem, if a man can’t stand up to a single hen-peck, how is he going to protect you from a real threat? That is part of the wiring, so women need to catch themselves testing their men, and men need to deny excessive requests. Also see: https://www.menofthewest.net/truly-powerful-woman/ https://www.menofthewest.net/taming-the-she-beast/ https://www.menofthewest.net/hot-for-husband2/ Newbie Sarah, This touched me deeply. Such wise words. Excellent article. Mrs. Latimer The family unit is divinely inspired and should be basic to all Bible-based faith. Mrs. Latimer TZ, You make some great points! I believe these basic desires that you describe as…

Economics & Investing for Preppers

This column is posted on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Here are the latest items and commentary on current economics news, market trends, stocks, investing opportunities, and the precious metals markets. We also cover hedges, derivatives, and obscura. And it bears mention that most of these items are from the quirky “tangibles heavy” contrarian perspective of JWR. (SurvivalBlog’s Founder and Senior Editor): Precious Metals: First of all, some news from The SRSrocco Report: Chile Silver Production Down Stunning 26% o o o Here is latest coin hunt video from Silver Searcher: Huge Coinstar Haul. Crazy Amount of Coins! (Note that these are free (forgotten) coins available in the machines’ external “reject” trays. I have found a few silver dimes using this method.) OBTW, the “Sverige”-marked coin he mentioned is from Sweden, not Russia. It is probably a pre-Euro era Swedish Krona coin. Commodities Economics: Next, we read: U.S. Shale Spending Dwarfs…

Economics & Investing For Preppers

Here are the latest news items and commentary on current economics news, market trends, stocks, investing opportunities, and the precious metals markets. We also cover hedges, derivatives, and obscura. Most of these items are from the “tangibles heavy” contrarian perspective of SurvivalBlog’s Founder and Senior Editor, JWR. Today, we look at some possible museum collection downsizing. (See the Tangibles Investing section.) Precious Metals: Gold Price Forecast – The Invaluable Palladium, Platinum And Gold-To-Silver Ratio Lessons o o o The latest piece by Hub Moolman: The US Dollar or Silver: Place Your Bet Economy & Finance: At Seeking Alpha: The Stock Market Is Looking For A Rapid Economic Recovery. Why It May Not Happen o o o And at Zero Hedge: Infinite money printing: Fed now buying ETFs o o o Reader H.L. suggested this brief piece by Jim Quinn: Unemployment Is Really 35.7% o o o An C.B. spotted this,…

The Survivalist’s Odds ‘n Sods

…the question–What are NYC residents who are enduring a stalker, an abusive spouse or former spouse, or perhaps the threat of danger in the streets, supposed to do in the six months between applying for a gun license and hearing back from the NYPD?” Apple’s App Store Censors Apple removes two podcast apps from China store after censorship demands. This is just the latest example of their censorship. Also see: Does Apple’s Strict App Store Content Policy Limit Freedom of Expression? Trump’s Twitch Account Suspended I found this piece by commentator Tim Pool linked over at the Whatfinger.com news aggregation site: Trump’s Account Suspended As Wave Of Censorship Sweeps Across Internet Banning Pro-Trump Voices Update on the Zerohedge Ban From Twitter BuzzFeed “Reporter” Who Got Zerohedge Banned On Twitter, Fired For Plagiarism — You can send your news tips to JWR. (Either via e-mail of via our Contact form.) Thanks!…

Low-Light Tactics and Options, by Officer Tackleberry

…Lights The latest craze for combat/LE lighting is the weapon mounted lights.  I won’t go into long-guns since that is outside the purview of this article.  However, I will address hand guns.   When using a hand gun mounted light, you must practice, practice, and practice!  The reason I say this because many of the hand gun weapon lights take quite a bit of practice to use without hitting your trigger unintentionally.   There have been at least two incidents that I know of in the US where a police officer thought he was manipulating his weapon light under stress but it was actually his trigger.  These officers unintentionally shot another person.  The same thing nearly happened to one of my co-workers, but fortunately he realized he was hitting the trigger instead of his light switch.   Fortunately, some of the newer hand gun mounted lights come with remote, pressure-operated…

Odds ‘n Sods:

…place in the post-Skynet nuked future. This one should be good.    o o o The latest flurry of economic news and commentary links from The Economatrix: Bank Bailouts a Failure…And There is No Plan “B” — Frugal is Cool in Cash-Strapped US — UK $200 Billion Re-Financing Time Bomb — UK Banks on Brink of Second Bailout — UK Banks Defy Brown’s Call to Loosen Credit — BoE to Cut Interest Rates; Savers to Receive Zero Interest — Jobless in City Park Tent Village — US Manufacturing Slumps to 1980 Low — Gulf Cooperation Council to Create New Currency — Feds Sell Off Failed IndyMac for $13.9 Billion — Sanderson State Bank Latest Failed Bank — Oil Prices Rebound as Dollar Slumps — Store Bankruptcies Can Burn Shoppers — Will Your Cell Phone Crash in Emergencies?    o o o FloridaGuy flagged this: Newark, New Jersey bans barbed wire…

Odds ‘n Sods:

Norman in England mentioned one consequence of the global credit collapse, as reported by The Financial Post: Grain shipments stalled in credit drought (“There’s all kinds of stuff stacked up on docks right now…”)    o o o Bill N. sent us the link to this “must see” video from a DEFCON hackers’ convention: No Tech Hacking    o o o James B. sent us this “signs of the times” news story: National Debt Clock runs out of digits. Speaking of digits, several times in the last six months, I’ve mentioned the Federal Reserve cartels’ web page where they post updates on aggregate bank borrowings. Last summer, IIRC, I called the “Nonborrowed” column numbers “alarming”. The latest figures are absolutely horrendous. (A hat tip to Tanker, for reminding me to check the Fed’s latest tally.)    o o o More economic gloom und doom from Cheryl: US government may take…

Odds ‘n Sods:

For several months I’ve been pointing to the Federal Reserve’s data on bank reserves. The latest numbers are downright frightening. In particular, see the bottom of the “Non-borrowed Reserves” column. (Thanks to “Tanker” for alerting me to the latest update to the Fed data.) OBTW, don’t miss this article: US banks Citigroup and Merrill Lynch reveal fresh $15bn loss    o o o The latest addition to my blog roll is Target Rich Environment. I found this blog both humorous and insightful.    o o o I noticed that the folks at Green Mountain Gear have expanded their product line to include more types of Katadyn water filters. Check them out.    o o o From the International Herald Tribune: U.S. housing collapse spreads overseas…