Guest Editorial: Honey, I Vaporized My Customers, by John Mauldin

…to have to be eaten by all sorts of financial institutions, without being all that pessimistic. Banks are being forced to reduce their loan and margin books in order to get the necessary capital required by regulatory authorities. Plus, credit is now more expensive as risk premiums rise from absurdly low levels in what more than one authority called a “new era of finance.” Turns out it was just normal old era greed. It is not just the mortgage market. It is commercial mortgages, safe municipal bonds, credit card debt, student loans and a host of credit that is under fire and cannot find a buyer at what should be a realistic price. We should not be surprised at the lack of liquidity in the credit markets. We have essentially vaporized 60% of the buyers of debt in the last six months. The various alphabet of SIVs, CLOs, CDO, ABS,…

The Survivalist’s Odds ‘n Sods:

…gun owners in California, compared to fewer than a million in 2008. That figure translates to about 8 percent of Californian adults owning guns, compared to 3.4 percent in 2008—a more than two-fold increase, even when adjusting for population.” Admiral Warns About South China Sea Buildup At Zero Hedge: US Admiral Warns About ‘Hazardous’ Military Buildup In South China Sea . Here is a pericope: “‘It’s a hazard to trade flows, the commercial activity, the financial information that flows on cables under the South China Sea, writ large,’ Davidson added. As Bloomberg pointed out, Davidson’s comments appeared to assuage US allies’ concerns about a possible US pullout from the region, which have intensified thanks to President Trump’s isolationist rhetoric. Davidson’s comments are the latest from a senior U.S. official seeking to reassure allies in Southeast Asia of the American commitment to what Washington refers to as the Indo-Pacific region. Secretary…

Attitude Adjustment, by Dena M.

…it! Instead of trying to keep up with the latest gadgets and freeze dried storage of Joe Schmo next door focus your attention on what you can do and become efficient at it. So yea you could spend that $200 on that cool knife your bud has or you could save it and put it towards a reliable firearm or crossbow. So get rid of the notion that because the next guy over has better gear that he is better equipped. Remember knowledge is your biggest asset in a survival situation. While you are out hunting and gathering he will be fumbling to open his latest gadget and scratching his head over the instructions. You’re stuck on new. Folks that are so fixed on having the pretty aspect they forget that getting certain items second hand saves you a lot of money. Doing so you just might be able to…

Advanced EMT for Preppers, by R.S.

…Three evenings a week at four hours an evening for three months plus several Saturdays, skills certification testing, and a cognitive exam later I was certified. Upon joining a local fire department that also runs ambulance calls I was able to begin to learn the practice of pre-hospital care. After two years of functioning as an EMT the opportunity arose for me to seek AEMT training. This included three months of training in a hybrid format: every other Monday we would meet for skills training and testing while classroom work was completed on-line. Unlike EMT certification that required minimal patient interaction, AEMT certification required 150 hours of clinical time split between hospital and ambulance calls. Since this included various tasks to be performed in the course of the clinical hours, I ultimately invested approximately 220 hours of clinical time. This was followed by skills testing and then a cognitive exam:…

Planning Your Escape – Part 1, by JMD

…at home, in case… peace, Michael J. Jack Clark An interesting note… someone told me, while deployed to scenic Afghanistan, that a common topic of conversation among the troops (officer and enlisted) was how they would get home… if… Anon I travel all the time so this kind of issue is on my mind. A few comments: 1. Acquiring necessities. I won’t deny that anyone and everyone will do it when forced to by hunger etc. But by the same token in the event of loss of the rule of law if I come home to someone “acquiring assets” from me I will feel compelled to shoot them. 2. At my age walking any great distance will be difficult. I do hike a lot but it is exactly because I do hike that I realize I can’t just “up and walk” 100 miles. Whereas any 20 something can even if…

Economics & Investing For Preppers

…longevity. Will check out the video. Telesilla of Argos Hello RKRGRL68! Are you thinking greens like lettuces? We have great success with these as the cooler temperatures come! …and if you have any indoor space for growing, you might have some fun experimenting with microgreens too! You might have fun reading through tips like these… Some move beyond the time frame you’re considering, but all include information and ideas for growing garden vegetables through seasonal transitions. From Country Living: From Gardening Know How: From MI Gardner: From Johnny’s Seeds: From Burpee: Many prayers said for successful surgery for you, and a speedy recovery on the other side… Take it slowly! The most important task before you is healing. St. Funogas I doubled my 401k this year in a single month on coronavirus stocks. I found a list on Market Watch or Yahoo Investments of the…

The Survivalist’s Odds ‘n Sods

…I watched a video early last fall. It’s a Christian with ties to Israeli intelligence. He stated that if Trump won antifa was going to go crazy. If Biden won, they were going to pass themselves off as Trump supporters and start riots that way. If I can find the video, I will post a link. Anonymous I found this YT, which was interesting. 48 Hours (William Fortschen) [Review of] (YouTube Video, 9:33) The Worthy House Feb 16, 2020 This channel is new to me, but he also has some other interesting videos Including this new one: 4th Generation Warfare Handbook (William S. Lind) [Review of] (YouTube Video, 20:24) The Worthy House Jan 5, 2021 Anna We were at the rally. From where we were seated, in FRONT of the capitol building, at first the police kept protesters away from the building, but then, after 3 black…

Are You Preparing for SHTF or TEOTWAWKI- Part 1, by 3AD Scout

…actually makes you a better TEOTWAWKI prepper in that it makes you think harder. A person who has lots of funds might say, “I need something to increase my security”, and then that person goes online and buys the latest and greatest widget. Someone with less funds to put towards prepping may have the same need to improve their security, but instead he or she thinks of ways to “do it yourself”, buy something of older technology that improves security, or perhaps figures other ways to raise the funds, like perhaps a group purchase. In a sense, the TEOTWAWKI prepper who has to think and be creative about how to improve their security actually gains more than someone who just buys the latest and greatest widget, since they develop and practice critical thinking skills and in some cases perhaps learn skills by building their own capabilities. Time Also a Variable…

The Survivalist’s Odds ‘n Sods

…— but now, officials believe the lizards have established themselves in Toombs and Tattnall counties in Georgia…” Free Speech Is COVID’s Latest Casualty At CBN News: Free Speech Is COVID’s Latest Casualty: Doctors Silenced, Protests Censored, Americans Treated Like ‘Children’. A pericope: “Also, the censoring can often feel one-sided since it’s conservative viewpoints that are routinely shut down. ‘Many of these social media organizations are frankly acting as if the American people are children – they are our parents who know better and they should censor what we see and write. I have a lot more faith in the American people, Spakovsky says.” A Free Big Berkey Raffle Over at the web site, they are raffling off a Big Berkey water filter. There is no cost to enter the drawing, and there are ways to place multiple entries. Hillary Clinton Panics, Seeing Armed Michigan Protestors Hillary Clinton calls armed…

The Survivalist’s Odds ‘n Sods:

complex naval drill in decades. UK Stockpiling “Trauma Packs” In Case Of No-Deal Brexit Reader G.P. suggested this article at Zero Hedge: UK Stockpiling “Trauma Packs” In Case Of No-Deal Brexit. Typhus Epidemic Worsens in Los Angeles H.L. sent us this: Typhus Epidemic Worsens in Los Angeles. “A veteran city prosecutor is among the latest victims.” H.L.’s Comment: “As a city deteriorates, homeless population increases, rats, fleas, diseases. Typhus a Third World disease. It is now here [In American cities].” — Please send your news tips to JWR. (Either via e-mail of via our Contact form.) These are often especially relevant, because they come from folks who watch news that is important to them. Due to their diligence and focus, we benefit from fresh “on target” news. We often “get the scoop” on news that is most likely ignored (or reported late) by mainstream American news outlets. Thanks!    …

Mausers for Preppers, by B.F.

…their version of compliance with respect to social distancing such as arresting a paddle boarder mothers at parks and more recently a Texas Judge making it Illegal not to wear a mask. I can see a gun ban in the near distance, in fact, It wouldnt surprise me to see them coming door to door all in the name of public safety. Or tie it to some sort of future Stimulus payment. B.F. Not sure what the fallacies are, maybe you can point them out to me. Other than that we are in agreement. Know and use your gear. Whether all you can afford is a used $150 Mauser or whether you have the latest whiz bang $2000 AR, it should show signs of honest wear from use. That comes from my 23 years of deployments to four continents. B.F. Good info. How can you spot the insert? Is it…

The Survivalist’s Odds ‘n Sods:

…Mark Suckerberg has watched to many episodes of “Person of Interest” 20T An excellent you tube representation of 20 trillion. Don Williams Another thing the news corporations are covering up is how Obama increased our NIIP — our net debt to foreigners — from $2.5 Trillion to over $8 Trillion. How are we supposed to pay that off? Sell our Interstate Highways, National Forests, and Midwest farmland to China and Japan? But the Washington Post thinks this is unimportant compared to the groping story of the day. See — the News Media doesn’t have to tell outright falsehoods in order to lie to you — it just has to cover up inconvenient truths, loudly hype unimportant facts that support its agenda and throw out a massive barrage of nonsense to distract the voters from what is going on. SL I totally agree. Thank you, Gene. DC Your comments…

America’s Public Schools are Government Indoctrination Centers

…topic of religion, God, church comes up. This is where my mission comes into play. I can discuss these things as long as they bring them up first. I usually get them brought up because I have several pocket sized New Testaments (KJV) sitting on my desk. The covers vary from cowboy/ western to camouflage and even the pink camo. I have shared the plan of salvation to several students and many have begun going to church. I also pass out small copies of the Constitution and Bill of Rights ( thank you Woodmen of the World) and try to explain to their young minds that those two documents are the written source of our freedom. I’m also quick to point out that those same documents name God as the source of that freedom. Yes the public school system is mass indoctrination but if a teacher views it as a…

Selecting a Portable Handheld Two-Way Radio, by R.

…door to a new group of younger enthusiasts, mentored by experienced users, if there wasn’t the need for costly and onerous regulations. R. Of course. I went with Dxengineering because that’s where I god the HT. You might find lower prices out there. Just be careful with the antenna (see he antenna comment above, and my note below) Antenna (note that there are a lot of fake diamond and Nagoya antennas out there, so go with a known good company when you buy them) Cigarette lighter adapter Handheld microphone (I went cheap with this version I didn’t mention it, but I got a signalink Cable too. This is just the cable. R. Although I don’t agree with the government requirements around a license, they do have a value. Just like a drivers license, or a pilots license, making sure that people can show basic skills in…

Letter: Surviving California’s Fires

…or blue ray disks as they are laser created vs electronic created Survivormann99 I could only shake my head when I read some of the comments made above. They remind me of an old joke: A college fraternity kept copies of final exams given by various professors. One professor, it was discovered, always gave the same exam in his anatomy class: “Describe in detail the anatomy of a snake.” One student slept late and missed every class that semester. As the final exam approached, he studied the anatomy of a snake and nothing else. When the exam was handed out, to his horror, he found “Describe the anatomy of an elephant.” At first, he simply panicked, but then, as calmness returned, he picked up his pen and began to write. “An elephant is a large, gray mammal whose most distinguishing feature is its trunk. Its trunk, in many ways, resembles…