Letter Re: Multi-Lens Eyeglasses Sets

…you an idea of what misaligned optical centers can do. A way to measure your PD is discussed here. People purchasing that kit should be aware that they may not work for them if the lenses are designed for their particular PD. This is more likely to be an issue with the higher powers than with the lower powers. I would advise them to try them as soon as they get them. If they can’t wear them for a day without eye strain of if they cause any double vision then they will not be of much help and should be returned. I’d also like to mention that if you want to get your PD from your eye doctor ask them before the exam. Contrary to the link posted and this video it is usually recorded when fitting the glasses, not during the eye exam. – Eye Doc in Indiana…

A Prepping Reality Check – Part 3, by Mama Bear

(Continued from Part 2.) Communication Communication methods must be well thought out, ahead of time. Most communication methods that are mentioned on the blogs/literature involve electronics such as ham radios, CB radios, walkie-talkies, portable radios, etc. All of these require some source of power. As discussed earlier, computers are very fragile and should not be depended on for communications. What power source does your communications technology use? Do you have backups? If using rechargeable batteries, how many times can they be recharged before they die? Are your communication methods subject to eavesdropping? (HINT: the answer is yes.) How will you communicate securely when needed?) What is the range of your communications technology? Have you practiced using it? Can you communicate with your neighbors or similarly minded preppers? Is the technology stored in such a manner that it is safe from an EMP? What will you do if the government/invaders/whoever knock…

SurvivalBlog Readers’ & Editors’ Snippets

…military: These truly are dangerous times. o o o Mike in Alaska mentioned this news: First-Time Exam Applicants Must Obtain FCC Registration Number Before Taking Exam. “Beginning May 20, 2021, all amateur examination applicants will be required to provide an FCC Registration Number (FRN) to the Volunteer Examiners (VEs) before taking an amateur exam.” o o o C.B. sent this: Blood Moon lunar eclipse 2021: Where and when to watch. o o o St. Funogas sent: Visualizing The Lumber Price Explosion. His comment: “I was at an auction last Saturday where I bid on a set of homemade free-standing shelves in the laundry room. I was the only bidder and got them for $3.00. I didn’t need any shelves but the dollar signs were shining brightly in my eyes as I was mentally calculating how much all those 1 x 12’s would cost. I told someone there was $50 worth…

Medical Community Autocracy, by ToAndFro

…aware. We are now asking around for like-minded Physicians… We started by searching the internet using DuckDuckGo.com for Physicians that prescribed Hydroxychloroquine Sulfate and Ivermectin. It was virtually impossible to locate doctors and Pharmacies that were willing to commit publicly on the Internet, or at least we had difficulty finding any in the nearby region. We then tried the FLCCC website. The FLCCC Alliance lists doctors and Pharmacists willing to prescribe/fill prescriptions and that provide COVID care using their protocol. We had some luck in our area searching for doctors by checking with Pharmacies listed on the FLCCC website that prescribe the alternative medications. We then called around and asked those pharmacists in our area if they know any Physicians prescribing those meds. One was unwilling to give out names of doctors, but another did give us two names. It’s a start, but we’re going to keep asking around. Another…

Four Letters Re: Long Haul Voice and Data Communications in a Post-Collapse Environment

for kids to grasp. And the things you learn in the process are invaluable steps toward greater self-sufficiency in many other areas. Now, in the US, the FCC requires that you pass a test to be licensed as a Ham Radio operator. Learning and studying for this test is the only real effort required to become a ham. The good news is you can study much of the material for free, the testing is often free, and there is only a nominal fee for getting a license. Here are some great resources online: QRZ.com’s How To – More information for those interested in pursuing a license in the US. ARRL’s Exam Site Index – Find the exam site nearest you. QRZ.com Site Map – Find practice exams and lots of other information from active hams, including forum. FCC Ham Site – Information on licenses, processes, etc. Thanks, – Little Bird…

Going the Extra Mile in Amateur Communications, by Extraman

I really enjoyed reading the great novel “Patriots”. In reading it, I picked up lots of good tips along the way. But I felt it really had very little contemporary information about communications, other than the chapter “Radio Ranch” which finally touched on an individual with a serious interest in radio communications. The use of Single Sideband (SSB), Citizens Band (CB) 27 Mhz radios, along with slightly modified “old” style low cost hand held “cheapo” radios really leaves a lot to be desired regarding how it could be done, on a fairly low budget. It is my sincere belief that anyone even remotely interested in being prepared for what may come should obtain a Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Amateur, or “ham” radio license. While years ago, It was difficult to learn Morse code and pass the written exam for such a license, the code requirement has now been totally eliminated…

Four Letters Re: A Low-Cost Route to Earning a Bachelor’s Degree

James, As the author [noted, prospective students should consider their career plans before devoting time and money to a specific school or program, virtual or not. For example: I’m employed by a global Fortune 10 company and there is a list of colleges and universities whose degrees are not sufficient as hiring criteria regardless of accreditation. It is a good bet other large companies have similar policies. Ditto for graduate degree programs. Depending on the school, bachelor degrees from online schools or virtual universities may not be accepted for matriculation. If the student plans to pursue a graduate degree they should make sure their intended grad school will accept their undergrad degree. I’m not knocking virtual schools, my Bachelor’s degree was obtained 100% online as will my graduate degrees. Obviously if the student is just getting a Bachelor’s degree for the sake of getting a degree, plans to work for

Letter Re: Voting With Our Feet

…wealthy U.S. citizens who cannot get out fast enough.  He has fielded literally dozens of calls and visits in the final few weeks of the year.   The IRS stopped reporting the number of US citizens living overseas, but the number is exploding.  I believe as many as 3 million Americans will leave this year alone.  And the way I see it, this is the most patriotic thing I can do. One last thing:  the country where I am now living has some common-sense rules on getting a gun permit – one must get an eye exam, take a drug test and get a mental health exam.  After that, a permit is issued and I can then own any kind of weapon I like – from sawed-off shotguns to standard-capacity handguns or carbines.  And I can carry them anywhere. May God Save Our Republic. – A Patriot in Central America…

Establishing a Community of Like-Minded People, by P.S. in Virginia

…we needed to pick up the book: The ARRL General Class License Manual. First let me explain, there are three classes of Ham Radio licenses: Technician, General and Amateur Extra. Each class offers more benefits to having the license, basically more frequencies you can use. Well in the back of the manual, there were test questions that you could study and these test questions were word for word as they were on the exam. There are also online sites you can get into and take practice tests, over and over again. Hind sight being 20/20, I would have just studied all the questions, memorized the answers and gone in and challenged the tests when the exams became available. I hate to say it, but I passed my General exam without even knowing how to turn on a radio. For the first two years I had done nothing with my license…

Jim’s Quote of the Day:

“The General rule is that an unconstitutional statute, though having the form and name of law is in reality no law, but is wholly void, and ineffective for any purpose; since unconstitutionality dates from the time of it’s enactment and not merely from the date of the decision so branding it. An unconstitutional law, in legal contemplation, is as inoperative as if it had never been passed. Such a statute leaves the question that it purports to settle just as it would be had the statute not been enacted. Since an unconstitutional law is void, the general principles follow that it imposes no duties, confers no rights, creates no office, bestows no power or authority on anyone, affords no protection, and justifies no acts performed under it… A void act cannot be legally consistent with a valid one. An unconstitutional law cannot operate to supersede any existing valid law. Indeed,…

Letter Re: Question on Low Oxygen Food Storage Packing

…containers. That way, they are more assured that the product will be used before spoilage occurs. So, for example, instead of buying dehydrated and freeze dried foods in #10 cans (most common in the food service industry) you might instead buy them in smaller cans. (In the long term storage food industry, these smaller cans are usually the #2-1/2 size.) For future reference, here are some of the standard American can sizes: Can Designation Volume Liquid Content Weight #1 Half Pint 8 Ounces #2 Pint 16 Ounces #2-1/2 3-1/2 Cups 30 Ounces #3 Quart 32 Ounces #5 7-1/3 Cups 58 Ounces #10 13 Cups. Used for “food service” and storage food cans. 104 Ounces #12 One Gallon 128 Ounces Note: The #10 size cans are often mistakenly called “gallon cans” but they actually hold less than one gallon. Other than buying smaller cans, there are various ways to get around…

EMP Attack and Solar Storms: A Guide, by Kevin Hayden

…same time to try to get home, we can expect extreme traffic congestion.” EMP Vulnerability of the Automobile and Trucking Infrastructures The Commission tested the EMP susceptibility of traffic light controllers, automobiles and trucks. The summary of the tests conclude that traffic light controllers will begin to malfunction following exposure to EMP fields as low as a few kV/m, thereby causing traffic congestion. For automobiles, approximately 10% of the vehicles on the road will stop, at least temporarily, thereby possibly triggering accidents, as well as congestion, at field levels above 25 kV/m. For vehicles that were turned off during the testing, none suffered serious effects and were able to be started. Of the trucks that were not running during EMP exposure, none were subsequently affected during the test. Thirteen of the 18 trucks exhibited a response while running. Most seriously, three of the truck motors stopped. Two could be restarted…

Letter Re: Dome Homes as Survival Retreats

…the excavation, concrete basement, plumbing, electrical, carpeting, drywall and other services with numerous opportunities for do it yourself work to cut costs. We purchased conventional Kraftmaid kitchen components from Home Depot. We have a full basement with a two car garage and a family room with a wood stove, a living room, kitchen, dining room and two bedrooms on the main level, an office and master bedroom on the upper level and a cupola on the very top of the dome with sliding windows on all five sides. It could be a bedroom, office, playroom or whatever is needed. I was looking at your January 6, 2006 comments on dome homes and later comments and am offering the following for your consideration. You made the comment that there is a risk of low resale value of these homes. This risk may be valid on the “economy” dome homes with inadequate…

Letter Re: A New Breed of Feral Dogs, by Buckshot

This article raised a valid point. But I think it overstated the threat. And it conveyed a lot of negative thoughts, like “you will freeze up, your shots will go into the ground, you will be overwhelmed before you can react,” etc.     I’m a dog lover; owner of three Bull Terriers, which are basically civilized, happy Pit Bulls. No question, the strength, destructive potential and “hard to kill” factor of many dogs is true. But the author of that article overlooked a key feature of the “pack mentality.” Kill the lead dogs, and the followers probably will slink away.   Granted, the earlier the interdiction the better, via snares or other means. But I’d like to present a more positive scenario if one is attacked. I agree that short barreled, smaller caliber handguns may be inadequate. So if feral dogs are a real risk, carry a shotgun loaded with buckshot….

Preparedness Notes for Monday — January 22, 2024

…of the family that handles order fulfillment today, January 22nd. So I expect that we will begin mailing out your stick orders on Wednesday! We’ve already received more than 730 orders for 1,125+ sticks, so it may take three weeks to clear that order backlog. Please note that we only take orders through our automated ordering systems. There is an option there, to mail in a check, if you’d prefer. (Although that will slow delivery of your order for at least 10 days, for check clearance.) Also, please note: You really need to use a valid e-mail address when you place an order. We do not sell or share that information with anyone. The ordering system can’t keep you updated on the status of your order without a valid e-mail address. If you want to have more privacy, then please get a throwaway e-mail address from any of the big…