Letter Re: Recommendations on Discreet Self Defense Weapons and Training

…important for our readers like you that live in gun-unfriendly nations. Ditto for our readers that live in states like California, New York, and New Jersey where is is very difficult for mere mortals to get a carrying concealed weapon (CCW) permit. And even if you are a concealed firearms permit holder, you should learn these valuable skills. Why? You never know when circumstances might dictate that you cannot carry a pistol. (For example, when traveling to a state where your CCW permit is not valid, or when traveling overseas.) Here is a forward from firearms instructor John Farnam, by way of SurvivalBlog reader Grampa Redd: “I attended a stick/cane-fighting seminar yesterday, instructed by Peter Donello of Canemasters. Canemasters manufacturers high-quality canes and walking sticks and provides training in their use. However, I used my Cold Steel City Stick, as did several other students. I was astonished at the number…

Perimeter Defense Part 1, by L.K.R.

…side, but if you are in the woods, the VHF side is what you will most likely need anyway. In heavily timbered area a 1 mile range is about all they can do, and that could be a good thing. It is the A-V85 from BuyTwoWayRadios.com https://www.buytwowayradios.com/baofeng-av85-antenna.html if you want to go mobile with the Baofeng, the Tram 1181 is the way to go. It is not the best radiator, but sturdy, Very broad banded and low cost. 138 to 165Mhz, but do your own testing and adjustment on each and every antenna and installation. Because of it is so broad banded, and because I’ve test so many of these, they will likely have a low SWR in that range. The UHF side is a bit more complicated, but it is also broad banded there as well. I’d have to check notes. This 1181 comes with an MNO connection, and…

A Physician’s Perspective on COVID-19 – Part 1, by Doctor Dan, M.D.

…and they can test for antibodies in your system to see if you already had it. If you never got sick but you have antibodies in your system, that means you had the virus but never showed any symptoms, hence, asymptomatic. Charles K. Doctor Dan: Great article. It’s good to know there are medical professionals that read, write articles, and comment here. I’ve had a few disagreements with some, not all. I mean disrespect to none that I have disagreed with. Like others, I have my own opinions about this ridiculous virus. The virus is real, the disease it causes is also real. That being said, I have serious reservations concerning the people involved with the willful misinformation coming out of the CDC, WHO, Big Pharma, and the various foundations and think tanks that appear determined to kill as many Americans as possible. The special target of their evil desires…

The Survivalist’s Odds ‘n Sods:

…alternative to Facebook, Twitter and the other ultraliberal corporate-dominated and statist social media sites now have viable alternative. It is: Freezoxee.com. I did visit GAB.ai and Bitchute a few times. But I was repelled by how so many strident neo-nazis and other antisemites had begun do dominate the debate there. One thing that I really like about Freezoxee is that they are outspokenly anti-totalitarian–and they correctly include Nazism in their short list of totalitarians. Please help Freezoxee grow! – JWR o o o Please send your news tips to HJL. (Either via e-mail of via our Contact form.) These are often especially relevant, because they come from folks who watch news that is important to them. Due to their diligence and focus, we benefit from fresh “on target” news. We often “get the scoop” on news that is most likely ignored (or reported late) by mainstream American news outlets. Thanks!…

The First Question is Always Jurisdiction

…State is purely an object of intrastate commerce. It may subsequently be sold by one private party to another private party inside the same State, and the Federal government never gains nexus nor jurisdiction. 3.) Lastly, the ATF lacks jurisdiction over the owners of commercially-made bumpfire stocks if they never entered interstate commerce. So if a bumpfire stock were manufactured within the confines of a State and then sold to a resident of that same State without it ever leaving that State then it is purely an object of intrastate commerce. And again, it may subsequently be sold by one private party to another private party inside the same State, and the Federal government never gains nexus nor jurisdiction. Two specific examples of this are: A.) Slide Fire brand stocks are made in Texas. So a resident of Texas who bought one from a distributor or dealer in Texas, or…

The Importance of Christian Self-Defense, by A. Benjamin

…yourself. Her concern was valid and understandable, even coming from someone committed to their own defense. Can you imagine the resistance one of the ‘sheeple’ mentioned earlier would put up if you told them the same thing? These people, oblivious to their need for self-defense, require far more prodding and even then are unlikely to wake up from their often self-induced ‘meekness’ until the worst happens to them or someone they love. One important thing is to start by explaining exactly why you are armed consistently and trained in weaponry. Remind them of the multiple church and synagogue shootings and attacks that have happened in just the last few years and the school shootings that so often plaster the news. While I believe the news exaggerates these instances to no end, typically to push liberal insanity on gun control, they do reveal a distressing reality: America’s churches are not secure…

Making A Living As A Reseller- Part 2, by BIF

…PrepperPress.com, RepackBox is providing a $300 gift certificate to their site. Third Prize: A Royal Berkey water filter, courtesy of Directive 21 (a $275 value), A large handmade clothes drying rack, a washboard, and a Homesteading for Beginners DVD, all courtesy of The Homestead Store, with a combined value of $206, Expanded sets of both washable feminine pads and liners, donated by Naturally Cozy (a $185 retail value), Two Super Survival Pack seed collections, a $150 value, courtesy of Seed for Security, LLC, Mayflower Trading is donating a $200 gift certificate for homesteading appliances, and Two 1,000-foot spools of full mil-spec U.S.-made 750 paracord (in-stock colors only) from www.TOUGHGRID.com (a $240 value). Round 78 ends on September 30th, so get busy writing and e-mail us your entry. Remember that there is a 1,500-word minimum, and that articles on practical “how to” skills for survival have an advantage in the judging….

Kitting Out The Kalashnikov – Part 4, by A.D.C.

…created a melting pot, and the best of what an American market can now produce is a good addition to the dizzying varieties of AK’s out there. Metallurgy, the combination of hard and softer metals that work together, the art of assembling semi auto rifle based upon 1940’s technology, is still being hammered out by U.S. Manufactures. The most promising U.S. massed produced made rifle appears to be Palmetto State Armory version, yet I would have more confidence in well made, and proven Com Block examples. Arsenal is an example of an American company utilizing Bulgarian artisans/technicians, and their decades of acquired expertise. If one is familiar and sees the clues, it could be said that Palmetto State Armory has taken note of the Bulgarian rifle. This could be a good thing as the Bulgarian rifle as a solid reputation for a massed produced rifle. Krebs and other high end…

The Survivalist’s Odds ‘n Sods:

…an alternative to YouTube. AM I missing something? https://www.brighteon.com/ Gene Blister, Idaho For those who didn’t see it before it was censored, the Project Veritas video of Google execs revealing their plans for controlling the 2020 elections is still running at this time (Tuesday, July 2, 2019) at Common Cents: https://commoncts.blogspot.com/search?updated-max=2019-06-27T17:42:00-04:00&max-results=7 James Wesley Rawles What the folks Brighteon are doing is admirable, but it is being constructed in a way that has little chance of success. Since they are using hosted servers, that comes with bandwidth expenses. If the service ever really takes off as a real widely-accepted alternative to YouTube, then they will probably be bankrupted in a few months, by server costs. In my estimation it is only true peer-to-peer distributed networks that will have the shared costs and resiliency required. YouTube has spent BILLIONS of dollars on servers. Only distributed alternatives have a chance of competing with…

What To Do and Not Do When a Pandemic Starts- Part 2, by Scientist69

…PLANTED elderberries? Maybe it’s a different kind of elderberries. I didn’t know it was an orchard plant. We just have them wild here, and I go out in the blackberry thickets in boots and harvest them. I got a bunch last year. It was so awesome. Fieldmarshelattilahun Don Williams: Jenny McCarthey is a MOTARD of the first realm! While she can not pass a high school biology exam with a gun put to her head, I’ll wager she could fail one just by miss spelling her name. LMAO. Let the clowns play with there voodoo dolls. I do believe that good old fashioned common sense and PROPER EDUCATION knowledge will win out the day. Dam fine article, well done. Don Williams http://www.cleveland.com/healthfit/index.ssf/2017/01/cleveland_clinic_doc_apologizes_for_anti_vax_column_hospital_promises_discipline.html Don Williams Would that be the giant plot against the sheeple that has reduced US childhood mortality rate to a small fraction of what it is in Third…

Economics & Investing For Preppers

Here are the latest news items and commentary on current economics news, market trends, stocks, investing opportunities, and the precious metals markets. We also cover hedges, derivatives, and obscura. And it bears mention that most of these items are from the “tangibles heavy” contrarian perspective of SurvivalBlog’s Founder and Senior Editor, JWR. Today’s focus is on Monthly Precious Metals Purchases. (See the Tangibles Investing section.) Precious Metals: I’ll start today with a couple of vicariously fun video links from circulating silver coin hunters: Epic Half Dollar Roll Hunt: Walkers, Franklins, and Silver Kennedy Halves! and, Silver Sunday! Coin Roll Hunting Half Dollars! Most Amazing Coin Roll Hunt Ever! o o o From chartist Hub Moolman: This Will Confirm The Gold Bull Market   Economy & Finance: Wolf Richter recently posted this: New Trucks are Hot, Prices Surge. But Cars Face Carmageddon. And Total Sales Fall o o o “No Need…

Guest Post: The Modern Prison-Industrial Complex- Part 2

…Rawles I am sad to see anyone leave SurvivalBlog over issues like this. Yes, things were simpler back when we didn’t have comments. But these days there is no way that a blog can be competitive and have viable search engine rankings without them. So if I were to shut down the Comments section, the blog would end up on page 2+ of web search results. It would then gradually wither and die, because we’d be essentially invisible to any new readers searching on words like “survival” and “preparedness.” If anyone finds that the comments posted are disturbing or aggravating, then all that I can recommend is: Just skip even looking at any comments AT ALL. Totally ignore them. Just read the main posted articles and columns themselves. Sincerely – Jim Rawles Frank C I am a retired cop . I find some of the comments here to be silly…

Signals Intelligence for Regular Folk – Part 1, by Tunnel Rabbit

…to power the scanner should it’s primary source be interrupted. Power adapter from 12 vdc to 9 vdc for the scanner: https://www.amazon.com/Powseed-Universal-Adapter-Speakers-Electronics/dp/B07BSFSW8N/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=universal+power+adapter+12vdc+to+9vdc%2C+cigarrette+light&qid=1572989353&sr=8-1-spell If not provided with the scanner, this Power Adapter that converts 115vac to 9 vdc will do: https://www.amazon.com/Belker-Universal-Switching-Household-Electronics/dp/B013UJAZY8/ref=sxin_2_ac_d_rm?ac_md=2-2-dW5pdmVyc2FsIHBvd2VyIHN1cHBseQ%3D%3D-ac_d_rm&crid=YYWL9OCUQ82M&keywords=universal+power+adapter&pd_rd_i=B013UJAZY8&pd_rd_r=9d35e471-5a73-444f-b688-6fd24e882e84&pd_rd_w=9njTw&pd_rd_wg=E6xWV&pf_rd_p=39892eb5-25ed-41d8-aff1-b659c9b73760&pf_rd_r=TVFSQTRN1KZBE9521136&psc=1&qid=1572989721&sprefix=universal+power%2Caps%2C216 Best deal on rechargable AA batteries I know of: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00JHKSN4O/ref=ox_sc_act_title_5?smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER&psc=1 Tunnel Rabbit Here is another low cost, $22.00 option for scanning CB: https://www.ebay.com/itm/Cobra-37ST-Sound-Tracker-Hand-Held-40-Channel-2-Way-Handheld-CB-Radio-Scanner/113951105521?hash=item1a8803e1f1:g:U7wAAOSw7k9dwbfA Jake Good points Tunnel Rabbit. There are logging tools so that one need not sit and watch the screen. It also obviates the need to run a power-hungry monitor at all times. Anon I don’t disagree with the value of this. But unless it’s your hobby it will steal time from you (if it’s your hobby it is already stealing time). I am 76 YO and so far I have never needed a scanner or radio to alert me that someone is near and may be unfriendly….

The Survivalist’s Odds ‘n Sods

…to reflect that they can do so. Snitches volunteer to out felonious social deviants who are seen cooking in the backyard with a neighbor. A little horned-devil virus seems to be trying to do what those Russkies never could….” David ‘n’ Goliath My thoughts exactly. Too many people have already forgotten about the Warren Commission, or never knew what it was about, or never heard of it. As far as 9/11 … same public misinformation. Building 7 collapse like magic. Hmm. I wonder if the building I’m sitting in right now will do the same all on it’s own. Ctgardengirl https://www.wtnh.com/news/connecticut/fairfield/westport-pd-testing-pandemic-drone-to-monitor-social-distancing-health-issues-around-town/#/questions “Now, the police department is testing a “pandemic drone” that measures social distancing and can detect fevers, heart rate and other vital signs. But some protesters worry that is could be an invasion of privacy.” Comment section on this article is interesting reading. Dan RE: Nova Scotia shootings Canada…

The Survivalist’s Odds ‘n Sods

…time—to make plain that, while the pandemic poses many grave challenges, there is no world in which the Constitution tolerates color-coded executive edicts that reopen liquor stores and bike shops but shutter churches, synagogues, and mosques,” he wrote.” Muddykid Great reply and thanks! Telesilla of Argos Not so fast! Sidney Powell filed suits in both Georgia and Michigan… https://www.toddstarnes.com/politics/sidney-powell-files-bombshell-election-fraud-lawsuit-in-georgia/ This link from Todd Starnes is a quick read and includes some quoted language from the filing. In addition to referencing the alleged “water leak” in Fulton County, Georgia, Powell includes evidence of serious problems that occurred in Forsyth, Paulding, Cherokee, Hall and Barrow counties as well. There is additional news of progress related to Lin Wood’s suit. This link goes to The Epoch Times, but there are other links which are accessible without a pay-wall. https://www.theepochtimes.com/mkt_app/appeals-court-grants-expedited-review-over-lin-woods-lawsuit-challenging-georgia-election-procedures_3594035.html Good news was also coming from Nevada. This from the Washington Examiner. https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/washington-secrets/huge-court-win-lets-trump-present-ballot-evidence-could-overturn-nevada-result …and…