What To Do and Not Do When a Pandemic Starts- Part 2, by Scientist69

  In part 1 of this article series, I explained the difference between a pandemic and an epidemic as well as virus transmissions. We also went through some basic biosecurity measures, including items to have on hand and how to use them, including some detail on various disinfectants. Now, let’s move forward in our discussion on dealing with pandemic-causes viruses. Vaccination Vaccinations have gotten a bad reputation, unfortunately due to the occurrence of some rare issues such as allergies to vaccines, autoimmune responses, et cetera and a whole lot of misinformation. Generally, if you had regular vaccinations, you might have …

A Realistic Assessment of Epidemic Disease After TEOTWAWKI- Part 2, by Dr. DMC

As we learned yesterday, malaria, like so many other important epidemic illnesses, is a disease of poverty. The poverty we refer to here implies poor housing, poor nutrition, unsanitary and crowded living conditions, and most important, bad water. Remember that the mosquitoes that spread malaria are still around. If America’s high standard of living is destroyed, people will be exposed to the mosquito again, and with time, the parasite will find its way back into the U.S. Malaria is not the only disease to consider either. We have already looked at upper respiratory infections, including influenza (flu), and measles. Today, …

A Realistic Assessment of Epidemic Disease After TEOTWAWKI- Part 1, by Dr. DMC

Malaria In 1850, malaria occurred throughout the entire region of what is now the lower 48 states, with the exception of some of the higher altitudes of the Rocky and Appalachian mountains. It sickened and killed thousands of the pioneers moving westward, even though the type of malaria most common in the country tended not to be the most fatal form of the disease. Today, malaria is so uncommon that American physicians often fail to recognize the rare cases seen in travelers or immigrants. Cases are rare, and deaths are even rarer. Perhaps surprisingly, the mosquitoes that can spread the …

Letter: Stocking Up on Toiletries

Hugh, Just an FYI for those who like to stockpile toiletries: My husband is a big fan of the Old Spice Swagger products, and this time of year I go buy the “gift packs” for 50% off. That is a large body wash, body spray (that hubby uses for deo), and a deo stick. I drop about $50 and get enough body wash, shampoo, and spray for a year for him. Then this is the kicker, he doesn’t like the deo sticks, so come garage sale season, I sell those off at $2 a pop to thrilled folks. That makes …

Preparing for Infectious Diseases, by Maple

While there are many good articles out there on preparing for pandemics, there is little information that really breaks down infectious diseases and how to alter your actions depending on the disease. There are also conflicting reports on exactly what actions to take and if/when to take antibiotics and in what dosages. I hope this article will provide you with the tools you will need to decide what actions to take. This article will cover some basic infectious disease terms and patterns and then two resources you can use to decide what actions to take and when. Infectious Diseases When …

Letter: Prepping with Cancer

Hugh, I’ve just started chemotherapy and would like to ask your readers about resources for preparing while working through cancer? – J. HJL’s Comment: Having been through that exact same scenario myself, I can tell you that I didn’t change much. I was more careful in what I chose to eat (and store for future eating) and I learned more about taking care of myself while avoiding things in our society that are detrimental (like fast food), but overall, my goals stayed pretty much the same. During chemotherapy, you will most likely be exhausted so plan accordingly. Learn to be …

Without This, All Your Preps and Training Are For Naught, by M.P. in Ohio

The Answer Is Good Health Instead of teasing you by giving you the answer in the third paragraph, here is what you need for your preps and training to be meaningful; it is good health. So before you think you’ve already read similar articles, please read on. I think you’ll find this different. Your health during SHTF scenarios is more important than: 1) All your training, 2) All your stored goods, and 3) Your bug out location I understand we can’t all be in perfect health, but you owe it to yourself to be as healthy as possible. I’m not …

Some Alternatives to Health Insurance for Americans

There are huge obstacles to President DJT’s Swamp Draining Attempt in Washington, DC.  One of the biggest fights revolves around replacing the Affordable Care Act (ACA). This is commonly known as Obamacare. There seems to be a log jam in Congress. This was in part instigated by the left wing of the Republican Party. (That’s is the majority of Republicans in both the House and Senate.) So, despite their rhetoric, it seems like they don’t want to do away with socialized medicine.  This is because the status quo concentrates both power and the flow of wealth through Washington, DC. For …

Recognizing and Resolving Common Vitamin Deficiencies, by J.F. Texas

Ideally every person from birth through old age would get all the nutrients they need from the food they consume, but deficiencies occur. There are times when the optimal amount of nutrients from food intake are not possible. People who consume energy-dense, nutrient-poor foods can develop a marginal micronutrient intake and low serum concentrations of vitamins. In times of food shortages or limited access to fresh foods, nutrient deficiencies can become even more common, especially vitamin deficiencies. What are vitamins? Vitamins are organic molecules required in small amounts to prevent deficiency signs and symptoms. The most concern is for water-soluble …

Gear System: Philosophy, Set Up, Use, Fitness & Mindset- Part 2, by Max

Today, we are concluding this article, which is a follow-up to the recent “The Practical Application of Tactical Gear, Load, and Weight Considerations”. Part 1 disclosed the basics of the gear system and began detailing them. We are continuing with the details, and then covering the practical use of our gear and the importance of physical conditioning. THE DETAIL (continued) Chest Rig / Plate Carrier: You must avoid the temptation to “go large” with this item. With the available huge admin pouches and the like, this is particularly something you want to avoid below your armpits or right on the …

Water Safety: Prevent Deaths by Drowning!, by M. in Canada

Summer Vacation Around Water Summer is a wonderful season and one that requires knowledge of water safety to prevent deaths by drowning. The weather is warm, sunny, and even cold in areas of the country. Children cheer their happiness and excitement for the last day of school. Everyone is dreaming of summer vacation when they go camping, set up a tent in the cool shade of a wooded camp ground with a nice sandy beach by the shore of a lake with its refreshing waters. What could be more perfect? They look forward to a vacation at the sea on …

Planning For Better Nutrition During TEOTWAWKI To Ward Off Grim Reaper- Part 2, by A.R.223

You must plan nutrition concerns  before TEOTWAWKI. We’ve begun to look at myths, including that TEOTWAWKI will be a good time to diet. We left off right in the middle of our examination of necessary vitamins and minerals, specifically looking at the B vitamins. Let’s continue. Vitamin B (continued) A wide variety of foods contain Biotin (vitamin B7); however, beef liver, soybeans, butter, split peas, lentils, peanuts, walnuts, pecans, sunflower seeds, and brewer’s yeast are especially rich sources of this nutrient. Symptoms of deficiency include brittle fingernails, hair loss, conjunctivitis, and dermatitis in the form of a scaly red rash …

Planning for Better Nutrition During TEOTWAWKI to Ward Off Grim Reaper- Part 1, by A.R.223

Knowledge And Diet Changes Required Now Planning for better nutrition during TEOTWAWKI isn’t merely about eating delicious foods we’re already accustomed to so that the transition from our present state to the coming chaos is as seamless as possible. It is really more about saving our loved ones. However, in order to save our loved ones, the aforementioned transition needs to be seamless. To make it seamless necessitates increased knowledge of nutrition as well as changes in our diet now. Our future will include the confrontation of diseases and conditions that most of us cannot comprehend. We can’t grasp them …

Nurse’s Perspective for Survival, by L.S.

As a nurse who believes in making preparations for long-term survival, it has come to my attention that there are a few simple preventive healthcare measures that everyone should consider. However, obtaining important preventive healthcare and taking general measures related to maintaining general health is often overlooked or delayed because of the focused attention to the more obvious important prepping activities, such as having enough food, water, or a safe, sheltered environment.

Tetenus Vaccine

Since my favorite approach to staying healthy is a more naturopathic way, I must admit that I am not a strong advocate of most vaccines in general. This is due to a variety of chemicals that are added into vaccines with subsequent recorded side effects of some vaccines after administration. However, there is one particular vaccination that I do believe is important to obtain in emergency preparation. This is the tetanus vaccination.

Household Basics in TEOTWAWKI- Part 10, by Sarah Latimer

We’re continuing this section of the series on household basics, and I’m sharing my research on oil. I didn’t expect it would be a three-part section, but I did spend a lot of time researching and testing it, so you are joining me on this journey and getting the plan. I’ve shared that we have a Piteba seed/bean/nut oil expeller press that we plan to use as our primary means for oil. I’ve ruled out GMO grains and also lard, though I might use some beef tallow but want to keep it to a minimum for health reasons. Tallow is …