Letter: South Africa and Public Opinion

Hi Hugh, I noticed that the recent Odds and Sods mentioned the crisis that White South African Farmers are faced with. The new president of South Africa has publicly stated that white South African farmers will have their land seized without compensation. This means zero money given to them for their taken land. Many of those farmers have been on their land for six generations or more. The South African government has recently passed a motion, by a three to one margin, to allow this will happen and they have called for an amendment to their Constitution. This resolution will …

Being a Good Neighbor in the American Redoubt, by 11Z

Nobody can do it all by themselves so being a good neighbor is important. It keeps the peace and strengthens the community, both of which are no doubt important to readers of this blog. In the interest of bringing in some helpful solicitation from other readers, here are some thoughts about being a good neighbor. It’s presented for community consideration. Please bear in mind that I’m not a community organizer with an Ivy League degree and political aspirations so forgive any lack of such credibility. I grow up in the National Redoubt and retired here after years of living all …

Discipline: The Most Critical Piece of Your Emergency Preparations By J.D.

There is a wonderful meme making the rounds on the Internet that applies to our emergency preparations. It states: “He who lives without discipline dies without honor.” Some claim it to either be a quote attributed to Odin, a pagan god of the Germans and Norse, or an ancient Icelandic proverb. Similarly, if you read survivalist literature long enough, you will come across this idea: “software is more important than hardware.” I have no idea if these quotes are attributable to anyone, but I believe these ideas hold the key to becoming truly survivable in any situation. It’s Not Enough- …

One of the World’s Most Useful Skills, by S.V.

My father impressed upon me a useful skill that has saved my life on more than one occasion. Whether it be traveling on dangerous highways in the saddle of a motorcycle or watching for a gun in the hands of a suspect, constant and consistent situational awareness is a critical survival skill. When the grid shudders to a stop or money becomes more useful as toilet paper than currency, our exercise of practical situational awareness will mean the difference between life and death on a daily basis. This is why we should take actionable steps to continually hone this perishable …

Rethinking Federal Government Preparedness Resources, by J.P.

The government can’t always keep you safe, but they can always get you killed. For a long time I’ve held that notion near and dear to my heart only to have it revalidated whenever and wherever calamity strikes our nation. I’m sure there are some bureaucrats that would agree with my opinion. Furthermore, it appears that some people within our government have fought the good fight for the preparedness community when they made available a number of free resources to add to any preparedness library. It just so happens I keep electronic copies of these publications on my smart phone …

Letter: The Real Restrictions of Australia’s Gun Laws on its Citizens

HJL, Just wanted to give your readers a taste of what our Australian “Gun Control Act” has meant to law abiding Aussie shooters in light of the articles on “Preparing for the Inevitable American Gun Ban”. A firearms license is required for all transactions involving firearms, firearm parts (not accessories) and all ammunition sales (license number and amount of ammunition purchased is recorded). All semi automatic firearms are restricted to an extremely regulated and difficult to obtain Primary Producers License (regardless of caliber). All handgun licenses are for competition shooting only (or Security Industry), handgun magazines are restricted to 10 …

Preparing for the Inevitable American Gun Ban- Part 3, by Rector

I believe a full gun ban in the United States is inevitable. In the first two parts of this article series, I’ve explained why I expect this, through cultural, legal, and demographic trends. Part two discloses the first step for protecting your guns. Let’s move on to the second step in the plan. Protecting Your Guns (continued) Step 2: Prepare the Registered Gun Collection Your Amazon browsing history (now up to 15 years old), your credit card records, your membership in the NRA, your concealed handgun permit, your GPS tracked trips to the gun range, et cetera will provide investigators …

Preparing for the Inevitable American Gun Ban- Part 2, by Rector

A full gun ban in the United States is inevitable. In part one of this three-part series, I begin to outline the cultural, legal, and demographic reasons I believe this is the case. Let’s continue looking into the changing demographics of the United States and its subsequent affect on the political landscape. The Enemy Has A Vote In my former life as an Infantry officer in the U.S. Army, we were fond of saying that “the enemy has a vote”, meaning that our best laid plans were likely to be undone by enemy action. Rest assured, the statists and gun …

Preparing for the Inevitable American Gun Ban- Part 1, by Rector

A full gun ban in the United States is inevitable. Any honest reading of the cultural, legal, and demographic trends in the United States will confirm this thesis– the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall be infringed, and we will lose our firearms. Many of you are rightfully rejecting my premise and doing so on solid intellectual ground: the 2nd Amendment, the Heller decision, the rise of concealed carry, the election of Trump, and the power of the NRA. These are formidable weapons in the fight to retain our rights. Yet, ultimately, we will lose the …

The Left’s Vindictive Databases: For Blaming, Shaming, Defaming, and SWATting

A key tactic of The Left is to demonize their political opponents. They have become increasingly sophisticated at this since the turn of the 21st Century. Most recently they have assembled voluminous databases on “Right Wing”, “Alt-Right” , and “Hate Groups.” But by lumping together legitimate conservative political activists (such as Tea Party groups) and right to life groups in the same lists as racists, bigots, the KKK, and assorted anti-Semites, they have besmirched the reputations of nearly everyone who opposes the socialist agenda. Some of the latest generations of databases can safely be called Vindictive Databases. A new article in …

A Long Shot: Looking for Information on 2nd MI Bn. Project Alpine Cactus

The following information request on Project Alpine Cactus is a long shot, but given SurvivalBlog’s large and diverse readership, it is worth a try: As a young Lieutenant back in 1986 I was posted TDY to the U.S. Army 2nd Military Intelligence Battalion (AE), at Echterdingen, West Germany.  That unit was part of the 207th Military Intelligence Brigade, under VII Corps, at the Stuttgart Army Airfield kasserne. While there, I worked a Guardrail live mission. While working at the Integrated Processing Facility (IPF), I read a classified report on an mission that had been conducted a few years earlier. As …

Clarity of Mind and Survival- Part 2, by The Recovering Feminist

This is the second part of an article that focuses on the reality of forgiveness in a person’s survival mindset. It is not approached from a psychological perspective but recognizes that having a clear and sharp mind is critical not only for making good survival decisions but for making good decisions in general. In part one, we covered how forgiveness is essential to survival, vengeance v. mercy, and the sexual assault epidemic, including the harm of the “me too” trend. Let’s continue on. Confront Evil Some of the worst acts of betrayal happen to those in positions of vulnerability who …

Letter: Media Suppression- Another Voice Banned For Truth

Hi Hugh, It appears we have reached another point in saying what you believe is true. Helping others deal with crisis, will now lead to your ideas being suppressed from those that would benefit. The author, Matt Bracken, has been banned from Facebook for 30 days and his Twitter feed has not been updated since the 17th of January. He had regularly been posting links and articles several times each day. In recent days, prior to his online disappearance, Matt had been very vocal about online censorship. Matt’s online presence has been consistent about the dangers of about Muslim Immigration. …

A Great Wall: On Border Controls, Immigration, and National Survival

I have generally side-stepped the issue of immigration in SurvivalBlog, from the outset. Back in 2006, I explained why. But recent events have pushed this issue to the forefront of the national debate.  At this juncture, I’d like to make my position clear, even at the risk of perturbing some of my readers.  I can now see that immigration is not just a political issue or a policy issue. Rather, it is a matter of national survival. Even before Donald J. Trump (DJT) was seated as U.S. president, there was huge disagreement on his planned immigration and border security policies. …

Planning, Training, and Exercising for “Bug Out”- Part 2, by Mr. E

In part one of this article series, we looked at the reason for the three skills– planning, training, and exercising– for bugging out. This process is based on tried and true emergency management principles that are currently being used by both public and private institutions all across the nation. The benefit of this plan, train, exercise process is that it allows you and your group to take an all-hazards approach to preparing for a plethora of disasters and emergencies. Training Everyone On The Plan (continued) Yesterday, we completed the planning portion and just barely began the training portion of the …