The Rules of Engagement: Meet PTSD- Part 1, by Autistic Prepper

PTSD is an acronym thrown around quite a bit. Principally, this mental diagnosis term of posttraumatic stress disorder was assigned beginning in the early 1980s, primarily to those who had experienced traumatic events, such as war. Let’s meet PTSD and talk about the rules of engagement surrounding it and those who carry its burden. Why I Wrote An Article A while back I wrote an article about adult autism, an issue I’d never seen addressed in prepping literature. A perceptive reader wondered what the condition had to do with prepping. It is relevant for two reasons. First, it’s a reminder …

VA Nightmares and Real Resources of Hope for Veterans- Part 2, by Informed Consent

This article is written to expose the broken VA system and provide a forum for veterans to share their story in the comments. Furthermore, at the end of this article, I will share information and resources for alternatives to the VA system. Let’s continue. Grumpy-Pants Who Do Not Care About Veterans I’m sure there are some grumpy-pants who do not care about veterans reading this article. I probably won’t be able to change your mind. Perhaps your heart runs cold and your eyes are scaled over. Or, perhaps you are someone who has illogically made the conclusion that all veterans …

VA Nightmares and Real Resources of Hope for Veterans- Part 1, by Informed Consent

In honor of Memorial Day, I thought it fitting to expose the broken Veterans Administration (VA) system to those who are not aware. This is not a sob story or victim card lecture. It is simply sharing the reality of the current VA system and the consequences of such on real lives. Most veterans will have no problem accepting the premise of this paper. However, some still believe that the VA is the ultimate savior, when it comes to their failing health. Oh, and the VA money, well, that money seems to come with strings attached, doesn’t it? “Nothing is …

Terms of Temerity: Why The Left Loathes The Words We Use

Five years ago in SurvivalBlog, I posted The Leftist Lexicon: Translating Statist Rhetoric Into Plain English, by Ray X.  Then, a few months later, I posted a brief essay that I authored. It was titled: Incendiary Words: Of Detonations and Denotations. In the latter essay, I warned that our language was being twisted by leftist terminology and that we need to hold fast to the proper, objective, and accepted meanings of words. Most recently, I’ve noticed that the assorted leftists, statists, globalists, and collectivists who dominate the American mass media now sneer at conservatives, Christians, and libertarians when we dare …

Hitchhiking After SHTF, by J.B.

Many of us have spent a lot of time thinking about how we would get home if things hit the fan while we are away from home, and hitchhiking hasn’t been on top of the list. The majority of us would have our vehicle there to hopefully drive ourselves back. What many people have not spent much time thinking about is how they would get home if the car wouldn’t start, if the car broke down on the way home, or if you had flown to a location and can’t get a flight back. I want to share my experiences …

Homesteading or Prepping with Very Little Money- Part 2, by M.C.

Now that you have begun your prepping with very little money to buy the basic survival rations, let’s make your food a little more varied and palatable. You may be surprised how you can do this. Edible Weeds Go to the library and find a book on the edible weeds in your area. Collect them, and dry them. You can use a window screen to dry them on, after spraying it with water to remove dust and debris and allowing it to dry. Those dried weeds will add flavor and nutrition to your meals. Some, like Lambs Quarters which grows …

The Next Kristallnacht, by J.J.

Violence perpetrated against conservatives, Republicans, and Trump supporters in recent years have escalated, while simultaneously being played down by the media and opposing political parties. The fact that influential Democrats and news personalities deny the trend serves to appease their leftist base, perhaps even emboldening others. If the course continues to increase, where will it lead? What are the consequences? Has history shown us the answer? Kristallnacht Starting on the night of November 9, 1938 and continuing until the early morning hours of November 10, Jews who lived in Germany suffered the “Night of Broken Glass”, or “Kristallnacht”. Nazis and …

The Game of Life, by A Modern Stoic

I lie awake, thinking of the past and different choices I could have made in this game of life, or fantasizing about the future and the alternatives I can choose. Then I remember that the only moment that exists is the one my mind occupies in this instant. “If thou shouldst live three thousand years, or as many myriads, yet remember this, that no man loses any other life than that he now lives; and that he now lives no other life than what he is parting with, every instant. The longest life, and the shortest, come to one effect: …

Dial T for Tyranny: While America Feuds, the Police State Shifts Into High Gear, by John Whitehead

This article originally appeared at The Rutherford Institute “Big Brother does not watch us, by his choice. We watch him, by ours. There is no need for wardens or gates or Ministries of Truth. When a population becomes distracted by trivia, when cultural life is redefined as a perpetual round of entertainments, when serious public conversation becomes a form of baby-talk, when, in short, a people become an audience and their public business a vaudeville act, then a nation finds itself at risk; a culture-death is a clear possibility.” — Professor Neil Postman, Amusing Ourselves to Death: Discourse in the Age …

Gun Issues, by Survivormann99

I was in a Social Security office today that is located in a city that is regularly ranked by the FBI as being one of the “top five safest American cities” (with a population over 100,000). I do not believe that the city has ever fallen out of the top ten safest American cities in the last 20 years. Social Security Office Security Guard Armed with 9mm Semi-Automatic Pistol There to maintain order in the Social Security office and to keep a careful watch on the gray-haired, white-haired, and blue-haired sexagenarians, septuagenarians, and octogenarians was a security guard armed with …

The Mathematics of Countering Tyranny

Introductory Proviso: The following essay on possible gun confiscation is a purely conjectural gedankenexperiment about the future that extrapolates from recent history and current trends. Nothing herein is seditious (per 18 U.S. Code § 2384), nor a call to arms, nor a threat to our government or to any individual, agency, or group. The Collectivist Dream The current mass media-driven “debate” on firearms (actually more like paternalistic lecturing or chiding) seems to be leading toward greater restrictions by Congress. The collectivist gun grabbers have the dream of ignoring the Second Amendment and somehow magically removing all detachable magazine semi-auto rifles …

Guess What? We Grow Up, by The Autistic Prepper

It was good to read about dealing with autistic children and their special needs in survival situations, and I’d like to thank Grey Woman for her article. There have been articles about the elderly, the physically handicapped, those with dementia, but we on the autistic spectrum have been largely ignored. Our differences are too bizarre for most people to understand. Adult With Autism; We Grow Up Let me introduce myself. I’m an adult with autism, and I’m also a fervent SurvivalBlog reader and occasional contributor. I also like to watch water going down a drain, insist that my egg be …

Guest Post: Unmasking the Liberal Agenda of Death, by Enola Gay

When I was growing up, my parents owned a store in the tiny town that shared our zip code. Dad sold guns, ammo, tack, grain, used furniture and whatever else happened to come in to the “Horse Trader”. He also sold hunting and fishing licenses and was the town’s only UPS drop. Although the Horse Trader filled a niche in the local economy, perhaps its greatest contribution was that of a meeting place. Every small town, especially isolated mountain towns, need a place for people to come together. It is in these meeting places that lives are shared and burdens …

Letter: Gun Violence

Hugh, There is unacceptable gun violence in our country. Pro gun versus anti gun citizens and groups go head to head and fight over gun control. I believe we should all be working together to figure out what the real causes of this violence is, working as a team to erase mass shootings and gun crime. These occurrences make all Americans look bad. We are all to blame– gun owners as well as those who are fighting to end the right for citizens to protect themselves and exercise their constitutional rights. Maybe there should be a nationwide policy through which …

Letter Re: Normalcy Bias

Hugh, According to Wikipedia, “The normalcy bias, or normality bias, is a belief people hold when facing a disaster. It causes people to underestimate both the likelihood of a disaster and its possible effects, because people believe that things will always function the way things normally have functioned.” It may refer to a disaster, but surely it has a cousin that causes people not to see or consider a “sea change” in technology and its impact on life and politics. Impact of Computers on Life Consider how people viewed the impact of computers on life, say 30 years ago. Few …