More Guerilla Warfare Lessons From Ukraine: Drones

The Russian army’s invasion of Ukraine has now been in progress for two months. First hoping for a quick and decisive victory, they have been thwarted by the stolid resistance of Ukraine’s active army, bolstered by reserves, foreign volunteers, and lots of ad hoc resistance, by the citizenry. The conflict has all of the hallmarks of Fourth Generation Warfare (4GW). And some would argue that with a strong cyberwarfare component, it has elements of Fifth Generation Warfare (5GW). A Drone War While anti-tank guided missiles (ATGMs) have deservedly attracted the media spotlight, it is the use of drones that might …

Why Do We Prepare?, by Todd X.

I am a prepper. As a child, I remember my grandmother’s stories of living with scarcity during the Great Depression and her life lessons about the necessity of being prepared. As a teenager, my father was a senior operations officer at the Strategic Air Command (SAC) headquarters. He believed he would have an early warning about any incoming nuclear attacks. Consequently, he devised a code phrase. If he called and said: “I have some bad news: Grandpa fell and broke his hip” then we were to grab our bug-out bags and quickly head to our well-stocked cabin in the woods …

The Logic of Pre-1965 Silver Coin Pricing in Inflationary Times

We are living in an age of inflation. The recent wave of inflation in the United States will surely continue and may very likely become more severe than what we witnessed in the late 1970s and early 1980s. Double-digit and even triple-digit consumer price inflation may be in our near future. Life in a country where 20% or more of the purchasing power of the principal currency unit erodes annually is not pleasant. When this happens, inflation inevitably breeds even more inflation. Producers, wholesalers, and retailers all get in the habit of regularly jacking up their prices, in anticipation of …

Inflation Will Settle Gold’s Future – Better Watch It Closely, by Arkadiusz Sieroń

Inflation continues to rise but may soon reach its peak. After that, its fate will be sealed: a gradual decline. Does the same await gold? If you like inviting people over, you’ve probably figured out that some guests just don’t want to leave, even when you’re showing subtle signs of fatigue. They don’t seem to care and keep telling you the same not-so-funny jokes. Even in the hall, they talk lively and tell stories for long minutes because they remembered something very important. Inflation is like that kind of guest – still sitting in your living room, even after you …

Some Initial Guerilla Warfare Lessons From Ukraine

With the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the world is witnessing true Fourth Generation Warfare (4GW). According to standard references such as the Infogalactic Wiki, 4GW has these elements and characteristics: Complex and long term Employs terrorism as a tactic A non-national or transnational base – highly decentralized A direct attack on the enemy’s culture, including genocidal acts against civilians. All available pressures are used – political, economic, social, and military Occurs in low-intensity conflict, involving actors from all networks Non-combatants are tactical dilemmas Lack of hierarchy Small in size, spread out network of communication and financial support Use of insurgency …

JWR’s Bonus Meme:

The latest meme created by JWR: The Biden press office tells us the change was “based on the advice of scientific experts.” To share this, you can find it here: Meme Text: In An Amazing Coincidence, Team Biden Quietly Dropped All Of Their COVID Restrictions on 80% of Americans… Just Four Days After The Ukrainian Invasion Began, And Two Days After The Truckers’ Convoy to the Capitol Began Rolling. News Link: Jen Psaki’s Announcement.  

The US as Babylon The Great, and What it Means to Preppers, by R.G.

Nowhere in the Bible is there a description of a latter-day Superpower that impacts the whole earth until the One World Government comes. Where is a Superpower like USA, or even China, described in the Biblical events leading to Christ’s return and Armageddon? Well, there is a detailed description in Revelation chapter 18 of a great Superpower that is destroyed leading up to the final days. This superpower is called Babylon the Great. Could this be America? Many Christian scholars believe Babylon to be Rome and/or the Catholic Church. They believe Rome’s destruction started in 410 A.D., continued with the …

Separation Or Purge? Sharing A Society With The Political Left Is Impossible, by Brandon Smith

Of all the social drivers in history the concept of freedom is the most powerful and fascinating. There are many observable objective truths in the world and it’s always important to recognize them, but the idea of freedom is more rare because it is a universal SUBJECTIVE truth. Meaning, it exists inherently in the majority of individuals; we don’t learn it, we just know it instinctively. Most of us share the experience but there is no microscope or telescope in existence that can observe that experience. We just have to trust it, or perhaps, have faith. Freedom is not taught …

Inflation: How Bad Could it Get? – Part 2, by Banker Bob

(Continued from Part 1. This concludes the article.) No matter what third-party players do on the international stage (China, Russia, Iran – in that order), this country may be on the road to a slow-rolling collapse over the next eighteen months. All the things that currently get news coverage are like the opening act before Garth Brooks takes the concert stage. Ukraine – So what? Taiwan – Well, it had to happen. Faltering economy – All Trump’s fault. West Texas crude oil above $120 per barrel – Just park your truck. And any of these things could result in higher …

Inflation: How Bad Could it Get? – Part 1, by Banker Bob

Much of my career has been in banking or related financial services including day-to-day, hands-on management of large-scale transaction processing centers for one of the world’s largest banks. Question 1: What’s your personal measure of inflation? Weekly grocery bill? Filling up your tank at the gas pump? 9mm or 5.56 ammo when you find some? Medical bills? Your individual perceptions are influenced by personal purchasing preferences, geographic differences, urban vs. rural spending habits, size of family, and income level. For starters, take a very skeptical look at the 7.5% CPI reported as the 12-month increase for January 2022. The figures …

Economics & Investing For Preppers

Here are the latest news items and commentary on current economics news, market trends, stocks, investing opportunities, and the precious metals markets. We also cover hedges, derivatives, and obscura. Most of these items are from the “tangibles heavy” contrarian perspective of SurvivalBlog’s Founder and Senior Editor, JWR. Today, we hear war drums and take a look at the precious metals market. Precious Metals: It is noteworthy that the spot price of silver was $22.50 per Troy ounce on February 4th. When I checked over the weekend, it was at $23.57. I expect a jump at the opening bell in the …

How and Why Leftists Use Mass Censorship, by Brandon Smith

Why is censorship the go-to tactic for leftists? Well, if you ask them they won’t deny their love affair with the memory hole. In fact, most leftists will vehemently defend censorship as absolutely moral and for the “greater good.” Their position is basically this: We live in a “society”, and some ideas, thoughts and words are “dangerous” and destructive to that society. Therefore, those ideas and words must be eliminated from open discussion so they can protect society from itself. But who gets to decide which ideas are dangerous and destructive? It’s rather convenient that the political left has anointed …

Readying Your Family: Count The Costs

As I’ve mentioned in previous essays, I believe that We Are Living In The Age of Deception and Betrayal (WALITAODAB). Looking back on the trauma and drama of 2020 and 2021, please consider some of the questions that you must ask yourself and the choices that you may have to make in the next few years: 1.) First and foremost, are you right with God? If not, then repent and commit your life to Christ Jesus. (Yeshua, the Messiah.) Salvation in Christ is there for the asking, but you must be saved. 2.) Are you living in a truly safe …

Hoping For TEOTWAWKI – Part 2, by St. Funogas

(Continued from Part 1. This concludes the article.) TEOTWAWKI would get rid of both the 24-hour news cycle and the time-wasting crime that television is. By the time after The Day when the new normal has been established, kids (and most parents) will be thin and active and unafraid again, knowing how to ride bikes, developing ingenuity and problem-solving skills by building go-carts and tree forts, and seeing what neat critters there are under rocks and logs when you roll them over. After their many newly-acquired post-SHTF chores are finished, boys and girls will go down to the swimming hole …

Hoping For TEOTWAWKI – Part 1, by St. Funogas

Oh TEOTWAWKI, where art thou? I gave up the “news” on November 3, 2020 about 8 PM. During December I’d do a quick scan to see if there was any mention of mushroom clouds, then get back to more important things like trying to figure out how to get my hands on some Hoppes 1-8 to go along with my Hoppes 9. In 2021, I’ve given up all news (except the occasional link in another story) and both my sanity and quality of life have improved immensely. Friends and relatives will notify me of any mushroom clouds on the horizon. …