The Simplicity that Prepared Us – Part 2, by John S.

(Continued from Part 1. This concludes the article.) COLD-HEARTED US DIPLOMATS and FRIENDLY FOREIGN ENVOYS It was a shock to me that our own diplomats (some, not all) hate missionaries and Christian humanitarians. I found this out, directly. My sister is a diplomat at the defunct Department of State (DOS). I was aghast that she joined such a liberal, hate filled left wing organization! The lengthy, dangerous lines at US Embassies in Africa was a big reason we returned back to America. People were stabbed in line there in Nairobi, in 2016. There’s no priority for US citizens, because your …

The Simplicity that Prepared Us – Part 1, by John S.

We grew up in the woods of northwestern Montana. Life was tough. We were five kids and shared each others clothes, while growing up. Mom and dad worked a hard, simple routine. We didn’t have ski passes, adornments, and excesses. We had the bare minimum. We got mocked a lot, by the social climbers in school, church and work. Wealthy people stood out in our small Montana village. I didn’t understand the value of hardship growing up, until decades later. As a child, I complained at times, not comprehending the valuable life skills our struggling parents displayed to us, daily. …

Alaska, Coronavirus, and the True Church – Part 2, by J.P.

(Continued from Part 1. This installment concludes the article.) First – ​Narrow our Focus First, we must narrow our focus to what we are actually capable of doing, while distancing ourselves from all those entities over which we have no power or authority. Lamenting the direction of the United Nations, FEMA, or even the cumbersome nature of the U.S. Government will only consume our energy and cloud our focus. It’s a tough call, but at this point in the game I believe it’s time to release our friends, family, and even churches that just don’t get it. This could be …

Alaska, Coronavirus, and the True Church – Part 1, by J.P.

Have you ever thought about just how far it is from Seattle to Alaska? Probably not, because for a long time the world rightly assumed it to be a long way. Early pioneers came to Alaska by steamer, horse-drawn sledge, and on foot; a long and arduous journey. Modern conveniences changed all that. A scenic ride on a ferry can take between three and seven days. By car, between Seattle and Anchorage, it’s still a serious three day drive. A commercial flight will average just under four hours. That’s still a long way even in modern day thinking. So, in …

Joy Ahead, by ShepherdFarmerGeek

We’ve often been encouraged to look forward to the “joys” of Heaven, the final Home to all who follow Yeshua the Messiah. And we’ve been told that this joy will help get us through the trials and struggles of life. While my prepping efforts have been to not arrive there unnecessarily early, I still ponder what lies ahead. One day last week I considered this “joy” and wanted to share my brief thoughts. The joy of Heaven is: The joy of recognition when we see our Creator and Redeemer face to face; The joy of adventure, as we move into …

The Editors’ Quote of the Day:

“Almighty God, give us grace to cast away the works of darkness and put on the armor of light, now in the time of this life, in which your Son Jesus Christ came to visit us in great humility; So that, at the last day, when he shall come again in his glorious majesty to judge the living and the dead, we may rise to the life immortal.”  – The Book of Common Prayer, 1662

Prepper Lessons from Noah’s Ark, by C.H.

Before I begin this article, I should clarify that I believe that Noah’s flood is a historical fact, not an allegorical myth. It actually happened; a flood that covered the whole earth and destroyed all humanity and all animals on the earth, with the exception of one man, his family, and those animals with him. As I see it, if one can’t believe the Bible about the flood, one can’t believe it about the resurrection either. Noah is included in the ‘cloud of witnesses’ in Hebrews 11:7. These witnesses are to encourage us to ‘lay aside every encumberance and the …

One Last Chance, by J.W.F.

And the Lord God said: ”Hear my children a father’s plea; the beginning of wisdom; is to get wisdom. At the cost of all you have, gain understanding” (Emphasis mine. Though the Word of God itself is enough for emphasis). I am 63 yrs old. My ‘awareness’ that something was not right came about some time when I was a teen. It was an imperative enough sense, that from that moment, I began to read as much as I could. Not just books with inspiring tales, but tomes which held information pertaining to Faith. As well as prophecies, and conspiracies. …

Still Prepping After All These Years, by Tony T.

I have written this to encourage others that may be getting weary with the never-ending labors of preparation. I have divided this into four parts: 1. Learning from my family. 2. Adjusting to my own family. 3. Persevering through the years 4. Where we are now. Learning From My Family I’ll start by describing my father and his family. I was raised in a family that by modern standards would be considered preppers, at least by some. Prepping is not universally defined, to my knowledge. Be that as it may, I say we were preppers, but were unaware. It started …

Prayer Before You Prepare, by C.H.

My first memory of SurvivalBlog is reading the Rawlesian precepts, almost a decade years ago. I remember quickly hurrying over to the ‘Quick Start Guide’ to find out where I should begin. It was there that I read the most important piece of advice for any prepper: “Before you begin to prepare, pray.” Unfortunately, I thought that this meant little more than a salutary ‘tipping of the hat’ toward heaven before starting out on whatever I thought was best. ‘Do your best, pray it’s blessed, and let God do the rest.’ So I asked the Lord for his blessing and …

End-Times Survival Guide Pt. 2, by Robert Paine

(Continued from Part 1 — End-Times Survival Guide.) 4. Survival Necessities: Supplies, Tools and Skills In case of the event of an economic collapse or blackout scenario, it’s recommended to have a minimum of six months of supplies prepared. Make sure you have enough food and other survival essentials properly stored and well-hidden. You also need a reliable source of water, and the means to make it safe to drink. Keep in mind, tools and gear should be light, portable and durable. Invest in quality American-made products that you can depend on when the going gets tough. Survivalist Checklist: • …

End-Times Survival Guide Pt. 1, by Robert Paine

This guide is intended for all those who walk in truth and all those who seek to find it. Brothers and Sisters, we most humbly present to you, a definitive End-Times Survival Guide and Ultimate Salvation! This is a comprehensive, end-times survival guide created to help you and your family prepare for the possible collapse of America and other end-time scenarios that show sign of manifestation. Most importantly, we desperately share with you a message that leads to ultimate salvation. We have a lot of information to share, so we will speak briefly about each topic; please be advised to …

The Importance of Christian Self-Defense, by A. Benjamin

Disclaimer: I am not a theologian, just a believer who is fed up with a trend I’ve noticed. There is a distressing passivity and fatalism in the church these days.  Many have been suckered by the false meekness of pacifism and even flaunt their defenseless, as if it is a badge of honor!  To them, trusting in God means denying themselves the God-given right and command to defend themselves and others.  For them, faith is submitting to all authority, even if that is the ‘authority’ of a scumbag caving their head in, or the head of their child with a …

Some Thoughts About Lying- Part 2, by ShepherdFarmerGeek

[Editor’s Note: It is the position of the editor’s of SurvivalBlog that the end does not justify the means. Deuteronomy 16:20 states “That which is altogether just shalt thou follow” (KJV), though a more accurate word-for-word translation would be “Righteous justice you shall pursue.” We believe that we are to model our Lord and Savior who did not lie.] We are considering some thoughts about lying, based upon Paul Copan’s Enrichment Journal article called “Is It Ever Morally Permissible To Deceive?…” As an introduction, in Ephesians, the apostle Paul says to “put away your former way of life, your old self, …

Some Thoughts About Lying- Part 1, by ShepherdFarmerGeek

[Editor’s Note: It is the position of the editor’s of SurvivalBlog that the end does not justify the means. Deuteronomy 16:20 states “That which is altogether just shalt thou follow” (KJV), though a more accurate word-for-word translation would be “Righteous justice you shall pursue.” We believe that we are to model our Lord and Savior who did not lie.] There are six things the Lord hates and seven that are an abomination to Him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that hurry to run to evil, a lying …