Letter Re: The Mark of the Beast and Prepping

Hugh, Yet another person is comparing biometric access to the Biblical Mark of the Beast (MOB). I’m not sure why people are so quick to link any kind of implanted device, RFID, or biometric access to the MOB, but I am fairly certain these people have not actually read the Bible or the associated prophecies: “If anyone worships the beast and his image and receives his mark on the forehead or on the hand, he, too, will drink of the wine of God’s fury, which has been poured full strength into the cup of his wrath.” Revelation 14:9,10 “He causes …

Our Founding Fathers Were Right, by a Florida Mom

Our Founding Fathers were right, about education, too. Have you ever wondered how a generation with one-roomed schoolhouses produced so many great thinkers? Have you wondered what types of books were available when Abraham Lincoln studied on his own? Unlike many instructional books today, the educational books our founding fathers used were designed for simplified teaching, and self-teaching. They used McGuffey’s Readers, Harvey’s Grammar, and Ray’s Arithmetic. These were not grade level books; they were progressive level books, and they produced great thinkers who became great men. Pioneers could only pack a few books with their belongings, so they picked …

Range Brass to Finished Cartridge, Tips For The Ubiquitous .223 Cartridge, by R.W. – Part 1

One of the ways I have saved money in the past, to make room in my budget for other prep items, is by learning to load my own ammunition. I love capitalism, as I believe competition breeds innovation and competitive pricing and usually provides the consumer with a variety of options from which to choose. As a good consumer in a capitalist economy, I try to spread my loyalty (brand loyalty) around as I find products that meet my needs and budget. I believe that trade-offs of quality versus price will need to be balanced with value-added engineering and budgets. …

Letter: Crises of Faith

Hugh et al… First off – I am an avid reader and fan of SurvivalBlog and have been following it for several years now. I’d like to share my story in brief and ask a question of the readership. My story (digest version): I was born and raised in the LDS (Mormon) faith and had good values about work and family instilled in me from an early age (thanks to mom and dad). I religiously followed the “program” and went to BYU for a year after high school, served and full time mission, got married in the temple and had …

Getting Prepared, A Philosophical Perspective, by ShepherdFarmerGeek- Part 2

Yesterday, in Part 1, I talked about making choices, being informed, and how to deal with the “best case”. Now, let’s look at the worst case. Worst Case So there’s the best case– a wholesale economic collapse, which has, actually, already begun. On the other hand, I think the worst case scenario would be some combination of: World economic collapse driven by people who want to cripple the United States so its Constitution and sovereignty can be overthrown, PLUS A human-engineered, actually-deadly viral pandemic and mandatory mass vaccination with actually-dangerous ingredients (thimerosol preservative and squalene adjuvant come to mind), resulting …

Getting Prepared, A Philosophical Perspective, by ShepherdFarmerGeek- Part 1

“A prudent person foresees the danger ahead and takes precautions; the simpleton goes blindly on and suffers the consequences.” – Proverbs 22:3 Some credible, Christian people who are highly educated and very well informed, experienced and mature, savvy and responsible, and very knowledgeable about the Bible are saying there is a catastrophe coming very soon to the United States. Many other equally authentic followers of Jesus reach different conclusions, and still more find the very idea too disturbing to even consider, so they refuse to mention it to other Christians. They choose to believe that the idea of a national …

Letter Re: Theology and Prepardeness – Some Thoughts

Mr. Rawles, First, Mr. Wesley, I want you to know that I’m deeply thankful for the work that you do. Sound theology is what drove me to preparedness in the first place, and your commitment to the application of sound theology to the subject of preparing for the times ahead has been a tremendous blessing and personal inspiration to me. I love you for your dedication to Christ, your love for His law, and your faithful witness. I’m sending this message in the hope that it will encourage you and provide you with some profitable reflection. The Scriptures are clear …

How To Be As Prepared On The Inside As On The Outside, by A.K.

So, you have made your basement bomb-proof, installed solar panels, dug a well, and canned enough food to last ten years. You’ve engineered, on your own, a heating system that is not reliant on electricity, and you’ve rigged a longer-lasting septic system. You’ve stocked up on guns and ammo, bought night vision goggles, mapped all your exits, created an EMP-proof shelter for your electronics, stocked up on medicine and herbs, planted a garden, invested in silver, got a gas mask, and bought enough nutella and coffee for trading value. But…are you ready? Most prepers would reply, “More ready than that.” …

How to Study Your Bible Without Electronic Tools, by A.A.

For the purposes of this essay, I am going to assume that you have done two things in your life. First is simply this; you have accepted Jesus Christ as your personal savior. If you do not know what that means, I would recommend you stop reading now and find a solid pastor who can explain it to you, because none of this will really make any sense to you. Second is that you have gained, at the very least, a rudimentary understanding of the Bible. That being said, it is very likely that today day you are using the …

Letter Re: Biblical Prepping

Hugh, One more comment: Just because these are difficult times, that does not necessarily mean we are about to enter the Tribulation of Scripture. History is littered with dark days. In fact, good times are the exception. Had I been alive in the 1930s-1940s, I’d have thought the Dust Bowl was the famine, the Spanish Flu was the plague, the Great Depression was the financial ruin, and Hitler was the anti-Christ. The return of Christ may very well be 1,000 years away; maybe this is just the precursor to Dark Ages II? This is not our world. Maranatha. – CDV

Biblical Prepping, by Frank C.

One of the most difficult things about prepping is the occasional run-ins with family, friends, and others who openly mock or criticize your preparations for a future collapse. Many of these people even use Bible verses, or their own spin on the Scriptures, to defend themselves and go on the offensive against you. As soon as some of these people hear about your views or plans, many of them inevitably sniff at you and sneer, saying things like, “Don’t you think you’re being a bit fanatical about this?” or “Don’t you know things are going to get better?” or “The …

Letter Re: Christianity and Family Defense

Hello Mr. Latimer, I noticed your response to M.E.’s question regarding Christianity and Self Defense on Friday, November 21st; while I thought you provided good information, I noticed that there was another article on Survivalblog called “The Survivalist Mindset: A Biblical Case for Preparedness and Self-Defense” by Brian D. that may also be helpful to readers.

Letter Re: Christianity and Family Defense

Hello Mr. Latimer, I have been engaged in a lot of discussions lately about gun rights, and I have noticed that many of my more liberal friends who still identify as Christian always bring up the “turn the other cheek” verse from Scripture to defend their anti-gun stance. Instinctively I know I have a moral obligation to defend my children against attackers with whatever force necessary, but I’d love to have cogent scriptural exegesis on this issue at my fingertips. Do you know of a good resource for me to study? I appreciate your help! – M.E. Hugh Responds: Perhaps …

Seven Survival Tips for the Modern Feminist, by J.

Hello, my name is J, and I’m a recovering feminist. Sure, that may sound like a joke, but I am being completely honest and forthright when making that statement. In this article, I will explain my background and rational for this topic of choice as well as clearly spell out seven survival tips for the die-hard feminist. These tips can be put into action right now. It is my hope that at least one die-hard feminist will read this article and consider prudently preparing for the unexpected now. You may ask yourself, what the heck does feminism have to do …

Letter Re: Hugh’s Quote of the Day

Hugh,First, I believe the statement is false. Conservatives have been in the forefront of the efforts to stop ObamaCare, gun control, confiscatory taxes, Common Core, federal government growth, et cetera. Conservatives have been the leaders in the efforts to promote home schooling, protect the right to work, and organize Tea Party events. On what planet do these efforts to protect liberty by conservatives constitute allowing the “government to do anything it wants, even if its conduct is violent.”? Second, I believe most of SurvivalBlog.com readers are conservatives, not libertarian-anarchists like Hornberger. Don’t believe me? Just start running articles as to …