Letter Re: Kansas Bill

Sir, I am writing in response to the article link about the Kansas bill seeking to legalize police retaliation. I will first state that I do not agree with a second agency not being able to do an investigation– a fair and impartial investigation should always be the case. That said, I served 13 years in the infantry ending as an LRS team leader and currently serving with 15 years at a large, midwest police department. My department will take any complaint. A complaint can and has been taken over the telephone (even anonymously) with nothing more than the allegation …

Letter: Mental Illness

Hugh, I have a mental illness and know that if things go south my chances are slim, but I will persevere until the “oops” occurs. I suggest reading the fictional book “One Second After” to get a glimpse at what might happen to the old and the mentally ill; it is not pretty. Also, “The Walking Dead” did an episode, “The Grove”, where there was a mentally ill person. For the seriously mental ill, a bullet to the head might be the only choice. That stinks but is realistic. For the less serious, like me, you have to decide whether …

Letter: Libertarianism Debate

Hello again, First of all I must thank you for easing up on the “no tinfoil” restrictions today with allowing comments on the mind-body-connection and Chi Gong! Secondly, since you started out as editor with stating that you were open to input regarding the discussion on free markets etc. I thought maybe the following (short) article might interest you. – Mrs. Icebear Hugh Replies: We still have a “no tinfoil hats” policy here. The reason we have to be careful about eastern medicine is that it is difficult to separate the exercise and health aspect from the spiritual aspect. They …

Two Letters Re: Why Your Family Will NOT Survive the Economic Collapse

Hugh, I don’t comment ever. I have been following Jim’s site for over three years now. It’s the first thing I view most mornings. I yelled to my wife, “Honey you won’t believe what’s posted,” and I read the post to her. We both agreed with A.Y. to turn off the boob tube! I turned it off in the 80’s. I was sick of the garbage on it. I would love to see more posts concerning this topic. – M.S. o o o Hugh, Why Your Family Will NOT Survive the Economic Collapse, by A.Y. is the best article I’ve …

Prepping For The Kingdom: A Spiritual Perspective Of The Coming Collapse, by J.L.

Regardless of your eschatological views, you can be sure of one thing. When people unexpectedly fall on hard times, many an agnostic-in-practice suddenly become spiritual. It is known that the two places where prayers are most commonly offered are church pews and the back of a police cruiser. Humans return to their Creator in their time of need, as demonstrated time and time again in the Old Testament. Israel returned to obeying God after they encountered judgment for their disobedience and foolishness. Americans are no different. During the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks, churches were flooded by individuals looking for …

Why Your Family Will NOT Survive the Economic Collapse, by A.Y.

What I’m about to leave you with will most likely be the most ignored, neglected, and probably hated article you will read. What I’m going to say is the most overlooked aspect of the average person’s life, but it is most important second only to your eternal salvation. This will be primarily directed at the males, because if your families do not survive, it is your fault. One thing the old testament military and any member of the current military will tell you is that when you are in charge, you take the blame for the failure. Most men in …

Non-Internet Social Networking for TEOTWAWKI, by A.K. in Kansas

If you have finally decided to take the plunge and eliminate social networks from your life (Facebook, Twitter, etc.), the skills for maintaining interpersonal relationships should not be completely thrown by the wayside.  Over the course of the last five years our “group” has created a network of people that has proven to be very valuable.  One disclaimer that I must put forth is that the flippant nature of social networking on-line must be completely discounted as OPSEC is paramount.  I would never bring someone into my home to have contact with my family or include them in my preps …

Protecting Your Church, by Wandering Will

The service has ended, we say goodbye to our friends, wait for everyone to leave then lock up the church.  The drive home takes only a few minutes and when we arrive my wife and I take off and secure our weapons and conduct a debrief on any problems we encountered during the service.  Not exactly the Norman Rockwell version of a day in church.  I realize that the fact that someone would carry a weapon in church is appalling to many people.  However, before you begin stereotyping Christians as right-wing radicals, ask yourself a few questions.  When you were …

Two Letter Re: Why Is Utah Not in the American Redoubt?

Jim, To be fair, when you referenced the history of changes to LDS doctrine over the years that appears on the anti-Mormon “ldsvideo.org” web site you should have included the LDS’ perspective, which can be found here. – Kelly G. James:  I have been following your blog for a couple of weeks now. I first heard about SurvivalBlog from my father, who attended a preparedness workshop you spoke at in Lakeland, Florida a few weeks back. Your blog has been very informative, and I agree with you on many of the issues you discuss.   I am writing to respond to a letter from Jordan in Utah …

Letter Re: Why Is Utah Not in the American Redoubt?

James, All your points regarding Utah being unsuitable [for inclusion as an American Redoubt state] are well taken, I would add only a few items and clarify one statement; The plain fact is the Mormon [LDS] church controls the political and economic conditions within the state and they have always wanted to expand that control to a national level. The majority follow (in my view) a completely wrong religious doctrine, in that they practice the corporate teachings of their church, which has very little to do with the Bible. I would also say when push comes to shove 99.9% of …

Genocide Ahead: A Special Note for South Africans

My prayer life in recent days has been dominated by South Africa. I have relatives in both Zimbabwe and South Africa, so I’ve kept a close eye on the situation there for many years. After reading the writings of Ilana Mercer, other South Africans (including Dr. Peter Hammond, Cathy Buckle, the anonymous posts at The Afrikaner Journal,) and the many voices from the African diaspora, I can see that there is indeed a genocide nearing in South Africa. Those who fled Zimbabwe (the former Rhodesia) to South Africa gained only a temporary reprieve. I encourage all freedom-loving Christian and Jewish …

Letter Re: Your Two Foot Bugout

CPT Rawles, The author of the “Your Two Foot Bugout” article refers to through-hiking the Appalachian Trail as a simulation of a “shank’s mare” bugout. I’ve had similar thoughts in the past and would add these recommendations: in a situation where the fecal matter has impacted the rotating blades of the oscillating air moving device, do as the Laytons did in Patriots, i.e. go heavy on bullets and light on food. As the Golden Horde descends on your trail, you’ll want to defend whatever remains of your belongings and family. Also consider that thru-hikers count on resupply on average of …

Delivered to Safety, by ShepherdFarmerGeek

I have delivered my sheep to safety, and you may soon be called on to do the same. Almost five years ago we started our own little flock of Katahdin sheep in order to be able to raise our own healthy, drug-free organic meat. Through the years we had 23 lambs, two rams, and many tough times (lambing in winter) as well as hilarious, joyful times (lambs frolicking and snuggling). We had read that in large flocks sheep have a mob mentality, but we discovered that one-on-one sheep had their own personalities and were much more complex than we ever …

A Voice in the Bean Aisle – Faith and Prepping, by Connie H.

I couldn’t help but notice the white plastic bags that covered the handles of the gas pumps at the corner gas station.  “Out of Gas”, said the sign. No gas on account of a hurricane a long, long way from Springfield, Tennessee.  Fortunately, I had filled my tank earlier in the week and was only there to get ice. But it all seemed fishy to me how a storm so far away would affect us like this. And honestly, a vague sense of worry lingered in the back of my mind until the following day.  The trucks arrived and filled …

A Special C.R.O.S.S. Ministries Announcement: On Hiatus

Dear SurvivalBlog Readers, Greetings from the C.R.O.S.S. Ministry family, the Woods! Many and great thanks to those of you who have spent time before God praying for the ministry God placed before us, pray for us, and praying for guidance about how/when to minister to those in South Sudan. Thanks to those of you who donated financially and may God return to you abundantly more than you gave! God has worked greatly in us while pursuing the mission field in South Sudan. He has stretched, taught, corrected, edified and simply put, grown us in Christ through this process. We have …