God and Guns: Your Biblical Right to Self-Defense, by J.B.

You have a biblical right to self-defense. In a life and death situation, you should know that God says it’s okay. This can prove extremely difficult for Christian believers that respect life so much that they don’t want to take it, even when it means it’s necessary to preserve it. The Natural Right to Self Defense Boiled down to its simplest level, every creature on the planet has the natural right to use whatever means necessary to defend itself. Life feeds on life. Nature is brutal and doesn’t show mercy. Wolves eat their larger prey hind end first while the …

Letter Re: NRA’s Commercial

Hugh, I am a pastor in eastern Washington. I spent most of the early evening calling every Christian I know to relate an urgent e-mail request I received for prayer originating from northern Iraq, where a team of volunteers were reporting the taking of their city by ISIS. They were witnessing the systematic beheading of children and known Christians. They were asking for God’s help and strength not to run. After exhausting my address book and spending time on my face, I felt that I should go to SurvivalBlog, as I have done daily for some time. When I saw …

Two Letters Re: Montana Felons

Dear HJL, I read your response about felons and their ability, or lack thereof, to have firearms. I am surprised by your response. Personally, I think there are some crimes that are beyond the pale of civil society. For me this would be sexual predators, murderers, and traitors. They have not only attacked and destroyed, but they have also shown a total disregard for people and citizenship. So we want them to have a gun legally to protect themselves? You mean to protect themselves from other felons like themselves? Let’s be honest here. They are going to have a gun …

Raising Joyful Soldiers: Practical Methods for Teaching Children to be Responsible, Productive Leaders in a Survival Situation – Part II, by Dr. W

Infants and Toddlers Obtaining sleep is critical, and one wailing baby in the night can have devastating effects on everyone’s ability to make sound judgments and work cohesively the next day. We eventually learned (the hard way) the value of training babies to sleep in many conditions, whether alone in a bed or sharing bed or tent space, in an atmosphere of quiet, or in an atmosphere of chaos. We often used a sound machine that had several different sounds on it, and made sure there were some nights without it, so they would not become dependent on the noise …

Raising Joyful Soldiers: Practical Methods for Teaching Children to be Responsible, Productive Leaders in a Survival Situation – Part 1, by Dr. W

The very first writing prize on this blog was awarded to an article titled “Preparing Your Children”, which explored the mindset and general principles of nurturing our children to become responsible adults who can survive and thrive in a post-collapse setting. This article will guide readers away from the general to the specific, exploring, in detail, easy-to-implement principles and activities that parents can begin to apply now, regardless of their children’s ages and stages, to the nitty-gritty details of raising our children day to day. As a homeschooling family with several children, we aimed to raise our kids to love …

Saving Your Marriage for the End of the World – Part III, by Cottage Mom

This is the final portion of the three-part article, outlining ways to embark on a prepping journey with a prepping-adverse spouse. The list of suggestions continues below: Use Current Events as a Springboard for Purchases Many non-preppers don’t give much thought to the future, and they only see the need to prepare while they are in the eye of the storm. Use mini-emergencies or news stories to support purchases and advanced preparation. That latest tornado warning is a reason to get a weather radio. The cell tower outage is a reason to develop a family communication plan. The energy tax …

Saving Your Marriage for the End of the World – Part 2, by Cottage Mom

Today, we continue the second portion of this three part article. Yesterday, we read that the purpose of prepping is to take care of your closest loved ones with wisdom and protection, not to hurt them and drive them away. Prepping should make your life better in the long run, not worse. If you are hitched to a spouse, here are my continued suggestions for embarking on your prepping journey: Don’t Play Tug-of-War Over Prepping or Anything Else; Instead, Negotiate This is human nature at its most counter-productive, but it is hard to identify when the tug-of-war begins to happen. …

Saving Your Marriage for the End of the World – Part 1, by Cottage Mom

Could there be a greater, more important survival topic than building a stronger marital union, which is the bedrock of civilization? This topic reminds me of a young man I once spoke with. He noticed a young lady and heard the Lord telling him that she was to marry him. Even though he barely knew her, he intended to declare God’s will to her, go to the altar, check off the wife box on his bucket list, and move on, clueless to the reality that winning her is a journey. I counseled him that he was trying to barge in, …

Balancing Prepping and Prophecy, by D.V.

Our faith influences our actions and course in life; our understanding of that faith can change the course of both action and life. If we are not careful, we will passionately study one rail on our train track, with lesser attention to the other rail; the result is not only fighting within our self, wasted energies, and veering off course but also a potentially significant train wreck, instead of efficient stewardship. It is not my intention here to sway you to one prophetic view or another, and I won’t even mention here what mine is, other than to say that …

Three Letters Re: Prepping with an Unsupportive Spouse

Hugh, I appreciate this discussion, but it also frustrates me, because the head of my household thinks preparing beyond a few day’s worth is all hype and hysteria. I have put up a number of provisions but am unable to make many of the prudent improvements to our home for physical and energy security. I take my vows seriously, but this tears at me because I know we will likely suffer needlessly when, not if, it all comes apart. (Money is not an issue for us.) I would truly appreciate your wisdom on this “opposite” issue that I’ve never seen …

Letter Re: Prepping with an Unsupportive Spouse

Dear Hugh, I enjoyed this article and several others that I have seen regarding this subject. However, it is rare that you see this subject discussed in reverse. I (the wife) am the prepper and the Christian in our home. My husband thinks I’m crazy. I have a small pantry, a small supply of gadgets and supplies, and have learned to can. I would like to do more with this, but my husband is already disgusted with all the space I have taken up. There are so many things that still need to be done, but many of them require …

Preparing for the Education of Your Children In A SHTF Scenario, by Professor Chad

The topic of education is near and dear to my heart. I am a father to three children, and I feel that parents should be, and usually are, the most dedicated and passionate individuals when it comes to the education of their children. I’ve made a career out of being an educator. I’ve taught students at varying levels (from elementary all the way up to the graduate level), and I’ve taught numerous children, including my own. It is something I take very seriously, and I think at minimum should be a mental exercise for all readers of this blog. When …

Letter Re: Frustrations of Prepping with an Unsupportive Spouse

Hugh, Thanks to the author for sharing such a personal experience that a lesser man would not own up to. I think it is important for both husbands and wives to feel that they are one flesh called by God to work together for His plan in their lives and their community. There is no physical preparation that can overcome a lack of unity in marriage. A dictator is not a good leader, and often spouses feel unsupported when they make unilateral decisions without considering the demands and strains it will place on the family. If you believe that a …

Letter Re: I Will Tell You a Simple Tale

JWR & HJL; The article by M.R., “I Will Tell You A Simple Tale” from 3-29-2014, is probably the best, deepest in meaning of all the posts that I have read to date, and that is a LOT! It is clearly and directly written, and touches on (no, explains) what honor and loyalty are and mean. As M.R. states, all the beans, bullets, and bandaids are for naught, if you don’t have honor and loyalty. I fear that those attributes are too seldom recognized and are more precious than the “things” that we strive for. I could go on and …

Letter Re: Kansas Bill

Sir, This is response to the officer of 15 years. For the first time in the history of Las Vegas a police officer was fired. Why? All he did was use his AR15 to shoot an unarmed veteran sitting in a car, 7 times in the back of the head. But that is not why he was really fired. No charges were brought because every time a cop kills someone they use the “I did not intend to kill them, no intent no crime”, this defense only works for cops. He was fired only because the sherriff is trying to …