Letter Re: Dental Emergencies Questions

Dear Editor, After combing through the dental information on your blog, I’m hoping you might report a new and comprehensive article on dental care and how to be prepared. I think it important to address this issue because dental woes can render a person unable to function. As one of your blog entries noted, broken bones and other injuries of the body will eventually knit up, but a tooth abscess will only get worse and can actually become fatal. I’m looking to know what equipment is needed to address tooth extractions whether I have to do it myself, or, in …

Letter Re: Getting First Aid Supplies Tax Free

Hi Hugh and/or JWR- I’ve been a long-time reader, but this is my first time responding to a post. I just wanted to clarify one point that was made in reply to the “Letter: Getting First Aid Supplies Tax Free” thread. I am a practicing physician and a fellow patriot/prepper. I have also been self-employed for the past two years after leaving hospital employment, which is when I had to start investigating the best insurance options for me and my family. Keep in mind, I am not an accountant or IRS agent, but most of these facts can be found …

Letter: Getting First Aid Supplies Tax Free

Hello, I just found a neat, and new to me, way of purchasing first aid supplies with pre-tax dollars that I thought I would share. For some years now I have taken advantage of my company’s Flexible Spending Account (FSA) program. For the unfamiliar, an FSA is money withheld from your paycheck that allows you to purchase eligible items with pre-tax dollars and is offered by many employers. If you have regular vision, dental, or copay expenses, it’s a great way to pay for these things. As I had more money withheld than I had spent this year, I wanted …

Gastroparesis and Stomach Conditions in TEOTWAWKI, by APS

Disclaimer: Gastroparesis is a serious medical condition where the stomach shuts down or severely slows down. The Vagus Nerve to the stomach has been damaged or does not work properly. Seek immediate professional help and assistance from your doctor or pediatrician as soon as possible. There are a couple of causes for this condition, mainly diabetes and Post-Infectious Gastroparesis (PIGP). Type 1 Diabetics can get this condition over the years, and Type II Diabetics can also get it depending on complications to the disease. I want to focus on the PIGP, because that is what our family went through with …

Letter: The End of OTC Veterinary Antibiotics

Dear Jim: Many preppers store antibiotics for fish or livestock water/feed medications over the counter (OTC). As of January 1st, 2017 this will come to an end as livestock producers will be required to get a VFD (veterinary feed directive) from a veterinarian to obtain these antibiotics. I don’t want to go into the specific differences but think of it as a prescription.   For anyone  wanting antibiotics I would recommend getting some before the first of the year.   I am a mixed animal vet in  the Ozarks. –  E.E. JWR Adds: A full list of drugs transitioning on …

Guest Article: More About Oral Rehydration Solutions, by ShepherdFarmerGeek

Editor’s Introductory Proviso: I’m not a doctor, and I don’t give medical advice. Mentions of any medicine or medical treatment is for informational purposes only and are in no way endorsed or accredited by SurvivalBlog.com, or its principals. SurvivalBlog.com is not responsible for the use or misuse of any product advertised or mentioned on the SurvivalBlog site. – JWR I read through the recent SurvivalBlog link about Baking Soda:  Why Baking Soda Can Be Essential for Rescuing Earthquake Survivors.  In earthquake rescue situations it’s given via IV to prevent kidney failure from muscle damage. Which got me thinking about treating …

Letter Re: Low Tech Cooking

Hugh, One of your readers was asking about low tech cooking methods. He should search for Haybox Cooker. Articles will be found at Mother Earth News, Instructables, and elsewhere. It’s a very old method of first bringing food to a boil, then setting in an insulated box, and using fine hay to surround the cooking vessel. I’ve used blankets and towels, and it works wonderfully for soup, stew, making your own yogurt, and even for beans. Also, a sun oven is invaluable for low tech inexpensive cooking. Yes, you can and we did buy an expensive one, but our son …

Letter Re: Two Things Old-Timers Knew, That You Must Know About Wound Care

There are two things old timers knew that you must know about wound care, if the patient is outside. The wounds of a person or animal all will be affected greatly be these two things. If you are not able to see a doctor or get to an air-conditioned facility, such as a hospital, these two things could save your life. You need to know them. Two days ago my daughter was riding her beloved pony and our cows were a bit scared by the dog who was faithfully looking out for our daughter. She usually doesn’t ride near the …

Letter Re: Wounding Patterns

Hugh, I agree that the report, “The Profile of Wounding in Civilian Public Mass Shooting Fatalities,” as posted in the Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery, is a bit arcane, but what would you expect? This is supposed to be the raw research methodology and data, and its actually reassuring to me to see that rather than the unsubstantiated claims often made in firearms conversations. I’m not a trauma expert by any means, not in anyone’s wildest imaginations, though I have been trained as a Combat Lifesaver (and have taken other med courses over the years), so I have …

Letter Re: Wounding Patterns

Aloha HJL, I have a response to the post from 30 July 2016 regarding the wounding patterns of civilian public mass shooting (CPMS) events versus military wounding patterns. ShepherdFarmerGeek sent this in, and it is fantastic to review anything regarding survivability in the coming times. I agree with the last line: “Time to reevaluate the preps and training.” That should be a daily occurrence for every one of us! But, I respectfully disagree with the view that “…we may be training and prepping wrong…”. I read the article and was somewhat surprised by the data revealed; though I think 12 …

Letter Re: Wounding Patterns

My disagreement with this report is more on the reasons behind rather than the method of the training. I believe in self care first, then buddy aid, then medics (EMTs), and then the hospitals. Prepping needs to hit all of these levels in regards to supplies and training. If the conclusion of the report is that tourniquets are not useful in an active shooter situation, then I think civilian medical training might have lost the reason the military emphasizes the tourniquet in its training. This report states the current medical training emphasis on hemorrhage control for civilians is over-rated in …

Tea for Two Hundred, This Year and Next- Part 1, by Sarah Latimer

I grew up watching old movies. Doris Day was one of my favorite actresses. I loved her girlish bounce, playfulness, and the wink of her eye. So, I’m frequently reminiscent of her movie “Tea for Two” when I ask various members of the household if they’d like to join me in sharing some tea by asking, “Tea for two?”. I don’t really remember much about the movie since it has been such a long time since I watched it, but it became a common saying in my household, and it still is. However, we don’t just consume tea in individual …

Letter: Venezuela’s Health Care

Dear Editors, I saw this headline on the front of the “dead tree edition” of the paper this morning. Besides the coverage on your blog, this caught my eye because of a personal connection: A good friend of mine recently lost her mother in Venezuela. She was sent to the nearest hospital because of a problem with her heart and needed an operation to put in a stent. The hospital that she was checked into didn’t have all of the equipment that they needed to perform the operation on her. The nearest hospital with the equipment did not have all …

Letter Re: Doxycycline and Penicillin

Hugh, I am interested in obtaining a supply of doxycycline, an antibiotic used to treat Lyme disease. If bugging out on foot ever became a necessity the exposure to ticks and Lyme disease in my part of the country is quite high. Can you make recommendations for purchasing this medication? I found little to guide me in your archives. I have seen it suggested to get veterinary medications; however when I looked at one major website doxycycline and penicillin where listed as the same drug. I believe that’s not accurate. Who am I to trust? – KM HJL’s Comment: You’re …

Letter Re: Fitness for Success When the SHTF

HJL & JWR,I am writing to give a brief comment on whether crunches or sit-ups, are important or relevant to the back.  The spine is a series of over 50 joints.  Those joints are “capsular-synovial” joints.  (just like your knee, hip, and shoulder, just smaller)  To say that a  crunch, or sit-up is good or bad is way too generic… to the point that it is irrelevant.  It is popular, often repeated, but not correct as it relates to its benefit, or detriment to the spine.  Most joint pain is intra-capsular (within the joint).  It is often a result of …