Survival Notes from Canada- September 14, 2018, by Clint Ekert

As my children lie asleep above me, I am writing this for you, my fellow, respectable believer of the Christian faith. I need to draw the line somewhere. I have little to no inclination to assist non-believers in either disaster preparation or in what is righteous. I speak to the respectable, Christian believers of good faith. What is respectable, you might ask? I would define it as a person who defines themselves as a Christian and who actually is concerned with the health and safety of other Christians. The Threat To Western, Christian Values In church last week a fellow …

Toward Federal Decentralization: A Long Term Plan for the GOP

Decades ago the leadership of the Republican Party began to succumb to Hyper-Federalism — the centralization of regulation, taxation, and sheer power in the Federal government. This gradual change crept up first on the Democrat Party and then the GOP. These shifts were so subtle and gradual that the Generally Dumb Public (GDP) hardly noticed. The end result has been the diminution and subservience of the State governments to the Federal government, gross over-taxation, and over-regulation.  The Republican leadership of the early 1960s would hardly recognize the form of government that has emerged in the early 21st Century. Vast Federal …

Preventing the Statists’ Planned Coup de Maître

For more than a decade I’ve been saying that we are living in the age of deception and betrayal. Recent events here in the United States have now proven that, without any doubt. In July of this year, I warned that a new wave of overt Internet censorship was developing. I did so in an article titled: The Internet Gulag: Demonetization, Demonization, and Deletion. à La Nancy Kerrigan On Monday August 6, 2018, at least a dozen social[ist] media web services launched a coordinated deletion attack on Four more followed suit, within a few days. This was no coincidence. For …

SurvivalBlog’s News From The American Redoubt

Here is SurvivalBlog’s News From The American Redoubt. This weekly column features news stories and event announcements from around the American Redoubt region. We also mention companies of interest to preppers that are located in the region. The emphasis this week is on the impact of wolves in The American Redoubt. There are wolf article links in all sections. Region-Wide Radio Free Redoubt: 2018-07-07 Steve McLaughlin and Apex Wolf Issue o o o From the gauche perspective of Northwest Public Broadcasting: Today’s Northwest Wolves Have Roots In Coastal Rainforests And Rocky Mountains

Surviving the Age of Disinfomation

Dezinformatsiya I’ll begin this brief essay by defining a term: Disinformation is the deliberate spread of information that is known to be false or biased, in order to achieve a military, political, or social goal. The term was coined by Soviet planners, during the Cold War era. They dubbed it “Dezinformatsiya“. It has both military and geopolitical objectives. It includes strategic and tactical subsets that include propaganda, camouflage (“maskirovka“), contrived “news”, and political indoctrination. More than simply spreading false news of troop movements, dezinformatsiya is a grand strategy that encompasses all aspects of media manipulation and deception to reach a …

The Internet Gulag: Demonetization, Demonization, and Deletion

A wave of Internet censorship is sweeping the globe. This censorship is no longer just the nefarious work of totalitarian nations. Many western nations are experiencing their own brand of censorship that is being promulgated by ostensibly “private” companies. (Although many of these are near-monopoly utilities that could be classified as public accommodations.) The War on Guns Dozens of conservative, pro-gun videobloggers and news outlets have been demonetized by YouTube in the past two years. By flagging these sites as “not family friendly”, viewers must now toggle “Restricted Mode: Off” and even when they do, advertisements are no longer displayed. …

How I Sued My Neighbor and Won- Part 2, by A.E.

In part 1 of this article about how I sued my neighbor, I described the details of how my young daughter and I arrived home to witness a dog attack of our chickens. I tracked this dog through the snow and had an uncomfortable encounter with this neighbor, to whom I explained the situation and asked for compensation. One of the men there pulled his finger, like a gun, and pointed it at me. Subtle intimidation ensued, but I didn’t back down. The end result was his refusal to pay for the expense of my chicken, so I took him …

Are You Preparing for SHTF or TEOTWAWKI- Part 1, by 3AD Scout

There is SHTF, and then there is TEOTWAWKI. There is a difference. SHTF To me, SHTF means an incident that although it’s a disaster isn’t something that will collapse society as we know it. That is not to say that in a SHTF incident there won’t be looting or other behaviors outside societal norms, but for the most part order and daily life will be restored to some level in the foreseeable future. Hurricane Katrina is an example of a SHTF scenario. TEOTWAWKI TEOTWAWKI on the other hand is when societal norms are gone, with no recovery of vital infrastructure …

Traveling to Your Safe Haven During a WROL Event Addendum, by E.P.

I wanted to respond to a number of comments and a few misconceptions regarding my article, “Traveling to Your Safe Haven During a WROL Event.” There are several things that I want to address. Meaning of “Without Rule of Law” First, let me address the meaning of “Without Rule of Law” (WROL). I thought the common usage of these words alone provided a straightforward definition. To me it means a situation where a legitimate government no longer exists such that the rule of law (statutes, rules, and regulations) cannot be enforced and disputes cannot be fairly adjudicated. In short, there …

Evacuation, by S.A.

They’re coming. You know they are coming, because they have told you so. Yet, you have told them over and over through the years what lies ahead. They have listened politely with a small smile, then proclaimed, “I’m just coming to your place!” ‘Nuff said? Personal Message To Our People Our personal message is that when you get the call to come, then come. You must come, now. Leave within the next two hours so you can get out of the city before the roads become impassable. Some say if you miss the 24 hour window for evacuation, you will …

Traveling to Your Safe Haven During a WROL Event- Part 2, by E.P.

Yesterday, we began this article series on traveling to your safe haven during a without rule of law event. We touched on two major issues. These issues involved how to identify and communicate a WROL event within your group, unite your team’s commitment to its mission through a mission statement as well as agreement upon standard operating procedures and rules of engagement. Issue 3: Traveling by Vehicle, Standard Operating Procedures First things first. The suggestions below are just my opinion based on experimentation with several groups over a period of years. Use them as a starting point for your group’s …

Terms of Temerity: Why The Left Loathes The Words We Use

Five years ago in SurvivalBlog, I posted The Leftist Lexicon: Translating Statist Rhetoric Into Plain English, by Ray X.  Then, a few months later, I posted a brief essay that I authored. It was titled: Incendiary Words: Of Detonations and Denotations. In the latter essay, I warned that our language was being twisted by leftist terminology and that we need to hold fast to the proper, objective, and accepted meanings of words. Most recently, I’ve noticed that the assorted leftists, statists, globalists, and collectivists who dominate the American mass media now sneer at conservatives, Christians, and libertarians when we dare …

Brace Yourself: A Game Changer for American Shooters

Ever since late 2012, gun enthusiasts have been talking about getting arm braces for their pistols. Those of us who live south of the Canadian border have been deprived of shoulder-stocked pistols since 1934. So there was a tremendous pent-up demand for such a configuration. And, of course, they were a boon to disabled shooters. The clever devices were first developed by SB Tactical for AR pistols, and later popularized by SIG USA. Arm braces were later adapted to mount on AK pistols, HK9x family pistols, Uzi pistols, the SIG MCX/MPX, and many more. One key advantage of arm braces …

The Mathematics of Countering Tyranny

Introductory Proviso: The following essay on possible gun confiscation is a purely conjectural gedankenexperiment about the future that extrapolates from recent history and current trends. Nothing herein is seditious (per 18 U.S. Code § 2384), nor a call to arms, nor a threat to our government or to any individual, agency, or group. The Collectivist Dream The current mass media-driven “debate” on firearms (actually more like paternalistic lecturing or chiding) seems to be leading toward greater restrictions by Congress. The collectivist gun grabbers have the dream of ignoring the Second Amendment and somehow magically removing all detachable magazine semi-auto rifles …

Reducing the Breadcrumbs Produced By Your Digital Life, by P.L.

None of us want to unknowingly share personal information, but it’s happening everyday if you browse the web, use email, or have a mobile phone. You could decide “I’m going off the grid!”. That’s great if you can, but it’s not practical for 99% of us. The Breadcrumbs So, how might you go about reducing the breadcrumbs produced by your digital life? ProtonMail First, consider using ProtonMail for your personal email. There are no ads and no tracking. A basic account is free. I paid for the Plus account, since I wanted more features. I access ProtonMail on my iPhone …