Living the Old Way, by G.T.

Ever since I was a little boy I dreamed of the life of a mountain man, living the old way. I grew up largely in Central Idaho. Stories of the Rocky Mountain fur trade and the men that forged a life in the wilderness were a big part of my life. My Time in Service After high school, I joined the Marine Corps, did five years, received an honorable discharge, joined the Army for another three years, and again was also honorable discharged. During the tail end of my time in service, I was able to study and become an …

How to Build a Compact, Portable Range Barricade- Part 2, by I.S.

This article describes how to build a compact (folds up to a 4’x3’ travel size), portable (setup or takedown in a couple minutes) range barricade. This version uses hinges to make transporting and assembling it easy. In part 1, we walked through the approximate cost in terms of hours and financial commitment, the materials, and the first five steps of the project. Let’s continue our building project with the remaining steps. Step #6 As Step #6, attach hinges to plywood barricades as instructed in the following: On the plywood barricades, use the attached plans to locate and mark the hinge …

How to Build a Compact, Portable Range Barricade- Part 1, by I.S.

Training is paramount, and how you train determines how you will respond in situations. For many of us, the limit of our firearms training has been on a “square range” (i.e., shooting bench and paper targets down range). However, limiting your training to that artificial realm will set you up for failure when things go wrong. Effective training will teach you the fundamentals of shooting, movement, and communication. Learning how to effectively use and shoot from behind cover, in a variety of positions, is a critical part of this training. A range barricade is useful for this purpose. A Plan …

Cape Town, South Africa- TEOTWAWKI, by Greg

It was a sunny Friday afternoon with a still wind when the end of the world as we know it happened. No, there was no nuclear explosion overhead, no EMP, no invasion from Russia, and no alien landing. A Disaster in the Making Mother nature provided the scene for this disaster. Cape Town South Africa is a place of beauty and home to one of the seven natural wonders of the world– the cape floral kingdom. It’s known as a peaceful holiday town and popular venue for film stars and the rich and famous alike. Who would have suspected that …

Beware the PAN!, by D.D. in Virginia

A PAN can be a co-worker, a friend, a family member, or someone you just met. They are not distinguishable by age, gender, race, or religion. In our current reality, interactions with a PAN can be mildly frustrating, or at worst, extremely annoying. However, during a SHTF situation, a PAN could be the prime threat to you and the lives of everyone in your survival group. Passive-Aggressive Narcissists What is a PAN? Experts in the field of psychology have named them “passive-aggressive narcissists” (PANs). We, the regular folks, use nomenclature that is more recognizable. We call them “know-it-alls”. Seemingly No …

Making The Hard Decisions Somewhat Easier- Part 3, by Old Bobbert

We are in the midst of the third example in our consideration of making hard decisions whether to go or not go in a crisis situation. I am using scenarios to illustrate the decision processes. Scenario #3: Small Town, Patriotic Family (continued) This time we are looking at a small town, patriotic family that works together to run an Internet-based business from home. Let’s get to know them and their circumstances in this scenario better. Work and Finances The sons were taught by example to work hard and to be a deliberate saver first and only then to be a …

Making The Hard Decisions Somewhat Easier- Part 2, by Old Bobbert

Okay, we are at the second example in our consideration of making hard decisions whether to go or not go in a crisis situation. I am using scenarios to illustrate the decision processes. This time we will be looking at bugging out from a large, suburban, bedroom-type community. Scenario 2: Family From Suburban Community You will have the same sort of general circumstances that were prevalent in our first example above, except with these two differences. First, you still have three kids, but they are all teens and all boys. Their ages are seventeen, fifteen, and fourteen. The second difference …

Making The Hard Decisions Somewhat Easier- Part 1, by Old Bobbert

Being fully aware of the contest rules concerning fiction, this essay topic has required an ample supply of assumed acceptable standards and examples for one simple over-riding truth– world wide, there is a single commonality factor about everyone who has been forced by circumstances to actually put into real-time practice their go/no go decision. That common event generally fits into a very limited non-nationwide problem. We have experienced some very serious terrible events in some areas of the country but not a nationwide anything. The recent calamity of the flooding of the Texas coast did not affect other areas in …

The Beginning of the End, by Todd

An event occurred last week that I want, or more accurately need, to share with others. For me, this feels like a five-alarm warning bell on steroids going off. To my wife and the few friends that I shared this with, it is not a big deal; they just gave me another one of those “Yup, that wouldn’t have happened in the ‘90s” type of reactions. Maybe I’m an alarmist; maybe I’m not. I am just reporting, however, the facts and will let you decide for yourself if there is any revelation in my experience. About Myself Before I go …

States’ Rights Versus Federalism, by F.B.

I don’t want civil war (CW). I’m no expert on what CW2 would look like. It won’t look like CW1 with a fairly clean bifurcation of states. It could be as ugly as Yugoslavia in the 1990s. Civil war is ugly, filled with death, hardship, and loss. Civil War 2 is Coming In CW2, I will suffer greatly. My family will suffer greatly, and the values and beliefs that I hold will suffer greatly. Have no illusions, we will all lose in this war. But it is still coming. Why do I believe this? Civil wars is coming because I’m …

Following Jesus Through the Storm: Defeating Despair, by ShepherdFarmerGeek

Just yesterday I read of someone comparing our situation to following a guide and dim lantern in the dark. (Unfortunately I’ve lost the source link.) Two Components There are two basic components upon which we will expound. These follow: Confidence in the Guide. This confidence involves believing that He knows us, knows the dangers, and knows the way through. Further, it is believing that He has the power to protect us against what is in the dark. Overcoming our fear of the dark and what it conceals. We don’t know what lurks in the dark. We can’t control what’s in …

Utilizing Military Tactical Planning- Part 2, by Last NJ Conservative

Military tactical planning has been used formally for a long time by fighting and maneuver elements. This article is a combined overview of the ground combat units’ frameworks. In part 1, We began using the BAMSIS acronym as a framework and are in the “B”, which stands for “Begin Planning”. Using the METT-TC acronym, we have gone through the M for Mission, the E for Enemy, and the first T for Terrain and Weather. Now, we will continue on with this military tactical planning framework. Troops and Fire Support- Second “T” in METT-TC Part D is Troops and fire support, …

Utilizing Military Tactical Planning- Part 1, by Last NJ Conservative

Military tactical planning has been used formally for a long time by fighting and maneuver elements. This article is a combined overview of the ground combat units’ frameworks. Not all branches of our armed forces use all of this together in this format nor is the terminology exactly the same. Obviously the Army and Marine Corps, whom have organically most of the ground combat units, utilize significant amounts of these doctrines. A Solid Foundation When Group Has To Combat Evil Doers This planning is not all inclusive nor the be all to end all. However, it does provide a solid …

The End of “Free Will” to Lovers of Truth and Freedom, by FW

Many of us have lived our lives and used our free will to determine the course of our lives. And during that time, we easily recognize that many have benefited greatly from their choices while others have made choices that have not benefited their lives at all. Why have some failed while others have succeeded? The Concept of Free Will I don’t know about you, but I find that I am troubled by the concept of free will, because I wonder if it still exists. In order to use our free will, we must have alternatives from which to choose. …

Planning Scenario Number One- Part 2, by ShepherdFarmerGeek

With a well-funded overthrow of the U.S. government since Trump’s election underway, there is reason to prepare for consequences that might come. In part 1 of this article, I went through some of the potential scenarios should the Liberal Left gain power and international powers react. There are also internal conflicts to consider as well. I outlined what difference all of this makes to prepping and things to consider. Let me continue. Not Seen As A “Black Swan” I don’t see this as a “Black Swan”; I see this as an “Unfolding Disaster”. See my previous articles (Forecasting Disaster Part …