Family Preparations for Nuclear War

Today, I’m addressing a subject that I suppose should have had more emphasis earlier in SurvivalBlog: The risk of nuclear war, and how families can plan and prepare to survive it. The Risk The risk of nuclear war is now actually greater than during the bad old Cold War. Back then, there were just a handful of nuclear powers that were divided into two or three camps. But today, there are umpteen factions and even terrorist groups with potential access to nukes. Face the facts: We live in a dangerous world. Someday, one or more of hose nukes is going …

Forming a Refugee Prepper Church, by ShepherdFarmerGeek

I’ve been looking for principles and policies and ideas for forming a “church” for bugged-out preppers and refugees. It would be for people who find themselves in close proximity in a wilderness area and who band together to share skills and manpower. Projecting a theoretical refugee collection of 100 people, not all of them preppers, here’s what I’ve come up with so far. Most Able to Lead– Preppers Realize that there will be a high degree of overlap in community-building and congregation-building activities. The people who will be most able to lead will be preppers of some flavor. We need …

Following Jesus Through the Storm: Defeating Despair, by ShepherdFarmerGeek

Just yesterday I read of someone comparing our situation to following a guide and dim lantern in the dark. (Unfortunately I’ve lost the source link.) Two Components There are two basic components upon which we will expound. These follow: Confidence in the Guide. This confidence involves believing that He knows us, knows the dangers, and knows the way through. Further, it is believing that He has the power to protect us against what is in the dark. Overcoming our fear of the dark and what it conceals. We don’t know what lurks in the dark. We can’t control what’s in …

Guest Post: Americans Are More Radicalized Than Ever As The Country Literally Spirals Toward Civil War, by Michael Snyder

Now that Brett Kavanaugh has officially been confirmed, it is a good time to reflect upon where we are at as a nation. And where we are at is a nation that is rapidly moving toward a state of civil war. At one time we were a nation that was united by shared values, a shared purpose and a shared destiny, but now all of that has been replaced by anger, frustration, bitterness, strife and discord. The left hates the right and vice versa, and both sides are becoming increasingly radicalized. And without a doubt we are in a life …

Survival Notes from Canada for October 7th, 2018, by Clint Ekert

First off Ol’ Clint would like to thank the readers and the editors for reading this and giving me a voice. A Foundation of Christianity This country, your country, and my country was built on the Christian faith. Is this to your liking? Your best, number one prep number above all is to “get right with God”, a Christian God. Why? It’s about a connection to the Creator beyond the material. “I have never heard of a man who would staunchly face a firing squad for the sake of defending the truth of the Law of Gravity or 2×2=4. But …

Survival Notes from Canada – September 22, 2018:

Hi, folks. Clint Ekert here, your trusty reporter from Canada, reporting on the nations hot topics. Hot Topics First off on our hot topics list is Quebec CAQ is poised to win the Quebec election. One of the laws they plan on putting in place is that newly arrived immigrants must pass a test to pass basic knowledge within a period of three years or be deported to their home country. Our prime minister, a former drama school teacher, has recently commissioned a “study” to ban handguns and assault weapons ahead of the election. As Clint sits here, I need …

Survival Notes from Canada- September 14, 2018, by Clint Ekert

As my children lie asleep above me, I am writing this for you, my fellow, respectable believer of the Christian faith. I need to draw the line somewhere. I have little to no inclination to assist non-believers in either disaster preparation or in what is righteous. I speak to the respectable, Christian believers of good faith. What is respectable, you might ask? I would define it as a person who defines themselves as a Christian and who actually is concerned with the health and safety of other Christians. The Threat To Western, Christian Values In church last week a fellow …

Get Out of the Cities, NOW, By W.J.

What’s the rush? Why should we move away from the comforts of our cities? Meteorites, that’s why. Yes, according to the words of Jesus Himself, asteroids from outer space will be targeting the immoral cities of our land. Vulnerable To Fireballs But before we look at what Jesus said, let’s first notice just how vulnerable we are to these fireballs from heaven: Nightly News – March 3, 2017 “Earth weathers an asteroid near-miss: An asteroid roughly the size of a ten-story building came within 45,000 miles of Earth–too close for comfort. NBC’s Brian Williams reports.” Go to Then, scroll …

Editors’ Prepping Progress

To be prepared for a crisis, every Prepper must establish goals and make long-term and short-term plans. Steadily, we work on meeting our prepping goals. In this column, the SurvivalBlog editors review their week’s prep activities. They also often share their planned prep activities for the coming week. These range from healthcare and gear purchases to gardening, property improvements, and food storage. This is something akin to our Retreat Owner Profiles, but written incrementally and in detail, throughout the year. We always welcome you to share your own successes and wisdom in the Comments. Let’s keep busy and be ready! …

Some Sad News and a Prayer Request for Mama Liberty

I have some sad news: Mama Liberty, a friend here in the Redoubt, has posted word in The Price of Liberty blog that she is dying of an aggressive cancer, and that she will no longer be blogging. Please, please pray for complete healing for her. And if it is not God’s will that she be healed, pray that she should be granted comfort, strength, and peace in her final months on this mortal coil. Mama Liberty has fought the good fight for individual liberty for many years. Her wise writings have had a galvanizing effect on American Patriots. Many of …

Mental, Emotional, and Spiritual Preparation for Survival, by S.L.

What does it mean to survive? Obviously, humans have survived countless natural and man-made disasters and continue to survive and thrive on planet earth. However, in this blog, we are focusing on surviving a SHTF situation. We Prepare All around us we see our freedoms being eroded and many of our systems being corrupted. So we prepare. But for what? So many scenarios could play out– a false epidemic, fires (natural or man made), SWAT teams in the early hours in small communities where they can knock out power and cell, preventing us from spreading the alarm. And, there are …

Terms of Temerity: Why The Left Loathes The Words We Use

Five years ago in SurvivalBlog, I posted The Leftist Lexicon: Translating Statist Rhetoric Into Plain English, by Ray X.  Then, a few months later, I posted a brief essay that I authored. It was titled: Incendiary Words: Of Detonations and Denotations. In the latter essay, I warned that our language was being twisted by leftist terminology and that we need to hold fast to the proper, objective, and accepted meanings of words. Most recently, I’ve noticed that the assorted leftists, statists, globalists, and collectivists who dominate the American mass media now sneer at conservatives, Christians, and libertarians when we dare …

An Unsung Prepper, by J.M.

During the early summer of 1963 as a small child growing up in Chicagoland, I was fascinated when one day as a construction crew showed up at our suburban home. Right outside the kitchen wall a huge digger began to tear up the ground right next to our house. I watched for hours out of the kitchen window as the hole grew larger and deeper. Over the next couple of days I watched as plastic sheeting, wood forms, and plumbing was put into place. What I remember most though, were the cement trucks coming in and pouring yard after yard …

Birth- Part 1, by A.E.

Typically, when we think about a survival situation, like TEOTWAWKI or SHTF, our minds race to food storage, defense, clean water, growing gardens, and raising livestock; often times, we forget other necessities, like good medical care and childbirth. According to the CDC, about 11,000 babies are born in the U.S. every day. If anyone in your family or group is of childbearing age, you might want to think about preparing for an out-of-hospital birth. Most people have never witnessed a “natural” or med-free birth. Therefore, they have no idea what natural birth looks like or how to prepare for it. …

Stoic Virtues, by A Modern Stoic

Stoic justice at its heart is about fairness and the golden rule. Other virtues remain, which I will grab onto because a virtuous life is one to pursue for real happiness. Seneca on the Good, the Honorable, and Virtue “Your letter roamed, over several little problems, but finally dwelt upon this alone, asking for explanation: “How do we acquire a knowledge of that which is good and that which is honourable?” In the opinion of other schools, these two qualities are distinct; among our followers, however, they are merely divided. This is what I mean: Some believe the Good to …