Saving Your Marriage for the End of the World – Part 2, by Cottage Mom

Today, we continue the second portion of this three part article. Yesterday, we read that the purpose of prepping is to take care of your closest loved ones with wisdom and protection, not to hurt them and drive them away. Prepping should make your life better in the long run, not worse. If you are hitched to a spouse, here are my continued suggestions for embarking on your prepping journey: Don’t Play Tug-of-War Over Prepping or Anything Else; Instead, Negotiate This is human nature at its most counter-productive, but it is hard to identify when the tug-of-war begins to happen. …

Saving Your Marriage for the End of the World – Part 1, by Cottage Mom

Could there be a greater, more important survival topic than building a stronger marital union, which is the bedrock of civilization? This topic reminds me of a young man I once spoke with. He noticed a young lady and heard the Lord telling him that she was to marry him. Even though he barely knew her, he intended to declare God’s will to her, go to the altar, check off the wife box on his bucket list, and move on, clueless to the reality that winning her is a journey. I counseled him that he was trying to barge in, …

Balancing Prepping and Prophecy, by D.V.

Our faith influences our actions and course in life; our understanding of that faith can change the course of both action and life. If we are not careful, we will passionately study one rail on our train track, with lesser attention to the other rail; the result is not only fighting within our self, wasted energies, and veering off course but also a potentially significant train wreck, instead of efficient stewardship. It is not my intention here to sway you to one prophetic view or another, and I won’t even mention here what mine is, other than to say that …

Three Letters Re: Prepping with an Unsupportive Spouse

Hugh, I appreciate this discussion, but it also frustrates me, because the head of my household thinks preparing beyond a few day’s worth is all hype and hysteria. I have put up a number of provisions but am unable to make many of the prudent improvements to our home for physical and energy security. I take my vows seriously, but this tears at me because I know we will likely suffer needlessly when, not if, it all comes apart. (Money is not an issue for us.) I would truly appreciate your wisdom on this “opposite” issue that I’ve never seen …

Letter Re: Prepping with an Unsupportive Spouse

Dear Hugh, I enjoyed this article and several others that I have seen regarding this subject. However, it is rare that you see this subject discussed in reverse. I (the wife) am the prepper and the Christian in our home. My husband thinks I’m crazy. I have a small pantry, a small supply of gadgets and supplies, and have learned to can. I would like to do more with this, but my husband is already disgusted with all the space I have taken up. There are so many things that still need to be done, but many of them require …

Preparing for the Education of Your Children In A SHTF Scenario, by Professor Chad

The topic of education is near and dear to my heart. I am a father to three children, and I feel that parents should be, and usually are, the most dedicated and passionate individuals when it comes to the education of their children. I’ve made a career out of being an educator. I’ve taught students at varying levels (from elementary all the way up to the graduate level), and I’ve taught numerous children, including my own. It is something I take very seriously, and I think at minimum should be a mental exercise for all readers of this blog. When …

Letter Re: Frustrations of Prepping with an Unsupportive Spouse

Hugh, Thanks to the author for sharing such a personal experience that a lesser man would not own up to. I think it is important for both husbands and wives to feel that they are one flesh called by God to work together for His plan in their lives and their community. There is no physical preparation that can overcome a lack of unity in marriage. A dictator is not a good leader, and often spouses feel unsupported when they make unilateral decisions without considering the demands and strains it will place on the family. If you believe that a …

Letter Re: I Will Tell You a Simple Tale

JWR & HJL; The article by M.R., “I Will Tell You A Simple Tale” from 3-29-2014, is probably the best, deepest in meaning of all the posts that I have read to date, and that is a LOT! It is clearly and directly written, and touches on (no, explains) what honor and loyalty are and mean. As M.R. states, all the beans, bullets, and bandaids are for naught, if you don’t have honor and loyalty. I fear that those attributes are too seldom recognized and are more precious than the “things” that we strive for. I could go on and …

Letter Re: Kansas Bill

Sir, This is response to the officer of 15 years. For the first time in the history of Las Vegas a police officer was fired. Why? All he did was use his AR15 to shoot an unarmed veteran sitting in a car, 7 times in the back of the head. But that is not why he was really fired. No charges were brought because every time a cop kills someone they use the “I did not intend to kill them, no intent no crime”, this defense only works for cops. He was fired only because the sherriff is trying to …

Letter Re: Kansas Bill

Sir, I am writing in response to the article link about the Kansas bill seeking to legalize police retaliation. I will first state that I do not agree with a second agency not being able to do an investigation– a fair and impartial investigation should always be the case. That said, I served 13 years in the infantry ending as an LRS team leader and currently serving with 15 years at a large, midwest police department. My department will take any complaint. A complaint can and has been taken over the telephone (even anonymously) with nothing more than the allegation …

Letter: Mental Illness

Hugh, I have a mental illness and know that if things go south my chances are slim, but I will persevere until the “oops” occurs. I suggest reading the fictional book “One Second After” to get a glimpse at what might happen to the old and the mentally ill; it is not pretty. Also, “The Walking Dead” did an episode, “The Grove”, where there was a mentally ill person. For the seriously mental ill, a bullet to the head might be the only choice. That stinks but is realistic. For the less serious, like me, you have to decide whether …

Letter: Libertarianism Debate

Hello again, First of all I must thank you for easing up on the “no tinfoil” restrictions today with allowing comments on the mind-body-connection and Chi Gong! Secondly, since you started out as editor with stating that you were open to input regarding the discussion on free markets etc. I thought maybe the following (short) article might interest you. – Mrs. Icebear Hugh Replies: We still have a “no tinfoil hats” policy here. The reason we have to be careful about eastern medicine is that it is difficult to separate the exercise and health aspect from the spiritual aspect. They …

Two Letters Re: Why Your Family Will NOT Survive the Economic Collapse

Hugh, I don’t comment ever. I have been following Jim’s site for over three years now. It’s the first thing I view most mornings. I yelled to my wife, “Honey you won’t believe what’s posted,” and I read the post to her. We both agreed with A.Y. to turn off the boob tube! I turned it off in the 80’s. I was sick of the garbage on it. I would love to see more posts concerning this topic. – M.S. o o o Hugh, Why Your Family Will NOT Survive the Economic Collapse, by A.Y. is the best article I’ve …

Prepping For The Kingdom: A Spiritual Perspective Of The Coming Collapse, by J.L.

Regardless of your eschatological views, you can be sure of one thing. When people unexpectedly fall on hard times, many an agnostic-in-practice suddenly become spiritual. It is known that the two places where prayers are most commonly offered are church pews and the back of a police cruiser. Humans return to their Creator in their time of need, as demonstrated time and time again in the Old Testament. Israel returned to obeying God after they encountered judgment for their disobedience and foolishness. Americans are no different. During the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks, churches were flooded by individuals looking for …

Why Your Family Will NOT Survive the Economic Collapse, by A.Y.

What I’m about to leave you with will most likely be the most ignored, neglected, and probably hated article you will read. What I’m going to say is the most overlooked aspect of the average person’s life, but it is most important second only to your eternal salvation. This will be primarily directed at the males, because if your families do not survive, it is your fault. One thing the old testament military and any member of the current military will tell you is that when you are in charge, you take the blame for the failure. Most men in …