Seven Survival Tips For the Modern Feminist- Take II, by J

Greetings, Following-up to a previous article submitted with the same base title, I decided to continue the discussion. The modern feminist is a hindrance to survival and preparedness in our society. This essay is much harsher and more straight-forward than the last, because frankly there is no time to waste. It does no service to a hard-core feminist to be soft spoken and patient now, especially knowing that she needs to hear the cold, hard truth! With the recent graduation of two female Rangers, this country has quickly propelled itself towards a full-speed push for women in combat. Who is …

Letter Re: Good Samaritan Bag

HJL, I commend B.F. for their forethought to pack for others, items that could mean life or death when exposed to the elements, especially during this time of year. In the 1990’s, I was a police officer in an uptown, N.Y.C. precinct, working the midnight tour (shift). One area of the precinct had thousands of elderly residents who lived in their apartments as they had for decades, some alone, many with home-health aids who would just go to sleep and ignore those in their care. (Many of the elderly were Jewish, with the tattooed numbers of the Nazi’s still plainly …

Two Letters Re: Good Samaritan Bag

HJL, Samaritan Bags– these are an excellent idea, and the boxes built for Samaritan’s Purse gifts come to mind as a basic model. I have some ideas! One might build these using resealable bags (sandwich sized or larger). Each could contain a few personal care comforts: mylar safety blankets and/or a rain poncho, a cap and/or gloves, moistened hand-wipes, wash cloth, and hotel-sized bar of soap, travel-sized hand sanitizer, kleenex, Chapstick or other lip balm, packaged hard candies, a protein bar. Alternative versions could be created for kids and even for four-legged companions, too! A whole lot can go into …

Letter: Good Samaritan Bag

Hugh, I was getting together some clothes that I don’t wear anymore (amazing how they seem to shrink just hanging in my closet) to donate to Salvation Army and had a mini-inspiration. In my car I carry my Get Home Bag, first aid kit, a case of water, my EDC, a tool kit, some spare parts, tarps, and blankets. In other words, all the things a good prepper should have on hand. Then I got to thinking, what about emergencies that are less than TEOTWAWKI? Specifically, what if you come across an accident, someone who is lost and wet or …

Letter: Bibles as a Prep Item

HJL, While my family and I are firm believers in having your beans and bullets squared away, we also believe in the stockpiling of Bibles. I envision a day when access to the Word of God will be limited and monitored. Look at any totalitarian regime in the past centuries and you will find this to be true. Our current government already views Bible-believing Christians as the problem. It will be only a matter of time before the squeeze comes. It will be subtle at first, limited supplies, “approved” translations, et cetera. When the balloon goes up, forget about it. …

Three Letters Re: A Solid Solution On Securing Home Defense During A TEOTWAWKI Situation, by B.M.

HJL, I can see some problems. First you must store it and deploy it when things go down. Second, if it is winter, you really don’t want your windows and doors broken. You want to defend them first (maybe both inside and outside). Third, even if you can insure you are safe, you will need to be able to go the other way, perhaps multiple times per day. Fourth, it doesn’t provide security if they decide to firebomb or shoot into your house. Fifth, if there is a fire or something else, you may have to get out fast, but …

Letter Re: Love Thy Neighbor…Trust No One

Mr. Latimer: Thanks for sharing this thought-provoking item. For all our concerns about security, it helps to balance these concerns with our neighbor’s viewpoint. We do have a right to buy land and control it. However, the neighbor is thinking more like the Indian of 200 years ago, who only sees the newcomer as a paranoid control freak who is reducing their hunting grounds. In central Idaho, where my great-grandfather lived and hunted, nobody posted No Hunting signs, and trespassing was not thought of as long as you did no harm, stayed away from people’s stuff, and were willing to …

Two Letters Re: Love Thy Neighbor…Trust No One

HJL: I’ve got the same issue on my one acre in a small town in Georgia. Great soil but with neighbors that think it is theirs. In my case a 45-foot section of board fence drew a line. I continue to fence the corners and plant hedge material when nephew labor is available. Periodic extra tall posts seem decorative now but will make a splendid support for barbed wire. My intent is to make it possible to fence it quickly from stored supplies should misfortune befall us. I hesitate to go ahead and install the fence because the location, while …

Two Letters Re: Love Thy Neighbor…Trust No One

HJL, The writer of this letter is waking up to the unfortunate reality that, thanks to our national leadership or lack thereof, the law only applies to those who adhere to the law. Lawbreakers have been taught by our own government that there are no consequences for breaking the law. On the contrary, lawbreakers are now actually being REWARDED for breaking the law. This will only get worse. As the author of the letter has discovered, we’re going to have our hands full in the coming times. May God be with us all. – Pete H. o o o HJL, …

Letter: Love Thy Neighbor…Trust No One.

Hugh, First let me say that I am a Christian and have followed JWR for many years and appreciate his Christian values when dealing with survival/WROL/collapse scenarios. Today, my faith was tested and I felt compelled to share my experience with you and your readers. My back story: Five years ago in 2010, I moved to eastern Tennessee to work. I lived in employer provided housing, but purchased a remote property along the Cumberland Plateau for camping, exercise, and hunting. Being of the prepper mindset, I built a small cabin, cleared some of the wooded property and began to assemble …

Howdy Folks, And Welcome To Our Neighborhood!, by ShepherdFarmerGeek

I’ve been working on this article for a while and maybe now’s the time to share it. I would like to have a page of orientation information to post at our bugout encampment or in our neighborhood after we’ve implemented the Community Action Plan and the dust has started to settle. So this is my best attempt to put together some foundational ideas that should apply to every situation. I’ve deliberately tried to keep it conversational, simple, and friendly (maybe even slightly humorous), because there are a lot of “don’ts”. I’m looking forward to seeing what else the SurvivalBlog community …

Masters of Deceit, by Enola Gay

With every social program that is enacted, every attempt at a re-distribution of wealth by our political “leaders” we are shamed into reluctant submission by our vague notions of Christian charity. We have been raised to “feed the hungry” and “clothe the naked” and “provide a home for the homeless”. Politicians and religious leaders, who have made social justice their god, quote scriptures to us, validating their own agenda; “He who shuts his ears to the cries of the poor will be ignored in his own time of need” (Proverbs 21:13), “If you give to the poor, your needs will …

Letter Re: Helping the Maxners

Hugh, It is never possible to insure or prepare for every event. You can only do what you are able and what is prudent. The one thing which should be different about the Redoubt vs. other “preppers” goes back to DeToqueville when our country was young. But the scene is now changed, and gradually the two ranks mingle; the divisions which once severed mankind are lowered, property is divided, power is held in common, the light of intelligence spreads, and the capacities of all classes are equally cultivated; the State becomes democratic, and the empire of democracy is slowly and …

Killer Survivalism, by Faith Believing

Do you read the news and start to worry? Do you lie awake at night gripped with fears of the future? Do you bolt awake at midnight and stave off the panic by making lists of preps to buy? Have you talked to your doctor about this? Don’t get me wrong; I think survivalism is a good thing. However, I think that there is an under-addressed subject that survivalists would do well to contemplate: the emotional stress brought on by worry about the future can be as deadly as the things you’re worrying about. It can work the other way, …

Letter Re: Multiple Families on Your Retreat

Hi. The article on Multiple Families was very good. We, too, live at our retreat. We’ve been working for five years to make this 9000 ft elevation retreat sustainable and may someday write about lessons learned, but for now we just want to respond to Farmer Brown. He was very generous to invite someone in to partner on the ranch, especially since the infrastructure he owns is a very expensive venture– one not shared by the new family. We believe we solved this issue in that we developed a co-op and invited a number of small families from our church …