Commuter’s Get Home Bag, by M.M.

Packing a Get Home Bag How do you prepare a get home bag when you commute more than 100 miles each day for work? Let’s for a moment presume that you have no idea that some sort of event is about to happen that will render your job irrelevant, your vehicle useless, and your location being close to your office, to which you commute each day, when it occurs. How and what in the world would you consider packing in a go bag and then heading home? I received a perfect example of your travel day changing due to a …

Letter Re: Compound Interest on Debt

HJL, I was going to leave a short comment but this deserves wider exposure. Amen to all that about debt in the Zero Hedge article. Compound interest is not your friend if you are paying it. I bought into leverage for asset acquisition. Robert Kawasaki (intentionally incorrect) has a special place in my heart or is that some place much lower… It is a serious mistake not to take the income sheltered by depreciation and put it toward loan principal reduction. When you hit 50 and want to be out of debt the cold reality hits that profit and income …

The Survivalist’s Odds ‘n Sods:

SurvivalBlog presents another edition of The Survivalist’s Odds ‘n Sods— a collection of news bits and pieces that are relevant to the modern survivalist and prepper from “HJL”. Today, we are focusing on the North Korea bizarre diplomacy measures this week while their nuclear test site is in danger of collapse. North Korea North Korea has obviously bought into the media propaganda about President Trump. They believe him to be a crazy, wild man with an itchy finger on the nuclear trigger. The Pyongyang regime has sent bizarre letters to the Australian government to appeal for help in pressuring Trump. …