Notes for Thursday – November 24, 2016

From the SurvivalBlog family to yours, we wish you a happy Thanksgiving. Despite the crises in this world and the mounting pressures, we give thanks to our LORD that you are are still here, you are still prepping, and that He will never forsake us. o o o November 24th marks the day that John Knox died, in 1572. (He was born in 1514.) AtheistAgendaPedia says: “Born near Haddington Scotland. He was influenced by George Wishart, who was burned for heresy in 1546, and the following year Knox became the spokesman for the Reformation in Scotland. After imprisonment and exile …

My 10 Favorite “Motivational” Movies For Preppers

This list is not comprehensive, and reflects my quirky taste in movies. Please note that because they depict times of deep drama that none of these are suitable for viewing by children. While the tactics and techniques portrayed are not always realistic, these films at least provide some good motivation for preppers. They each have their merits. If nothing else, they all definitely have the requisite “Oo-rah” quotient. They are listed in alphabetical order: Braveheart Defiance Farewell To The King The Great Escape Jeremiah Johnson The Magnificent Seven (The original, not the recent re-make!) The Pianist The Postman Red Dawn …

12 Important Books Every Well-Prepared Family Should Own

One question that I frequently hear from my consulting clients is: “What reference books am I missing from my bookshelf?” The following are the “must have” books that I highly recommend: The Encyclopedia of Country Living by Carla Emery (See review, below) Making the Best of Basics – Family Preparedness Handbook by James Talmage Stevens Gardening When It Counts: Growing Food in Hard Times by Steve Solomon Ball Blue Book of Preserving Cookin’ with Home Storage by Vicki Tate Where There Is No Doctor: A Village Health Care Handbook by David Werner Where There Is No Dentist by Murray Dickson …

Letter Re: The Adjoining Canadian Redoubt

The editors/publishers of SurvivalBlog recommend an area in the western United States as the best place to find a resort for the time when the world comes to an end. They call it the American Redoubt, and it includes portions of Washington, Idaho, and Montana, which border on the Canadian provinces of Alberta and Saskatchewan. This region has low population, low taxes, and lots of good land. It strongly tends to vote Republican. The irony, from a Canadian perspective, is that the adjacent provinces have a rather different political culture. Saskatchewan has a tradition of alternating government between the socialist …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Holocaust jacket found at tag sale leads to a life story o o o John Jacob of Radio Free Redoubt tells us that Northwest Radio Supply is having a Black Friday sale (Friday only) on several items like Anderson Powerpole Connectors, Wise brand foods and more. If you live in the area of Moscow, Idaho, you may want to visit them. o o o Zuckerberg does an about face on “Fake News” and implements a 7 point plan on Facebook. Progressive censorship at its best (or worst). o o o SurvivalBlog reader H.K. writes in to warn people that even …