Notes for Friday – November 11, 2016

November 11th is of course Veteran’s Day. If you value you freedom, then thank a veteran. It is also the birthday of General George S. Patton, Jr. (born 1885, died December 21, 1945). It is the birthday of Hugh Everett (born 1930, died July 19, 1982), the American physicist who first proposed the many-worlds interpretation (MWI) of quantum physics, which he termed his “relative state” formulation. November 11th also marks Rhodesia’s Unilateral Declaration of Independence (UDI), in 1965. Remember Rhodesia. o o o With all the chatter about the election, some sad news got lost in the shuffle: Mike Dillon …

Purchasing Power: Past, Present, Future- Part 4, by L.M.

The real currency of the world has become trust. Dallas Fed chairman Fisher stated, “Fiat money is a game of CONfidence and faith and if these are lost it is over.” (emphasis added) Did he really just admit that this is a CON game? I thought we were supposed to play our part in this grand charade and pretend it had value? What is the matter with him? What in the world does this even mean? Sadly, we are past the time in history when being honest was considered noble and right! Governments are past it, and soon people around …

Letter Re: Airedales

Mr. Rawles, Regarding the article about Airedales, I literally re-lived my childhood reading it. My family has had many Airedale dogs over the past 30 years. These beautiful dogs are the “class clowns” of the dog world. You couldn’t ask for a more faithful, protective, humorous, and friendly dog. And they will turn incredibly vicious to protect their owner or if they are challenged by other dogs. I recall as a young boy my father walking our Airedale when a German Shepard, that was much bigger and not on a leash, came racing over to attack our Airedale. Our little …

Economics and Investing:

Half of America Can’t Afford More Than $100/Month on Health Insurance – B.B. o o o Most people in the US missed out on this o o o President Trump: This Is How To Bring Back 1 Million Energy Jobs. Although the energy policies of President-elect Trump remain largely unclear, there is huge potential to create hundreds of thousands of energy jobs across the country. o o o The story of inflation between 1996 and 2016 is of rising prices in things that you need: Prices skyrocket for middle class goods and services. o o o SurvivalBlog and its editors …

Odds ‘n Sods:

It’s important to remember that the voting upset experienced on November 8th really isn’t about a “mandate” being given to Donald Trump or even about supporting him as a candidate. The bottom line is that the upset was about “status quo” versus “cleaning house”, the establishment versus the outside. Sending an outsider to Washington has often been crudely compared to sending a young tender virgin to clean up a whorehouse. We should be praying that Trump can follow through with cleaning up the cesspool. – HJL o o o Along those lines comes this article from Tyler Durden at Zero …