Preparedness Notes for Wednesday – November 15, 2017

After 16 months of debate, the Continental Congress, sitting in its temporary capital of York, Pennsylvania, agreed to adopt the Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union on November 5th, 1777. Of course, the last of the 13 states, Maryland, took until March 1, 1781 to ratify the agreement.

Also on this day, Charles Dickens published the final installment of A Tale of Two Cities in Dickens’ circular.

Guest Article: Shooting Second Amendment Blanks- Part 2, by David M. Zuniga

Partial List of Our Servants’ Felonies (continued)

Forget the fake “war on terror” and Islamic jihad kindled and reinforced by the CIA. Forget the saber-rattling little fat turd in North Korea, who could be taken out tomorrow by U.S. Special Forces but instead is goaded by the war industry. The truth is: the arrogant organized crime operation known as The Deep State now makes the U.S. Congress the most pressing, potent enemy of these sovereign States and People.

It is long overdue that We The People begin to “execute the Laws of the Union” against this Democrat/Republican machine that:

  • Invites enemies across our borders to provide cheap labor for its patrons in industry,
  • Refuses to throttle the lawless courts under its aegis,
  • Continues to run the largest counterfeiting operation on earth in its concession to the FED cartel,
  • Continues to operate the largest extortion and payroll-skimming operation on earth in its concession to the IRS,
  • Continues to load its sovereigns down with rules, regulations, fees, and programs that it does not have to live under,
  • Continues to engage in felony insider trading every day, making millions by buying and shorting stocks of industries that it regulates or supports,
  • Pays itself whatever it decides, from our payroll accounts, and
  • Pays itself benefits and pension to the grave, while we work to make ends meet!

Continue reading“Guest Article: Shooting Second Amendment Blanks- Part 2, by David M. Zuniga”

Economics & Investing For Preppers

Here are the latest items and commentary on current economics news, market trends, stocks, investing opportunities, and the precious metals markets. We also cover hedges, derivatives, and obscura. And it bears mention that most of these items are from the “tangibles heavy” contrarian perspective of JWR. (SurvivalBlog’s Founder and Senior Editor.) Today’s focus is on investing in champion bulls. (See the Tangibles Investing section, near the end of this column.)

Precious Metals:

Global Gold Investment Demand To Overwhelm Supply During Next Market Crash


Stock Markets:

World’s Top Tech Giants Amass $1.7 Trillion in Monster Year



OPEC Concedes That U.S. Shale Won’t Die

Troubling Trends:

Over at Bloomberg (with auto-start video) The U.S. Yield Curve Is Flattening and Here’s Why It Matters

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Michael Snyder: This Is What A Pre-Crash Market Looks Like

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Reader Gregg P. spotted this: Venezuela just defaulted, moving deeper into crisis…
Continue reading“Economics & Investing For Preppers”

JWR’s Recommendations of the Week

Here are JWR’s Recommendations of the Week for various media and tools of interest to SurvivalBlog readers. This week the focus is on the book Basic Survival: A Beginner’s Guide, by David Nash

Books (Basic Survival: A Beginner’s Guide):

A great new book is not officially scheduled for release until November 21st, but the publisher is reportedly already shipping orders: Basic Survival: A Beginner’s Guide, by David Nash. It is highly recommended.  I see that its Amazon overall sales rank jumped from around #200,000 a week ago, to now around #20,800.

This book is the perfect gift for any friends, neighbors, relatives, or co-workers who are new to prepping.  I wrote the book’s Foreword. Full Disclosure:  I was not compensated for writing the Foreword. Nor will I profit from the sales of this book, other than the usual Amazon Associates sales commissions that I earn from links to any other book. – JWR

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Here is a new addition to Avalanche Lily’s bedside book stack: Heinerman’s Encyclopedia of Fruits, Vegetables, and Herbs

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That will end up on the shelf right next to this old standby: Herbal Medicine Natural Remedies: 150 Herbal Remedies to Heal Common Ailments


Movies and Television:

The Unseen Holocaust. This 2014 documentary is worth watching. Here is a description: “Years of painstaking research by film historian Dr. Jeremy Hicks into the Russian State Film Archives uncovered new Holocaust footage which brings to light shocking new evidence of Nazi death squads. “The Unseen Holocaust” offers an important new, if disturbing, insight into the origins of the Nazi genocide.” (Available on DVD.  Also available for free download for Amazon Prime members.)

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Idaho: The Movie. A highly-rated 2017 documentary film. (Available on DVD. Also available for free download for Amazon Prime members.)  By the way, the book seen on the narrator’s desk at the opening of the film is one of my favorite regional histories: Idaho For The Curious.

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And, as long as you are documentary mode, take and hour to also watch: Elk in America.  This one too is available for free download on Amazon Prime.  The narration by Stacey Keach is a bit insipid at times, but the video photography is fantastic.

Continue reading“JWR’s Recommendations of the Week”

Guest Article: Shooting Second Amendment Blanks- Part 1, by David M. Zuniga

With every real and false-flag shooting in this republic, statists and liberals re-kindle their heated attacks on “our rights under the 2nd Amendment”. The constant reversion back to that Amendment, instead of looking to the authority and duty we have under Article 1 of the Constitution, is a self-destructive habit. Led by gun organizations supposedly on our own side, we keep handing the gun-grabbers easy victories by simply not knowing the powers and duties of “We The People” that we codified in the Constitution.

Tactical Civics™ is a new way of life that can finally put full-spectrum popular sovereignty in the hands of every American who will accept that responsibility. If only half of 1% of the American people will take our duty and authority seriously, we turn the tables forever on Washington DC’s Deep State and collusive media.

Firearms Are Necessary But Not Sufficient

We The People are arming ourselves as never before.  That’s fine; but free republics and especially their rule of law are maintained by wisdom (including tactical wisdom), not primarily by force of arms.  Imagine: We The People, the sovereigns over the Constitution and the government we created and limited by that law, have never attempted to enforce the Constitution; not a single time.  Why start shooting lawless public servants when we haven’t taken the first law enforcement step yet?

Continue reading“Guest Article: Shooting Second Amendment Blanks- Part 1, by David M. Zuniga”

SurvivalBlog’s News From The American Redoubt

Here is SurvivalBlog’s News From The American Redoubt. This weekly column features news stories and event announcements from around the American Redoubt region. We also mention companies of interest to preppers that are located in the region. The emphasis this week is on anti-Redoubt journalists. (See the Region-Wide section, near the end of this column.)

Region-Wide (Anti-Redoubt Journalists):

A new article series just got started at the leftward leaning Sandpoint Reader: The American Redoubt Series: An Introduction. JWR’s Comments: They’ve promised to be objective. I’ll just wait and see how the series is handled. But it is probably not coincidental that they already juxtaposed a photo and text link to an article on the Ruby Ridge standoff. There is nothing like a little Guilt By Lack of Association. This is straight out of the SPLC playbook.

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And for even more strident bias, there is this, over at Buzzfeed: Welcome To Idaho: Now Go Home–Wackadoodles, Establishment Hacks, And The Big, Ugly, Local Battle For The Heart Of The GOP. JWR’s Comments: The author, Anne Helen Peterson, couldn’t even wait to get past the headline and the first subhead to make an insult and a mis-characterization. Her article is a none-too subtle smear, attempting to make conservatives and Redoubters look like racists. But her claims seem laughable, when you see that the article includes a photo of Alex Barron. He is one of the key pro-Redoubt leaders of the Kootenai County Republican Central Committee, and he is black. The American Redoubt movement is essentially color blind, just as every interest group in America should be. For the record:  I have much more in common with black Christians than I do with white Atheists or white New Age crystal fondlers.)


VERIFY: Is a potential Idaho Power rate increase linked to a surplus of renewable energy? (Thanks to Rich B. for the link.)

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I just heard about a fairly new manufacturing company in Dalton Gardens, Idaho. It is called Idaho Suppressor Company. They make great quality suppressors, primarily from titanium.
Their address is:
   6040 N. Government Way, Suite #101
  Dalton Gardens, Idaho 83815
   Telephone: (208) 772-3700



A little fun, Montana style: The Turkey Whisperer. (Thanks to T.P. for the link.)

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Obviously, judges and juries take some sinful behavior very seriously, in Montana: Great Falls man gets 60 years in prison for raping girl

Continue reading“SurvivalBlog’s News From The American Redoubt”

The Survivalist’s Odds ‘n Sods:

SurvivalBlog presents another edition of The Survivalist’s Odds ‘n Sods— a collection of news bits and pieces that are relevant to the modern survivalist and prepper from “HJL”. Most troubling this week is Symantec’s revelation of just how far hackers have penetrated into the U.S. power grid.

From the Desk of Mike Williamson, SurvivalBlog’s Editor at Large

Edward Poitevent is at the mercy of Casper the Invisible Frog. The U.S. fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) has determined that his land would be an excellent habitat for the Mississippi gopher frog (because it once ranged there at some point) so they have declared it a sanctuary rendering it commercially worthless. There is just a few problems. All the trees have to be cut down and replanted on all 1,500 acres, the underbrush has to be cleared and/or burned on a yearly basis and the ponds on the property have to be refurbished every year. They expect Poitevent to pay for it too. Poitevent describes it as having to build a $34 million frog hotel that will never be occupied. So now the government can steal your land over animals that don’t even live there.

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Dr Kevin Menes was in charge of the ED on the night of the Las Vegas shooting. He had preplanned and through through tough mass casualty situations and had mentally rehearsed the plans and when called into action, his work resulted in saving literally hundreds of lives. Not all heroes wear capes. Preplanning, asking hard questions and coming up with solutions before situations arise works. In his case, it led to medal-worth performance.

Continue reading“The Survivalist’s Odds ‘n Sods:”

The Editors’ Quote of the Day:

“The times call for courage. The times call for hard work. But if the demands are high, it is because the stakes are even higher. They are nothing less than the future of human liberty, which means the future of civilization.” – Henry Hazlitt

Blackhawk Clothing, by Pat Cascio

If you are serious about surviving the End Of The World, or whatever SHFT scenario that may come you way, you might want to consider the Blackhawk Products clothing line.

Bearing Burdens of the Homeless

Please, bear with me for a few minutes, as I digress just a little bit. It will all make sense to you, I promise. Some years ago, when my family and I lived outside of Ontario, Oregon, we started a much needed street ministry to the homeless. At any given time, we could find 20-30 homeless people walking the streets, day and night. So, there was a need, and we wanted to help fill it. We sent out letters to every church in town, asking if they could support the new ministry we were about to start. We asked for clothing, blankets, sleeping bags, and small donations to purchase food.

Christian Community’s Response

We were not prepared for the onslaught we received from the “Christian” community there. I fielded phone calls and letters, telling me that there was no need for a homeless ministry in Ontario, Oregon. There were no homeless in the area? Huh? What? Anytime, day or night, if you drove around town you could find many homeless folks. I was more than a little annoyed at the response I was getting. One pastor actually called me up and asked me what my “qualifications” were to feed the homeless and hungry, and he wanted to know what my education and credentials were. Well, my “qualifications” came from the Bible to feed and clothe the homeless. As to my education, I asked him what his was. Then, I told him I held an earned Doctor of Divinity degree. That was the end of conversation with him.

Continue reading“Blackhawk Clothing, by Pat Cascio”

New Advertising Spots Available on SurvivalBlog

Pardon this bit of self-promotion, but just like any other business venture, we need to generate revenue to consistently post SurvivalBlog with daily updates.  (We’ve only missed posting a  few days since our launch in August of 2005.) Most of our revenue comes from advertising  and The 10 Cent Challenge.

You’ve probably noticed that we’ve revamped our advertising on SurvivalBlog. In addition to traditional banner ads in the right hand column, we now offer text ads (text between articles) for just $100 per month. Those who choose to run the traditional banner ads with us also get access to the text ads at no additional cost.

Improved SurvivalBlog Advertising

Hugh (our Managing Editor) implemented a very clever automated system that allows all of our advertisers to remotely change their ads as often as they’d like.

Since our new text ads are so affordable, this opens up advertising opportunities for many small ventures that previously could not afford to advertise on SurvivalBlog. These could include:

  • Home-based Internet and mailorder businesses
  • Real estate agents and brokers throughout the US and Canada
  • Promotion for guns shows, preparedness expos, and fiber crafts shows
  • Small gun training schools and mobile trainers
  • Gun shops and gunsmiths that do some mailorder business
  • Coin shops and bullion dealers that do some mailorder sales
  • Businesses that do storefront sales inside The American Redoubt
  • Other blogs and prepper-oriented hard copy magazines
  • Web designers and graphic artists who work remotely
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  • Makers of customized ham radio equipment and antennas
  • Companies seeking investors or franchisees
  • Small publishers
  • Tour, cruise, and safari promotions
  • Custom handloaders
  • Builders of custom bugout vehicles and campers/trailers
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  • People with mobile businesses such as farriers, piano tuners, and chiropractors
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  • Bookstores that do some mailorder sales
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  • Promotion for hamfests and ham swap meets
  • Home-based publishers and self-published authors
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  • Wall tent makers
  • Self-published authors
  • ATV and Off-road vehicle trailer makers/dealers
  • CPAs and tax professionals
  • Custom ghillie and thermal suit makers
  • Promotion for Podcasters and Vloggers
  • Military surplus dealers
  • Remote Internet/Satellite TV system providers
  • Fuel and water tank makers and dealers
  • Blasting and demolition services
  • Road, pond, and hydroelectric engineers
  • Logging companies
  • Homeschooling curriculum publishers
  • Meetup groups and matchmaking services
  • Custom welders and fabricators
  • Heavy equipment, steam engine, and vehicle restorers
  • Surveyors (especially those licensed more than one state.)
  • Farmers Markets and Co-ops seeking promotion
  • Exotic and rare breed livestock breeders

… and many more. If you have such a venture–or if you know someone who does, who might be interested–then please contact us!  You can see our advertising guidelines, our available advertising spaces, and our advertising rate–all here.

I expect all of the SurvivalBlog ad spaces to sell out by the end of December, so don’t delay!  Thanks, – JWR