The Survivalist’s Odds ‘n Sods:

…give you ideas that you can further research. o o o If you have a lawn, dandelions are the bane of your existence. Let them get a hold in your grass and you will be fighting them all year long. It almost seems that they can sprout, bloom and seed overnight at times. We no longer fight them on the Latimer homestead like we used to. We just pinch the tops off before they go to seed. Reader DSV sent in this article on 9 wonderful uses for dandelion root. Dandelion tea is actually pretty good. In addition, we like a spring lettuce mix around here and young, tender dandelion leaves fit right in. o o o Reader T.J. sent in this link to Growing Banana Plants in the Ozarks. It’s only eight minutes long and is pretty interesting. If you live in a warmish environment, you might be able…

Odds ‘n Sods:

A reminder that I will be a guest speaker (via teleconference) at the Get Prepared Expo, in Springfield, Missouri on April 28 & 29, 2012. The expo is being organized by It will be held at the Ozarks Empire Fairgrounds. o o o A reader from Florida wrote to ask me about the prospects for paying off the National Debt. The short answer: It is mathematically impossible, unless the purchasing power of the US dollar is destroyed through mass inflation. (It worked for the Weimar Republic…) o o o My recent interview on the Alex Jones show is now available on YouTube: Living in The Age of Deception and Betrayal. Update (August, 2018): The entire library of Infowars shows has been deleted by YouTube in part of a coordinated campaign of censorship against conservative voices. This is evidence that we truly are living in the age of deception and…

An Unsung Prepper, by J.M.

…we cleaned out the room leaving only the empty metal tank and the “growling” air blower for the next owners. Media Personalities Compared to the narcissistic, weirded out entertainers of today, it is truly refreshing to remember a time when many media personalities were God fearing Americans! When he retired in 1976, Ned Locke moved to the Missouri Ozarks to go fishing and golfing. Never one to be idle, he reentered civic service as Park Commissioner, Chief of Police and then until his death Mayor of Kimberling City, MO. Now in my 60’s, in order to verify my fading recollections from about 55 years I called his surviving son and family. They informed me that yes, he had built a fallout shelter in his home and ran a business building them and selling survival equipment in the 1960’s. They gave me permission to tell my story to you all. Epilogue…

Relocation In Catastrophes – Part 1, by J. of T.

…a focus on that “leader’s gifting” or a similar narrow focus, such as pet doctrines. In my experience, many of the extreme cults around the Ozarks are like this. We need the real thing in America. (And enough of the real thing exists!). This is the the only thing that is going to revive the USA and maybe bring true revival. Yes, I’ve learned real revival comes after a nation suffers a little. You will also meet genuine Christians trying to live honorable and upstanding lives. Such families are a blessing to the regions you dwell in. This is God’s goal for our planet. That we would all live such honorable, transparent, and humble lives we affect our state and nation. This is how the Moravian missionary movement changed America and (then, later) sent missionaries around the world. But learn to recognize and stay away from fringe theologies and groups….

Odds ‘n Sods:

Lee M. sent an interesting article and video: Time Lapse Views of Earth from Space. Lee suggests: “Take a look at the night scenes of Earth. it will give you an idea of where the major population centers are located.”    o o o One final reminder that this weekend I will be a guest speaker (via teleconference) at the Get Prepared Expo, that is being held in Springfield, Missouri on April 28 & 29, 2012. The expo is being organized by, at the Ozarks Empire Fairgrounds. My teleseminar will begin at noon, Central time.    o o o Tam, over at the always entertaining and provocative View From The Porch blog suggested this: How to weaponize office supplies. (I’ve mentioned his videos before.)    o o os G.G. sent this bit of good news: Labor Dept. withdraws farm child labor rule after Daily Caller report goes viral   …

Letter Re: Missouri’s Retreat Potential

Jim: I see that Missouri is not on your list.  There are a lot of good things to say about the Ozarks of Southern Missouri (and Northern Arkansas).  Self reliant culture which is pro gun and private property and which respects people’s privacy.  There is very low population density in many counties (such as Shannon population 8,300, Reynolds 6,700, Oregon 10,300, and Carter 5,900). Very low cost of living and a very homogeneous population (mostly Scotch-Irish). You find people from California moving to Missouri since they can live on just their Social Security there. Regards, – “Nearnorth” JWR Replies: Your point is well taken. however, as a whole, Missouri is too populous to be recommended. It has a population of over 6 million which equates to 1448.4 per square mile. That is more than four times the population density of California, which just barely made my list. Take another look…

Odds ‘n Sods:

DuPont’s armored car kit a hit in Brazil. (Thanks to Paul B. for the link.)    o o o SurvivalBlog’s Editor at Large Michael Z. Williamson sent this: Archivist seeks one of every book written    o o o Tom Sciacca (of Camping Survival) asks: How much water is enough?    o o o KAF flagged this article: New York Mills Woodworker Offering ‘Build Your Own Casket’ Classes, Coffin Furniture    o o o I will be a guest speaker (via teleconference) at the Get Prepared Expo, in Springfield, Missouri . The expo will be held on April 28 & 29, 2012 and is being organized by It will be at the Ozarks Empire Fairgrounds….

My Journey Through Prepping and the Christian Worldview, by Southwest Michigan Fred

…The Micro Store  – is a great encouragement to all of us to think about how we can help others help themselves while improving our odds of thriving at the same time.  There’s more going on in this movement than just working for self-preservation and that’s something my worldview embraces.  I dream often of a retreat location somewhere in the American Redoubt.  Wyoming perhaps, or Montana, or maybe even the Ozarks.  Or more exciting yet – my late-maternal grandfather was a freelance photographer with a serious case of wanderlust and spent a lot of time in the Coeur d’Alene country of northern Idaho.  He fell in love with it and always wanted to return there when he was older and though he never was able, he left us with his photographs and the memories of his adventures.  Maybe I should go there in his stead – talk about adding thrill…

A Wannabe Homesteader, by Brenda K.

…my husband and I do together several times a week and we really feel like a team, working our land together.  Working out in the timber, I feel so blessed that God gave us all those resources to help us. My husband and I spent our honeymoon in the Ozarks and fell in love with the area.  A friend had found a very nice, reasonable mobile home near a big lake to use as a cabin.  We told him if he heard of another good deal to let us know and it wasn’t too long and we had our own “lake cabin.”   We lived in a major city in the Midwest and had high pressure jobs, so it was really good to get away as often as we could.  We enjoyed our lake cabin for a few years, but we both knew eventually we’d want to have an acreage with…

TEOTWAWKI Fitness Planning by Dr. Bob

…The overweight family practice doctor from the Ozarks that thinks he’s too busy to exercise (ouch, that one hits close).  The housewife jogger that puts in her 2.5 miles every weekday on the treadmill.  The responsible mom with the most awesome pantry–but also 30 extra pounds of “softness” to carry.  The 60 year old guy that is an awesome shot, but also an awesome beer drinker that can’t walk up a hill carrying a load without nearly dying.  The list of my friends and family could go on for a long time; but we all know who we are:  American preppers.  We are just like most Americans–eating too much junk food, fast food, and having the best intentions to improve our fitness after everything else on the list has been checked off.  The list you have isn’t going away and if you count yourself among this group of American preppers—the time is now….

Recognizing Societal Fragility and Making Substantive Preparations, by C.P.

…the desert did not offer a chance for survival in any TEOTWAWKI situation.  Water was scarce and growing our own food would not be cost effective if it was at all possible.  We had to get out of there before anything bad happened. In 2004, we found our survival retreat in the Ozarks.  It’s a tiny, poorly built cabin in the middle of the woods.  It had a private well, septic, electricity, phone service, and even DSL!  A small spring-fed creek is near the front of the house.  The nearest neighbor is about 700 yards away, through the trees.  Our intentions were to work hard and tear the cabin down to rebuild something a little larger.  I began trying to figure out the whole “gardening” thing.  I am finally making some progress with that, though the bugs still get more of my produce than I do.  We raise chickens and…

Three Letters Re: Heating With Wood

…small homestead in the Ozarks and for the next 10 years we heated only with wood. During that time we saw our neighbors down the road lose an infant daughter to smoke inhalation during a bad fire and our best friends came home on Christmas eve to find nothing left but the foundation, their house had burnt to the ground. Both were caused by skimping on chimney installations. Anyone who has lived in the boonies probably has similar stories to tell. It’s okay to scrimp and save on a lot of things, chimneys [with regular chimney cleaning] are not one of them. You have a wild beast under partial control inside your home, one tiny mistake and it can escape and destroy your home and kill you. I don’t mean to unduly scare people but I would like to see people have the appropriate amount of respect for the hazards…

Bug Out Bag Preparedness Tips From the Mouths of Babes

Hello Thank you for all the work you do. I thought I’d give you a Christmas chuckle. My small daughter was telling us the Christmas story, but it had a twist. She told us that “the wise men brought Jesus gold, food, and water, because they [Joseph and Mary] had to leave quickly and didn’t get their bags ready.” Just when you think your children aren’t listening… Needless to say, we set her straight on the real story, but have been, and will continue to smile over that story for a long time. Have a terrific Holiday, – Mr. O. in the Ozarks

Letter Re: Finding a Family Oriented Survival Retreat

…all potential armed confrontations if possible, but to be willing and ready to defend when necessary. 3) Physical Location & Plan B: This particular area of Oklahoma, though it is very rural and has a longer growing season, is very difficult to farm. Because we are in the foothills of the Ozarks, the soil is extremely rocky and very difficult to cultivate. We had to bring in top soil to be able to start our own garden. It also gets extremely hot in the summer months, so irrigation would be critical to keep crops from withering up & dying. That requires a whole separate set of logistics that would need to be sustainable during a crisis period. If we had to leave the homestead under adverse conditions, there’s Plan B. Plan B is to retreat into the plentiful woods surrounding my area, but here is what I have discovered. There…

Letter Re: More About the Chimney Fire Hazard

We just just learned that the beautiful house we had built on our 20 acre Michigan property burned to the ground. I want to urge all readers to have their chimneys checked yearly. The house had a wood furnace in the basement and a well-built 3-flue chimney yet in a state with deep frost, foundations can settle. The new owners never spent the money to have the chimney cleaned/inspected yearly as we had advised them to. Yet they just spent over $40,000 on granite countertops and all that fancy stuff. “Penny wise and Pound foolish!” My brother-in-law lives next door on property he bought from us so he got the full picture. Apparently they hadn’t upgraded their insurance either after renovating. When we moved to the Ozarks and bought this old farmhouse we didn’t trust the wiring or chimney…and inspection showed the chimney had been struck by lightening and was…