Stand Your Ground Against COVID-19, by Mark B.

…up: 3) I think Iowa Senator Joni Ernest’s suggestion — without ANY evidence — that tens of thousands of doctors are committing Medicare fraud –by falsely claiming patients died of Covid when they did not in order to get a higher reimbursement — is utter claptrap. Why risk a career and license on something easily checked? 4) This article discusses some of the complexity of counting Covid deaths and why doctors think the virus killed people even if they had preexisting conditions. SE USA Klaude Flaugstein We are not desperate. We are 100% debt free and fully stocked as you are. Our business has been affected, but we still earn a nice, comfortable living from it and want for nothing (unless this madness continues eternally). We care about the elderly & sick but we do not want to see the worlds greatest economy and nation destroyed. We are…

The Bill Of Convenient Privileges, by J.H.

…There is no corner of our lives not presently controlled in one form or another by a gobbermint agency or regulation. As the new year approaches reality, a new administration looms on the horizon, whatever it may bring, things for all of us are about to change, perhaps very drastically. How they change and how many of those pesky “freedoms” we are allowed to keep, (I’m opting for ALL of them) is at this point, anybody’s guess. Soon good folks, very soon….. Good Day Sir! Long Live Our Republic! St. Funogas Hey ThoDan, contrary to popular belief in the US, the Founding Fathers set up a freer nation, not a free nation. They had no intentions of granting us true Freedom (the absolute right of private property), so your example as I understand it is out of context (with all due respect) and actually underscores the point I’m making. When…

Letter: Elderberry and Wuhan

Dear SurvivalBloggers: Just a quick note concerning Elderberry syrup and the Wuhan coronavirus (now named “COVID-19”) that I didn’t want to get lost in the extensive comments about the virus at and : Normally, with flu, elderberry syrup is a positive and helps fight the virus.“Sambucol Elderberry Extract and its formulations activate the healthy immune system by increasing inflammatory cytokine production.” However, “…elderberry also enhances cytokine response, which may not be so good when one of the complications of pandemic influenza is cytokine storm.” And here we have that immune dysfunction also showing up with COVID-19 “In most moribund [dying] patients, 2019-nCoV infection is also associated with a cytokine storm…” See this video at 19:42 for a description of what a cytokine storm does: “Zhou Zheng (周正), an expert in respiratory medicine at the Second Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University in Hunan Province, said one…

Prepping When Physically Disabled and Low Income, by Just A Dad

for the perseverance of the Saints, and in my experience perseverance is not limited only to one’s spiritual self. So, how do I prep for my family of four with a total income under $17,000 USD, annually? Garden: your local area will have gardening groups, I use local chapters of the Extension Master Gardener – we have limited space and therefore apply container gardening approaches whenever possible. We grow sweet potatoes as well as two or three other varieties of potatoes. These offer nutrition and generally large returns, regardless of location. In addition, we grow a few other items that help offset food needs. You really do want a good size (10 square feet) compost pit. This comes in handy for feed needs with chickens as well! We grow earthworms in the compost and encourage bugs as well, also, we put all food scraps into the compost. Not everyone will…

The Survivalist’s Odds ‘n Sods

…8% of Iran’s parliament has the coronavirus, and it released 54,000 prisoners as the country descends into chaos Is Trump Deluded? U.S. has only a fraction of the medical supplies it needs to combat coronavirus China canceled the central event of its political calendar because of the coronavirus, a stark symbol of how it has lost control of the outbreak [Feb 24] Nearly 10% of Iranian lawmakers infected with coronavirus, state media reports [Yesterday, and now some have begun to perish. Iran’s leadership. Last week they were meeting and visiting hospitals to boost morale.]\ From Gab site: Switzerland Quarantines All Active Duty Soldiers Tunnel Rabbit March 5, 2020, 03:00 hrs (Seeing is believing. This is a must see. Get it whatever you need ASAP.) Ice Age Farmer EMPTY PORTS — Supply Chain SHUTDOWN — Prepare for Limited Collapse TexasScout Re: California’s…

A Low-Cost Route to Earning a Bachelor’s Degree, by V/Rs

…local colleges (paper versions) or at places like Sylvan Learning Centers (computer based). The advantage to the computer versions of the test is that the results are immediately known to the student after completion. Also, an enterprising student can take more than one exam in a single day at these centers. (However, I was never able to complete more than two in a day – I was mentally drained after the second test.) There are plenty of study guides available online and at your local library – practice, practice, practice. So, how would this work? Let us take the example of someone who has finished high school, is working part time and staying at home. He could schedule one test every two weeks and spend the interim weeks studying for the next exam. After 10 weeks, this student would have finished his first year of school. Keeping this same pace…

Recommendations on Glock Spares and Upgrades, by Teddy Jacobsen

…channel” in Glockese.] I suggest that an extra extractor is necessary for all Glocks. I do not see many damaged original parts, they are all nickel plated and hold up well. The original guide rod in the 19 and 17 can be used but a hardened steel guide rod is a better option. I would prefer to stay with the original polymer guide rod if you can not find a hardened steel guide rod, it must be heat treated. using a soft steel guide rod will cause the guide rod head to get chewed up in no time. If you stay with the original equipment polymer guide rod , buy a few extra. The guide rod head in the mini Glocks (26,27,33) does break, I am talking about the original equipment rod supplied with a new Glock, so the Wolff guide rod is a better idea for the minis with…

Homeschooling Nuts and Bolts – Part 2, by R.B., EdD.

…in the home, especially if you play a bit. But listening to a variety of music isn’t hard to arrange, and music history materials are easy to find. Tutoring is a good idea for learning any instrument, and usually there are opportunities for performance which a tutor can line up for you. Don’t forget concerts, and take advantage of church choirs that are always looking for new members. Selecting a church choir to sing with might involve knowing what kind of music they usually perform, and whether your student would benefit from that experience. 9. Sciences. Your selection of curriculum emphases will depend on your understanding of the origin of the natural world, and will strongly guide your selection of appropriate materials. A theocentric view of creation will automatically discard much of what standard publishers produce, but also beware of some creationist materials which are not really based on true…

Letter Re: Search Engine Privacy and Security

Good day Sir, I want to reference to a topic which could prove of great importance. A situation where the loss of personal liberty and freedom occurs. There are some that believe that we are in that situation currently. I browse the Internet for news and factual information, much like earlier times when a person would pick up a newspaper. I have in the past used “Google” as my primary “Search Engine”. To my understanding and experience, my search results are cataloged and referenced. When I do searches through “Google”, I am bombarded by advertisements that seemingly reference my previous search preferences. An example Case in point. I had been doing a search for cold weather sleeping bags, and nearly every site I visit contains an exact advertisement to a choice that I in fact have already purchased. I have recently switched over to the “Epic privacy browser”. Their site…

Frog & Co. Tough Tesla Lighter 2.0, by The Novice

…the testing period. This made effective cold weather testing difficult. After 17 days of testing, we finally had a night with temperatures in the teens, with a low of 15 degrees Fahrenheit. I could still light a fire with the Frog unit, but it could not sustain an arc. The lighter could make just enough of a spark to ignite a cotton ball before it went out. I wondered if this was due to the battery being depleted by 17 days of testing, or if it was due to the lower temperature. I decided that I needed to do further testing under more controlled conditions. The Freezer Test I purchased a freezer thermometer from a local big box store. I placed it in the top tray of our chest freezer. The thermometer revealed that the temperature in the freezer was zero degrees Fahrenheit. I then re-charged both the Frog unit…

Economics & Investing For Preppers

Tom I must have missed the January stimulus check? Avalanche Lily Serious Vaccination Digital Bio-Certificate News: Leaders From the European Union Have Decided This Week That a Digital Vaccination Certificate Must be Ready for Roll-Out by This Summer Italian researchers create world’s 1st ‘smart tattoo’ using OLED tech Don’t be deceived Johnson and Johnson’s vaccine STILL genetically modifies your genes inside your cells. How do you know exactly what they’re putting into your body? Why should you trust them? Really? Government officials lie all of the time!! C Here’s two informative videos (by doctors) regarding the EXPERIMENTAL vaccine: [The first video is from Dr. Simone Gold and the Second video is from Dr. Lee Merritt] Matt in Oklahoma Why would I sell my neighbors my ammo? I prepared they didn’t. There’s no life threatening crisis calling for a need that requires them to have…

3D-Printed Freedom – Part 2, by A.M.

…to break down). As a downside, it does degrade over time in direct sun, and can deform in high heat. Don’t go shooting a PLA printed firearm full auto, or leave it on the dash in your car in the summer with the windows up, as it may warp. PLA also comes from a variety of manufacturers with other materials incorporated, such as wood, ceramic, copper, glow-in-the-dark materials, and more. These other materials can contribute useful or aesthetic characteristics depending on what you are printing. There are also magnetic iron PLA filaments, and electrically-conductive PLA filaments. Nearly all of the firearm components I refer to have been developed and tested with PLA or PLA+, and those that are not will be noted in the print instructions when you download the file. Other materials commonly used to print are ABS, which you may be familiar with as a type of plastic…

Guest Article: Central Banks Are Using The Trade War To Hide Their Direct Influence On Stocks, by Brandon Smith

…otherwise influence the market or interest rates beyond the effect of selling assets and shrinking the money supply. The Fed is really in a bad spot. Congress can’t balance spending and revenues, working hard to increase spending and reduce revenues instead of the other way around. Corporations aren’t investing in productivity improvements and instead are playing financial games to increase share prices and CEO bonuses. The Fed has way too many assets on its balance sheet. Interest rates are artificially low by historic standards. Banks are gambling again. Pension funds aren’t fully funded and aren’t using realistic earnings assumptions. 50 to 75% of people live paycheck to paycheck, with a significant portion struggling to pay for basic necessities. We use a single inflation value when in reality inflation rates are different in different sectors of the economy. I don’t see easy answers. Mongo Bailey Dan Celia Rational, sensible, practical….

Letter Re: Free GPS Topographical Map Software and Adjuncts

JWR, I read the letter from Grant regarding free topographic maps and I have an even easier method [if you don’t need to download data into a GPS receiver.] You can go to the USGS web site and use the GoogleMap API to find the area that you want a map of. Once you find the area, just click the “MARK POINTS” Radio button and click on the map. The marker that shows up will have the option of ordering paper copies of the map for $6 or free download. You can download your standard 7.5 minute topographic map in PDF format and if you also use the free TerraGo Desktop (the USGS site has a link to it) you can use Adobe’s free reader to compute distance, calculate area, find elevation, find lat/long, compute bearings, etc, all for free. I’ve downloaded numerous maps and they’re all excellent quality. It’s…

Ropes and Rope Making, by B.E.

…give is ok when lifting and towing, a lot is not so good. Most cordage and rope a prepper would purchase for daily household use will likely be low stretch or static in nature. Materials Almost all ropes and cordage sold today are synthetic, usually made of nylon or polyester, and sometimes of more specialized patented materials such as Spectra and Dyneema. Natural ropes are less common, as they are generally more susceptible to the elements and less uniform, and are generally made from plants such as hemp, manila and sisal. Each type of material has its own storage concerns, pros, cons, strengths and weaknesses. Synthetic Materials Synthetic materials are resistant to moisture, moulds and mildews, unlike natural fibres. They are the materials most commonly used in commercial production of ropes and cords, because they generally outperform natural fibres in most of the categories that matter. The most common synthetic…