The Pre-Test and the Ultimate Test

There may come a day when you have to put all of your training and preparations to use. That will be ultimate test of whether or not you have a true survival mindset. Do you think that you are ready for WTSHTF, physically and mentally? Assuming that you live in the suburbs, try a weekend “grid down” test with you family. This will test both your mental preparedness and how well you have prepared for the basics. Here is how it is done: Some Friday evening, unannounced, turn off your main circuit breaker and shut the valves the gas main and the water main. Leave them off until Monday morning. You might be surprised how the weekend goes. One thing that I can guarantee you: Some of the most accurate lists of logistics that you will ever compose are those written by candlelight. Now, assuming that your weekend test goes…

The Pre-Test and the Ultimate Test

There may come a day when you have to put all of your training and preparations to use. That will be ultimate test of whether or not you have a true survival mindset. Do you think that you are ready for WTSHTF, physically and mentally? Assuming that you live in the suburbs, try a weekend “grid down” test with your family. This will test both your mental preparedness and how well you have prepared for the basics. Here is how it is done: Some Friday evening, unannounced, turn off your main circuit breaker and shut the valves the gas main and the water main. Leave them off until Monday morning. You might be surprised how the weekend goes. One thing that I can guarantee you: Some of the most accurate lists of logistics that you will ever compose are those written by candlelight. Now, assuming that your weekend test goes…

The Likelihood of Man-Made Disaster, by William Crosby Prentice

…victims, out of which there were only 247 fatalities.  The rate of misconduct of 978 is per 100,000 police officers, whereas the two figures above that are the incidence for the population as a whole, in the first case for the average 2010 US population of 308mm, and the second figure for the adult population only. Used data from NYPD Analysis of active shooters from 1966 through 2010, total of 202 cases in the 44 year period, averaging 3.0 dead and 3.6 wounded per instance, for total casualties to active shooters of 1,333 over the period, during which there was an average population of 252.3mm. Based on battlefield casualties in Iraq through January, 2007 (, based on per 100,000 man-years of battlefield exposure; compares to a KIA rate of 2,231 per 100,000 for Vietnam. Huffington Post, 16-Jun-12, updated 16-Aug-12 (…

The Real Threats, by R.S.

There is a lot of conjecture as to what the event will be that “ends it all” and sends the world into complete chaos, causing Americans to go into “survival mode”. Every corner you turn you hear another theory about how it’s “going to go down”. People’s answers include terms like E.M.P., H.E.M.P., nuclear, biological, chemical, economic meltdown, foreign invasion, global natural disaster, space alien invasion, zombie apocalypse, or all the above (for the real dooms dayers). So, what is the more likely or more plausible scenario or scenarios for having to go into real survival mode? Let’s look at the different possibilities,break them down to their reality, and determine what the real threats to survival are. Foreign Invasion I don’t believe this is in the realm of real possibility, but I have heard it mentioned numerous times, so I will give it a little thought real quick. The last…

Recession and Black Swan Events, by Don M.

…lesson about the way that Bernanke and Obama will handle any major economic crisis. Avoid deflation at all costs!  Roll the presses! The US Treasury has the national mints, but the Federal Reserve has printing presses.  Some of the presses are real intaglio printers used to print currency, and they are churning out new Federal Reserve funny money in larger denominations and greater quantities 24/7.  But the really dangerous ones are the virtual presses that put digital money on balance sheets without any intervening creation of goods or services. One obvious example is “Quantitative Easing.”  This term deliberately obscures the real meaning.  Translated it means that the Federal Reserve purchases US government bonds from private holders (e.g., commercial banks) and pays for them by simply making digital entries in the selling bank’s account at the Fed.  No new goods or services.  No Congressional approval.  More money in the system. Let’s…

A “10% Test” Survival Trip by C.J. in Helena Montana Edited by Capt. Barr

…hope so. That’s what I used to think. My biggest lesson learned during a stressful ‘survival’ move is how much even we, as preparedness minded people  took for granted. Moving under the best of conditions is stressful and can wear you down. Plan to have the basics always available: Have someplace secure and quiet to sleep, a place to go to the bathroom, illumination, food, and a few comfort items. Stay away from (or if you have to) be ready for rejection, indifferent (sometimes hostile) friends and relatives in a real crisis. I only covered a few real-life experiences we encountered on our latest “10% crisis” trip.  After looking back on the trip and knowing what we know now, the best thing to do is to have a fixed place that you own to retreat to during hard times. Get there as quickly and as early as possible. Stay in…

Four Letters Re: Celiac Disease: The Gluten-Free Prepping Challenge

…my intensities let me know that there is gluten in there.  Store what you eat, eat what you store. – Dan in Upstate New York   JWR; This posting has come at an opportune time for me. My daughter-in-law has celiac. That combined with the fact that she is a vegetarian has left me with few options for stocking foods that she can eat.  She has to be wheat free and gluten free. You and poster are correct about separate grinders etc. When they come to visit, she must use a different stick of butter since even the touching the our bread can trigger a reaction.  We always have to read the label because wheat is used as a filler and thickener in many products, pasta sauce, candy and even in toothpaste. She does eat eggs and cheese. So fortunately our little flock can feed her and I am planning to get…

Nutrient Survival Foods, by Pat Cascio

…can cause autoimmune issues, and chronic malabsorption of food in the gluten sensitive. This has serious long term consequences and would be quite problematic in a grid down situation. Since so many of our easy calories in a long-term storage diet come from carbs, it’s really important for those with celiac and other gluten sensitivities to put careful thought into their storage plan. And buyer beware- if it says gluten-free, look for tested and certified gluten-free products. They are hard to come by in the survival storage industry. Just because a food is inherently gluten-free does not mean the end product is gluten-free. For instance, cross contamination is well known to occur in oats which are often processed on the same machinery as wheat. These days, gluten-free diets have become equated with granola eating hippies, or with neurotic, healthy people who want to eat the trendy diet of the day….

The Efficacy of Insurgency in Modern America – Part 2, by Just A Dad

Free healthcare. Free or subsidized housing. Free lunch. Free food stamps. Free food pantries. Free clothing vouchers. Fuel assistance. Etc. etc. etc. Not that there aren’t many decent people who illegally cross the border because they want a better life. Big business encourages them to come. But the moment people realize they can get more by NOT working than by working, they stop working and live off the dole, so big business encourages even MORE illegal immigrants to come to replace the ones who decide it’s not in their self-interest to work. It’s not “those evil illegal immigrants.” It’s just human nature … the same flaw which always causes communism to fail. Why work when you can get something for free? Anna ….kinda like Megan LaCroix in Liberators? I thought JWR did a masterful job of depicting what was going on around her as society started flushing down the toilet….

Our 36-Hour Test During the Nor’easter Wind Storm, by RR in the Mid-Atlantic

…Buy the ARRL Technicians Text book. 2) If you have a smartphone, down load the APP with the test questions. 3) Register with the so you have access to the practice exams. Then, A) Read a chapter every three days from the ARRL book. Answer the exam test questions in the back of the book. B) While waiting for the Doctor in the waiting room, waiting in line at the Post Office, sitting at a red light, et cetera – Pull out your phone and start answering the exam questions while you wait. C) Go to the site and take the practice exams. When you consistently pass the exams by 80% (28 correct answers out of 35) it is time to find out where the exam will be given locally. D) Do a search on the internet for the following, “Your closest big town/city amateur radio club” e.g….

Radio Communication Methods During Emergencies- Part 5, by R. in NC

…Nonsense Technical Class Study Guide is free and excellent and found at ARRL Ham Radio License Manual (Technician) costs $29 from Hamexam offers web-based tests and study material. It’s free and excellent and found at Dave Casler, KE0OG has a website and excellent YouTube video series called “Ask Dave”. See Most local clubs have training sessions and classes for passing the technical and general exams. Look them up. Being able to ask a question can replace hours of reading. If you have looked into Ham radio years ago, please note that they stopped the CW (Morse Code) requirement. There are free, and at cost, study guides for each level of test, and you will learn more than you think while studying for them. Personally, I recommend a General class license; this has almost all frequency privileges while still being a reasonable test. Establishing and Planning Communication…

Nursing an Infectious/Infected Patient Post-Collapse, by P.C., RN

…is washed it should be hung out to dry on a clothesline so a good supply of laundry soap and clothespins may be necessary if bed linens need to be changed more than once a day. If the patient is incontinent a plastic ‘draw sheet’ and runner sheet can be placed directly under the patient at hip level.  It is easier to clean/disinfect a small sheet and wipe down a rubber mat than to handle full sheets. The plastic sheeting will keep the bottom sheet clean and minimize full bed changes; a lifesaver when the washing machine doesn’t work! Sunlight will not only sanitize linen it will also bleach any residual staining that may occur. In warmer weather it may be easier to wash contaminated sheets outside on a porch or patio. The Patient with a Respiratory Illness Turning our attention now to the sick patient.  I am going to…

Learning Traditional Skills, by R.I.P.

…Arrows, The Old Way by Douglas Spotted Eagle American Indian Archery by Reginald and Gladys Laubin Flint Knapping: The Art of Flint Knapping by D.C. Waldorf Flintknapping: 100 Pounds of Attitude with Angela Parker (video) Tanning: Deerskins Into Buckskins: How To Tan With Natural Materials, a Field Guide for Hunters and Gatherers by Matt Richards (available as a book and a DVD) Tracking: Tom Brown’s Science and Art of Tracking by Tom Brown Jr. Tom Brown’s Field Guide to Nature Observation and Tracking by Tom Brown Jr. Mammal Tracks & Sign: A Guide to North American Species by Mark Elbroch Peterson Field Guide to Animal Tracks: Third Edition The SAS Guide to Tracking by Bob Carss The Tracker’s Field Guide: A Comprehensive Handbook for Animal Tracking in the United States by James C. Lowery Tracking and the Art of Seeing: How to Read Animal Tracks and Sign by Paul Rezendes…

Building a EWB/UHF Yagi – Part 2, by Tunnel Rabbit

…used in combination with common and uncommon transceivers. It is cost-efficient, and utilitarian. Other construction materials that can be used. The important materials are wood, aluminum, painted or galvanized steel, and copper. A Cost-Effective Design Not only did I avoid purchasing an antenna, but the resulting antenna is also essentially 3 to 5 antennas in one. Thus, I avoided the expense of buying 3 to 5, 40-foot lengths of expensive BR-400 (an equivilent to LMR-400) cable, as well. Now considering that the parts to make the UWB/UHF yagi were less than $5, I consider this yagi to be a bargain that would be hard to beat, because it’s ‘ultra wide banded’ ability and the use of common materials. But how is the yagi built? To better understand the EWB yagi, examine the plans for a 3 element GMRS yagi in the PDF at the N1TK web site. I’m indebted to…

Guest Article: Is Your First Aid Kit Complete? by Dr. T., DMD

…is an often overlooked area of one’s medical kit there are few resources as to what might be included in the dental segment of the comprehensive kit. The book Where There Is No Dentist by Murray Dickson is adequate for basic field triage dentistry for the untrained, but it does not address what materials ought to be had for real, predictable dentistry performed by trained professionals in calamitous situations. There are a few dental kits available on the web, and a variety of selected instruments can be found on eBay. Until very recently, no kit has had the critical elements of required dental hygiene tools, assorted extraction instruments, and necessary materials, medicaments, and matrixes to place restorations. Those that are available are either completely lacking in proper supplies, or the manufacturers are either unknown or untrustworthy. Either way, every kit currently available is not complete. – High Quality, Comprehensive…