Odds ‘n Sods:

Sometimes graphics say more than words: The Two Americas of 2016

JWR’s Comment: Now overlay the map of The American Redoubt. Hmmmm…

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And here is a different way of looking at the same demographics: The Divide Between Red and Blue America Grew Even Deeper in 2016

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Shooting enthusiasts might find this place in Kentucky of interest: Small lots in a “2nd Amendment” community alongside a complete shooting complex. This is just one of more than 250 current property listings at SurvivalRealty.com. (Which is owned and operated by my #1 Son.) – JWR

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Reason #462 on why to homeschool your kids: California Teachers Offered “Anti-Hate, Trump Teaching Plan” To “Empower Students” – D.C.

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Sniper Saves Toddler: Hostage Situation Ends With One Shot – DMS