Sweet Spot For the 21st Century With Calibers Beating .308- Part 1, by Alpine Evader

This week I finished my five-year analysis on five intermediate range cartridges. I did an overview of semi-auto rifle logistics in six calibers. Scope of operations must support mounted vehicle extraction (Getting Out of Dodge/Bugout). Hostage recovery (Close Quarter Combat) and  a more typical three to four-person Fire Team foot patrol/maneuver element 6,000 feet above sea level must also be supported. We train for pain. But we are smart, hairless apes/intelligently designed, free-thinking primates, so we plan-do-check-act (or use the OODA Loop) wisely. “Amateurs study tactics,” goes an old saying, “armchair generals study strategy, but professionals study logistics.” The Sweet …

Identify And Secure Your Retreat Like An Engineer, by JAD

Area assessment and planning is a key component of determining where to establish your secured retreat location. Establishing a retreat is not enough; you need to have clear objectives for what that area will accomplish for you or for those in your network. In order to establish your secured area and to determine the objectives necessary to allow it to function, you must assess and plan. Your planning must consider varying threats, uncertainty in threat duration, and likely enemy strength. Effective planning requires beginning at a macro level and reducing the scope until all details are captured. The work in …

Hidden Storage For Strategic Tools and Security Items- Part 2, by Old Bobbert

Today, we are continuing with instructions for making a hidden storage area in your bedroom closet. Temporary Wood Screw Handles Again, the two long wood screws, which are protruding about 1-1/2 to 2 inches, will be your only handling devices. Go easy with them. They both recently finished a remedial bite-back class for wood screws lost in the big city. Free the Piece of Drywall Hold one of the two wood screws continually, while you finish the cutting and finally free the piece of drywall. Gently re-position the cut-out piece of drywall out of the way and on the closet …

Hidden Storage For Strategic Tools and Security Items- Part 1, by Old Bobbert

The following are some hints and instructions on making a storage space for locating your backup strategic tools and varied security items within your home. This space also makes them nearly impossible to find and confiscate. While reading, please note that my strong belief that we are usually far too serious about most everything even remotely classed as preparedness activity has strongly influenced how this article has been worded. Every word has been considered both for humor potential (very subtle and low key) and for serious value. This article, as titled above, will be presented to the readers with as …

Fire Fight, by J.M.

Are you ready for a fire fight? One of the most discussed topics in the “preppersphere” is how to start fires. There are tons of articles, blogs, books, and products geared towards helping you start fires in wilderness or TEOTWAWKI scenarios. However, there’s one aspect of fires that tends to be overlooked—how to put them out when you don’t want them. Every year in the U.S., fires cause thousands of deaths, tens of thousands of injuries, and billions of dollars in damage. And that’s with fully functional fire departments in almost every city, town, and county. Imagine how much worse …

The Mythical Group Retreat: Survival Preparations are Not Like Car Detailing

The mainstream media has recently featured many articles about multi-millionaires buying opulent shelter spaces marketed by companies like The Survival Condo Project and Terra Vivos Reportedly, these swank leased shelter spaces are being gobbled up by the rich and famous. (Important Caveat: Those are just two well-publicized examples among many similar ventures, and I’m not criticizing them, per se. I have serious doubts about the efficacy of all such leased retreat space ventures, if and when things fall apart.) Survival preparations are not like buying a service, such as car detailing or house painting. You can’t just “have it done” …

SurvivalBlog Resources: Retreat Security

Introductory Note: The following is another in a series of articles by JWR that will link to some of the thousands of archived SurvivalBlog articles and letters, grouped topically. Today, we address the broad issue of retreat security measures. In my estimation, many preppers have a tendency to over-buy on their gun budget and under-buy on their night vision and intrusion detection budget. I would much rather own just a few guns and have a full complement of other key retreat security gear. After all, humans can’t see well at night with un-aided eyes, and we can’t be vigilant 24 …

Guest Article: A Primer on Tactical Intelligence Collection, by Samuel Culper

Tornadoes, flooding, and wildfires are just three examples of localized and very personal emergency events that we saw last year, and they illustrate the devastation by an event for which there is immediate early warning. We can be alerted to a tornado warning and seek cover. We can vacate our homes in case of flooding or an approaching wildfire. As we deal in the likelihood of SHTF scenarios, the likelihood of natural crisis events is 100%. However, on a regional or national scale, we’re looking at more unpredictable events for which there is little to no early warning: an electromagnetic …

Four Procedures For Survival in Your Camp, by ARD

We recently saw how important it is to uphold 2 Chronicles 7:14. Although we have known that this beloved United States that we call home is not quite so “united”, we have discovered there are more Christians than there are non-Christians. (If God be for us who can be against us!) For some time, the liberals have used the media to be their trumpet or voice, which has made it appear that they are the majority. But I tell you this; I believe that what has occurred recently, with the election of Donald Trump, is that the normal quiet Christian …

Letter Re: Harbor Freight Motion Alarm

Gentlemen, I have been reading the comments on the Harbor Freight motion alarm in the past few entries. I have had one of these units monitoring my driveway for the last 10 years or so. It works flawlessly. I had an old plug laying around that fit the receiver, so I only use batteries in the monitor. You can see in the attached photos that I spray painted it brown to camouflage the look, although I moved it from a more brown colored tree to a more grey colored one after my neighbor got a dog, which kept setting off …

Letter Re: Perimeter Security

HJL, Regarding the recent articles on perimeter security, I’d like to add my two bits. Get a solar powered motion detector light from Harbor Freight, Instead of driving the light, have the unit power an HF frequency clock chip like this. When the security light detects motion, it will power the RF transmitter, sending signals to your HF receiver. All that is needed is the chip, 5.1 volt zener diode with load resistor or 5 v regulator like 7805 or two diodes in series to drop the 6V to 5V just, and an antenna. – MH in Texas

Letter: Inexpensive Perimeter Security for Your House in the Suburbs

Mr. Latimer, I reside in southern California in a semi-rural area; however, I do live in a housing tract. When SHTF, my concern would be the security surrounding the perimeter of my property. I do live on a corner property, thus, two sides of my property are of concern. I have come up with a plan for security notification when anyone enters my property or even gets close. I found an inexpensive item at Harbor Freight that will accomplish this notification. The item is an infrared triggered Wireless Security Alert System (Item Number: 93068). The battery operated unit has a …

Letter Re: Air Raid Sirens

HJL, I was having dinner with a friend of mine and we were discussing preps and situations with some humor added. I mentioned being “overwhelmed”. He just smirked and said, “I have my air raid siren.” Huh? He smiles and says psy-ops! “If I set off my air raid siren, no matter who you are, you’re going to say, ‘Oh, Schumer, what door did I just open and can I escape it?’. People hear an air raid siren and they immediately think you have an army with a lot of troops coming.” It’s not a bad idea. Here’s what he …

A Life Submerged: The Gray Man Existence, by A. Smith

This article explores concealment and the Gray Man mindset and lifestyle in The End of the World as We Know It (TEOTWAWKI) and survival in contemporary society. The tactics, techniques, and procedures I’ll describe are taken from a military point of view.  It is not intended as an end all. It is merely a perspective on some experiences of deployments in 30 years of service to many backwater countries.  Hopefully my shared experiences will help better understand and prepare you in case something really goes wrong with our economy, natural or man-made disaster, etc. 

Guest Article: Being (Part 4 in Intelligence for Preparedness), by Samuel Culper

This is the fourth and last article in a series about using intelligence for preparedness. I’m starting from square zero in order to introduce a new crop of Americans to the concept of using intelligence, to prove that there’s a need for intelligence, and to get readers quickly up to speed on how to incorporate it into their security planning. For a better foundation, be sure to read Part One, Part Two, and Part Three. (And check out the Ultimate ACE Startup Guide, too.) Brief recap: In the first article, we established that prepared communities need intelligence because they’re going …