Warrior Poet Rifle 1 — A Course Review, by N.C.

I have previously written a review of the Warrior Poet Society streaming service. And, after much deliberation I bought the expensive (to me) in-person training for “Rifle 1”. What follows is my experience, some suggestions and lessons I learned. The Too Long; Didn’t Read (TL;DR) Summary Warrior Poet training is excellent value for your money. I have zero regrets paying the money, Scottish genes notwithstanding. It has already made me a better shooter and set me on a path to get even better. I’ve seen other casual shooters changed for the better after trying Warrior Poet training. I hope to …

Post Your Curtilage Boundaries!

In recent years American courts have not bolstered private property rights.  It has been well-publicized how the courts have deferred to local governments and even to private land developers, in allowing Eminent Domain declarations to deprive even multi-generational land owners of their property, for “public use”. This has gone far beyond just widening highways. Some of these “takings” have been for boondoggles like building privately-owned sports stadiums and shopping malls. But much less well known are court cases at the state and Federal levels that have upheld the assumed right of law enforcement officers to enter and surveil private lands …

On Police and Faith Based Safety Teams, by Robert E. Downing 

Editor’s Introductory Note:  This guest article was selected by JWR.  It was first published at the Sheepdog Church Security website. It is reposted with permission. — Let me start this article by saying that “I like the police”. No, that’s not strong enough – “I love the police”. On a couple of occasions, I worked as a consultant to help one of our local police departments and sheriffs’ departments work more efficiently together. I was extremely impressed with the professionalism of the officers on these projects. And, contrary to what the news would have you believe, these officers showed a …

Improving Local Security – Part 2, by Tunnel Rabbit

(Continued from Part 1.  This concludes the article.) Using military field telephones as our primary communication method solves a number of training issues. And they are the most sustainable communications technology for an austere environment. Most importantly, field phones defeat several significant threats. And take note that using the same inexpensive insulated wire, we can operate remote transmitters, a P.A. or intercoms at gates, hard-wired trip wire alarms, and low voltage DC lighting as a part of our security operation in a fixed location. Low-cost and durable WD1A wire can also be used as tanglefoot, anti-vehicle, to construct HF antennas, …

Improving Local Security – Part 1, by Tunnel Rabbit

In anticipation of a worst-case scenario that is well depicted in the Bible’s book of Revelation, I fortunately relocated in 2005. I live on the edge of the wilderness in a mountainous and heavily forested part of western Montana. Simply being located in this remote region of the country, and given its terrain, greatly increases my  odds of surviving The End Times, if that is possible at all. When Will the Country Explode with Violence? The debate over a slow decline versus a fast decline is now academic. We are indeed seeing a ‘quickening’, a higher frequency of attacks on …

A Common Man’s Commo Plan, by Tunnel Rabbit

Introduction Once our cell phones become unusable or useless, only then we’ll we fully appreciate the need for radio communications. I am writing this because I am painfully aware of how vulnerable we are. Please get “radioed-up” ASAP and use your equipment now and regularly to attain a baseline of proficiency. Satellite phones are not a good substitute for reliable old analog radios that are not dependent upon third-party infrastructure. The Plan The commo plan that I lay out in this article is simple, affordable, flexible (adaptable), and provides redundant capabilities and interoperability for the least amount of money.  It …

Food for Thought, and Food for a Defense, by Tunnel Rabbit

We should be working with our neighbors to secure our local areas using the resources of a small and like-minded community.  Here in remote Montana, where most of my neighbors have large banners hanging on their fences declaring support for Trump, the odds are higher that this community recognizes that they have a mutual liberty interest and will work together at various levels.  This is the kind of community we should live in. Security will be job number one.  Establishing a simple-to-use radio communication system to replace a telephone system as a first step can be the core of a …

Home Security for the Gun-Deprived, by R.J.

When your temporary or semi-permanent home has to be away from true-home, you want to be secure there as well. This review is based on experiences and plans my family and I had when living and working (and for many years with young children) in not-the-most-salubrious-parts of the planet. These places also didn’t allow foreigners to own firesticks whether long- or hand-guns; a couple of countries grudgingly allowed private possession of shotguns but only for citizens, not transients, even if the transient was going to be there for years at a time. As a consequence, the Lady of the House …

Liberty Safe HDV-150X Biometric Handgun Vault, by Thomas Christianson

I have grandchildren. I love my grandchildren very much. I earnestly desire for them grow up safely and to enjoy a healthy and productive adulthood. I also own handguns. I have other handguns that are entrusted to my care periodically for review. One facet of my strategy for helping my grandchildren grow up safely is keeping handguns and other firearms out of their hands until they are old enough to know how to use them responsibly. I own a full-size gun safe. The gun safe was getting a little full. If I was going to keep my grandchildren safe, then …

Handling Predators, by Hollyberry

Predators come in all shapes, forms, and sizes. Some have fur, feathers, or scales. Some of them walk upright among us. What exactly is a predator? As the name implies, they prey on a victim. Who doesn’t hum the theme to Jaws when stepping into the ocean? As soon as you enter the water, you become part of the food chain. Sharks are predators, we are the prey. When an animal preys upon another animal, it is usually not on a personal level, it’s to eat. Yes, sometimes dominance is involved. When humans prey on other humans, it’s all personal. …

SecureIt HG-02 Pistol Case, by Thomas Christianson

The SecureIt HG-02 Pistol Case offers secure handgun storage which can be mounted in a variety of locations throughout the home to provide quick and reliable access. Available for $129 at the time of this writing, it presents a good value for the money. Background I have been searching for an American-made two-handgun lockbox for a while now. So when I ran across the SecureIt HG-02 Pistol Case, I was quite interested. I requested a sample from SecureIt for testing and evaluation, and they were kind enough to provide one. Before long, FedEx delivered a package to my doorstep. First …

What To Do in 2024?, by SaraSue

There has been a tremendous amount of change in our country, just in the past three years, not to mention the years and decades before.  It’s as if, the worst of the worst scenarios have accelerated, and many of us feel it in our bones that things are going to get worse in our country (America).  I grew up in the 1960s and 1970s, and it was a wonderful childhood. But, as I look back, I can see how the gross inflation and economic problems of the 1970s affected my father, while he insulated us children from most of it.  …

Why We Should Dread a Second Civil War

Introductory Note: In a SurvivalBlog essay that I wrote back in January, 2019, I warned that there were signs that a Second Civil War might be brewing. I’d like to update and expand on that theme, in this essay. — The recent release of the first trailer for the scheduled April 2024 release of the A24 Productions movie titled Civil War has prompted considerable conjecture. The film reportedly had a $75 million budget. Commentator Tim Pool posted his thoughts on it, and then followed up with a more in-depth panel discussion, and then another. Dozens of others have also chimed …

Buying and Developing Rural Land With Friends or Family, by Jonathan Rawles

The current real estate market, economic situation, and high interest rates continue to limit options for buying real estate. While prices have come down from their peak in many areas, the recent increase in interest rates means that affordability has not improved for the average buyer. There is also very limited inventory on the market, as many would-be sellers are choosing to stay put. Many buyers have to look in more affordable regions, go even more remote, or consider homes or properties that are smaller or in poorer condition. With all these challenges, many would-be property buyers are turning to …

Some Last-Minute Purchases and Preps – Part 2, by M.M.

(Continued from Part 1.  This concludes the article.) #6   12-volt deep cycle batteries and at least two battery charges. (I prefer the 2-,6-, and 10-Amp chargers. I do have a 50-amp charger, but it is hard on a battery. The slower the charge, the better the life expectancy of the battery). These are extremely important and are actually my #2 priority item only after fuel. Get several if they are available. You can build a light system for your property using 12-volt lights or buy an inverter that switches to A/C  use. For outside lighting go to an RV/off-road store …