Letter Re: Army Scout Field Manual Available Online

JWR, I thought I’d take a minute and recommend an Army Field Manual (FM) that I don’t see referenced too often here. It’s FM 7-92 (“The infantry reconnaissance platoon and squad; airborne, air assault, light infantry”) with Chapter 9 for MOUT/urban operations. This version is a little hard to find, so here’s the link.  Just don’t ask why I had to go to Marines.mil to find it. This version dates back to the late 1980s and early 1990s, so the emphasis less on mechanized reconnaissance, technology, and general eye candy – unlike a majority of the scout FMs in current publication. …

Letter Re: Milsurp Concertina Wire Now Must Be De-Militarized

Dear JWR: Recent concertina wire sales at GovernmentLiquidation.com are now coming with the following notice: "All scrap under this contract requires mutilation by the buyer prior to removal if allowed at location or mutilation must be witnessed and certified by DOD personnel at buyers facility. Title to the material does not pass to the buyer until the scrap has been mutilated. Buyer agrees to allow USG personnel to witness destruction." So much for cheap, domestic military surplus concertina wire. šŸ™ – Mr. C.

Maintaining Posture as a Hard Target, by A.K.

As a former Sergeant of Marines, terrorism awareness was second nature.  It was not until I transitioned to civilian life that I realized the average guy doesnā€™t have a clue what a ā€œHard Targetā€ is.   A Hard Target is a target that presents the lowest probability of being destroyed or overtaken.  I am breaking it down to three basic sections: 1. Youā€™re self, 2. youā€™re vehicle and 3. youā€™re Home.  To start you need to rethink your wardrobe.  You should purchase clothing that helps you blend in. This means no wild colors or clothes that sport expensive name brands or …

Back to Prepping, by J.D.F.

We are never completely prepared, we either are unprepared, or prepared to some degree. So I want to review the past year and see what or how far Iā€™ve come. For those new to the game, they can find it a bit overwhelming, and do little to nothing to prepare. Then there are those that are part time preppers and those that are full time preppers. I fall into the former, but a meeting with some friends 8 months ago re-ignited the drive it takes to prepare. So my one-year odyssey in review. First order of business is get your …

Developing Intelligence Information on Your Subdivision, by F.J.

During my years in the military, I spent most of my time in the military intelligence field.  Though I was specifically trained in signals intelligence, I learned to utilize a number of sources in producing intelligence products for my command.  The tactics that I learned both in individual training as well as on-the-job are applicable to a number of applications, including preparing yourself and your family for emergency situations.  In my years of reading ā€œalternativeā€ message boards and blog posts, I noticed that most people in the prepper community either live in a rural community or have a desire to …

An Overview of Neighborhood Defensive Strategies for Worst Case Situations, by Johnny N.

Weā€™ve read about it in books, watched it in movies, or seen it on the news: People joining together to defend their neighborhood.  The point of this article is to review the general details needed to correctly accomplish this difficult objective.  Successfully defending a neighborhood in a societal collapse is extremely difficult, and itā€™s not even close to being as easy as it is commonly portrayed.  As you read this, please remember the golden rule of security: it is like being pregnantā€¦either you are or youā€™re not!  Being partially secured is not much better than being completely unsecured.  Overview and …

Guest Article: Effective Small Team Tactics for the Coming Collapse, by Max Velocity

I have been a soldier for all my adult life: infantry, special operations and as a civilian security contractor. More recently, I have got into prepping for the survival of my family. I have been working slowly at it, and reading and researching a lot of the publications and related blogs. Given my background, I have a head start in the security area, but many have huge head starts over me in the other desired and required skills that will be essential to survival. I have a lot to learn and a lot to catch up on. However, I would …

Letter Re: Residential OPSEC With Utility Workers

The article about OPSEC with utility workers reminded me of some of the deterrents listed in the book, Secrets of a Superthief by John MacLean. The author was a very successful thief until he violated one of his own rules and was caught. In his book he details what vulnerabilities he looked for in a victim, and how he performed his thefts. Chances are you have taken precautions but reading his book will real to you the chinks in your armor. The book leaves you feeling vulnerable, and is a wake-up call to fortifying your defenses against theft or unlawful …

Letter Re: Residential OPSEC With Utility Workers

Hi Mr Rawles, Another tactic used by house burglars is to break in to your car.  They will steal your garage door opener and your registration.  They clip them together for identification.  Then a few days later when your car is gone they drive up, open your garage door, enter, close the door and break in to your home.  Unseen, they can load up and leave.  We found this out when our car was broken into. They dumped the glove box for the paper work, and didn’t take the radio.  Luckily they didn’t find the garage door opener.  When we …

Residential OPSEC With Utility Workers, by Gonzo in Virginia

I want to warn and educate my fellow SurvivalBlog readers about a growing trend of people impersonating utility workers and other people in authority to gain entry to people’s homes.  My awareness of this was recently heightened when just such an attempt was made on my home against my wife. I was truly surprised, after all the talks we have had about security, just how unprepared she was for this situation. Several days ago a man came to our door saying he needed to look at our gas meter. This man was driving a white pickup, which he had parked …

A Little Planning and a Lot of Rehearsing, by Todd S. in Colorado

ā€œA good plan violently executed now is better than a perfect plan executed next week.ā€- General George S. Patton. Every general would tell you that planning is necessary, but our perfectly laid plans never end up working the way we think in real life situations with a nearly infinite amount of variables.  As an Army officer, I found Pattonā€™s quote to be very true.  Unless you have all the time in the world, you are not going to be able to create the perfect plan to cover every possible contingency.  But you can certainly prepare for the greatest threats.  In …

Two Letters Re: Improving Your Shooting Skills Without Spending a Fortune on Ammo

Mr. Rawles, Recently a reader responded to a recent post titled ‘Improving Your Shooting Skills Without Spending a Fortune on Ammo’ and inquired whether or not it would be a good idea to shoot without eye and hearing protection in order to get a feel for ‘real world’ shooting conditions if subjected to such. You wisely responded that doing so is ill-advised. I would like to make note that in a real world shooting experience a phenomenon known as ‘Auditory Exclusion’ often occurs. Auditory Exclusion is the lack of awareness of the loud report of firearms one would normally hear …

Improving Your Shooting Skills Without Spending a Fortune on Ammo, by W. in Wisconsin

I am a retired IPSC, IDPA, Three Gun, Bowling pins, Trap, and Skeet competitive shooter. I have spent countless hours practicing in both dry fire and live fire sessions. Iā€™ve competed at local, regional, and national levels. One of the most effective and the least costly methods I used for practice was dry firing [, also known as dry practice.]  Dry firing is an excellent way to improve your marksmanship without expending expensive ammo. Donā€™t get me wrong there is nothing like live fire practice however dry fire drills can make live fire practice much more effective. The other benefit …

Letter Re: Advice on Spotlights

JWR: I am looking to purchase a really good spot light. Do you have any suggestions? I have had far too many pieces of junk that were supposed to be great. I figure that you are the man to ask. Thanks, W.P. JWR Replies: While they have some utility in controlling predator wildlife (depending on your state’s fish and game laws, of course), I DO NOT recommend visible spotlights for any retreat defense situations.  Spotlights pinpoint your dwelling and can make you a target.  There could be some utility in infrared spotlights set up a distance for your position (NOT …

Survival Planning Using the Military Decision Making Process, by A.J.

There are literally thousands of resources out there for the prepper and would-be survivalist giving advice on the best Bug-Out Bag (BOB), Bug-Out Vehicle (BOV), or necessities to pack into your Bug-out Bag (BOG) or the well stocked first aid kit.  All of this advice is great, however, one thing most of these references have in common is that they all tell the individual prepper he or she needs to assess his or her needs and current situation in order to determine their individual needs.  One thing I have noticed is the dearth of advice on HOW to plan for …