The Long Good-bye, by Captnswife

Well, it has begun. Today, I closed my Paypal account. This is just the first step in the slow and admittedly painful process of disconnecting from the Internet. I’ve known it was coming for awhile, but I can’t say that made it easier. Honestly, I love this thing. The greatest joy in my life was the moment, at age six, I realized that because I could read I would never have to stop learning. The invention of the information super highway was beyond my wildest dreams. It’s the largest and most diverse library in the world, and it’s open 24 …

Letter Re: What’s the Story Behind ATF “Banning” 5.56mm Ammo?

Jim and Hugh, Here is an excerpt from one of the two letters I received from my Democratic Representative: Thank you for contacting me with your concern about a rumor regarding the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) proposed regulations on 5.56×45 SS109/M855 “green tip” ammunition. This is a very important issue, and I am glad for the chance to respond. This response irked me as it refers to the ATF ban as a rumor. Rumor!?! It’s new policy, it’s real, and what he said was as bad as saying, “Let me give you the facts on this “conspiracy …

Letter Re: What’s the Story Behind ATF “Banning” 5.56mm Ammo?

Good Sir, Mr. Bellamy: I have a quick comment reflecting your article of recent publication, if your time permits please, regarding “the law banning armor piercing handgun ammunition”. I agree with everything you have written (cited) and even the punctuation details thus far, until this closing statement (above referenced) in your sample letter. To me, it would be more effectual if you used quotation emphasis in this sentence. At first glance, it seems to affirm exactly the perception of the argument being an “armor piercing” ballistic projectile available for sale to the general population; and your statement could be misconstrued …

What’s the Story Behind ATF “Banning” 5.56mm Ammo?

(. . . and what can you do about it?) By Glenn D. Bellamy, Armorer-at-Law® There’s been no shortage of misinformation and hyperbole about an ATF memo released on February 13th reported to “ban AR15 ammo”. The memo describes a “framework” by which ATF proposes it would consider requests for “sporting purpose” exemptions under the federal statute banning the manufacture, importation, or sale (but not possession) of “armor piercing” projectiles. I’ve searched and researched the law and the facts behind it with passion over the last two weeks. I’m tempted to write a legal brief in opposition, or at least …

Letter Re: Requesting Advice for a Recent College Graduate

Hi HJL, I wanted to add something to the letter from the recent college graduate. I am a current college student with no debt. Here are some of the things I do: Community College: I started with Community College, as most universities will usually accept 60-90 transfer units from accredited community colleges. At the CC level not only is it cheaper but they also have things like fee waivers and work programs to help pay for it. My CC even offers daycare/preschool for the students who have children run by the Early Childhood Education program. Choosing a University Wisely: My …

Letter Re: I-594

Hugh, The dots to connect include the fact that almost all of this was financed by Microsoft fortunes. There’s the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation’s donations to the legislation. They’re also known activists for universal population control and vaccination. The past chairman of Microsoft, Steve Ballmer, and his wife gave a million or so to the anti-gun campaign. He bought the LA Clippers basketball team for a couple of billion dollars. Another heavy donor was Paul Allen, co-founder of Microsoft and good friend of Bill Gates. Paul Allen is also the owner of the Seattle Seahawks NFL team, which, as …

Letter Re: Heritage Foundation

Hugh, I keep forgetting how powerful the heritage foundation is when it comes to the war of ideas. This article rocked! I’ve been having the usual sorts of discussions with (I hate to say it) family, friends, and coworkers about Islam and how we should react, given the rise of jihad inside of formerly Christian nations like Denmark and France. Most of them take these as isolated incidents to be handled by cops. Some take them to mean it’s time for more social programs. One older gentleman went so far as to say we should pay them off, just like …

Letter Re: I-594

James, Your article “Learning from Washington’s Huge Background Checks Mistake” is on target. My comment is on the Founding Father’s intent of the Second Amendment– to permanently preserve the capability of the general public to be adequately armed to stand up to a tyrannical government. The only place in the Constitution that explicitly prevents “adjusting or interfering” with an Amendment, is the Second, with the admonition “SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED”. I have yet to see or hear of a definition of that statement that allows ANY of the multitude of “gun control laws” that currently infringe on the Right to …

Letter to BATF Re: Armor Piercing Ammunition Exclusion Comments

To Whom It May Concern: It appears that much has come up regarding the legislation and regulations applied as a result of legislation relating to Armor Piercing Ammunition. The definition of “Armor Piercing Ammunition” per 18 U.S. Code § 921(a)(17)(B), identifies two definitions: The first definition is: “a projectile or projectile core which may be used in a handgun and which is constructed entirely (excluding the presence of traces of other substances) from one or a combination of tungsten alloys, steel, iron, brass, bronze, beryllium copper, or depleted uranium” While SS109 / M855 contains steel, it does not contain any …

Two Letters Re: Washington I-594

Hugh, James nailed it in his piece, “Learning From Washington’s Huge Background Checks Mistake”. Washington’s statewide election results are determined by metropolitan Seattle, where the majority of the state’s population lives. We all know that big-city voters are mostly NOT property owners, so they have little incentive to think critically about ballot measures, referendums, and initiatives. That, added to the huge numbers of public assistance recipients in Seattle (and every large city) and you have the reason why Democrats and Democrat-led ballot measures win in the state. (Oregon is exactly the same, with metropolitan Portland.) The last two sentences in …

Learning From Washington’s Huge Background Checks Mistake

The American electorate has once again proven itself to be easily manipulated by the mass media. Late last year, the voters in the State of Washington foolishly voted in favor of I-594. This ballot initiative fundamentally changed the status of gun owners in the state– treating everyone like suspected felons. Now, the centuries-long tradition of free intrastate commerce in used private party guns has been criminalized. In Washington, it is no longer legal to sell a used gun to your neighbor or even to your cousin. The law has only a few exceptions, such as transfers between immediate family members …

Letter Re: IRS to Pay Back-refunds to Illegal Immigrants Who Didn’t Pay Taxes

Dear Gentlemen, In the article titled, “IRS to Pay Back-refunds to Illegal Immigrants Who Didn’t Pay Taxes” by The Washington Times, raised a red flag to me. As a CPA, I try to look out for my clients so that they do not get in any trouble, but the quote below opened my mind to a problem that is coming. The article stated, “Under the new program, if you get a Social Security number and you work, you’ll be eligible to apply for the Earned Income Tax Credit,” Mr. Koskinen said. He said that would apply even “if you did …

Two Letters Re: Caring for Babies in a Post-Collapse World

HJL, Instead of stocking baby food in jars, I have the Kidco Food Mill. This neat item allows baby to “eat what we eat”. While little baby food jars are good for barter, if I had one or more babies show up at my front door, I would want the food mill. Life would get easier and less stressful right away. – C.G. o o o Dear Survival Blog: FC makes some great points in his article on caring for babies in a post-collapse world. We raised our 11 babies and spent very little on baby food because we had …

Letter Re: Trusts

Hi Hugh / JWR, In reply to the post about trusts I would inform your readers of another kind of trust. There are a number of different kinds of trust and many I would not consider to be asset protection; there is however a trust that is known as a Massachusetts or Contract Trust. While most trusts are statutory documents, a Contract Trust is a Constitutional document and has stood the test of multiple court challenges from the likes of the IRS. Many very wealthy people have their assets in this type of trust. This trust does not die until …

Pulling the Trigger, When They Don’t, and After the Action, by K.B.

Are you prepared to take a life, and are you prepared to deal with the consequences? The answer is not as clear as you might think, but there are three very important concepts to understand that might make answering that question easier. First, in what situation would you take someone’s life? Second, how do you respond to someone not firing or freezing up during a firefight? Third, are you prepared to deal with the mental trauma associated with taking someone’s life? These are very real issues that need to be addressed, and this article attempts to show how to deal …