Alternatives to The Evil Black Rifle, Part 2, by Randy in S.C.

(Continued from Part 1. This concludes the article.) Marlin got into the lever-action market in 1881, improving its initial offering with a stronger locking mechanism in 1888. These were top-ejecting actions like the Winchesters and came in the same calibers. In 1889 Marlin went to a solid-top design with side ejection. The Model 1894 was an improved version. It eventually fell out of favor but was reintroduced in .44 Magnum in 1969. Since then it has been offered in .218 Bee, .22 Magnum, .32 H&R Magnum, .357 Magnum, .38 Special, .41 Magnum, .44 Special and .45 Colt as well as …

Alternatives to The Evil Black Rifle, Part 1, by Randy in S.C.

To borrow a phrase from a popular television series, “Winter is coming.” By the time you read this, the Leftists in Congress may well have passed, and their puppet in the White House will have signed, a new bill restricting the production, sale, and ownership of so-called ‘Assault Weapons’. By ‘Assault Weapons’ they mean America’s most popular semi-automatic rifles, used for recreational shooting, competition, hunting, and home defense. That none of these meet the textbook definition of ‘assault weapon’ means less than nothing to them. Nor does the fact that the new law will have absolutely no effect on crime. …

The Innate Value of an Apple Tree – Part 2, by Northwoods Prepper

(Continued from Part 1. This concludes the article.) Developing a pest-reduction process is better when understanding your enemy. For example, the Apple Tree Maggot can be found in the lower 48, while the San Jose Scale is limited to California. Use the internet to evaluate what insects are in your area. Traps are often multispecies and can significantly reduce infestation. There is a great article on Rural Sprout ( regarding apple tree problems with pictures identifying insect infestation and the damage they can do to apple trees. One last thing to say about infestation and insects and that is it …

The Innate Value of an Apple Tree – Part 1, by Northwoods Prepper

“Even if I knew that tomorrow the world would go to pieces, I would still plant my apple tree.” – Martin Luther As an ardent survivalist, arborist, and aficionado of the apple tree, you can see why this is one of my favorite quotes. The apple tree may be one of the most valuable survival tools you can have if you own land. The only downside to apple trees is they take advanced planning and you will have to wait several years or more, depending upon tree type, before you have fruit. The plus side is that you can have …

Salvaging Beeswax, by The Novice

The subtitle for this article is: Of Mice, Bees, Squirrels, and Beeswax Of Mice “. . . Mousie, you are not alone, In proving foresight may be vain: The best-laid schemes of Mice and Men, Go oft awry, And leave us naught but grief and pain, For promised joy!” (Excerpt from “To a Mouse, On Turning her up in her Nest, with the Plough, November 1785″ by Robert Burns, anglicized and updated by the Novice) Of Bees Near my home is a large hollow tree that for many years has been the home to a large colony of bees. Each …

A Moving Story, by Uncle Reid

Think about having to move all your stuff. Think about the weight. And the volume. The Wuhan Flu put my wife and me on the unemployment line on March 16, 2020. Living in northern New Jersey (NJ), in Bergen County with its nearly 1 million inhabitants, 25 miles from New York City, with incredibly high property and personal income taxes was no longer tenable. We had a place to “bug out” to. My son had moved to Tennessee a few years ago and had a bed for us. But just a bed. No room for our 60 super pails, our …

Using Different Size Axes, by Steve Acker

Every year that I can make it I go on summer vacation for a week in Colorado in a remote wilderness area, camping, hiking and fishing with old buddies. It is roughly 50 miles off of the nearest paved road. The area we use is a primitive camping area and at 10,000 feet. Temperatures can range from 34 F to 92 F. I use this time partly to keep up my outdoor skills, practice axe skills, evaluate new camping equipment and ideas, practice alternate fire building skills, and sit around the campfire with the guys telling stories about how fast …

Building Prepper Infrastructure – Part 3, by 3AD Scout

(Continued from Part 2. This concludes the article.) Can you hear me now? How do you plan on communicating when your cellphone doesn’t work? There are numerous radio options available including FRS/GMRS, MURS, CB, Marine band, and ham bands. Having spare radios and accessories will be important and those spares should be stored in Faraday cages. The problem with radio communications is that they are not secure, meaning others can listen in on your conversations gathering information that might then be used against you. Some of those radios will require batteries too that may give out at some point and …

Building Prepper Infrastructure – Part 2, by 3AD Scout

(Continued from Part 1.) Where do we Start? Like everything we do in survival we have to look at vulnerability, that is: That which can hurt us the most and quickest. In my opinion safe and plentiful potable water is the highest priority. So, what can we do now to build our own water infrastructure so that when our blue 55-gallon drum is empty we don’t die of dehydration or cholera? Depending upon your living situation (urban/suburban/rural) this may be a simple process or a major challenge. The point however is to ensure that you have the infrastructure ready to …

Building Prepper Infrastructure – Part 1, by 3AD Scout

Today’s modern society, for the most part, is dependent upon several intertwined and dependent infrastructures. We rely upon these intertwined and dependent systems for our 21st Century Western lives. As we have witnessed in the COVID-19 pandemic and the Texas Polar Vortex, these infrastructures can be very easy to interrupt and one disruption can start a domino effect. For many preppers, storing equipment and supplies back is the failsafe method for handling societal infrastructure disruptions. A family of four putting away a 55-gallon blue drum of water seems like a major achievement but in reality, that water will only last …

No Power: No Commo, No Layered Defense, by Tunnel Rabbit

Building A Small Off Grid PhotoVoltaic Power Supply A small solar power system is a “must-have” and does not have to cost more than $1,000 USD. Here are a few tips that might help. I’ve lived off-grid for years and learned by doing. If in a sunny part of the U.S., then 200 watts would be my minimum. In the north, I would want 400 watts minimum, and two small inexpensive generators, and two 20-amp automotive battery chargers for redundancy sake, and 50 gallons of fuel for two years. One, or both sets can be used at the same time …

Medical Emergency Sheets – Part 4, by K.B., M.D.

(Continued from Part 3. This concludes the article.) DEEP VENOUS THROMBOSIS, PULMONARY EMBOLISM, CHOKING, AND NOSE BLEEDS Today is the last of this four-part series. I hope that the previous three parts have been informative and helpful. Our topics for today are deep venous thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, choking, and nose bleeds (epistaxis). There are also a few suggestions regarding how to make an effective emergency notebook. Before we begin, please remember to see a medical professional ASAP in an emergency! Reliance on any information provided here is solely at your own risk for use when no timely medical professional help …

Medical Emergency Sheets – Part 3, by K.B., M.D.

(Continued from Part 2.) STROKE, HEAT EXHAUSTION, HEAT STROKE, AND WOUNDS Today’s presentation will cover protocols for the above topics. I hope that you have found Parts 1 and 2 interesting and helpful. Do you have at least one emergency medical notebook for quick, concise reference? If not, please consider starting one this week. There will be a few tips offered at the end of Part 4 to assist you with this project. Remember that reliance on any information provided in this series is solely at your own risk. Always consult your own medical professional for advice and treatment. Do …

Medical Emergency Sheets – Part 2, by K.B., M.D.

(Continued from Part 1.) HEART ATTACK, FRACTURE, AND HEAD INJURY Today, we will cover these topics. The author has had an unpleasant experience with the latter two, more than once! As mentioned previously, having a prepared summary to turn to for *initial* information during a medical emergency can be helpful. Further reading of other sources can then occur after the immediate emergency if necessary. If at all possible, see a medical expert ASAP! Reliance on any information provided here is solely at your own risk. Do not, consider the following information as complete or as any attempt to advise, diagnose, …

Medical Emergency Sheets – Part 1, by K.B., M.D.

Today begins a four-part article series called “Medical Emergency Sheets” in an effort to assist fellow readers who may face certain emergencies. Why? During an emergency, people panic and may forget what to do or may never have had any medical training whatsoever. Circumstances may also require immediate action which won’t allow time to peruse medical articles or books. While we still have it, call 911 first and always get help from medical professionals! I do, however, encourage you to make a notebook with dividers for certain categories (various body parts, diseases) and place these Medical Emergency Sheets as the …