JWR’s Recommendations of the Week:

Books Saving Leonardo: A Call to Resist the Secular Assault on Mind, Morals, and Meaning by Nancy Pearcey Last of the Mountain Men by Harold Peterson Movies The Young and Prodigious T.S. Spivet (2013). This bittersweet comedy supposedly set in Montana, but was filmed mostly in western Canada and made by a French director in cooperation with Australian and Canadian production companies. The Pianist

Announcing JWR’s Latest Novel: Land of Promise

I’m pleased to announce that I’ve completed writing and editing my latest novel, titled Land of Promise. It will be released on December 1st, 2015 as an e-book, in trade paperback, and as an audiobook. This is the first volume of a planned five novel series, called the Counter-Caliphate Chronicles. The series begins 35 years in the future, and describes a timeline different from that in my Patriots novel series. These novels will have some science fiction elements, but you will find them as grounded in reality as my previous books. (There will be plenty of practical and tactical tips!) …

JWR’s Recommendations of the Week:

Books Fiction:Code of Conduct (The Scot Harvath Series) by Brad Thor (2015.) This novel was written by one of my favorite authors. It was also recommended by SurvivalBlog reader Ed C., who notes: “I would suggest this novel as a good “think about areal pandemic situation” story – with some thriller novel aspects. This author seems to have “the touch”. He also seems to try to be specific and authentic about government aspects, travel, weapons and other parts of writing a believable story.” Nonfiction: Lost Rights by James Bovard Movies Above And Beyond. The fascinating true story of the international …

Readers’ Recommendations of the Week:

Books As ships at sea represent a majority of the attributes of a Bugout, Offgrid Retreat, long-term self-sufficient vessel we all aspire to mimic day to day, I thought it prudent to pass along one of the required shipboard medical books all large ships carry. The Ships Captain Medical Guide – C.H. o o o Long Knife by James Alexander Thom. It is a story of a relatively unknown American hero, George Rogers Clark. He led expeditions against the allied British and Indians in the Northwest Territory during the American Revolution. His force of less than 200 recruits conquered vast …

Readers’ Recommendations of the Week:

Movies April 9th In Danish subtitled with English, covering the German Invasion of WW2. One note is that just because strategic surprise has been achieved doesn’t mean you can’t work to get the tactical advantage back. Admiral In Dutch subtitled with English. Absolutely stunning visuals. Covers Dutch republic in its war against Germany, France, England. Books I also read had the chance to read the Knights Templar trilogy by Jack Wythe. I suggest all three–Kights of the Black and White, Standard of Honor, and Order in Chaos. While reading I discovered where Friday the 13th comes from and the term …

Readers’ Recommendations of the Week:

Hi Hugh, Reading Carol Deppe’s book, I realized I needed to read: Buffalo Bird Woman’s Garden Gilbert L. Wilson, Minnesota Historical Society Press, 1987 The Hidatsa grew corn, beans, squash, sunflowers near the Missouri River in ND. Clearly, they were able to feed themselves without tractors or mules! They very efficiently processed and saved their corn, beans, squash, sunflower seed. The book takes one through a typical year and is rich in describing their culture, songs, stories, ceremonies, recipes, and way of life. The first edition was published in 1917. Buffalo Bird Woman was born around 1839. One review from …

Letter: Notes from Jack Hinson’s One-Man War, A Civil War Sniper

Hugh, I recently read Jack Hinson’s One-Man War, A Civil War Sniper by Tom McKenney; I also like when I read JWR’s books, so I took down a few notes. This is a story of prosperous happy times that degraded into pestilence, war, famine, and death. It is also a story of survival, in a very dangerous time. Body, Mind, and Soul – Hinson had a good physical condition with great upper body strength, exceptionally long arms, and excellent eyesight. He was of pioneer mindset, sharp minded, had good business skills, yet soft spoken and reserved. There is little mentioned …

Readers’ Recommendations of the Week:

Sir, I have read through the movie list of recommended viewing and find it very good. However I did not see a series that I consider to be very instructive not only for post-nuclear living but general life in any SHTF scenario. Please consider viewing “Jericho: the series.” Our EMA office actually uses this series in our CERT training, as does the local Ham club. – C.Y. o o o We have been small scale animal husbandry farming and gardening for years. Here are books we refer to over and over. – S.Y. Practical hands on animal info/health treatment. Handbook …

JWR’s Recommendations of the Week:

Books The Last Hundred Yards: The NCO’s Contribution to Warfare by John Poole [Editors note: Normally a $60 book, Amazon currently has $9.99 overstock available. Get it while you can!] Financial Armageddon: Protecting Your Future from Four Impending Catastrophes by Michael J. Panzner Johnny Tremain Movies The Best Years of Our Lives Red Dawn (The original, by John Milius, of course, not the recent remake.)