Lessons From the First TEOTWAWKI- Part 3, by Sarah Latimer

Know who you are. Know your identity as a women within God’s framework of His Kingdom, within your family, and within society.

There are many things that can create uncertainty, fear, division, and hate. When these emotions take control, they lead to actions that can spiral the world toward a violent TEOTWAWKI situation. A single bit of news can generate everything from extreme stock market volatility and terrorist attacks. The news may or may not be accurate.

However, if you confidently embrace your role within your family, you will be able to work together in unity. You can confront whatever challenges you face most efficiently and effectively. In the meantime, you will know joy and contentment. Your cooperative work on preparations and projects of all kinds will come together. Life will be rich and fulfilling if you respect one another and look to serve one another. Give rather than fight each other for your share.

There are many examples of couples in the Bible.  The husbands and wives looked out for the well-being of one another. They even submitted and sacrificed for each other. It just works! But you must guard against the deceptions within our culture. These are targeting women’s minds and drawing you away from your husband and your family.

The Survivalist’s Odds ‘n Sods

SurvivalBlog presents another edition of the Survivalist’s Odds ‘n Sods– a collection of news bits and pieces that are relevant to the modern survivalist and prepper.

Jobs (or is that Immigration)

Two GOP RINOs are getting ready to introduce legislation to allow the states to legally import 500,000 blue-collar workers and white-collar professionals to replace lost American workers. They blame depressed workers turning to drugs (through Medicaid) but rather than fix the problem, the’ll just import cheap labor and keep doing the same old things. Thanks to M.G. for the link…

The Editors’ Quote of the Day

Wherefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and hope to the end for the grace that is to be brought unto you at the revelation of Jesus Christ;  as obedient children, not fashioning yourselves according to the former lusts in your ignorance:  but as he which hath called you is holy, so be ye holy in all manner of conversation;  because it is written, Be ye holy; for I am holy.  And if ye call on the Father, who without respect of persons judgeth according to every man’s work, pass the time of your sojourning here in …

Notes for Saturday – May 06, 2017

Today is the birthday of bluegrass musician Earl Scruggs, (1924-2012) and British comic actor Rowan Atkinson (born 1955).

Earl Scruggs

Earl was an American musician who popularized a three-finger banjo picking style, now called “Scruggs style”. This style is a defining characteristic of bluegrass music. His radically different three-finger style of playing the five-string banjo is radically different. Previously, the banjo was typically played with a frailing or clawhammer technique. He  also popularized the instrument in several genres of music and elevated the banjo from its role as a background rhythm instrument, or a comedian’s prop, into featured solo status…

The Survivalist’s Odds ‘n Sods

SurvivalBlog presents another edition of the Survivalist’s Odds ‘n Sods– a collection of news bits and pieces that are relevant to the modern survivalist and prepper.

Social Unrest

Continuing on the antifa subject of last time, reader T.J. sent in the link to a propaganda film by the agitators. I couldn’t make it very far into the piece without feeling sick to my stomach, but T.J. sent these notes:

  • Notice the high-quality, professional production value of the piece.
  • Aiming at young people – effectiveness unknown; try it on some test subjects.
  • Uniforms look stupid 99% of the time and are tactically unwise almost as often.
  • The odds of a Team Freedom “Only Good Red Is Dead” counter prop is near zero at this time.

Notes for Friday – May 05, 2017

Don’t forget about the SurvivalBlog writing contest. With $11,000 worth of prizes it can be well worth your time to finish up that article you have been writing. Round 70 ends on May 31st, 2017 so get it wrapped up and submitted! o o o May 5th is the birthday of Pat Frank (1908-1964). This was the pen name of newspaper journalist Harry Hart Frank. His novel Alas, Babylon is a survivalist classic. His personal life was marred by alcoholism, but his writing is admired and still surprisingly popular, today. (Alas, Babylon is still in print, after more than 50 …

Notes for Thursday – May 04, 2017

SurvivalBlog readers will notice some changes in our look this morning. We’ve been listening to our readership over the last year and have compiled a list of desired formatting options that they want to see. Primarily, you’ll notice we are now in a two column format. This gives us a bit more editorial space so things like tables are formatted better. There are other changes so we invite you to explore the site. Important Anniversaries On May 4, 1970, Ohio National Guardsmen opened fire on anti-war protesters at Kent State University, killing four students and wounding nine others. Also on …

The Survivalist’s Odds ‘n Sods

SurvivalBlog presents another edition of the Survivalist’s Odds ‘n Sods – a collection of news bits and pieces that are relevant to the modern survivalist and prepper.

Social Unrest

Many of our readers took notice when we posted the link to Arizona’s John Brown Gun Club. The irony was in the “fake” rifles that many carried as an open-carry protest. Today, SurvivalBlog reader B.B. updated us on their progress. Apparently, they were offended at being caught carrying toys under the guise of open-carry, so this time they posted a video of their range practice. I know they are trying to show how mean and tough they are, but it’s hard not to laugh. They really seem to want to pick a fight though…

Notes for Tuesday – May 02, 2017

On May 2, 1945, the Soviet Union announced the fall of Berlin and the Allies announced the surrender of Nazi troops in Italy and parts of Austria. Also, today is  Iyar 5th (May 2nd in 2017), The Independence day of Israel. o o o Seed for Security is having a sale where all eight collections are now 20% off. Plan ahead – plant a garden-learn how to save seeds or store fresh seeds for future gardens.

April in Precious Metals by Steven Cochran of Gainesville Coins

Welcome to SurvivalBlog’s Precious Metals Month in Review. Each month we take a look at “the month that was” in precious metals. We cover the price action of gold and examine the “what” and “why” behind those numbers. What Did Gold Do in April? Gold prices started April steady, after gaining 8.1% in the first three months of this year. This changed on the 4th, when gold rallied after North Korea launched a missile into the Sea of Japan. President Trump ordered a cruise missile strike boosing Gold. The Syrian airfield is thought to have been the staging point for …

Letter Re: Karatbars

Hugh, I love your site and read it almost daily. I was wondering if you know anything about Karatbars? One of my coworker’s pastor is promoting them. The ones he has shown me look like gold leaf on a business type card. Is this worth looking at, in your opinion? It’s European Euros currency exchange from what I see. Thanks for your time and input.

HJL’s Comment

Karatbars is nothing more than a multi-level marketing scheme.

Economics and Investing:

U.S. Shale Rebound Hobbled By Higher Drilling Costs. While the U.S. oil majors are seeing earnings improve in the first quarter of 2017, breakeven prices are on the rise and could limit profitability of E&P’s o o o What The Gold Futures Curve Could Be Telling Us o o o Build Your Own Home DIY Without a Bank Loan: “Avoid Regulation, Crime and Floods” o o o Gold Manipulation And $1.2 Quadrillion In Derivatives o o o SurvivalBlog and its editors are not paid investment counselors or advisers. Please see our Provisos page for details.