You Can Tune A Piano, But You Can’t Tuna Fish, by K.Y.

Consider the aftermath of a societal breakdown, not only in terms of survival but in the quality of life issues that make surviving worthwhile. Most likely, the arts and entertainment aspects of a post-breakdown world will be radically changed– no more television, movies, large-scale concerts, or computer-generated games. We will default to a simpler era, where folks made their own entertainment and personal interaction defined the process of a meaningful life. And in a hard-scrabble existence– after the farming, hunting, homesteading, defending, procuring the basics of life-after-disaster– there will eventually need to be something more. There will need to be …

Letter Re: Prepaid Phones

HJL, Yes, criminals use prepaid phones, but patriots do too. I have been using a monthly, no contract, prepaid phone for over 15 years. Why? Because I do not like contracts, hidden fees, data charges, et cetera. I use Virgin Mobile. For $35 a month, I get unlimited calls, messaging, and Internet. There are no hidden fees or surprise charges, and I do not have to surrender my personal information or SSN. I like having to NOT give up my personal information every chance I get. So, understand, it’s not just criminals who use these phones; it’s also the poor …

Recipe of the Week: Smoky Brisket

Ingredients: 3 to 4 lbs. lean beef 1 Tbsp smoke-flavored salt 2 medium onions, sliced 1 tsp celery seed 1 Tbsp mustard seed ½ tsp pepper 1 (12 oz) bottle chili sauce Directions: Sprinkle both sides of meat with smoke-flavored salt. Arrange onion slices in bottom of slow-cooking pot. Top with meat. Combine celery seed, mustard seed, pepper, and chili sauce. Pour over meat. Cover and cook on low for 10 to 12 hours, or until tender. Makes 8 to 10 servings. o o o Useful Recipe and Cooking Links: Do you have a favorite recipe that would be of …

Letter Re: Sharp Shooter 22LR Reloader

Dear Sir, I have to throw my two cents in the ring on the 22LR reloader. Actually, there is a very good and available alternative. I love the 22LR. So, when the shortage of ammo hit, I searched for and found the near perfect solution! Voila’! It’s the .22 Hornet. This centerfire cartridge can be loaded for same velocities as 22 Long Rifle, 22 Magnum, or simply 22 Hornet +. It can be souped up just a little and come close to the .223! The rifles are available in single shot or bolt action by several manufacturers. So, in essence, …

Letter Re: Advice on Learning Morse Code

Hugh, Learning the Morse code is not particularly difficult, but there are several common pitfalls that typically interfere with the learning process. The best advice I have for learning the Morse code is to get together with someone who is proficient with the code and work one on one with that person. This way, you can avoid developing bad habits that you will have to unlearn later. If such a person is not available, then learning the code becomes a bit more difficult. The most important thing to keep in mind is that the Morse code is an aural language. …

How Two People Can Build A Fully Functional Bug Out Cabin For About $10,000 In Just Two Days, by S.T.

There are many builders of sheds that are available all over the U.S. I picked this builder as an example because their products are available in my area and I have seen their products in person. This builder also offers free delivery and setup in my area. Make sure that the exterior paint color and roof color you choose will blend in with the area where your cabin will be placed and will not stick out saying “I am here, so please come and get me”. First, pick your size of ***LINK to***shed. Some options are: 12′ X 28′ …

Letter Re: Sharp Shooter 22LR Reloader

Dear Sir: While looking through a magazine the other day, I came across an advertisement for the Sharp Shooter 22LR Reloader tool. According to the ad, this kit includes everything you need to reload spent 22 shells. Due to the unavailability of 22lr in my neck of the woods, I thought this might be a good option. (I have large amounts of empty shells that I have been saving for another project.) My question is: Have you, or any of the SurvivalBlog readers, had any experience with this tool and kit? Is it an easy process? How reliable are the …

My Favorite Materials for Clothing, by B.A.

Not being a survivalist, nor being flush with cash, I am constantly amazed at the number of times people are told to buy the newest and greatest items for their family’s welfare. Sure, if the money was available for the average person to buy the newest “gee whiz” items all of the time, we would never have to worry about TEOTWAWKI, because by the time we have finally gotten through all the fancy gear once, we would be dead of old age. In response to an outdoor sports catalog that I brought over, my mother said to me, “American’s will …

Letter Re: Observations of An Old Alaskan Bushrat

Hi Mr. Rawles, I just ran across your site and have been browsing it. Your Precepts of Survivalist Philosophy are superb. Best is that you are a 100% sold out Christian. You may find a few observations of interest, from one who has lived extensively off the grid. First, some background. I grew up in a tiny community with the surf out my front door and a thousand-year-old forest that stretched for miles in back. My father grew up on a homestead and trapline among the Sarcees of the Alberta Rocky Mountain foothills. He never had a pair of shoes …

A Random Walk Through The Risks of Silicon Valley, by Epaminondas

As a technology executive who has worked extensively with most of the big, high-tech firms (Microsoft, Google, Verizon, Dell, Qualcomm, and more), I thought that it could be helpful to share a perspective on the general role of technology on prepper thinking and planning. This readership is much more sophisticated than most, but the hard fact is that most of us cannot live an independent, off-grid lifestyle for a variety of reasons. Technology is the great enabler and force multiplier that can make it much easier to work remotely, maintain close contact with family and friends while benefiting from the …

Letter Re: Backup Electric Power Design Considerations

Editor, As a full time user of off-grid power I’ve a few quibbles with this article. One is the casual reference to rooftop solar panels. Solar panels get dirty-fast. Solar panels in general are not all that wonderful in generating concentrated energy and dirty panels generate far less than optimal. They need to be cleaned with a soft brush and hose often. In northern parts snow sticks to panels real well and then generate nothing. Unless you have a widows walk installed below the panels, don’t even think about installing them on high roofs. Anything that gets in the way …

Response to Making a Final Run, by Jim Fry

I must confess that I haven’t had a chance to read every single post on “Making a Final Run”. A farm in winter can be a very busy place. So I hope I’m not just repeating someone else. In the main I agree with most posters, a final run is possibly/probably not a good idea, maybe. If you’re talking about a last run to Walmart, then maybe you run the chance of getting into the middle of where you don’t want to be. However, there are lots of other sorts of “final runs”, such as to the bank, the gas …

Readers’ Recommendations of the Week:

SurvivalBlog reader C.P. recommended the movie Secretariat , based on the greatest racehorse to ever live. It’s a tribute to following your instincts and doing your homework. o o o Reader DMS suggested these faith related movies. If they’re not faith related, they’re a God wink: Bonhoeffer (true story), What if… (Parents only), Moondance Alexander (true story, and Saving Sarah Cain.

Backup Electric Power Design Considerations- Part 3, by Duliskov

Batteries can generate, without damage, several hundred amperes of DC current for short periods of time. In fact, you can arc weld using a battery. There are welders designed to run from battery power alone or able to run either from internal batteries and/or supplementing utility power with internal battery power. Though the Hobart Trek 180 welder, which I recommend, may have been discontinued or currently unavailable, it is useful if you wish to achieve higher amps than is possible via a single 120V household outlet. The higher the battery’s amperage, the easier the battery can start a car engine, …

Backup Electric Power Design Considerations- Part 2, by Duliskov

Solar Energy Generation For any significant solar power generation, plan to cover your entire roof with panels. Consider installing a few panels on the roof of your trailer, if you have one; this will give you mobile power and better concealment. If you make the panels tilt or slide out from under each other, you can significantly increase the total surface exposed to the sun while stationary. Alternatively, install the panels on a ground support for easy access and scalability. Make sure that the selected location does not have structures or trees casting a shadow over, and take photos in …